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我校采用模块化教学形式开展水质微生物学检验实验教学。该模块由菌落总数测定、总大肠菌群测定及生理生化反应测试以及大肠菌群的血清学测试3个单元实验组成。实验内容以国家标准《生活饮用水标准检验方法——微生物指标(GB/T 5750.12-2006)》规定的程序进行编排。在教学过程中,注重模块实验的标准化操作,让学生树立标准化意识;通过连贯的模块化实验将卫生学检验实验转换为带有基础性的细菌分类学实验,在培养学生微生物学检验操作能力的同时,让学生系统地学习大肠杆菌的各种分类学鉴定方法。该模块的考核形式是学生参照专业机构的检验报告出具校园湖水的水质检验报告以及提交研究论文。水质微生物学检验实验模块的教学改革提高了学生的微生物数量研究能力和细菌分类研究能力,有利于学生开展创新型研究。  相似文献   
目的:研究黄色肉芽肿性胆囊炎(XGC)与胆囊癌的临床特征分析及螺旋CT检查的鉴别诊断价值。方法:选取从2018年1月-2020年12月于我院接受腹部螺旋CT检查的41例XGC患者纳入研究,记作XGC组,另取同期医院接受腹部螺旋CT检查的45例胆囊癌患者作为胆囊癌组。分析两组临床特征、螺旋CT检查结果表现,比较两组血清血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)、糖类抗原19-9(CA19-9)水平的差异。并以病理检查为金标准,分析螺旋CT检查用作XGC与胆囊癌鉴别诊断的价值。结果:XGC组患者食欲下降、体重下降人数占比均低于胆囊癌组(均P<0.05);而两组腹痛、黄疸、发热、白细胞(WBC)升高、谷丙转氨酶(ALT)升高、谷草转氨酶(AST)升高、胆囊扩张发生率对比差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。XGC组囊壁增厚均匀、壁内有低密度结节人数占比均低于胆囊癌组,而有肿大淋巴结人数占比高于胆囊癌组(均P<0.05)。螺旋CT检查诊断XGC的灵敏度、特异度、准确度分别为95.12(39/41)、95.56%(43/45)、95.35%(82/86)。XGC组患者血清VEGF、CA19-9水平均低于胆囊癌组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论:XGC患者食欲下降、体重下降发生率低于胆囊癌患者,螺旋CT检查鉴别诊断XGC与胆囊癌的价值较高,值得临床关注。  相似文献   
自2013年以来,北京地区构建了多个区域医联体。在中日友好医院医联体运行的半年多时间里,针对遇到的问题,医联体内各医疗机构采取了许多相应的措施。针对医学检验信息互通,结果互认,样本转运等方面的问题,中日友好医院联合医联体内各成员单位引入医学检验服务支撑平台,探索一种“互助式”的新型医学检验服务模式,力求达到“六统一”的要求,实现医联体的优势互补、资源优化配置作用。  相似文献   
目的:研究健康体检人群甲状腺结节多普勒超声检查结果及影响因素。方法:将从2018年1月~2019年12月,于医院接受体检的健康体检人员5270例纳入研究,对所有受试者均进行多普勒超声检查,分析超声检查结果和体检人群基线资料的关系,分析甲状腺结节多普勒超声特征。采用单因素以及多因素Logistic回归分析健康体检人群甲状腺结节的影响因素。结果:在5270例健康体检人群中,甲状腺结节检出率为51.86%(2733/5270),女性甲状腺结节检出率为52.83%(2355/4458),高于男性的46.55%(378/812),且随着年龄的不断增长,健康体检人群甲状腺结节检出率呈逐渐升高趋势(均P<0.05)。甲状腺结节患者的多普勒超声检查特征以低回声以及结节直径<2 cm为主(均P<0.05),但是结节数目以及病变部位比较无明显差异(均P>0.05)。经单因素分析发现:吸烟、甲状腺疾病家族史、高血压及糖尿病的健康体检人员甲状腺结节检出率高于不吸烟、无甲状腺疾病家族史、无高血压及无糖尿病的健康体检人员(均P<0.05),而不同民族、受教育年限、体质量指数(BMI)、是否饮酒的健康体检人员甲状腺结节检出率比较无统计学差异(均P>0.05)。经多因素Logistic回归分析发现:女性、年龄、吸烟、甲状腺疾病家族史、高血压及糖尿病均是健康体检人群甲状腺结节发生的独立危险因素(均OR>1,P<0.05)。结论:甲状腺结节多普勒超声检查特征以低回声以及结节直径≤2 cm为主,其影响因素包括年龄、性别、吸烟、甲状腺疾病家族史、高血压及糖尿病,值得临床重点关注。  相似文献   
医师资格考试对于提高医师的素质,保证医疗质量至关重要。通过专家访谈,了解目前医师资格考试存在的问题,并提出相应的管理对策,以促进医师资格考试制度不断完善。  相似文献   
The formation of the skeleton through endochondral ossification is one of the most complex processes in development. One approach to resolving this complexity is to examine simplified systems. In vitro cartilage formation by mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is observed when the cells are cultured as a micromass. Several studies have confirmed the molecular events, showing the usefulness of these cells as a differentiation model. We have elucidated the process of cartilage formation in MSCs from the morphological point of view by light and transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemical examination. The morphology of the MSCs changed from spherical to spindle-shaped, and the cells aggregated and formed junctional complexes during Day 1. At Day 7, three layers were observed. The superficial zone consisted of several layers of elongated cells with junctional complexes. The middle zone was composed of apoptotic bodies, and the deep zone was occupied by chondrocyte-like cells excreting extracellular matrices. At Day 14, the middle zone had disappeared, and the chondrocyte-like cells in the deep zone were detected within cartilage lacuna. They were covered by cartilage matrices containing collagen types I, II, and X and chondroitin sulfate. By Day 21, the outer layer consisting of spindle-shaped cells had disappeared in places. As the pellet grew, the outer layer seemed to be unable to stretch to maintain a constant covering around the pellet. Our findings have thus revealed that MSCs change their morphology depending upon their microenvironment during differentiation. In vitro cartilage formation by MSCs makes it possible to clarify the detailed morphological events that occur during chondrogenesis. S. Ichinose and I. Sekiya contributed equally to this study  相似文献   
AIMS: The aim of this research was to compare excision sampling with polyurethane and cellulose acetate sponge swabbing for the recovery of total viable counts and Enterobacteriaceae on meat carcasses. METHODS AND RESULTS: Two sample types were used to compare the methods: (i) individual samples, taken from four sites on each carcass and (ii) composite samples, created by pooling the samples from four sites from an additional set of carcasses. When the polyurethane sponge and excision method were compared for individual sites, there were no significant differences in bacterial recovery on beef and pork carcasses and on two of four sites on lamb carcasses. However, when samples from each site were pooled, the excision method was more efficient than either swabbing method across the three animal species. CONCLUSIONS: Sampling using the polyurethane sponge represents an equivalent alternative method to excision for the bacteriological sampling of carcass surfaces which is nondestructive and less labour intensive. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study provides the scientific basis for using sponge swabbing instead of excision in compliance with 2001/471/EC.  相似文献   
为了建立测定抗天花免疫球蛋白效价的检测方法,采用抗天花免疫球蛋白50%中和100PFU痘苗病毒的稀释度来确定其效价。通过与NIBSC提供的抗天花人免疫球蛋白标准品进行的对比试验,结果显示基本一致,证明该方法是可行的。  相似文献   
目的 探讨阴道炎五联检法与显微镜镜检法在白带常规检测中的应用比较及阴道炎五联检卡在白带检测中的应用价值.方法 3560例妇科门诊患者的白带同时用阴道炎五联检法和显微镜镜检法进行检测.结果 阴道炎五联检法与显微镜镜检法在白带常规检测中清洁度判断、乳酸杆菌、滴虫以及细菌性阴道病方面差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).在真菌的检测方面差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 阴道炎五联检卡操作简便、灵敏度高、专业的软件分析、结果科学准确,是白带检测较为理想的方法.  相似文献   
A review of the literature revealed little information on natural occurring diseases in wild nutria. In this report, a summary of necropsies performed on free-range animals from four different geographical areas, is presented. Fifty-two percent of the nutria had trauma (mostly by predation and road kill), 15% had poisoning by different toxics, and 11% had starvation. The rest died due to infectious diseases and miscellaneous causes, while 21 individuals had no significant lesions. The occurrence of infections seems sporadic with a far lower prevalence than in the farmed animals, while the incidence of poisoning is rather high. In addition, anthrax was diagnosed in two individuals. Thus, nutria are probably subject to mortality from a number of different human-induced causes rather than natural ones. Analysis of these records may provide insight into prevention of problem and better management practices.  相似文献   
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