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The evolution of social traits may not only depend on but also change the social structure of the population. In particular, the evolution of pairwise cooperation, such as biparental care, depends on the pair‐matching distribution of the population, and the latter often emerges as a collective outcome of individual pair‐bonding traits, which are also under selection. Here, we develop an analytical model and individual‐based simulations to study the coevolution of long‐term pair bonds and cooperation in parental care, where partners play a Snowdrift game in each breeding season. We illustrate that long‐term pair bonds may coevolve with cooperation when bonding cost is below a threshold. As long‐term pair bonds lead to assortative interactions through pair‐matching dynamics, they may promote the prevalence of cooperation. In addition to the pay‐off matrix of a single game, the evolutionarily stable equilibrium also depends on bonding cost and accidental divorce rate, and it is determined by a form of balancing selection because the benefit from pair‐bond maintenance diminishes as the frequency of cooperators increases. Our findings highlight the importance of ecological factors affecting social bonding cost and stability in understanding the coevolution of social behaviour and social structures, which may lead to the diversity of biological social systems.  相似文献   
How do mutation and gene flow influence population persistence, niche expansion and local adaptation in spatially heterogeneous environments? In this article, we analyse a demographic and evolutionary model of adaptation to an environment containing two habitats in equal frequencies, and we bridge the gap between different theoretical frameworks. Qualitatively, our model yields four qualitative types of outcomes: (i) global extinction of the population, (ii) adaptation to one habitat only, but also adaptation to both habitats with, (iii) specialized phenotypes or (iv) with generalized phenotypes, and we determine the conditions under which each equilibrium is reached. We derive new analytical approximations for the local densities and the distributions of traits in each habitat under a migration–selection–mutation balance, compute the equilibrium values of the means, variances and asymmetries of the local distributions of phenotypes, and contrast the effects of migration and mutation on the evolutionary outcome. We then check our analytical results by solving our model numerically, and also assess their robustness in the presence of demographic stochasticity. Although increased migration results in a decrease in local adaptation, mutation in our model does not influence the values of the local mean traits. Yet, both migration and mutation can have dramatic effects on population size and even lead to metapopulation extinction when selection is strong. Niche expansion, the ability for the population to adapt to both habitats, can also be prevented by small migration rates and a reduced evolutionary potential characterized by rare mutation events of small effects; however, niche expansion is otherwise the most likely outcome. Although our results are derived under the assumption of clonal reproduction, we finally show and discuss the links between our model and previous quantitative genetics models.  相似文献   
In his Commentary (Manger PR. 2009. Subglacial cetaceans and other mathematical mysteries: a Commentary on “A quantitative test of the thermogenesis hypothesis of cetacean brain evolution, using phylogenetic comparative methods” by C. Maximino. Mar Fresh Behav Physiol. 42: 359–362) on my paper (Maximino C. 2009. A quantitative test of the thermogenesis hypothesis of cetacean brain evolution, using phylogenetic comparative methods. Mar Freshwater Behav Physiol. 42:1–17), Dr Paul Manger noted four errors in the quantitative analysis of the relationship between cetacean encephalization quotients (EQs) and water temperatures, which I suggested was a test of his thermogenesis hypothesis (Manger PR. 2006 Manger, PR. 2006. An examination of cetacean brain structure with a novel hypothesis correlating thermogenesis to the evolution of a big brain. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc, 81: 293338.  [Google Scholar]. An examination of cetacean brain structure with a novel hypothesis correlating thermogenesis to the evolution of a big brain. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. 81:293–338). These referred to incorrect raw data on water temperatures for two species, odd use of midpoint temperatures as independent variable, lack of inclusion of data on Mysticeti and the use of a differently derived EQ and midpoints instead of the EQs proposed by Manger and temperature ranges; Dr Manger proposed that these errors invalidate the analysis, with special emphasis in an observation that, since my paper did not address the relationship between EQs and temperature range, it did not actually test the thermogenesis hypothesis. In this Reply, I apologize for the mistakes which were made, and show that re-analysis using all the proposed alterations do not qualitatively or quantitatively alter the final result. I also argue that the relationship between phylogenetically correct EQs and midpoint temperatures is a better test of the thermogenesis hypothesis than the relationship between non-phylogenetic EQs and temperature ranges.  相似文献   
The Neotropical leaf litter frog genus Pristimantis is very species-rich, with 526 species described to date, but the full extent of its diversity is much higher and remains unknown. This study explores the phylogenetic processes and resulting evolutionary patterns of diversification in Pristimantis. Given the well-recognised failure of morphology- and community-based species groups to describe diversity within the genus, we apply a new test for the presence and phylogenetic distribution of higher evolutionary units. We developed a phylogeny based on 260 individuals encompassing 149 Pristimantis presumed species, sampled at mitochondrial and nuclear genes (3718 base pair alignment), combining new and available sequence data. Our phylogeny broadly agrees with previous studies, both in topology and age estimates, with the origin of Pristimantis at 28.97 (95% HDP =21.59 – 37.33) million years ago (MYA). New taxa that we add to the genus, which had not previously been included in Pristimantis phylogenies, suggest considerable diversity remains to be described. We assessed patterns of lineage origin and recovered 14 most likely (95% CI: 13–19) phylogenetic clusters or higher evolutionary significant units (hESUs) within Pristimantis. Diversification rates decrease towards the present following a density-dependent pattern for Pristimantis overall and for most hESU clusters, reflecting historical evolutionary radiation. The timing of diversification suggests that geological events in the Miocene, such as Andes orogenesis and Pebas system formation and drainage, may have had a direct or indirect impact on the evolution of Pristimantis and thus contributed to the origins of evolutionary independent phylogenetic clusters.  相似文献   
Facing climate change (CC), species are prone to multiple modifications in their environment that can lead to extinction, migration or adaptation. Identifying the role and interplay of different potential stressors becomes a key question. Anadromous fishes will be exposed to both river and oceanic habitat changes. For Atlantic salmon, the river water temperature, river flow and oceanic growth conditions appear as three main stressing factors. They could act on population dynamics or as selective forces on life‐history pathways. Using an individual‐based demo‐genetic model, we assessed the effects of these factors (1) to compare risks of extinction resulting from CC in river and ocean, and (2) to assess CC effects on life‐history pathways including the evolution of underlying genetic control of phenotypic plasticity. We focused on Atlantic salmon populations from Southern Europe for a time horizon of three decades. We showed that CC in river alone should not lead to extinction of Southern European salmon populations. In contrast, the reduced oceanic growth appeared as a significant threat for population persistence. An increase in river flow amplitude increased the risk of local extinction in synergy with the oceanic effects, but river temperature rise reduced this risk. In terms of life‐history modifications, the reduced oceanic growth increased the age of return of individuals through plastic and genetic responses. The river temperature rise increased the proportion of sexually mature parr, but the genetic evolution of the maturation threshold lowered the maturation rate of male parr. This was identified as a case of environmentally driven plastic response that masked an underlying evolutionary response of plasticity going in the opposite direction. We concluded that to counteract oceanic effects, river flow management represented the sole potential force to reduce the extinction probability of Atlantic salmon populations in Southern Europe, although this might not impede changes in migration life history.  相似文献   
《Genome biology》2013,14(3):R28


We describe the genome of the western painted turtle, Chrysemys picta bellii, one of the most widespread, abundant, and well-studied turtles. We place the genome into a comparative evolutionary context, and focus on genomic features associated with tooth loss, immune function, longevity, sex differentiation and determination, and the species'' physiological capacities to withstand extreme anoxia and tissue freezing.


Our phylogenetic analyses confirm that turtles are the sister group to living archosaurs, and demonstrate an extraordinarily slow rate of sequence evolution in the painted turtle. The ability of the painted turtle to withstand complete anoxia and partial freezing appears to be associated with common vertebrate gene networks, and we identify candidate genes for future functional analyses. Tooth loss shares a common pattern of pseudogenization and degradation of tooth-specific genes with birds, although the rate of accumulation of mutations is much slower in the painted turtle. Genes associated with sex differentiation generally reflect phylogeny rather than convergence in sex determination functionality. Among gene families that demonstrate exceptional expansions or show signatures of strong natural selection, immune function and musculoskeletal patterning genes are consistently over-represented.


Our comparative genomic analyses indicate that common vertebrate regulatory networks, some of which have analogs in human diseases, are often involved in the western painted turtle''s extraordinary physiological capacities. As these regulatory pathways are analyzed at the functional level, the painted turtle may offer important insights into the management of a number of human health disorders.  相似文献   
High energy density capacitors are critically important in advanced electronic devices and power systems since they can reduce the weight, size and cost required to meet a desired application. Nanocomposites hold strong potential for increasing the performance of high power energy sources; however, the energy density of most nanocomposites is still low compared to commercial capacitors and neat polymers. Here, we develop a new synthesis method for the growth of high aspect ratio barium titanate nanowires (BaTiO3) nanowires (NWs) with high yield. High energy density nanocomposite capacitors are fabricated using surface‐functionalized high aspect ratio BaTiO3 NWs in a poly(vinylidene fluoride‐trifluoroethylene‐chlorofluoroethylene) (P(VDF‐TrFE‐CFE)) matrix. At a 17.5% volume fraction, the nanocomposites show more than 45.3% increase in energy density above that of the pure P(VDF‐TrFE‐CFE) polymer (10.48 J/cc compared to 7.21 J/cc) at electric field 300 MV/m. This value is significant and exceeds those reported for the conventional polymer‐ceramic nanocomposites; it is also more than seven times larger than high performance commercial polypropylene capacitor (1.2 J/cc at 640 MV/m). In addition, our nanocomposite capacitor has a maximum power density as high as 1.2 MW/cc occurring only 1.52 μs after the start of discharge. The findings of this research could lead to enhanced interest in nanowires based nanocomposites due to their potential for achieving next generation energy storage devices.  相似文献   
Reconstructing the function and behaviour of extinct groups of echinoderms is problematic because there are no modern analogues for their aberrant body plans. Cinctans, an enigmatic group of Cambrian echinoderms, exemplify this problem: their asymmetrical body plan differentiates them from all living species. Here, we used computational fluid dynamics to analyse the functional performance of cinctans without assuming an extant comparative model. Three-dimensional models of six species from across cinctan phylogeny were used in computer simulations of water flow. The results demonstrate that cinctans with strongly flattened bodies produced much less drag than species characterized by dorsal protuberances or swellings, suggesting the former were more stable on the seafloor. However, unlike the flattened forms, cinctans with high-relief bodies were able to passively direct flow towards the mouth and associated food grooves, indicating that they were capable of more efficient feeding on particles suspended in the water. This study provides evidence of a previously unknown evolutionary trade-off between feeding and stability in Cambrian cinctan echinoderms.  相似文献   
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