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Phragmites australis (Common reed) occurs in the interface between water and land. The water depth gradient from deep water to dry land is inversely related to litter accumulation. Eutrophication can result in an excessive production of litter, which may have a large impact on the occurrence of P. australis in this gradient. In an outdoor pot experiment, it was investigated how water tables in combination with substrates containing variable amounts of litter affect morphology and productivity of P. australis. Vegetatively propagated P. australis was grown in pots filled with river sand, litter, and different mixtures of sand and litter (25, 50 and 75% by volume). Four water table treatments were applied; drained (–12 cm), waterlogged (0 cm), flooded (+12 cm), and weekly fluctuating drained and flooded conditions (–12/+12 cm of water relative to substrate level). When drained, no differences between substrate treatments were present. Waterlogging, flooding fluctuating water table treatments caused growth reduction in substrate containing litter. The plants formed short shoots and thin rhizomes. With increasing water table, allocation of dry matter to stems increased at the expense of leaves and rhizomes. At intermediate levels of litter in the substrate, allocation to leaves was lowest. In both instances a lower leaf weight ratio (LWR) was (partly) compensated for by a higher specific leaf area (SLA), resulting in less pronounced differences in leaf area ratio (LAR). Aquatic roots developed when plants were waterlogged or flooded, and increased when litter was present in the substrate. Aquatic roots were formed in the top soil layer when waterlogged. The percentage of aquatic roots increased with increasing amount of litter in the substrate when plants were flooded. It was concluded that the morphological responses of P. australis to litter strongly constrain its ability to maintain itself in deep water when the substrate contains litter. This might one of the explanations for the disappearance of P. australis along the waterward side of littoral zones.  相似文献   
巢湖夏、秋季浮游植物叶绿素a及蓝藻水华影响因素分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
2007年6-11月份,对设置在巢湖全湖的23个样点水体的理化指标水温(WT)、pH值、溶解氧(DO)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、活性磷(RP)以及浮游植物的种类组成和叶绿素a(Chl-a)浓度进行了调查分析。结果表明:在巢湖夏秋季温差变化不大的环境中,温度依然是影响藻类生物量的重要因素。夏、秋季蓝藻为最主要的藻类类群(其平均值占藻类总生物量的63.36%);藻类生物量与所测理化因子均有显著正相关。在夏、秋季各月份,蓝藻生物量呈前高后低状M型波动,其中7月份湖水中蓝藻浓度最低。夏、秋季湖水中叶绿素的浓度没有太大变化,维持在一个较高的水平(>10mg/m3),遇到合适的气象条件有形成大面积水华的可能。  相似文献   
Australian science has made rapid advances in the last decade in understanding eutrophication processes in inland waters and estuaries. The freshwater research on which these advances are based was triggered by well-publicised blooms of cyanobacteria during the 1980s and early 1990s, particularly a 1000 km long bloom on the Darling River. In estuaries the study which greatly enhanced our understanding but simultaneously served to stimulate further research into estuarine eutrophication, the Port Phillip Bay Study, was initially designed to address perceived problems of toxicants in the Bay but provided profound insights into drivers for, and ecosystem responses to, eutrophication. Subsequent estuarine research has largely been stimulated by management questions arising from Australia’s increasing coastal development for residential purposes. The research has shown that some of the beliefs extant at the time of the blooms were incorrect. For example, it is now clear that stratification and light penetration, not nutrient availability, are the triggers for blooms in the impounded rivers of southeastern Australia, although nutrient exhaustion limits the biomass of blooms. Again, nitrogen seems to play as important a role as phosphorus does in controlling the biomass of these freshwater blooms. The research has also shown that aspects of eutrophication, such as nutrient transport, are dominated by different processes in different parts of Australia. Many of the biophysical processes involved in eutrophication have now been quantified sufficiently for models to be developed of such processes as sediment-nutrient release, stratification, turbidity and algal growth in both freshwater and estuarine systems. In some cases the models are reliable enough for the knowledge gained in particular waterbodies to be applied elsewhere. Thus, there is now a firm scientific foundation for managers to rely upon when managing algal blooms. Whilst these findings have already been presented to managers and communities throughout Australia, there is still a considerable way to go before they are absorbed into their modus operandi.  相似文献   
Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea has become a serious concern in recent decades. To provide a potential means for quality assessments of coastal waters in this area, we collected a data set of 49 embayments in the Gulf of Finland, and explored the relationship between surface sediment diatom assemblages and 15 environmental variables, with special emphasis on nutrients. Total dissolved nitrogen, total phosphorus, depth, and salinity all accounted for significant and independent fractions of variation in the diatom data and explained 34% of the total variation. There were clear changes in diatom assemblage structures along the nutrient gradients. Although these changes were gradual, we could identify a number of taxa that were more abundant in a particular nutrient environment. These taxa could be used as potential indicators of the quality of coastal waters in the Baltic Sea. Diatom assemblages that were least affected by nutrient enrichment included a variety of benthic species and a relatively high species richness. Small planktonic taxa such as Cyclotella atomus Hustedt, Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing and Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle and Heimdal were good indicators of highly elevated nutrient concentrations (>600 lg·L?1 total dissolved nitrogen and 60 lg·L?1 total phosphorus) together with low species richness. The first appearance of these small planktonic taxa in regular monitoring could be used as an early warning sign for deteriorating water quality. Diatoms could be applied to water quality classification and monitoring purposes in the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea area using techniques such as weighted‐averaging regression and calibration.  相似文献   
Pesticides, nutrients, and ecological stressors such as competition or predation co‐occur in freshwater ecosystems impacted by agriculture. The extent to which combinations of these stressors affect aquatic populations and the role of nutrients availability in modulating these responses requires further understanding. In this study, we assessed how pesticides affecting different taxonomic groups and predation influence the response of Daphnia pulex populations under different trophic conditions. An outdoor experiment was designed following a factorial design, with the insecticide chlorpyrifos, the herbicide diuron, and the predation by Notonecta sp. individuals as key stressors. The single impact of each of these stressors, and their binary and tertiary combinations, was evaluated on D. pulex abundance and population structure under mesotrophic and eutrophic conditions for 21 days. Data were analyzed using generalized linear mixed models estimated by means of a novel Bayesian shrinkage technique. Our study shows a significant influence of each of the evaluated stressors on D. pulex abundance; however, the impacts of the herbicide and predation were lower under eutrophic conditions as compared to the mesotrophic ones. We found that binary stressor interactions were generally additive in the mesotrophic scenario, except for the herbicide–predation combination, which resulted in synergistic effects. The impacts of the binary stressor combinations in the eutrophic scenario were classified as antagonistic, except for the insecticide–herbicide combination, which was additive. The tertiary interaction resulted in significant effects on some sampling dates; however, these were rather antagonistic and resembled the most important binary stressor combination in each trophic scenario. Our study shows that the impact of pesticides on freshwater populations depends on the predation pressure, and demonstrates that the combined effect of pesticides and ecological stressors is influenced by the food availability and organism fitness related to the trophic status of freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   
The effects of increasing ammonium concentrations in combination with different pH levels were studied on five heathland plant species to determine whether their occurrence and decline could be attributed to ammonium toxicity and/or pH levels. Plants were grown in growth media amended with four different ammonium concentrations (10, 100, 500 and 1000 micromol l(-1)) and two pH levels resembling acidified (pH 3.5 or 4) and weakly buffered (pH 5 or 5.5) situations. Survival of Antennaria dioica and Succisa pratensis was reduced by low pH in combination with high ammonium concentrations. Biomass decreased with increased ammonium concentrations and decreasing pH levels. Internal pH of the plants decreased with increasing ammonium concentrations. Survival of Calluna vulgaris, Deschampsia flexuosa and Gentiana pneumonanthe was not affected by ammonium. Moreover, biomass increased with increasing ammonium concentrations. Biomass production of G. pneumonanthe reduced at low pH levels. A decline of acid-sensitive species in heathlands was attributed to ammonium toxicity effects in combination with a low pH.  相似文献   
Eutrophication caused by phosphorus (P) leads to water quality problems in aquatic systems, particularly freshwaters, worldwide. Processing of nutrients in shallow habitats removes P from water naturally and periphyton influences P removal from the water column in flowing waters and wetlands. Periphyton plays several roles in removing P from the water column, including P uptake and deposition, filtering particulate P from the water, and attenuating flow, which decreases advective transport of particulate and dissolved P from sediments. Furthermore, periphyton photosynthesis locally increases pH by up to 1 unit, which can lead to increased precipitation of calcium phosphate, concurrent deposition of carbonate-phosphate complexes, and long-term burial of P. Actively photosynthesizing periphyton can cause super-saturated O2 concentrations near the sediment surface encouraging deposition of metal phosphates. However, anoxia associated with periphyton respiration at night may offset this effect. Linking the small-scale functional role of periphyton to ecosystem-level P retention will require more detailed studies in a variety of ecosystems or large mesocosms. A case study from the Everglades illustrates the importance of considering the role of periphyton in P removal from wetlands. In general, periphyton tends to increase P retention and deposition. In pilot-scale constructed periphyton-dominated wetlands in South Florida, about half of the inflowing total P was removed.  相似文献   
SUMMARY 1. Large in situ enclosures were used to study the effects of experimentally induced cyanobacterial blooms on zooplankton communities. A combination of N and P was added to shallow (2 m) and deep enclosures (5 m) with the goal of reducing the TN : TP ratio to a low level (∼5 : 1) to promote cyanobacterial growth. After nutrient additions, high biomass of cyanobacteria developed rapidly in shallow enclosures reaching levels only observed during bloom events in eutrophic lakes.
2. In the shallow enclosures, particulate phosphorus (PP) was on average 35% higher in comparison with deep enclosures, suggesting that depth plays a key role in P uptake by algae. Phytoplankton communities in both deep and shallow enclosures were dominated by three cyanobacteria species – Aphanizomenon flos-aquae , Anabaena flos-aquae and Microcystis aeruginosa – which accounted for up to 70% of total phytoplankton biomass. However, the absolute biomass of the three species was much higher in shallow enclosures, especially Aphanizomenon flos-aquae . The three cyanobacteria species responded in contrasting ways to nutrient manipulation because of their different physiology.
3. Standardised concentrations of the hepatotoxic microcystin-LR increased as a result of nutrient manipulations by a factor of four in the treated enclosures. Increased biomass of inedible and toxin producing cyanobacteria was associated with a decline in Daphnia pulicaria biomass caused by a reduction in the number of individuals with a body length of >1 mm. Zooplankton biomass did not decline at moderate cyanobacteria biomass, but when cyanobacteria reached high biomass large cladocerans were reduced.
4. Our results demonstrate that zooplankton communities can be negatively affected by cyanobacterial blooms and therefore the potential to use herbivory to reduce algal blooms in such eutrophic lakes appears limited.  相似文献   
Mesnage  V.  Bonneville  S.  Laignel  B.  Lefebvre  D.  Dupont  J.-P.  Mikes  D. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):423-435
Hydrobiologia - For over a century the Seine estuary has been highly affected by human activities, resulting in a reduction of the surface of wetland habitat. Several ponds of the Vernier Marsh,...  相似文献   
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