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The fecundity, reproductive rates, and adult survival of Aphidius sonchi Marshall (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) parasitizing second and third instar nymphs of the sowthistle aphid, Hyperomyzus lactucae (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) were measured at six different host densities under constant laboratory conditions. At host densities of less than 50 aphids per flowering shoot per female per day, oviposition constraints resulting from the lack of hosts reduced the number of eggs laid, enhanced the extent of superparasitization and, as a result, effectively lowered the fecundity and reproductive rates of the parasites. Above this host density the parasites laid on average 220–230 eggs, but the effective fecundity and reproductive rates continued to increase with the host density. By contrast, the survivorship of the parasites seemed unaffected by host density, with an average adult life span of 4–5 days at all densities. Analysis of the data showed that the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) of the parasite varied with the host density and could reach values higher than that of the host under identical conditions. The response of rm to changes in host density and parasite sex ratio is illustrated.Overall, A. sonchi showed a typical convex functional response, to host density. However, the response showed obvious changes through the parasite's adult life and, furthermore, the rates of changes were not consistent at all host densities. The frequency distributions of parasite eggs were generally indistinguishable from random, and the number of hosts parasitized were predicted satisfactorily by the random oviposition equation.
Résumé L'étude a porté sure l'influence de 6 densités différentes d'Hyperomyzus lactucae (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae), en conditions constantes de laboratoire, sur la fécondité, le taux de reproduction et la survie des adultes d'Aphidius sonchi Marshall (Hym. Aphidiidae, parasite des larves de 2e et 3e stades. A des densités inférieures à 50 pucerons par tige fleurie de Sonchus oleraceus L, par femelle et par jour, la limitation de la ponte due à l'absence d'hôtes a réduit le nombre d'oeufs émis, élevé le taux de superparasitisme et, en conséquence, diminué la fécondité et le taux de reproduction des parasites. Aux densités d'hôtes supérieures, les parasites ont pondu, en moyenne, 220 à 230 oeufs, mais la fécondité réelle et les taux de reproduction ont continué à augmenter avec la densité des pucerons. Par contre, la longévité des parasites n'a pas été affectée par la densité des hôtes, avec une durée moyenne de vie de 4 à 6 jours. L'analyse des données a montré que le taux d'accroissement intrinsèque (rm) du parasite a changé avec la densité des hôtes, et pourrait atteindre des valeurs supérieures à celles de l'ôte sous des conditions identiques. Les réponses de rm aux changements de densité des hôtes et au taux sexuel du parasite sont expliquées.Globalement, A. sonchi a présenté une réponse fonctionnelle convexe typique à la densité des hôtes. Cependant, cette réponse a changé au cours de la vie des images et, de plus, les taux de changement ne sont pas logiques à toutes les densités d'hôtes La fréquence de distribution des oeufs n'est généralement pas séparable d'une distribution au hasard, et le nombre d'hôtes parasites peut être prédit d'une façon satisfaisante en utilisant une équation de ponte au hasard.
Measurements of body length of cottony-cushion scales,Icerya purchasi Maskell, are presented. Although length increased markedly with developmental stage, the length distributions of successive stages were found to overlap, making length an imperfect indicator of stage andvice versa. The likelihood of parasitism by the fly,Cryptochaetum iceryae (Williston), was found to increase with increasing scale size when scales of different sizes were concurrently made available to the parasites under field conditions. Also, parasite loads (no. of parasites per parasitized host) were found to increase with host size. The size ofC. iceryae pupae was found to depend on the developmental stage of the scale host in which pupation took place — the more developed (larger) the host, the larger the pupa. This result suggests that parasite growth is food limited in the smaller hosts, and that therefore its apparent preference for larger hosts is to the parasite's advantage.   相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Analysis of the cell-free supernatants of Perkinsus marinus cultures by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and silver staining revealed the presence of as many as 17 bands ranging in molecular weight from 239 to 32 kDa. These bands were not present in un-inoculated medium. Moreover, P. marinus produces extracellular proteins that possess proteolytic activities; the cell-free supernatants of P. marinus cultures could digest a variety of proteins including gelatin, casein, fibronectin and laminin. Oyster plasma was also digested by cell-free culture supernatants. The proteolytic activity in cell-free culture supernatants was detected 24 h post-inoculation, while no proteolytic activity could be detected in cell lysates. The proteolytic activities were characterized using substrate-impregnated sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gels and had approximate molecular weights ranging from 55 to 35 kDa. The proteolytic activity of cell-free culture supernatants was inhibited by the serine protease inhibitors phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride, 3,4-dichloroisocoumarin and soybean trypsin inhibitor. In contrast, inhibitors (i.e. trans-epoxysuccinyll-leucylamido(4-guanidino)-butane, 1, 10-phenanthroline, captopril, ethylenediaminetetracetic acid, pepstatin A or diazoacetyl-DL-norleucine methyl ester) from the other three classes of proteases had no effect. It was concluded that the P. marinus proteases in cell-free culture supernatants are serine proteases.  相似文献   
PGE2 involvement in experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infection depends on the lethal capacity of the parasite subpopulation used. Mice acutely infected with non-lethal K98 displayed an enhancement in PGE2 serum levels during the acute period, while those infected with lethal T. cruzi subpopulations (RA or K98-2) showed levels not different from normal mice. The enhancement detected in K98 group could be related both to an increased number of CD8+ T cell number and to enhanced PGE2 release per cell by CD8+; values of PGE2 release by adherent cells were not altered in this group. Treatment with cyclooxygenase inhibitors enhanced mortality rates of mice infected with K98, and administration of 16,16-dimethyl PGE2 (dPGE) reversed this effect. However, mice infected with RA did not reduce their mortality rates by administration of diverse doses of dPGE. These findings suggest that PGE2 could play a role in resistance in mice infected with K98.  相似文献   
Xanthopimpla stemmator (Thunberg)(Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a solitary endoparasite of pupae of Old World lepidopteran stalkborers, was recently imported into Texas as a candidate for biological control of New World stalkborers. Information on host acceptability, host suitability and cues responsible for host finding were necessary to gain an insight into parasite/host interactions, because of the absence of a coevolutionary history.Xanthopimpla stemmator females were exposed to laboratory-reared one-to six-day-oldDiatraea saccharalis (F.) pupae. An average of 62% of host pupae were accepted and all ages of pupae were equally acceptable. Host suitability decreased with host age. One- to five-day-old host pupae averaged 31–37% suitability, whereas only 19% of 6-day-old pupae were suitable. Successful parasitization, defined as the product of the proportion accepted and the proportion suitable, decreased from 22–23% for 1-, 2- and 3-day-old pupae to 13% for 6-day-old pupae. Sex ratio (female:male) of the parasite progeny increased with host age. Females comprised 47% of total parasite progeny of 1-day-old and 84% of 6-day-old pupae. The increase in percent females was a result of a similar number of females in all age classes, coupled with a decrease in the number of males from older hosts.Xanthopimpla stemmator superparasitized 61% of acceptedD. saccharalis pupae in the laboratory. On dissection, 73% of host pupae with multiple probe wounds were found to contain parasite eggs or larvae; these hosts contained up to 10 eggs or 7 first-instar larvae. Increased numbers of probes by the parasites were associated with an increase in successful parasitization. Host seeking activity inX. stemmator was stimulated by the presence of larval frass, host odor and movement of host pupae. Results suggest thatX. stemmator is a good candidate for biological control ofD. saccharalis and possibly other factitious stalkborer hosts.  相似文献   
Examination of 111 peacock wrasse [Symphodus tinea (L.)] and 97 brown wrasse ( Labrus merula L.) from the Valencian coast (Spain) yielded 24 metazoan parasite species (11 Digenea, three Cestoda, four Nematoda. one Acanlhocephala, five Crustacea). Eighteen species were from 5. tinea and 17 from L. merula; 11 of the 24 species were common to both hosts. Brillouin's diversity index, was applied to fully censused parasite infracommunities. This is the first time that all the metazoan parasites (internal and external) in any position in the host have been analysed for diversity. High values of prevalence, intensity, and diversity parameters indicate that these labrid fishes support diverse parasite communities. This may be due to their diverse diet, mainly marine invertebrates which are possible intermediate hosts; they also support certain netnatodes and crustaceans which have direct life-cycle.  相似文献   
果树介壳虫寄生蜂资源的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介壳虫是果树的重要害虫,研究利用寄生蜂的自然控制作用是果树介壳虫生物防治和综合治理的重要途径。本论述了果树介壳虫寄生蜂资源的研究,报道了小蜂总科寄生蜂5科25属63种。  相似文献   
Parasitic red algae are an interesting system for investigating the genetic changes that occur in parasites. These parasites have evolved independently multiple times within the red algae. The functional loss of plastid genomes can be investigated in these multiple independent examples, and fine-scale patterns may be discerned. The only plastid genomes from red algal parasites known so far are highly reduced and missing almost all photosynthetic genes. Our study assembled and annotated plastid genomes from the parasites Janczewskia tasmanica and its two Laurencia host species (Laurencia elata and one unidentified Laurencia sp. A25) from Australia and Janczewskia verruciformis, its host species (Laurencia catarinensis), and the closest known free-living relative (Laurencia obtusa) from the Canary Islands (Spain). For the first time we show parasitic red algal plastid genomes that are similar in size and gene content to free-living host species without any gene loss or genome reduction. The only exception was two pseudogenes (moeB and ycf46) found in the plastid genome of both isolates of J. tasmanica, indicating potential for future loss of these genes. Further comparative analyses with the three highly reduced plastid genomes showed possible gene loss patterns, in which photosynthetic gene categories were lost followed by other gene categories. Phylogenetic analyses did not confirm monophyly of Janczewskia, and the genus was subsumed into Laurencia. Further investigations will determine if any convergent small-scale patterns of gene loss exist in parasitic red algae and how these are applicable to other parasitic systems.  相似文献   
Seasonal population dynamics of Puraquzmperia tenerrima (Linstow) in the European eel Anguillu anguillu (Linnaeus) have been investigated in three localities in Devon, southwest England. The nematode is common and exhibits very similar seasonal patterns in changes of prevalence and abundance in the three localities. The population increases over winter through to late spring or early summer as the recruitment of the new generation occurs throughout this period. Reproduction of the nematode starts in spring. A sharp decrease of prevalence and abundance accompanies or follows reproduction, and infection levels are very low in autumn and early winter. The dispersion pattern of the nematode varies with the infection levels from over-dispersion in spring and early summer to almost random dispersion in autumn and winter. It is suggested that P. tenerrimu is a common specific parasite of eels, especially in small streams or rivers and that insect larvae or species of crustaceans might serve as intermediate hosts for the nematode.  相似文献   
Thalassomermis megamphis n. gen., n. sp. (Mermithidae: Nemata) was extracted from sediment collected off the coast of Brazil at a depth of approximately 1,000 m. Although the food of this new nematode is unknown, the reduction of the stoma and esophagus and presence of a trophosome indicate that it is parasitic in its juvenile stages. Thalassomermis megaraphis n. gen., n. sp. is assigned to Mermithidae because of its similarity to that family in the appearance of the cephalic sensory receptors, the long and tubular vagina, and copulatory muscles of the male extending posteriorly throughout most of the length of the tail. Thalassomermis megamphis n. gen., n. sp. differs from all other members of Mermithidae by the large, lenticular, intracuticular amphidial fovea with coiled, emergent terminal filaments as well as the small amphidial aperture situated over the center of the fovea.  相似文献   
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