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Aims:  To evaluate disinfectants against Salmonella under conditions relevant for the feed industry.
Materials and Results:  A survey on the use of disinfectants in feed industry showed that a range of different types was used. Nine disinfectants, reflecting the most commonly used active ingredients, were tested for bactericidal activity on Salmonella isolated from the feed industry. All disinfectants were efficient against Salmonella in suspension. The bactericidal effect varied considerably between different types of active compounds on bacteria dried on surfaces or grown as biofilm. Tenside-based disinfectants and hypochlorite were found to have low bactericidal activity and the efficiency was significantly reduced when the ratio of amount disinfectant per cell decreased. It was shown that concentrations of 70–80% ethanol were effective against Salmonella. Among the disinfectants tested a product containing 70% ethanol was most efficient followed by Virkon S.
Conclusions:  Many disinfectants had low bactericidal activity against Salmonella at surfaces while Virkon S and a product containing 70% ethanol were most effective. Another advantage of ethanol-based disinfectants is evaporation of ethanol, resulting in low residual water after use.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Use of the disinfectants found to be efficient against surface associated Salmonella , may assist the industry in combating Salmonella .  相似文献   
Precipitation of collagens by polyethylene glycols   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Types I, II, and III collagens are readily precipitated at neutral pH by polyethylene glycols (PEG). As the molecular weight fraction of the polyethylene glycols increases, they become more effective as precipitants on a weight basis. The amount of PEG required for precipitation depends on the pH, the ionic strength, and the nature of the buffer or salts present. In tissue culture media, low concentrations of collagens and procollagens may be quantitatively precipitated and readily collected by low-speed centrifugation. Polyethylene glycol precipitation can be used to obtain collagens and procollagens from tissue culture media at either analytical or preparative scale, and since the polyethylene glycols do not bind to collagens, the precipitates may be further analyzed directly by chromatographic or electrophoretic methods.  相似文献   
Potassium antimonate was used to localize Ca2+ in tobacco ovules from 0 to 7 d after anthesis in pollinated and emasculated flowers. Antimonate binds “loosely bound” Ca2+ into calcium antimonate; less-soluble forms are unavailable and free calcium usually escapes. Ovules are immature at anthesis. Abundant calcium precipitates in nucellar cells surrounding the micropylar canal. A difference between calcium in the two synergids emerges at 1 d, which is enhanced in pollinated flowers. The future receptive synergid accumulates more precipitates in the nucleus, cytoplasm and cell walls. After fertilization, micropyle precipitates diminish, and the ovule is unreceptive to further tube entry. In emasculated flowers 6 d after anthesis, ovular precipitates essentially disappear; however, flowers pollinated at 4–5 d and collected 2 d later largely restore their prior concentration of precipitates. Ovular precipitates occur initially in the nucellus, then the embryo sac, and finally the synergid and micropylar filiform apparatus. Possibility, calcium is released from the embryo sac, although no structural evidence of exudate formation was observed. Calcium precipitates in the ovule correlate with the ability of the ovule to be fertilized, suggesting that successful pollen tube entry and later development may require calcium of the class precipitated by antimonate. Received: 14 August 1996 / Accepted: 9 October 1996  相似文献   
Controlled expression of transgenes in plants is key to the characterization of gene function and the regulated manipulation of growth and development. The alc gene-expression system, derived from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans, has previously been used successfully in both tobacco and potato, and has potential for use in agriculture. Its value to fundamental research is largely dependent on its utility in Arabidopsis thaliana. We have undertaken a detailed function analysis of the alc regulon in A. thaliana. By linking the alcA promoter to beta-glucuronidase (GUS), luciferase (LUC) and green fluorescent protein (GFP) genes, we demonstrate that alcR-mediated expression occurs throughout the plant in a highly responsive manner. Induction occurs within one hour and is dose-dependent, with negligible activity in the absence of the exogenous inducer for soil-grown plants. Direct application of ethanol or exposure of whole plants to ethanol vapour are equally effective means of induction. Maximal expression using soil-grown plants occurred after 5 days of induction. In the majority of transgenics, expression is tightly regulated and reversible. We describe optimal strategies for utilizing the alc system in A. thaliana.  相似文献   
Aims:  Isolation and identification of yeasts converting xylose to ethanol.
Methods and Results:  A total of 374 yeasts were isolated from a variety of rotten fruits and barks of trees. Out of these, 27 yeast strains were able to assimilate xylose and produce 0·12–0·38 g of ethanol per gram of xylose. Based on phylogenetic analysis of D1/D2 domain sequence of LSU (Large Subunit) rRNA gene and phenotypic characteristics the ethanol-producing strains were identified as member(s) of the genera Pichia, Candida , Kluyveromyces, Issatchenkia, Zygosacchraomyces , Clavispora, Debaryomyces , Metschnikowia , Rhodotorula and Cryptococcus.
Conclusion:  Yeast strains producing ethanol from xylose have been isolated from a variety of rotten fruits and barks of trees and identified.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Environmental isolates of yeasts which could convert xylose to ethanol could form the basis for bio-fuel production and proper utilization of xylan rich agricultural and forest wastes.  相似文献   
The dissociation of wheat glutenin into subunits was observed by treatment with a small amount of mercuric chloride under moderate conditions, suggesting that the cleavage of inter-polypeptide chain disulfide bonds in the glutenin might occur. The dissociation into the subunits was examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The electrophoretic patterns of the glutenin treated with mercuric chloride were essentially similar to those of the glutenin treated with 2-mercaptoethanol. Silver nitrate also had the same effects as mercuric chloride, and p-chloromercuribenzoate and N-ethylmaleimide showed no effect on the dissociation of the glutenin. Complete dissociation was achieved when the glutenin solution containing 0.5% SDS and 0.01 m phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) was incubated with 10?3 m mercuric chloride (about four moles per mole of disulfide groups) at 30°C for 20 hr. Partial dissociation was also observed after 30 min incubation. Increasing temperature and SDS concentration promoted the rate of the dissociation of the glutenin by mercuric chloride.  相似文献   
A modified radiochemical protein binding method for determining the protein binding capacity of plant polyphenolics (tannins) is described. Purified tannin or unfractionated plant extracts were immobilised on filter paper discs and incubated with the 125I-labelled bovine serum albumin. Protein bound to the disc was proportional to the amount of tannin applied to the disc, although at high concentrations of polyphenolics the discs became saturated and the relationship was no longer applicable. The method was validated using purified procyanidin from Sorghum grain and has been applied to crude polyphenolic extracts from maple, white oak, black oak, walnut and tulip poplar leaves. Specific chemical assays for the determination of proanthocyanidins (acid butanol method) and hydrolysable tannins (modified potassium iodate method) were employed to validate the new protein binding method with the complex plant extracts.  相似文献   
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is proving to be a very valuable technique for characterizing the metabolic status of a range of microbial fermentations. This non-invasive method allows us not only to determine the presence of particular metabolites, but also to monitor reaction rates, enzyme activities and transport mechanisms in vivo. Despite the low levels of the carbon-13 isotope (1.1%), natural-abundance 13C-NMR studies have proven useful in monitoring the progress of various fermentation processes. Furthermore, 31P-NMR can provide noninvasive information relating to cellular metabolism, and on the energy status of the cells. This results from the facility with NMR to identify various nucleotide phosphates and other energy-rich compounds in the cell, as well as to characterize changes in the intracellular pH from the chemical shifts of internal phosphate and other phosphorylated intermediates. In this review, we will summarize the use of NMR as an analytical tool in biotechnology and also discuss examples that illustrate how NMR can be used to obtain significant information on the characteristics of ethanol fermentations in both yeasts and bacteria.  相似文献   
Aim Many high‐latitude floras contain more calcicole than calcifuge vascular plant species. The species pool hypothesis explains this pattern through an historical abundance of high‐pH soils in the Pleistocene and an associated opportunity for the evolutionary accumulation of calcicoles. To obtain insights into the history of calcicole/calcifuge patterns, we studied species richness–pH–climate relationships across a climatic gradient, which included cool and dry landscapes resembling the Pleistocene environments of northern Eurasia. Location Western Sayan Mountains, southern Siberia. Methods Vegetation and environmental variables were sampled at steppe, forest and tundra sites varying in climate and soil pH, which ranged from 3.7 to 8.6. Species richness was related to pH and other variables using linear models and regression trees. Results Species richness is higher in areas with warmer winters and at medium altitudes that are warmer than the mountains and wetter than the lowlands. In treeless vegetation, the species richness–pH relationship is unimodal. In tundra vegetation, which occurs on low‐pH soils, richness increases with pH, but it decreases in steppes, which have high‐pH soils. In forests, where soils are more acidic than in the open landscape, the species richness–pH relationship is monotonic positive. Most species occur on soils with a pH of 6–7. Main conclusions Soil pH in continental southern Siberia is strongly negatively correlated with precipitation, and species richness is determined by the opposite effects of these two variables. Species richness increases with pH until the soil is very dry. In dry soils, pH is high but species richness decreases due to drought stress. Thus, the species richness–pH relationship is unimodal in treeless vegetation. Trees do not grow on the driest soils, which results in a positive species richness–pH relationship in forests. If modern species richness resulted mainly from the species pool effects, it would suggest that historically common habitats had moderate precipitation and slightly acidic to neutral soils.  相似文献   
1 In 1997, we ran two Malaise insect traps in each of four stands of wet forest in Costa Rica (two old‐growth and two 20‐year‐old stands) and four stands of moist forest in Panama (old‐growth, 20, 40 and 120‐year‐old stands). 2 Wet forest traps caught 2.32 times as many ichneumonoids as moist forest traps. The average catch per old‐growth trap was 1.89 times greater than the average catch per second‐growth trap. 3 Parasitoids of lepidopteran larvae were caught in higher proportions in the wet forest, while pupal parasitoids were relatively more active in the moist forest. 4 We hypothesize that moisture availability is of key importance in determining parasitoid activity, community composition and trophic interactions.  相似文献   
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