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Atp1a3 is the Na‐pump alpha3 subunit gene expressed mainly in neurons of the brain. Atp1a3‐deficient heterozygous mice (Atp1a3+/?) show altered neurotransmission and deficits of motor function after stress loading. To understand the function of Atp1a3 in a social hierarchy, we evaluated social behaviors (social interaction, aggression, social approach and social dominance) of Atp1a3+/? and compared the rank and hierarchy structure between Atp1a3+/? and wild‐type mice within a housing cage using the round‐robin tube test and barbering observations. Formation of a hierarchy decreases social conflict and promote social stability within the group. The hierarchical rank is a reflection of social dominance within a cage, which is heritable and can be regulated by specific genes in mice. Here we report: (1) The degree of social interaction but not aggression was lower in Atp1a3+/? than wild‐type mice, and Atp1a3+/? approached Atp1a3+/? mice more frequently than wild type. (2) The frequency of barbering was lower in the Atp1a3+/? group than in the wild‐type group, while no difference was observed in the mixed‐genotype housing condition. (3) Hierarchy formation was not different between Atp1a3+/? and wild type. (4) Atp1a3+/? showed a lower rank in the mixed‐genotype housing condition than that in the wild type, indicating that Atp1a3 regulates social dominance. In sum, Atp1a3+/? showed unique social behavior characteristics of lower social interaction and preference to approach the same genotype mice and a lower ranking in the hierarchy.  相似文献   
Marine species are being impacted by climate change and ocean acidification, although their level of vulnerability varies due to differences in species' sensitivity, adaptive capacity and exposure to climate hazards. Due to limited data on the biological and ecological attributes of many marine species, as well as inherent uncertainties in the assessment process, climate change vulnerability assessments in the marine environment frequently focus on a limited number of taxa or geographic ranges. As climate change is already impacting marine biodiversity and fisheries, there is an urgent need to expand vulnerability assessment to cover a large number of species and areas. Here, we develop a modelling approach to synthesize data on species‐specific estimates of exposure, and ecological and biological traits to undertake an assessment of vulnerability (sensitivity and adaptive capacity) and risk of impacts (combining exposure to hazards and vulnerability) of climate change (including ocean acidification) for global marine fishes and invertebrates. We use a fuzzy logic approach to accommodate the variability in data availability and uncertainties associated with inferring vulnerability levels from climate projections and species' traits. Applying the approach to estimate the relative vulnerability and risk of impacts of climate change in 1074 exploited marine species globally, we estimated their index of vulnerability and risk of impacts to be on average 52 ± 19 SD and 66 ± 11 SD, scaling from 1 to 100, with 100 being the most vulnerable and highest risk, respectively, under the ‘business‐as‐usual' greenhouse gas emission scenario (Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5). We identified 157 species to be highly vulnerable while 294 species are identified as being at high risk of impacts. Species that are most vulnerable tend to be large‐bodied endemic species. This study suggests that the fuzzy logic framework can help estimate climate vulnerabilities and risks of exploited marine species using publicly and readily available information.  相似文献   
高会  翟水晶  孙志高  何涛  田莉萍  胡星云 《生态学报》2018,38(17):6136-6142
2016年1—12月,选择闽江河口鳝鱼滩的短叶茳芏湿地、互花米草湿地以及二者的交错带湿地为研究对象,采用定位研究方法探讨了互花米草入侵影响下湿地土壤有效硅含量的时空变化特征。结果表明:互花米草入侵影响下3块湿地土壤有效硅含量随时间推移整体呈波动上升趋势;互花米草入侵显著提高了鳝鱼滩湿地30—60 cm土层土壤有效硅含量(P0.01),与短叶茳芏湿地相比,交错带湿地和互花米草湿地30—60 cm土层土壤有效硅含量分别增加了8.56%和19.97%,逐步线性回归分析表明土温和电导是影响其变化的重要因素(P0.01)。研究互花米草入侵影响下湿地土壤有效硅含量的变化特征,对于揭示湿地生态系统生源要素硅生物地球化学循环过程以及互花米草入侵及其扩张机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Coumarin containing pyrazoline derivatives have been synthesized and tested as inhibitors of in vitro development of a chloroquine-sensitive (MRC-02) and chloroquine-resistant (RKL-2) strain of Plasmodium falciparum and in vivo Plasmodium berghei malaria. Docking study was also done on cysteine protease falcipain-2 which showed that the binding pose of C-14 molecule and epoxysuccinate, inhibitor of falcipain-2, binds in the similar pattern. The most active antimalarial compound was 3-(1-benzoyl-5-(4-flurophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3yl)-7-(diethyamino)-2H-chromen-2-one C-14, with an IC50 of 4.21?µg/ml provided complete protection to the infected mice at 24?mg/kg X 4?days respectively.  相似文献   
Some studies have shown that transplanted fat tissues usually cannot survive for long if adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) are removed from the tissues in advance. It is more meaningful to explore the mechanism mediating survival and differentiation of ADSCs in the transplanted microenvironment. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has been shown to be one of the energy receptors that regulate many aspects of cellular metabolism. AMPK activation has been implicated in models of adult ischemic injury, but the mechanism and the regulating effects of AMPK on survival and adipogenesis of transplanted ADSCs are still little known. In this study, we simulated the transplanted microenvironment using oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) to test the survival and adipogenesis of ADSCs. We found that OGD treatment triggered significant apoptosis and promoted autophagy. Simultaneously, OGD hindered the differentiation of ADSCs into mature adipocytes. After inhibiting AMPK, the OGD-induced apoptosis rate increased but autophagy was inhibited. The adipogenesis level also decreased. To show that the effects of AMPK on apoptosis and adipogenesis were autophagy-dependent, we pre-inhibited or pre-promoted autophagy with siATG7 or rapamycin while blocking AMPK. We found that inhibiting or improving autophagy exacerbated or alleviated the role of AMPK prohibition in apoptosis and adipogenesis. Furthermore, we showed that AMPK inhibition significantly lowered ULK1 activity but promoted mTOR activity, so that to inhibit autophagy. Our study shows that AMPK plays a protective role in maintaining survival and adipogenesis of OGD-challenged ADSCs partly by positively regulating autophagy. AMPK positively regulates autophagy by inhibiting mTOR but promoting ULK1 activity in OGD condition.  相似文献   
华龙洞遗址发现于2004年,先后于2006和2014~2017年进行了5次发掘,期间发现了若干古人类化石和大量哺乳动物化石;本文是对2014~2016年出土哺乳动物化石的初步研究成果。目前已鉴定出8目24科43种(含未定种)哺乳动物,其中以偶蹄类化石最丰富。化石保存状况较差,以碎骨为主,牙齿较少,完整骨骼更少;但骨骼上鲜见啮齿类啮咬痕迹。华龙洞动物群与南京汤山猿人遗址、和县猿人遗址及重庆盐井沟等动物群较为相似,尤其是与和县猿人遗址及南京猿人遗址动物群最为接近,主要表现在如下方面:1)都含古人类化石;2)都不含第三纪动物群的孑遗分子;3)都含有大熊猫-剑齿象动物群的主要成员(大熊猫、剑齿象、巨貘及猪獾等),同时也都含一定量的北方属种,但华龙洞含北方成分相对较少,只发现翁氏麝鼩、麝鼹、变异仓鼠、布氏毛足田鼠、棕熊、李氏野猪、葛氏斑鹿及大角鹿等,华龙洞的大角鹿是该属分布最靠南的地点;4)都含有剑齿象而不含晚更新世常见的亚洲象;5)都含有大量头后骨骼,与以含单个牙齿为主的其它南方洞穴迥然有别。从化石保存状况及属种组成判断,华龙洞堆积时代与和县猿人遗址最为接近,也是中更新世。由于遗址尚未完全暴露,其堆积性质尚不清楚;但从蝙蝠类化石判断,很可能与洞穴堆积有关。  相似文献   
喀斯特植物群落果实类型和种子散布特征的研究, 对于理解喀斯特植物群落更新与拓展特征, 进而揭示喀斯特石漠化地区恢复植被的自然扩展机制及制定植被恢复规划具有重要意义。该研究以石林地质公园不同群落类型为对象, 研究不同群落的果实类型谱与种子散布谱, 以揭示果实类型与种子散布方式对恢复植被的影响。采用石林地质公园不同群落各1 hm 2样地记名计数法调查的维管束物种名录, 依据Flora of China对物种果实的描述确定其果实类型; 根据文献、数据库以及果实、种子形态性状确定种子散布方式。结果表明: (1)石林地质公园282种维管束植物共16种果实类型(含孢子), 其中瘦果、蒴果、浆果和核果的物种比例均大于10%。木本植物、草本植物、藤本植物的优势果实类型分别为核果、瘦果和浆果。石林地质公园各群落的木本植物、草本植物和藤本植物的果实类型谱差异不显著。在原生林、次生林、灌丛、灌草丛和人工辅助云南松林不同群落中, 浆果和核果的物种比例减少, 瘦果、颖果和蒴果的物种比例增加。(2)石林地质公园植物种子以动物传播为主, 其次为风传播。在原生林、次生林、灌丛、灌草丛和人工辅助云南松林不同群落中, 风传播的物种比例增加了73%-87%, 动物传播(包括鸟类传播)减少了31%-36%。(3)物种的种子散布方式直接影响到植被恢复物种和恢复策略的选择。基于恢复目标, 选择自然传播能力强的乡土物种或地带性植被关键种, 辅以传播廊道, 有助于喀斯特的植被恢复。  相似文献   
吴丹子 《生物信息学》2018,25(12):99-104
河流近自然化治理的理念正在逐步拓展和实现,对于仍在高速发展的中国来说,预示着传统的技术手段到了需要革新的时代。河流系统是多重等级系统,本文选取河段尺度的城市渠化河流作为研究对象,确定渠化河流的形态特征、功能特征和空间特征,并以此将渠化河流分为3类,即空间紧缩的、有弹性余地的和有较大空间拓展的河道。论文基于大量的基础研究和工程考察,对应3类河道,创新的提出城市紧缩型河道策略、城市弹性型河道策略和城市开拓型河道策略。该策略体系的总结是应对未来中国城市渠化河流改造趋势的一个重要的探索与努力。  相似文献   
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