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Physical mapping of plastid DNA variation among eleven Nicotiana species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Plastid DNA of seven American and four Australian species of the genus Nicotiana was examined by restriction endonuclease analysis using the enzymes Sal I, Bgl I, Pst I, Kpn I, Xho I, Pvu II and Eco RI. These endonucleases collectively distinguish more than 120 sites on N. tabacum plastid DNA. The DNAs of all ten species exhibited restriction patterns distinguishable from those of N. tabacum for at least one of the enzymes used. All distinctive sites were physically mapped taking advantage of the restriction cleavage site map available for plastid DNA from Nicotiana tabacum (Seyer et al. 1981). This map was extended for the restriction endonucleases Pst I and Kpn I. In spite of variation in detail, the overall fragment order was found to be the same for plastid DNA from the eleven Nicotiana species. Most of the DNA changes resulted from small insertions/deletions and, possibly, inversions. They are located within seven regions scattered along the plastid chromosome. The divergence pattern of the Nicotiana plastid chromosomes was strikingly similar to that found in the genus Oenothera subsection Euoenothera (Gordon et al. 1982). The possible role of replication as a factor in the evolution of divergence patterns is discussed. The restriction patterns of plastid DNA from species within a continent resembled each other with one exception in each instance. The American species N. repanda showed patterns similar to those of most Australian species, and those of the Australian species N. debneyi resembled those of most American species.Abbreviations ims isonuclear male sterile - ptDNA plastid chloroplast DNA - Rubisco ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - kbp kilobase pairs - LSU large subunit of Rubisco  相似文献   
The structure of the bovine parathyroid hormone (PTH) gene has been analyzed by Southern blot hybridization of genomic DNA and by nucleotide sequence analysis of a cloned PTH gene. In the Southern analysis, several restriction enzymes produced single fragments that hybridized to PTH cDNA suggesting that there is a single bovine PTH gene. The restriction map of the cloned gene is the same as that determined by Southern blot analysis of bovine DNA. The sequence of 3154 bp of the cloned gene has been determined including 510 bp and 139 bp in the 5' and 3' flanking regions, respectively. The gene contains two introns which separate three exons that code primarily for: (i) the 5' untranslated region, (ii) the pre-sequence of preProPTH, and (iii) PTH and the 3' untranslated region. The gene contains 68% A + T and unusually long stretches of 100- to 150-bp sequences containing alternating A and T nucleotides in the 5' flanking region and intron A. The 5' flanking region contains two TATA sequences, both of which appear to be functional as determined by S1 nuclease mapping. Compared to the rat and human genes, the locations of the introns are identical but the sizes differ. Comparable human and bovine sequences in the flanking regions and introns are about 80% homologous.  相似文献   
D W Grogan  J E Cronan 《Gene》1983,22(1):75-83
A nonselectable gene carried on a poorly selectable recombinant plasmid has been physically mapped by deletion analysis. Our method involved cloning the plasmid into a coliphage lambda vector and treating the recombinant phage with a chelator. Virtually all particles surviving this treatment carried large deletions within the plasmid insert. Further deletion analysis was done by inserting a selectable lambda sequence into one such deletion derivative and repeating the chelator selection. Chelator selection was also used to isolate deletions constructed in vitro. The deleted phage are readily characterized by restriction mapping, and the gene in question scored after infection of a mutant host strain. These techniques have enabled us to physically assign the cyclopropane fatty acid synthase gene of Escherichia coli to 0.8 kb of a 16-kb segment after characterizing only a small number of isolates. This approach should be generally useful in the mapping of plasmids for which no convenient method exists for selecting or scoring the gene in question.  相似文献   
N Sagata  Y Ogawa  J Kawamura  M Onuma  H Izawa  Y Ikawa 《Gene》1983,26(1):1-10
The bovine leukemia virus (BLV) DNA harbored in the bovine tumor cell genome was cloned in lambda Charon 4A phage. Using either representative or 3' half-enriched BLV cDNA as a blot hybridization probe, clone lambda BLV-1 was shown to carry 9 kb of the BLV genome, flanked by cellular sequences at both ends. Restriction mapping with twelve endonucleases and hybridization of the DNA fragments to BLV cDNA representing a 3'-end portion of the viral genome revealed the presence and precise location of two long terminal repeats (LTRs) and virus-cell junctions. Thus, lambda BLV-1 appears to contain the complete BLV genome and flanking tumor cellular sequences. The restriction map of the cloned BLV proviral DNA closely resembles that previously reported for unintegrated linear proviral DNA, but differs significantly from that of the integrated provirus of another BLV isolate, the difference occurring preferentially in the putative gag and pol genes.  相似文献   
Electrophoretic variation ascribable to three enzyme loci, coding for a pyruvate kinase (PK1), a glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI1), and an isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1), was observed in three species of fish of the genus Xiphophorus. Electrophoretic patterns in F1 hybrid heterozygotes confirmed the dimeric structures of GPI and IDH, and indicated a multimeric structure for pyruvate kinase. Variant alleles at the three loci exhibited normal Mendelian segregation in backcross hybrids. Linkage analyses indicate a gene order and estimated recombination of PK1—10%—GPI1—41%—IDH1. No significant interference or sex- or population-specific recombination difference was detected. This group (designated linkage group IV) was shown to assort independently from the nine loci comprising linkage groups I, II, and III and from 23 other informative markers, within the limits of the data. No conclusions with respect to homology of linkage relationships could be reached, due to the presence of presumably duplicated loci in these fish coding for isozymes whose homology with enzymes in other vertebrate species is as yet unestablished.This work was supported in part by Public Health Service Research Grant CA-28909.  相似文献   
The major 24- and 28-kDa glycoproteins in shark PNS and CNS myelin express high levels of the adhesion-associated HNK-1/L2 carbohydrate epitope. The 28-kDa protein, but not the 24-kDa protein, cross-reacts strongly with one of two anti-bovine P0 antisera not previously tested against fish myelin proteins. Shark PNS and CNS myelin also contains smaller amounts of high-molecular-weight HNK-1-positive proteins, including a prominent broad band in the 65-85-kDa range. Although myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) is well known to react with HNK-1 in some mammals, monoclonal and polyclonal anti-MAG antibodies did not react with the high-molecular-weight HNK-1-positive material in shark myelin, a result suggesting that it is not a MAG-like protein. The high expression of the HNK-1/L2 epitope in glycoproteins of shark myelin, including the major P0-related ones, suggests that this adhesion-related carbohydrate structure may have had an important role in the molecular evolution of the myelinating process.  相似文献   
Summary Genomic in situ hybridization was used to identify alien chromatin in chromosome spreads of wheat, Triticum aestivum L., lines incorporating chromosomes from Leymus multicaulis (Kar. and Kir.) Tzvelev and Thinopyrum bessarabicum (Savul. and Rayss) Löve, and chromosome arms from Hordeum chilense Roem. and Schult, H. vulgare L. and Secale cereale L. Total genomic DNA from the introgressed alien species was used as a probe, together with excess amounts of unlabelled blocking DNA from wheat, for DNA:DNA in-situ hybridization. The method labelled the alien chromatin yellow-green, while the wheat chromosomes showed only the orange-red fluorescence of the DNA counterstain. Nuclei were screened from seedling root-tips (including those from half-grains) and anther wall tissue. The genomic probing method identified alien chromosomes and chromosome arms and allowed counting in nuclei at all stages of the cell cycle, so complete metaphases were not needed. At prophase or interphase, two labelled domains were visible in most nuclei from disomic lines, while only one labelled domain was visible in monosomic lines. At metaphase, direct visualization of the morphology of the alien chromosome or chromosome segment was possible and allowed identification of the relationship of the alien chromatin to the wheat chromosomes. The genomic in-situ hybridization method is fast, sensitive, accurate and informative. Hence it is likely to be of great value for both cytogenetic analysis and in plant breeding programmes.  相似文献   
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