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Optimum activity of an extracellular pectin lyase produced by Penicillium griseoroseum in submerged culture was after 120 h using 0.1% (w/v) citrus pectin as substrate. Sucrose at 0.1% (w/v) stimulated enzyme production and citrus pectin gave the highest activity of enzyme per unit growth.  相似文献   
Family 16 carbohydrate active enzyme members Bacillus licheniformis 1,3-1,4-β-glucanase and Populus tremula x tremuloides xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET16-34) are highly structurally related but display different substrate specificities. Although the first binds linear gluco-oligosaccharides, the second binds branched xylogluco-oligosaccharides. Prior engineered nucleophile mutants of both enzymes are glycosynthases that catalyze the condensation between a glycosyl fluoride donor and a glycoside acceptor. With the aim of expanding the glycosynthase technology to produce designer oligosaccharides consisting of hybrids between branched xylogluco- and linear gluco-oligosaccharides, enzyme engineering on the negative subsites of 1,3-1,4-β-glucanase to accept branched substrates has been undertaken. Removal of the 1,3-1,4-β-glucanase major loop and replacement with that of XET16-34 to open the binding cleft resulted in a folded protein, which still maintained some β-glucan hydrolase activity, but the corresponding nucleophile mutant did not display glycosynthase activity with either linear or branched glycosyl donors. Next, point mutations of the 1,3-1,4-β-glucanase β-sheets forming the binding site cleft were mutated to resemble XET16-34 residues. The final chimeric protein acquired binding affinity for xyloglucan and did not bind β-glucan. Therefore, binding specificity has been re-engineered, but affinity was low and the nucleophile mutant of the chimeric enzyme did not show glycosynthase activity to produce the target hybrid oligosaccharides. Structural analysis by X-ray crystallography explains these results in terms of changes in the protein structure and highlights further engineering approaches toward introducing the desired activity.  相似文献   
【背景】转基因作物可能通过根系分泌物和植株残体组成的改变对土壤酶活性和养分转化产生影响,转基因作物对土壤质量的影响是其环境安全性评价的重要方面。【方法】本研究通过田间定位试验分析了连续3a种植2种转crylAc/cpti双价抗虫基因水稻后,土壤酶活性和养分有效性等土壤质量性状的变化。【结果】在水稻各生育期内,除齐穗期转基因稻科丰8号(GM1)田的土壤酸性磷酸酶活性显著(P〈0.05)高于其受体非转基因稻明恢86(CK1)外,转基因稻GM1、GM2(Ⅱ优科丰8号)的土壤酸性磷酸酶、碱性磷酸酶和脲酶活性与对应非转基因稻CK1、CK2(Ⅱ优明恢86)间均无显著差异。同时,在水稻生长过程中,土壤pH、有机质、有效氮、有效磷和速效钾等土壤理化指标在GM1和CK1或GM2和CK2间也均无显著差异。【结论与意义】连续38种植转crylAc/cpti双价抗虫基因水稻并未改变稻田土壤中主要营养元素的有效性及其相关土壤酶活性,即短期内种植转crylAc/cpti双价抗虫基因水稻不会影响土壤酶活性和养分状况。该结果为进一步评价转基因水稻的生态风险提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   
The object of this study was to clarify the mechanism of electron transfer in the human endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) reductase domain using recombinant eNOS reductase domains; the FAD/NADPH domain containing FAD- and NADPH-binding sites and the FAD/FMN domain containing FAD/NADPH-, FMN-, and a calmodulin-binding sites. In the presence of molecular oxygen or menadione, the reduced FAD/NADPH domain is oxidized via the neutral (blue) semiquinone (FADH(*)), which has a characteristic absorption peak at 520 nm. The FAD/NADPH and FAD/FMN domains have high activity for ferricyanide, but the FAD/FMN domain has low activity for cytochrome c. In the presence or absence of calcium/calmodulin (Ca(2+)/CaM), reduction of the oxidized flavins (FAD-FMN) and air-stable semiquinone (FAD-FMNH(*)) with NADPH occurred in at least two phases in the absorbance change at 457nm. In the presence of Ca(2+)/CaM, the reduction rate of both phases was significantly increased. In contrast, an absorbance change at 596nm gradually increased in two phases, but the rate of the fast phase was decreased by approximately 50% of that in the presence of Ca(2+)/CaM. The air-stable semiquinone form was rapidly reduced by NADPH, but a significant absorbance change at 520 nm was not observed. These findings indicate that the conversion of FADH(2)-FMNH(*) to FADH(*)-FMNH(2) is unfavorable. Reduction of the FAD moiety is activated by CaM, but the formation rate of the active intermediate, FADH(*)-FMNH(2) is extremely low. These events could cause a lowering of enzyme activity in the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   
Glucoamylase (E.C:, alpha-(1-->4)-glucan glucohydrolase) mainly hydrolyzes starch and has been extensively used in the starch, glucose (dextrose), and fermentation industries. Immobilized glucoamylase has an inherent disadvantage of lower conversion rates and low thermostability of less than 55 degrees C when used in continuous operations. We have developed crosslinked enzyme crystals (CLEC) of glucoamylase that overcome the above disadvantages, possess good thermal stability and retain 98.6% of their original activity at 70 degrees C for 1h, 77% activity at 80 degrees C for 1h, and 51.4% activity at 90 degrees C for 0.5h. CLEC glucoamylase has a specific activity of 0.0687 IU/mg and a yield of 50.7% of the original activity of the enzyme under optimum conditions with starch as the substrate. The crystals obtained are rhombohedral in shape having a size approximately 10-100 microm, a density of 1.8926 g/cm(3) and a surface area of 0.7867 m(2)/g. The pH optimum of the glucoamylase crystals was sharp at pH 4.5, unlike the soluble enzyme. The kinetic constants V(max) and K(m) exhibited a 10-fold increase as a consequence of crystallization and crosslinking. The continuous production of glucose from 10% soluble starch and 10% maltodextrin (12.5 DE) by a packed-bed reactor at 60 degrees C had a productivity of 110.58 g/L/h at a residence time of 7.6 min and 714.1g/L/h at a residence time of 3.4 min, respectively. The CLEC glucoamylase had a half-life of 10h with 4% starch substrate at 60 degrees C.  相似文献   
Cryptosporidium parvum is unable to synthesize fatty acids de novo, but possesses three long‐chain fatty acyl‐CoA synthetase (CpACS) isoforms for activating fatty acids. We have recently shown that these enzymes could be targeted to kill the parasite in vitro and in vivo. Here, we demonstrated that the CpACS genes were differentially expressed during the parasite life cycle, and their proteins were localized to different subcellular structures by immunofluorescence and immuno‐electron microscopies. Among them, CpACS1 displayed as an apical protein in sporozoites and merozoites, but no or little presence during the intracellular merogony until the release of merozoites, suggesting that CpACS1 probably functioned mainly during the parasite invasion and/or early stage of intracellular development. Both CpACS2 and CpACS3 proteins were present in all parasite life cycle stages, in which CpACS2 was present in the parasite and the parasitophorous vacuole membranes (PVM), whereas CpACS3 was mainly present in the parasite plasma membranes with little presence in the PVM. These observations suggest that CpACS2 and CpACS3 may participate in scavenging and transport of fatty acids across the PVM and the parasite cytoplasmic membranes, respectively.  相似文献   
Summary We have developed a theory to estimate the degree of sequence divergence between related DNAs from the comparison of restriction endonuclease recognition sites. Two major improvements have been made upon a similar method reported by Upholt (1977). First, the most probable value is calculated by the collective use of all available data. This reduces intrinsic statistical error and extends the analyzable range of sequence divergence. Second, all variables are redefined so that they have strict mathematical implications. This corrects a serious error arising from the misinterpretation of the meaning of the fraction of conserved cleavage sites. With this refined method, sequence divergence between rat and mouse mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) was calculated to be about 25% substitutions/nucleotide, which is in good agreement with the DNA-DNA hybridization data obtained by Jakovcic et al. (1975). It was also estimated that the three types of rat mtDNAs differ from one another by 0.3 ~1% of total base pairs. These values are 2 ~5 times smaller than those obtained with the conventional method.  相似文献   
采用营养液培养方法,研究外源NO供体(硝普钠,SNP)对缺铁和硝酸盐胁迫番茄幼苗生长、养分吸收及抗氧化酶活性的影响.结果表明: 处理7 d后,缺铁使番茄幼苗生长受到抑制,叶绿素a、b、类萝卜素含量显著降低,出现明显失绿症状;降低叶片中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性,电解质渗漏率、丙二醛含量明显增加,脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量变化不显著,幼苗叶片和根中N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe含量比对照处理有不同程度的减少.硝酸盐和缺铁双重胁迫对番茄幼苗生长抑制加剧,叶绿素a、b、类萝卜素含量、SOD、POD和CAT活性显著降低,电解质渗漏率、脯氨酸、可溶性糖和丙二醛含量明显增加;番茄幼苗叶片和根中N、P、Mg、Fe含量显著减少,而K、Ca含量显著增加. 与不添加处理相比,添加0.1 mmol·L-1 SNP处理使胁迫番茄幼苗的生长抑制明显缓解.添加0.1 mmol·L-1 SF(亚铁氰化钠)的处理在SOD、POD和CAT等指标上也表现出一定程度的缓解或促进作用,但其他生理指标没有表现出缓解或促进作用,原因是SF中也含有铁离子.  相似文献   
The significance of winter cold in the termination of diapause was investigated with regards to TIME and PIN in eggs of the silkworm Bombyx mori. TIME (time interval measuring enzyme) is an ATPase that can measure time intervals by exhibiting a transitory burst of activation of the enzyme in accordance with diapause development, which requires cold for resumption of embryonic development in the silkworm. The possible timer function of TIME comprises a built‐in mechanism in the protein structure. TIME is a metallo‐glycoprotein consisting of 156 amino acid residues with a unique sequence in the N‐terminal region to which a sugar chain is attached. PIN (peptidyl inhibitory needle) inhibits the ATPase activity of TIME. PIN is not a simple enzyme inhibitor, but holds the timer by forming a time‐regulatory complex with TIME. The carbohydrate moiety of TIME is essential for the assembly of a high‐affinity PIN‐binding site within the timer motif of the TIME structure. The binding interaction between TIME and PIN was much tighter (nearly 1000 times) at 25°C than that at 4°C, as measured by fluorescence polarization. Because the logEC50 at 4°C was approximately 7 nmol/L, PIN must dissociate from TIME at the physiological concentration of TIME in eggs in the winter cold. Based on the results of our study, we propose that the dissociation of the TIME–PIN complex in the winter cold cues a series of conformational changes of TIME, ultimately reaching the active form of ATPase which in turn causes the completion of diapause development and initiates new developmental programs.  相似文献   
The measurement of plasma insulin is important for clinical diagnosis of diabetes and for preclinical research of metabolic diseases, especially in rodent models used in drug discovery research for type 2 diabetes. Fasting immunoreactive insulin (F-IRI) concentrations are used to calculate the homeostasis model assessment ratio (HOMA-R), an index of insulin sensitivity. However, even the most sensitive commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits cannot measure the very low F-IRI concentrations in normal rats and mice. Therefore, we sought to develop a new rodent insulin ELISA with greater sensitivity for low F-IRI concentrations. Despite repeated efforts, high-affinity antibodies could not be generated by immunizing mice with mouse insulin (self-antigen). Therefore, we generated two weak monoclonal antibodies (13G4 and 26B2) that were affinity maturated and used to develop a highly sensitive ELISA. The measurement range of the sandwich ELISA with the affinity maturated antibodies (13G4m1 and 26B2m1) was 1.5 to 30,000 pg/ml, and its detection limit was at least 10 times lower than those of commercially available kits. In conclusion, we describe the development of a new ultrasensitive ELISA suitable for measuring very low plasma insulin concentrations in rodents. This ELISA might be very useful in drug discovery research in diabetes.  相似文献   
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