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The attainment of sexual maturity has been shown to affect measures of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and adult sex ratios in several groups of vertebrates. Using data for turtles, we tested the model that sex ratios are expected to be male‐biased when females are larger than males and female‐biased when males are larger than females because of the relationship of each with the attainment of maturity. Our model is based on the premise that the earlier‐maturing sex remains smaller, on average throughout life, and predominates numerically unless the sexes are strongly affected by differential mortality, differential emigration, and immigration, or biased primary sex ratios. Based on data for 24 species in seven families, SSD and sex ratios were significantly negatively correlated for most analyses, even after the effect of phylogenetic bias was removed. The analyses provide support for the model that SSD and adult sex ratios are correlated in turtles as a result of simultaneous correlation of each with sexual differences in attainment of maturity (bimaturism). Environmental sex determination provides a possible mechanism for the phenomenon in turtles and some other organisms. © 2014 The Authors. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 142–149.  相似文献   
In zoonotic infections, the relationships between animals and humans lead to parasitic disease with severity that ranges from mild symptoms to life-threatening conditions. In cities and their surrounding areas, this statement is truer with the overcrowding of the protagonists of the parasites’ life cycle. The present study aims to investigate the distribution of a parasite, Echinococcus multilocularis, which is the causative agent of alveolar echinococcosis, using copro-sampling in historically endemic rural settlements of the eastern part of France and in newly endemic areas including urban parks and settlements surrounding Paris. Based on 2741 morphologically identified and geolocalized copro-samples, the density of fox faeces was generally higher in the surrounding settlements, except for one rural area where the faeces were at larger density downtown in the winter. Fox faeces are rare but present in urban parks. Dog faeces are concentrated in the park entrances and in the centre of the settlements. DNA was extracted for 1530 samples that were collected and identified from fox, dog, cat, stone marten and badger carnivore hosts. Echinococcus multilocularis diagnosis and host faecal tests were performed using real-time PCR. We failed to detect the parasite in the surroundings of Paris, but the parasite was found in the foxes, dogs and cats in the rural settlements and their surroundings in the historically endemic area. A spatial structuring of the carnivore stool distribution was highlighted in the present study with high densities of carnivore stools among human occupied areas within some potentially high-risk locations.  相似文献   
Dinoflagellates are a highly diverse and environmentally important group of protists with relatively poor resolution of phylogenetic relationships, particularly among heterotrophic species. We examined the phylogeny of several dinophysiacean dinoflagellates using samples collected from four Atlantic sites. As a rule, 3.5 kb of sequence including the nuclear ribosomal genes SSU, 5.8S, LSU, plus their internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1 and 2 regions were determined for 26 individuals, including representatives of two genera for which molecular data were previously unavailable, Ornithocercus F. Stein and Histioneis F. Stein. In addition, a clone library targeting the dinophysiacean ITS2 and LSU sequences was constructed from bulk environmental DNA from three sites. Three phylogenetic trees were inferred from the data, one using data from this study for cells identified to genus or species (3.5 kb, 28 taxa); another containing dinoflagellate SSU submissions from GenBank and the 12 new dinophysiacean sequences (1.9 kb, 56 taxa) from this study; and the third tree combing data from identified taxa, dinophysiacean GenBank submissions, and the clone libraries from this study (2.1 kb, 136 taxa). All trees were congruent and indicated a distinct division between the genera Phalacroma F. Stein and Dinophysis Ehrenb. The cyanobionts containing genera Histioneis and Ornithocercus were also monophyletic. This was the largest molecular phylogeny of dinophysoid taxa performed to date and was consistent with the view that the genus Phalacroma may not be synonymous with Dinophysis.  相似文献   
Under competitive conditions, stem elongation in plants is thought to enhance fitness by increasing light interception. However, the onset of competition should vary with the species of competitor due to interspecific differences in timing of emergence and plant growth form. The fitness benefits of elongation may therefore depend on the timing of this plastic response. Phenotypic selection analyses and path analysis were used to evaluate selection acting on stem elongation at early and late life-history stages and the combination of germination timing and elongation in an annual plant. Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) were raised in one of three environments experienced by natural populations (cornfields; soybean fields; and disturbed, weedy sites). Due to the rapid growth rate and high density of plants in disturbed areas, selection to increase seedling-stage elongation was expected in weedy sites. Due to the wide spacing of crop plants, competition for light is initially low in cultivated fields, but intensifies as the season progresses. Selection for increased elongation at later nodes was expected in soybean fields because velvetleaf can often overtop soy and thereby increase leaf exposure. In contrast, selection against late elongation was expected in cornfields because velvetleaf are incapable of overtopping corn. Individuals that elongate would experience the carbon cost of allocating to structural tissue, but fail to experience a carbon return through increased light interception. The phenotypic selection analyses were consistent with these predictions and therefore support the role of stem elongation as an adaptation to interspecific competition. Selection also acted on the combination of germination timing and elongation. In the weedy environment, early emergence in conjunction with enhanced stem elongation conveyed the highest fitness. Reduced elongation was favored among individuals that emerged late, potentially because these individuals were unable to overtop neighbors. The results of this study demonstrate that the timing of stem elongation strongly affects competitive success. Environments that differ in the timing of competition for light select for elongation at different life-history stages, and this selection depends on the timing of emergence.  相似文献   
Urbanization is currently one of the most pervasive threats to biodiversity worldwide, yet traits permitting birds to exploit urban environments are not fully understood. I used bird traits related to diet (dietary item and foraging stratum), accounting for latitude, body size, development mode and phylogeny, to compare diet breadths of urban exploiters and urban avoiders, using a global dataset (463 bird species). Urban exploiters (urban species) were larger, consumed more vertebrates and carrion, and fed more frequently on the ground or aerially, and also had broader diets than urban avoiders (non-urban species). In contrast, urban species had narrower foraging strata ranges than non-urban species. These results not only support the hypothesis that urban species share dietary traits allowing them to cope with urban environments but also highlight the importance of considering multiple dietary traits to properly quantify species niches when assessing a species’ response to environmental change.  相似文献   
春小麦对不同灌水处理的气孔反应及其影响因子   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选用3个春小麦品种(系),采用大田试验方法,在冬灌1800 m3·hm-2的基础上,在生育期设3次灌水处理(T1)、2次灌水处理(T2)和1次灌水处理(T3),每次灌水1050 m3·hm-2,研究土壤水分对春小麦生育期气孔导度的影响及气孔导度与相关环境因素的关系.结果表明:灌水处理对春小麦生育期气孔导度的影响较大,气孔导度随着灌溉次数的减少逐渐降低,同时不同基因型间存在差异.从拔节期到开花期,不同处理春小麦气孔导度变化一致,都呈先升高后降低趋势, 在抽穗期达到峰值;开花期之后各处理出现差异,T1各品种气孔导度先下降后上升,T2品种间表现不同,T3一直呈下降趋势.各环境因子中,大气相对湿度对春小麦气孔导度的影响最大,两者的相关系数在T2和T3中分别达显著(0.82*)和极显著水平(0.92**).春小麦适应水分亏缺的气孔调节机理为反馈式调节.  相似文献   
Environmental (e)DNA, as a general approach in aquatic systems, seeks to connect the presence of species' genetic material in the water and hence to infer the species' physical presence. However, fisheries managers face making decisions with risk and uncertainty when eDNA indicates a fish is present but traditional methods fail to capture the fish. In comparison with traditional methods such as nets, electrofishing and piscicides, eDNA approaches have more sources of underlying error that could give rise to false positives. This has resulted in some managers to question whether eDNA can be used to make management decisions because there is no fish in hand. As a relatively new approach, the methods and techniques have quickly evolved to improve confidence in eDNA. By evaluating an eDNA based research programmes through the pattern of the eDNA signal, assay design, experimental design, quality assurance and quality control checks, data analyses and concurrent search for fish using traditional gears, the evidence for fish presence can be evaluated to build confidence in the eDNA approach. The benefits for fisheries management from adopting an eDNA approach are numerous but include cost effectiveness, broader geographic coverage of habitat occupancy, early detection of invasive species, non-lethal stock assessments, exploration of previously inaccessible aquatic environments and discovery of new species hidden beneath the water's surface. At a time when global freshwater and marine fisheries are facing growing threats from over-harvest, pollution and climate change, we anticipate that growing confidence in eDNA will overcome the inherent uncertainty of not having a fish in hand and will empower the informed management actions necessary to protect and restore our fisheries.  相似文献   
Species richness and assemblage structure of Trichoptera in Danish streams   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
  • 1 Species richness and assemblages of Trichoptera from 157 ‘pristine’ Danish lowland stream sites were analyzed, for dependence on geographical position of the sites and simple physical variables, using two way indicator species analysis and detrended correspondence analysis.
  • 2 A total of 106 species were recorded, representing ≈ 90% of the species pool known from Danish streams. Only seven species occurred at more than half the sites, whereas an additional 11 species were found at more than a quarter of the sites.
  • 3 Although sites showed significant regional differences in environmental variables (stream order, width, slope and presence/absence of riparian forest), species richness and assemblages were primarily correlated with stream order, width and slope. Maximum richness was found at the largest (5th order) stream sites.
  • 4 Regional differences in species assemblages were found, with several species being absent from the islands Funen and Bornholm. Species assemblages also differed between forested and non‐forested stream sites.
  • 5 We found evidence that stream temperature may be of only minor importance in determining Trichoptera species richness and assemblage composition in Danish streams compared to other size‐related physical factors.
The impact of malathion-bait sprays (directed against medfly, Ceratitis capitata [Wiedemann]) on an endemic gall midge (Rhopalomyia californica Felt) and its parasitoids was investigated during 1982–83 in the south San Francisco Bay area of northern California. In a heavily sprayed area (Woodside), a population explosion of the midge was detected following 24 applications of malathion bait. The midge population reached levels ca. 90x greater than those observed in an adjacent unsprayed area (Jasper Ridge). In a moderately sprayed area (Portola Valley), the midge population increased as much as 5x that observed in the adjacent unsprayed area (Jasper Ridge), following 12 applications of malathion bait. In laboratory tests, the malathion bait was toxic to both the midge and its parasitoids. The major parasitoids were Torymus koebelei (Huber), Zatropis capitis Burks, Platygaster californica (Ashmead) and Mesopolobus sp. Population increases of the midge following malathion-bait sprays were attributed to destruction of parasitoids and other natural enemies of the midge. If the environmental impact of malathion-bait sprays is related to the number of applications (as suggested in this study), then it would be worthwhile to determine the appropriate bait-spray strategy for a given situation, so as to minimize adverse effects on nontarget species, yet insure suppression or eradication of medfly.
Résumé L'impact des pièges tratiés au malathion (destinés à Ceratitis capitata Wiedem) sur Rhopalomyia californica Felt et ses parasitoïdes a été examiné en 1982–1983 dans le sud de la zone de la baie de San Francisco en Californie. Dans une zone fortement traitée (Woodside), une explosion de population a été décelée après 24 traitements. La population de R. californica a atteint des niveaux 90 fois supérieurs à ceux observés dans une zone contiguë non traitée (Jasper Ridge). Dans une zone modérément traitée (Portola Valley), avec 12 traitement, la population de R. californica a atteint jusqu'a 5 fois celle de Jasper Ridge. Au laboratoire, le piège à malathion a été toxique tant pour R. californica que pour ses parasitoïdes, dont les principaux étaient: Torymus koebelei (Huber), Zatropis capitis Burks, Platygaster californica(Ashmead) et Mesopolobus sp. L'accroissement de la population de C. capitata après traitement a été attribué à la destruction de parasitoïdes et d'autres ennemis naturels. Si l'effet su l'environnement du traitement est lié au nombre d'interventions (comme le suggère cette étude), alors cela vaudrait la peine de définir une stratégie de traitement appropriée à une situation donnée, de façon à minimiser les effets négatifs sur des espèces non visées, tout en assurant la suppression ou l'éradication de C. capitata.
Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens s.l. (Linnaeus, 1762 and 1758, respectively) (Diptera: Culicidae) are important vectors of diseases to humans and a growing public health concern. In order to contribute to the control of mosquito vectors by low environmental impact approaches we assessed the susceptibility of natural populations of container-breeding mosquitoes to triflumuron, an insect growth regulator, in temperate Argentina. A field trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of two doses (0.5 ppm and 1 ppm) of triflumuron (SC 48%) against natural populations of Ae. aegypti and Culex spp. immatures in flower vases of four cemeteries. The results demonstrated the susceptibility of both target mosquitoes to triflumuron in field conditions. For Ae. aegypti, dose-dependent reductions were achieved in the presence of pupae and the percentage of water-holding containers harbouring L3–4 and/or pupae, whereas the larvae abundance was equally reduced for both doses. For Culex spp., similar levels of reduction of larvae abundance and pupae presence were achieved with both doses. Significant effects on the response variables measured were recorded up to six to eight weeks post-intervention. Bimonthly applying 1 ppm triflumuron in the context of an integrated mosquito management should achieve a lasting control of Ae. aegypti and Culex spp. in small artificial containers with minimal environmental impacts.  相似文献   
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