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为阐明不同生态养殖池塘浮游细菌数量变化规律及其与环境因子间的相关性,以期为多元立体综合养殖模式中的水质安全与生物疾病防控提供科学依据。利用荧光显微镜细菌计数法(Acridine Orange Direct Counting),研究了“参-虾”“蟹-蛏”和“蜇-蛏”三种海水生态养殖池塘的细菌数量特征,使用典范对应分析(Canonical Correspondence Analysis, CCA)探讨细菌数量与环境因子的相互关系。结果表明,“参-虾”“蟹-蛏”和“蜇-蛏”池塘的细菌平均密度分别为(0.49~3.32)×105 cell/mL、(0.52~2.98)×105 cell/mL和(0.47~2.55)×105 cell/mL,细菌数量有明显的时间差异,夏季密度大于春秋季。三种海水生态养殖池塘的水温、溶解氧和pH变化均不明显,且相差不大,而硝态氮均发生显著变化;其中“蟹-蛏”和“蜇-蛏”池塘的硝态氮、亚硝态氮、活性磷、总氮和总磷均高于“参-虾”池塘,透明度、叶绿素a和化学耗氧量则均低于“参-虾”池塘。典范对应分析(C...  相似文献   
点柄乳牛肝菌(Suillus granulatus)味道鲜美营养丰富,并具有良好的药用活性,是广受欢迎的野生食药用菌。从分类学、发生规律、药用活性、与植物关系及驯化研究方面系统阐述了点柄乳牛肝菌的现状,并对其未来发展及应用进行了展望。  相似文献   
Palaeoenvironments and former climates are typically inferred from pollen and macrofossil records. This approach is time-consuming and suffers from low taxonomic resolution and biased taxon sampling. Here, we test an alternative DNA-based approach utilizing the P6 loop in the chloroplast trnL (UAA) intron; a short (13–158 bp) and variable region with highly conserved flanking sequences. For taxonomic reference, a whole trnL intron sequence database was constructed from recently collected material of 842 species, representing all widespread and/or ecologically important taxa of the species-poor arctic flora. The P6 loop alone allowed identification of all families, most genera (>75%) and one-third of the species, thus providing much higher taxonomic resolution than pollen records. The suitability of the P6 loop for analysis of samples containing degraded ancient DNA from a mixture of species is demonstrated by high-throughput parallel pyrosequencing of permafrost-preserved DNA and reconstruction of two plant communities from the last glacial period. Our approach opens new possibilities for DNA-based assessment of ancient as well as modern biodiversity of many groups of organisms using environmental samples.  相似文献   
玉米及马齿苋叶片SOD活性诱导研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以玉米幼苗及马齿苋作材料,通过甘露醇、H2O2、臭氧和强光等胁迫后,用NBT光化还原抑制法测定叶中SOD活性的变化。臭氧和强光能诱导玉米叶片SOD活性增加。0.5mol/L甘露醇处理玉米叶片12h,SOD活性上升,至48h后下降;在该甘露醇溶液中另外加入10^-2mol/L H2O2;处理12h后SOD活性基本不变。对玉米叶片单独用10^-2mol/L H2O2诱导,30min内SOD活性上升到最高值,随着处理时间的延长又逐渐下降。用耐强光、耐干旱的野生马齿苋作为材料,与玉米相比,其叶片SOD基础活性低于后者;若予以正午强光结合渗透胁迫2h,其叶中SOD活性增幅超过玉米,从种间比较的角度旁证了SOD在抗逆性中的作用。推测植物中存在比活性氧更为直接的物理诱导机制。  相似文献   
王跃中  孙典荣  陈作志  贾晓平 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7948-7957
带鱼(Trichiurus japonicas)是南海北部的重要经济鱼类,其渔获量的变化不仅与捕捞压力有关,还与气候环境变化有关.为了研究气候变化和捕捞对南海北部带鱼渔获量变动的影响,使用长时间序列渔业统计资料和气候变化数据对1956-2006年的南海北部带鱼渔获量变动进行了分析.南海北部的带鱼渔获量变化可划分成因捕捞效应所产生的趋势变化和因气候环境变化所导致的渔获量变动.捕捞效应所产生的趋势变化可用Fox模型拟合,Fox模型拟合结果显示南海北部带鱼渔获量与捕捞努力量关系显著(P<0.01),说明捕捞压力的增长显著影响到南海北部带鱼渔获量的变化.移除捕捞效应所产生的趋势变化后,渔获量变动与中国南方降雨、南海北部海表水温、南海北部夏季季风以及南海北部冬季季风等气候因子呈显著正偏相关(P<0.04),与热带气旋影响指数呈显著负偏相关(P<0.03),这种相关说明南海北部带鱼渔获量变动还受气候环境因子的影响.南海北部带鱼渔获量可用捕捞努力量和气候变量来拟合,且拟合效果显著(R2=0.958,P<0.01),表明南海北部带鱼渔获量的变动归因于捕捞压力的单调增长和气候环境的变化.在南海北部的捕捞压力维持在现有水平下,未来的气候变化和人类活动引起营养盐的增加都可能有利于南海北部带鱼渔业产量的增加,且由于未来极端天气事件的频繁发生,可能还会引起带鱼渔获量的变动幅度加剧.  相似文献   
Identifying the ecological environment suitable for the growth of Thuja sutchuenensis and predicting other potential distribution areas are essential to protect this endangered species. After selecting 24 environmental factors that could affect the distribution of T. sutchuenensis, including climate, topography, soil and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), we adopted the Random Forest-MaxEnt integrated model to analyze our data. Based on the Random Forest study, the contribution of the mean temperature of the warmest quarter, mean temperature of the coldest quarter, annual mean temperature and mean temperature of the driest quarter was large. Based on MaxEnt model prediction outputs, the potential distribution map not only identified areas that originally recorded T. sutchuenensis, such as Xuanhan County, Kai County and Chengkou County, but also identified highly suitable distribution areas where T. sutchuenensis may exist, including Wanyuan County, Sichuan Province, and the junction of Chongqing and Hubei Province. This provides a more explicit geographic range for ex situ conservation and reintroduction of T. sutchuenensis. Our results also indicate that, in addition to climate factors, topography and soil factors are also important environmental factors that affect distribution. This provides a theoretical basis for subsequent laboratory construction to simulate the indoor growth of T. sutchuenensis.  相似文献   
目的 探讨孢子丝菌病的发病原因及特点。方法 就1991~2002年间在本院就诊的深部真菌病病例,利用沙氏真菌学检查方法筛查确诊为孢子丝菌病43例并进行临床观察。结果 1991—1993年患者5例(11.63%),1994~1996年水灾后2年内患者34例(79.07%),1997~2002年5年内患者4例(9.30%)。有明显外伤史及疑似蚊、蜂叮螫者占总发病人数72.09%。伴高血压者占20.93%。碘化钾治愈率100%。结论 各种原因造成的环境污染或某些自然灾害致使腐生菌大量生长繁殖是引起本病区域性流行的根本原因。外伤及昆虫叮、螫为重要致病条件。碘化钾为首选治疗药物。  相似文献   
本文综述了血液的生化组成及应用、屠宰厂血液处理现状及血液无害化处理的重要性、血液资源开发的价值和意义。分析表明我国屠宰厂的血液产量丰富,大量的血液未被有效利用而直接排放,既浪费了宝贵的资源,又造成严重的环境污染,进行屠宰厂血液资源的无害化处理和有效利用为当务之急。同时,本文结合国内外研究现状,提出了解决问题的方案、展望了应用前景。  相似文献   
信号分子ppGpp与微生物环境适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物能感知环境胁迫信号,通过触发严谨反应对生长速率进行调节,并通过一系列代谢调控,使细胞能在不利环境中生存。高度磷酸化的鸟苷四/五磷酸ppGpp/pppGpp(文中以ppGpp统称)作为信号分子对微生物生理具有广泛的调节作用,至今仍是微生物学研究热点之一。ppGpp对于微生物适应高温、高压等环境起到了积极的作用。综述了信号分子ppGpp合成降解机制及其调控微生物适应性方面的研究进展。  相似文献   
This paper addresses some of the conceptual issues involved in the analysis of the age and origin of mediterranean‐climate plant taxa, paying particular attention to three topics: (1) the importance of an explicit time frame in the definition of biogeographical origins, (2) the distinction between the age of traits and the age of taxa, and (3) the idea of mediterranean‐type ecosystems as environmental islands. (1) In California, recent analyses demonstrate that the diversity of species derived from different biogeographical origins is significantly correlated with temperature and precipitation gradients. These patterns support the hypothesis that niche conservatism is an important factor structuring modern diversity gradients. However, depending on how far back in time one looks, a species may be assigned to different origins; future discussions of biogeographical origins need to address the appropriate time frame for analysis. (2) Past research has demonstrated distinctive trait syndromes among woody plants of the Mediterranean, Chile, California and Mexico, and proposed that the syndromes are associated with lineages of different age in these floras. Reanalysis of individual traits demonstrates greater variability among regions than previously reported. The classification of plants into ‘old’ and ‘new’ genera is re‐evaluated, and it is suggested that greater attention be paid to the age of traits, rather than to the age of taxa, especially at an arbitrary rank such as genus. (3) The idea of mediterranean‐climate regions as ‘climatic islands’ is examined. Space–time diagrams of climate enable one to view the emergence of distinctive climatic regions in a continental context. The terms ‘synclimatic’ and ‘anticlimatic’ are proposed, referring to migration routes that parallel climate contours in space and time versus those that cross contours (including the case of geographic stasis in the face of climate change), respectively. Mediterranean‐climate regions have served as important case studies in plant ecology and evolution, and merit continued close examination in the light of continued advances in phylogenetics and palaeoecology.  相似文献   
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