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Abstract. Experiments were conducted in a glasshouse and in the laboratory to determine the environmental and physiological parameters that affect flight behaviour of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). The number of whiteflies taking off and exhibiting a positive response to sky light in the glasshouse was greatest from 08.30 to 10.00 hours. During peak flight activity less than 5% of the population engaged in phototactic orientation. Temperature was the best single predictor for the phototactic response, accounting for 75% of the variability in whitefly ascent. Sex ratios were determined for individuals remaining on poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima (Willd.), and for individuals that exhibited phototactic orientation; both groups deviated from an expected 1:1 ratio. Males were more prevalent on the plants (1:0.76), whereas females were much more prevalent (1:3.02) among the whiteflies responding to sky light. A higher percentage of the females displaying a phototactic response contained eggs when compared to females remaining on poinsettia (87 v 65%). The two groups of females did not differ significantly in their weights, but males that remained on the plants were heavier than males that responded to sky light. Mark–recapture studies and experiments where phototactic individuals were removed from the population established that the response was short-lived. Whiteflies exhibiting a phototactic response in the glasshouse were more likely to exhibit long-duration, phototactic flights in a vertical flight chamber when compared to individuals that remained on poinsettia (80.7 ± 6.7 v 36.0 ± 5.8% phototactic response; 7.0 ±3.2 v 0.7±0.2min flights). There was also less deviation in flight across the horizontal plane among the individuals that exhibited a positive response to sky light in the glasshouse in comparison to individuals that remained on their host. However, initial rates of climb were not significantly different between the two groups of whiteflies.  相似文献   
Soil micronutrients are capital for the delivery of ecosystem functioning and food provision worldwide. Yet, despite their importance, the global biogeography and ecological drivers of soil micronutrients remain virtually unknown, limiting our capacity to anticipate abrupt unexpected changes in soil micronutrients in the face of climate change. Here, we analyzed >1300 topsoil samples to examine the global distribution of six metallic micronutrients (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Co and Ni) across all continents, climates and vegetation types. We found that warmer arid and tropical ecosystems, present in the least developed countries, sustain the lowest contents of multiple soil micronutrients. We further provide evidence that temperature increases may potentially result in abrupt and simultaneous reductions in the content of multiple soil micronutrients when a temperature threshold of 12–14°C is crossed, which may be occurring on 3% of the planet over the next century. Altogether, our findings provide fundamental understanding of the global distribution of soil micronutrients, with direct implications for the maintenance of ecosystem functioning, rangeland management and food production in the warmest and poorest regions of the planet.  相似文献   
Climate change and urbanisation are among the most pervasive and rapidly growing threats to biodiversity worldwide. However, their impacts are usually considered in isolation, and interactions are rarely examined. Predicting species' responses to the combined effects of climate change and urbanisation, therefore, represents a pressing challenge in global change biology. Birds are important model taxa for exploring the impacts of both climate change and urbanisation, and their behaviour and physiology have been well studied in urban and non-urban systems. This understanding should allow interactive effects of rising temperatures and urbanisation to be inferred, yet considerations of these interactions are almost entirely lacking from empirical research. Here, we synthesise our current understanding of the potential mechanisms that could affect how species respond to the combined effects of rising temperatures and urbanisation, with a focus on avian taxa. We discuss potential interactive effects to motivate future in-depth research on this critically important, yet overlooked, aspect of global change biology. Increased temperatures are a pronounced consequence of both urbanisation (through the urban heat island effect) and climate change. The biological impact of this warming in urban and non-urban systems will likely differ in magnitude and direction when interacting with other factors that typically vary between these habitats, such as resource availability (e.g. water, food and microsites) and pollution levels. Furthermore, the nature of such interactions may differ for cities situated in different climate types, for example, tropical, arid, temperate, continental and polar. Within this article, we highlight the potential for interactive effects of climate and urban drivers on the mechanistic responses of birds, identify knowledge gaps and propose promising future research avenues. A deeper understanding of the behavioural and physiological mechanisms mediating species' responses to urbanisation and rising temperatures will provide novel insights into ecology and evolution under global change and may help better predict future population responses.  相似文献   
Driven by climate change, marine biodiversity is undergoing a phase of rapid change that has proven to be even faster than changes observed in terrestrial ecosystems. Understanding how these changes in species composition will affect future marine life is crucial for conservation management, especially due to increasing demands for marine natural resources. Here, we analyse predictions of a multiparameter habitat suitability model covering the global projected ranges of >33,500 marine species from climate model projections under three CO2 emission scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP8.5) up to the year 2100. Our results show that the core habitat area will decline for many species, resulting in a net loss of 50% of the core habitat area for almost half of all marine species in 2100 under the high-emission scenario RCP8.5. As an additional consequence of the continuing distributional reorganization of marine life, gaps around the equator will appear for 8% (RCP2.6), 24% (RCP4.5), and 88% (RCP8.5) of marine species with cross-equatorial ranges. For many more species, continuous distributional ranges will be disrupted, thus reducing effective population size. In addition, high invasion rates in higher latitudes and polar regions will lead to substantial changes in the ecosystem and food web structure, particularly regarding the introduction of new predators. Overall, our study highlights that the degree of spatial and structural reorganization of marine life with ensued consequences for ecosystem functionality and conservation efforts will critically depend on the realized greenhouse gas emission pathway.  相似文献   
Mouse oocyte maturation inhibitory factors, on the basis of inhibitory activity of spontaneous germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) of denuded mouse oocytes in culture, were extracted and partially purified by reversed-phase resin adsorption and Sephadex G-100 and G-50 column chromatographies from the urine of pregnant women. Denuded oocytes obtained from ovaries of ICR mice underwent spontaneous GVBD by cultivation for 3 h in modified Krebs–Ringer's buffered solution, while this spontaneous GVBD was found to be inhibited by adding the final preparation (U-D-4) of urine. The inhibition was dose dependent, ranging from 0.6 to 10 μg protein/ml medium. Oocytes treated with U-D-4 and resuspended in control medium resumed GVBD. The molecular mass of U-D-4 was estimated to be less than 2,000 Da with gel filtration. Ether treatment failed to extract inhibitory factor(s) from U-D-4 and pepsin treatment inactivated U-D-4, indicating that inhibitory factor(s) in U-D-4 are peptide-like substances. The inhibitory effect of U-D-4 on spontaneous GVBD was partially reversed in the presence of naloxone, a potent opioid antagonist. U-D-4s obtained from urine samples of pregnant women, nonpregnant women, and men showed the inhibitory effect on spontaneous GVBD; however, the activity of U-D-4 obtained from pregnancy urine was significantly more potent than those of the other urine samples. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


One of the oldest and most powerful ways for ecologists to explain distinct biological communities is to invoke underlying environmental differences. But in hyper-diverse systems, which often display high species richness and low species abundance, these sorts of community comparisons are especially challenging. The classic view for Amazonian birds posits that riverine barriers and habitat specialization determine local and regional community composition. We test the tacit, complementary assumption that similar bird communities should therefore permeate uniform habitat between major rivers, regardless of distance.


Upland (terra firme) rainforests of central Amazonia.


We conducted intensive whole-community surveys of birds in three pairs of 100-ha plots, separated by 40–60 km. We then used dissimilarity indices, cluster analysis, and ordination to characterize differences among the six avian communities.


In all, we detected 244 forest-dependent birds, with an average of 190 species (78%) per plot. Species turnover was negligible, no unique indicator species were found among plot pairs, and all documented species were already known from a complete inventory at one of the three sites.

Main Conclusions

Our study corroborates the classic biogeographical pattern and suggests that turnover contributes little to regional avian diversity within upland forests. Using a grain size of 100 ha, this implies that upland birds perceive the environment as uniform, at least over distances of ~60 km. Therefore, to maximize both local species richness and population persistence, our findings support the conservation of very large tracts of upland rainforest. Our analyses also revealed that the avifauna at Reserva Ducke, encroached by urban sprawl from the city of Manaus, shows the hallmarks of a disturbed community, with fewer vulnerable insectivores. This defaunation signals that even an enormous preserve (10 × 10 km) in lowland Amazonia is not insulated from anthropogenic degradation within the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   
Populations suffer two types of stochasticity: demographic stochasticity, from sampling error in offspring number, and environmental stochasticity, from temporal variation in the growth rate. By modelling evolution through phenotypic selection following an abrupt environmental change, we investigate how genetic and demographic dynamics, as well as effects on population survival of the genetic variance and of the strength of stabilizing selection, differ under the two types of stochasticity. We show that population survival probability declines sharply with stronger stabilizing selection under demographic stochasticity, but declines more continuously when environmental stochasticity is strengthened. However, the genetic variance that confers the highest population survival probability differs little under demographic and environmental stochasticity. Since the influence of demographic stochasticity is stronger when population size is smaller, a slow initial decline of genetic variance, which allows quicker evolution, is important for population persistence. In contrast, the influence of environmental stochasticity is population-size-independent, so higher initial fitness becomes important for survival under strong environmental stochasticity. The two types of stochasticity interact in a more than multiplicative way in reducing the population survival probability. Our work suggests the importance of explicitly distinguishing and measuring the forms of stochasticity during evolutionary rescue.  相似文献   
Dynamic material flow analysis (dMFA) is widely used to model stock-flow dynamics. To appropriately represent material lifetimes, recycling potentials, and service provision, dMFA requires data about the allocation of economy-wide material consumption to different end-use products or sectors, that is, the different product stocks, in which material consumption accumulates. Previous estimates of this allocation only cover few years, countries, and product groups. Recently, several new methods for estimating end-use product allocation in dMFA were proposed, which so far lack systematic comparison. We review and systematize five methods for tracing material consumption into end-use products in inflow-driven dMFA and discuss their strengths and limitations. Widely used data on industry shipments in physical units have low spatio-temporal coverage, which limits their applicability across countries and years. Monetary input–output tables (MIOTs) are widely available and their economy-wide coverage makes them a valuable source to approximate material end-uses. We find four distinct MIOT-based methods: consumption-based, waste input–output MFA (WIO-MFA), Ghosh absorbing Markov chain, and partial Ghosh. We show that when applied to a given MIOT, the methods’ underlying input–output models yield the same results, with the exception of the partial Ghosh method, which involves simplifications. For practical applications, the MIOT system boundary must be aligned to those of dMFA, which involves the removal of service flows, sector (dis)aggregation, and re-defining specific intermediate outputs as final demand. Theoretically, WIO-MFA, applied to a modified MIOT, produces the most accurate results as it excludes massless and waste transactions. In part 2 of this work, we compare methods empirically and suggest improvements for aligning MIOT-dMFA system boundaries.  相似文献   
Summary Factors regulating the proliferation of normal, preneoplastic, and neoplastic rat tracheal epithelial (RTE) cells were investigated to identify changes taking place during the progression of RTE cells to neoplasia. Normal RTE cells exhibit clonal proliferation in a serum-free medium containing pituitary extract, serum albumin, cholera toxin, epidermal growth factor, hydrocortisone, and insulin. All combinations of these six factors were examined for their abilities to support clonal proliferation of normal, preneoplastic, and neoplastic RTE cells. In general, preneoplastic RTE cells required fewer factors for proliferation than normal RTE cells, and neoplastic cells required fewer factors than preneoplastic cells. A common pattern of reductions has been identified in the growth factors required for the clonal proliferation of preneoplastic vs. normal RTE cells and for neoplastic vs. preneoplastic and normal RTE cells. Normal RTE cells exhibit clonal proliferation in a serum-free medium supplemented with a minimum of six factors: bovine serum albumin, bovine pituitary extract, cholera toxin, epidermal growth factor, hydrocortisone, and insulin. Preneoplastic RTE cells exhibit clonal proliferation in a serum-free medium supplemented with four factors: bovine serum albumin, bovine pituitary extract, hydrocortisone, and insulin. Finally, neoplastic RTE cells exhibit clonal proliferation in a serum-free medium supplemented with two factors: bovine serum albumin and bovine pituitary extract. These results suggest that the progression of RTE cells to neoplasia is associated with a series of changes in regulatory pathways that control cell proliferation.  相似文献   
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