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Distribution patterns of metapopulation determined by Allee effects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Proteins folding according to a classical two-state system characteristically show V-shaped chevron plots. We have previously interpreted the symmetrically curved chevron plot of the protein U1A as denaturant-dependent movements in the position of the transition state ensemble (TSE). S6, a structural analog of U1A, shows a classical V-shaped chevron plot indicative of straightforward two-state kinetics, but the mutant LA30 has a curved unfolding limb, which is most consistent with TSE mobility. The kinetic m-values (derivatives of the rate constants with respect to denaturant concentration) in themselves depend on denaturant concentration. To obtain complementary information about putative mobile TSEs, we have carried out a thermodynamic analysis of the three proteins, based on data for refolding and unfolding over the range 10 degrees C to 70 degrees C. The data at all temperatures can be fitted to two-state model systems. Importantly, for all three proteins the activation heat capacities are, within error, identical to the heat capacities measured in independent experiments under equilibrium conditions. Although the equilibrium heat capacities are essentially invariant with regard to denaturant concentration, the activation heat capacities, similar to the structurally equivalent kinetic m-values, show marked denaturant dependence. Furthermore, the values of beta++ at different denaturant concentrations measured by m-values and by heat capacity values are very similar. These observations are consistent with significant transition state movements within the framework of two-state folding. The basis for TSE movement appears to be enthalpic rather than entropic, suggesting that the binding energy of denaturant-protein interactions is a major determinant of the response of energy landscape contours to changing environments.  相似文献   
A sequence in yeast MATalpha2/MCM1/DNA complex that folds into alpha-helix or beta-hairpin depending on the surroundings has been known as "chameleon" sequence. We obtained the free-energy landscape of this sequence by using a generalized-ensemble method, multicanonical molecular dynamics simulation, to sample the conformational space. The system was expressed with an all-atom model in explicit water, and the initial conformation for the simulation was a random one. The free-energy landscape demonstrated that this sequence inherently has an ability to form either alpha or beta structure: The conformational distribution in the landscape consisted of two alpha-helical clusters with different packing patterns of hydrophobic residues, and four beta-hairpin clusters with different strand-strand interaction patterns. Narrow pathways connecting the clusters were found, and analysis on the pathways showed that a compact structure formed at the N-terminal root of the chameleon sequence controls the cluster-cluster transitions. The free-energy landscape indicates that a small conditional change induces alpha-beta transitions. Additional unfolding simulations done with replacing amino acids showed that the chameleon sequence has an advantage to form an alpha-helix. Current study may be useful to understand the mechanism of diseases resulting from abnormal chain folding, such as amyloid disease.  相似文献   
Side-chain flexibility of ligand-binding sites needs to be considered in the rational design of novel inhibitors. We have developed a method to generate conformational ensembles that efficiently sample local side-chain flexibility from a single crystal structure. The rotamer-based approach is tested here for the S1' pocket of human collagenase-1 (MMP-1), which is known to undergo conformational changes in multiple side-chains upon binding of certain inhibitors. First, a raw ensemble consisting of a large number of conformers of the S1' pocket was generated using an exhaustive search of rotamer combinations on a template crystal structure. A combination of principal component analysis and fuzzy clustering was then employed to successfully identify a core ensemble consisting of a low number of representatives from the raw ensemble. The core ensemble contained geometrically diverse conformers of stable nature, as indicated in several cases by a relative energy lower than that of the minimised template crystal structure. Through comparisons with X-ray crystallography and NMR structural data we show that the core ensemble occupied a conformational space similar to that observed under experimental conditions. The synthetic inhibitor RS-104966 is known to induce a conformational change in the side-chains of the S1' pocket of MMP-1 and could not be docked in the template crystal structure. However, the experimental binding mode was reproduced successfully using members of the core ensemble as the docking target, establishing the usefulness of the method in drug design.  相似文献   
A unique feature of P450 enzymes is in the presence of a thiolate ligand heme but its exact function in catalysis is a matter of debate. For P450 dependent monooxygenases the "active oxygen" complex seems to exist only as a transition state in which the thiolate ligand provides electron density in order to prevent pi-backbonding of the oxygen to the iron (-S-Fe-O(z.rad;)). The corresponding ground state (Compound I) would be a ferryl species (Fe(IV)z.dbnd6;O) with an electron hole either at the porphyrin or at the sulfur. Apart from this role we postulate that a second function is related to the electronic structure of Compound II as an electron acceptor and this property is shared among monooxygenases, thromboxane synthase, prostacyclin synthase, allene oxide synthase, P450(NOR(-)) and chloroperoxidase. As a common step in all P450 enzymes an extremely rapid electron uptake by Compound II allows that the primary substrate radicals are oxidized to cations which immediately combine with a neighbouring nucleophile. Thus "electron transfer" may substitute for "oxygen rebound" as the final step leading to product formation. The same principle also applies methane monooxygenases in which the role of the thiyl sulfur is replaced by a ferryl-oxyl entity.  相似文献   
The steady-state behavior of a glucose-limited, aerobic, continuous cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CEN.PK113-7D was investigated around the critical dilution rate. Oxido-reductive steady states were obtained at dilution rates up to 0.09 h(-1) lower than the critical dilution rate by operating the bioreactor as a productostat, where the dilution rate was controlled on the basis of an ethanol measurement. Thus, the experimental investigations revealed that multiple steady states exist in a region of dilution rates below the critical dilution rate. The existence of multiple steady states was attributed to two distinct physiological effects occurring when growth changed from oxidative to oxido-reductive: (i) a decrease in the efficiency of ATP production and utilization (at ethanol concentrations below 3 g/L) and (ii) repression of the oxidative metabolism (at higher ethanol concentrations). The first effect was best observed at low ethanol concentrations, where multiple steady states were observed even when no repression of the oxidative metabolism was evident, i.e., the oxidative capacity was constant. However, at higher ethanol concentrations repression of the oxidative metabolism was observed (the oxidative capacity decreased), and this resulted in a broader range of dilution rates where multiple steady states could be found.  相似文献   
Protein engineering experiments and Phi(F)-value analysis of SH3 domains reveal that their transition state ensemble (TSE) is conformationally restricted, i.e. the fluctuations in the transition state (TS) structures are small. In the TS of src SH3 and alpha-spectrin SH3 the distal loop and the associated hairpin are fully structured, while the rest of the protein is relatively disordered. If native structure predominantly determines the folding mechanism, the findings for SH3 folds raise the question: What are the features of the native topology that determine the nature of the TSE? We propose that the presence of stiff loops in the native state that connect local structural elements (such as the distal hairpin in SH3 domains) conformationally restricts TSE. We validate this hypothesis using the simulations of a "control" system (16 residue beta-hairpin forming C-terminal fragment of the GBl protein) and its variants. In these fragments the role of bending rigidity in determining the nature of the TSE can be directly examined without complications arising from interactions with the rest of the protein. The TSE structures in the beta-hairpins are determined computationally using cluster analysis and limited Phi(F)-value analysis. Both techniques prove that the conformational heterogeneity decreases as the bending rigidity of the loop increases. To extend this finding to SH3 domains a measure of bending rigidity based on loop curvature, which utilizes native structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), is introduced. Using this measure we show that, with few exceptions, the ordering of stiffness of the distal, n-src, and RT loops in the 29 PDB structures of SH3 domains is conserved. Combining the simulation results for beta-hairpins and the analysis of PDB structures for SH3 domains, we propose that the stiff distal loop restricts the conformational fluctuations in the TSE. We also predict that constraining the distal loop to be preformed in the denatured ensemble should not alter the nature of TSE. On the other hand, if the amino and carboxy terminals are cross-linked to form a circular polypeptide chain, the pathways and TSs are altered. These contrasting scenarios are illustrated using simulations of cross-linked WT beta-hairpin fragments. Computations of bending rigidities for immunoglobulin-like domain proteins reveal no clear separation in the stiffness of their loops. In the beta-sandwich proteins, which have large fractions of non-local native contacts, the nature of the TSE cannot be apparently determined using purely local structural characteristics. Nevertheless, the measure of loop stiffness still provides qualitative predictions of the ordered regions in the TSE of Ig27 and TenFn3.  相似文献   
The discovery of period four oscillations of the fluorescence yield under flashing light demonstrated that not only the redox state of the Photosystem II (PS II) electron acceptor QA, but also the oxygen evolving cycle (described by the S states) modulates the fluorescence yield of chlorophyll (Chl). The positive charges accumulated on the donor side of PS II act on the fluorescence yield (measured in the QA state during a strong flash) through the concentration of the quencher P680 +, the oxidized form of PS II reaction center Chl a. However, the period four oscillations of the fluorescence yield detected 1 s after a strong flash (in the P680QA state) have not yet been fully explained. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
This review considers the data of recent years concerning the contact system initiating the activation of blood plasma proteolytic systems, such as hemocoagulation, fibrinolysis, kininogenesis, and also complement and angiotensinogenesis. The main proteins of the contact system are the factors XII and XI, prekallikrein, and high-molecular-weight kininogen. The data on the structure, functions, and biosynthesis of these proteins and on their genes are presented. Studies in detail on the protein–protein interactions during formation of the ensemble of the contact system components on the anionic surface resulted in the postulation of the mechanism of activation of this system associated with generation of the XIIa factor and of kallikrein. This mechanism is traditionally considered a trigger of processes for the internal pathway of the hemocoagulating cascade. However, the absence of direct confirmation of such activation in vivo and the absence of hemorrhagia in the deficiency of these components stimulated the studies designed to find another mechanism of their activation and physiological role outside of the hemostasis system. As a result, a new concept on the contact system activation on the endothelial cell membrane was proposed. This concept is based on the isolation of a complex of proteins, which in addition to the above-mentioned proteins includes cytokeratin 1 and the receptors of the urokinase-like plasminogen activator and of the complement q-component. The ideas on the role of this system in the biology of vessels are developed. Some of our findings on the effect of leukocytic elastase on the key components of the contact system are also presented.  相似文献   
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