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1. Migratory waterbirds are major vectors for the dispersal of aquatic plants. However, quantitative field studies of the frequency of transport are scarce, and the relative importance of internal and external transport remains unclear. 2. We quantified and compared the rates of internal and external transport of aquatic plant propagules by teal (Anas crecca) in the Camargue (southern France), inspecting the lower gut contents of birds that had been shot (n = 366) and washing birds that had been live‐trapped (n = 68) during the winters of 2006–2007 and 2007–2008. 3. Intact propagules (n = 902) of 21 plant taxa were recorded in the rectum of teal, of which 16 germinated or were shown to be viable. Intact propagules were recorded in the rectum of 20% of teal, with up to 171 propagules per individual bird. Chara oogonia were most abundant (60% of intact propagules), suggesting that small size favours internal transport. Eleocharis palustris, Juncus spp. and Potamogeton pusillus (17, 7 and 6% of intact propagules, respectively) were also very abundant. 4. Intact propagules (n = 12) of 10 plant taxa were found on the outside of live teal, and four of these taxa later germinated. Intact propagules were found on 18% of teal. No teal was found to carry more than one propagule externally. There was no difference in size between propagules transported internally and externally. 5. Teal are major dispersers of plants within the Camargue, despite being highly granivorous. Contrary to widespread assumptions in the literature, endozoochory by ducks appears to be a much more important mode of dispersal for aquatic plants than exozoochory. We found no evidence of changes in the probability of plant propagule dispersal at a landscape scale over the course of the winter, so propagule production and zoochory appear to be decoupled over time in aquatic systems.  相似文献   
In the tropical forests of SE Asia, only a few studies have dealt with the role animal dispersal plays in early forest succession and rehabilitation, and a comparison of bird and bat dispersal is even rarer. We investigated seed dispersal by birds and bats in a successional area in the lowland dipterocarp forest of the Subic Watershed Forest Reserve (SWFR) in Luzon Island, Philippines. Using pairs of day and night traps, we collected seeds during 3 mo of wet season and 3 mo of dry season in a 1.2-ha study site. Bird-dispersed seeds predominated over those dispersed by bats in terms of both seed abundance and number of seed species. The most abundant endozoochorous seed species were significantly biased toward either bird or bat dispersal. Birds and bats appeared to compete more strongly for fruit resources during the dry season than during the wet season, and bats responded more to changes in the seasons than birds did. GLM analyses showed that the factor that had the strongest influence on overall seed distribution was the number of fleshy-fruited trees surrounding the traps, and that the distribution pattern of day-dispersed seeds was affected by more physical factors (number of trees, size of trees, presence of fleshy-fruited and conspecific trees) in the study site than the pattern of night-dispersed seeds were. Given that birds are the more important dispersers in the study site, restoration efforts in SWFR might benefit by focusing on attracting these dispersers into its degraded habitats.  相似文献   
Vertebrates play a fundamental role in the dispersal of Neotropical trees, generating different seed shadows according to their physical and behavioral features. Tapirs are capable of consuming great quantities of large fruits, and they defecate seeds far from parent trees. For instance, intact seeds of the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana have been found in tapir dung piles in the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil, suggesting that tapirs effectively disperse this species. However, recruitment was not examined therein. We studied tapir endozoochory of large and medium seeds in the semi-deciduous Atlantic Forest of Argentina by examining dung piles found within Iguazu National Park. We recorded dung-pile positions to evaluate the spatial distribution. We also counted the number of juveniles in 2 × 2 m quadrats placed on old dung piles in latrines, beneath adults and in random sites to estimate recruitment levels. Syagrus romanzoffiana seeds were present in 98 percent of dung piles, averaging >200 seeds/dung pile, indicating that this species constitutes the main fruit component in the tapir's diet. Dung piles showed a clumped deposition pattern reflecting the use of latrines. Juvenile recruitment in latrines was 21 times higher than that of under-adult sites and 500 times greater than in random sites, and correlated with the frequency of use of the areas. We concluded that the lowland tapir is a major disperser of S. romanzoffiana . Given that this palm can be considered a keystone species, a disruption of this interaction might affect the entire community of frugivores in the long term.  相似文献   
王树林  侯扶江 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4369-4389
成熟种子被动物采食和排泄后,沉积在粪便中的有活力的种子称为粪种子库。种子经动物消化道携带而实现传播的过程称为消化道传播,粪种子库是种子消化道传播的必经阶段和关键节点。粪种子库和种子消化道传播一直以来都是生态学家关注的热点。介绍了粪种子库的形成原因和理论基础,指出粪种子库是动-植物互作的结果;讨论了影响粪种子库结构和组成的因素,包括种子形态、动物种类和外界环境对粪种子库生态功能的调控作用;阐述了粪种子库的生态意义,主要表现为种子远距离传播、粪便物质返还以及促进植物群落更新和发展;最后指出将来关于粪种子库的研究需要重点关注的几个方面问题,以期为合理、全面认识粪种子库提供理论参考,并为深刻理解动-植物互作机制提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Plants have evolved a variety of seed dispersal mechanisms to overcome lack of mobility. Many species embed seeds in fleshy pulp to elicit endozoochory, i.e. disseminating seed through the animal gut. In contrast to well-studied fleshy fruited plants, dry-fruited plants may exploit this dispersal mutualism by producing fleshy appendages as a nutritional reward to entice animals to swallow their diaspores, but this has been little studied. In this study, it is hypothesized that these accessory fruits represent co-adaptations facilitating the syndrome of mammalian endozoochorous dispersal.


Field observations (focal tree watches, faecal surveys and fruiting phenology) with experimental manipulations (examination of seed germination and feeding trials) were conducted over 2 years in a native population of the raisin tree, Hovenia dulcis, which produces enlarged, twisted brown peduncles with external black seeds, in central China.

Key Results

Birds were not observed to swallow seeds or carry infructescences away during 190 h of focal tree watches. However, H. dulcis seeds were detected in 247 faecal samples, representative of two herbivore and four carnivore mammalian species. Feeding trials revealed that peduncles attracted mammals to consume the entire infructescence, thereby facilitating effective seed dispersal. The germination rate of egested seeds proved higher than that of unconsumed seeds. It was also noted that this mutualism was most vulnerable in degraded forest.

Conclusions Hovenia dulcis

peduncle sets are confirmed to adapt primarily to mammalian endozoochory, a mutualistic association similar in function to fleshy pulp or foliage. This demonstrates that plant organ systems can be adapted to unique mutualisms that utilize animal dispersal agents. Such an ecological role has until now been attributed only to bird epizoochory. Future studies should consider more widely the putative role of peduncle sets and mammalian endozoochory as a dispersal mechanism, particularly for those plants that possess relatively large accessory fruits.  相似文献   
Animals are known to influence and sometimes help maintain plant species richness in terrestrial systems. This study investigated the effects of mammals in influencing plant species richness of a floating Typha marsh at Point Pelee National Park. The extent of use of the marsh by terrestrial mammals was documented by mapping mammal trails from air photographs. Trail densities ranging from 70 to 1550 m ha–1 in various areas of the marsh, provided evidence for widespread, and in some places frequent, mammal activity. Plant surveys indicated a pattern of increased species richness and frequency associated with these trails, particularly in late summer when Typha biomass increased off trails. Three mechanisms by which mammals might influence species richness: disturbance of the dominant Typha, nutrient enrichment, and seed dispersal, were investigated using field and lab experiments. Two types of disturbance, trampling and herbivory, at two levels of intensity were simulated within 2×2m plots with and without fertilizer added. Disturbance significantly affected species richness; high levels of trampling decreased while high levels of clipping increased species richness. Nutrients had no effect; there were no significant disturbance×nutrients interactions. The importance of seed dispersal by raccoon was studied by collecting raccoon scat from within the marsh, incubating scat in a growth chamber and comparing the species that emerged to those growing in the marsh. Although substantial numbers of viable seeds of terrestrial species were found in scat, only one of these species was actually part of the Typha mat community. We concluded that mammals do influence plant species richness in this marsh primarily through disturbance of the dominant Typha.  相似文献   
  • Endozoochory is one of the main drivers shaping temperate grassland communities by maintaining plant populations of its constituents and enabling plants to colonize new habitats. Successful endozoochorous dispersal implies that seeds not only get consumed and survive the digestive tract but are also able to develop into viable seedlings in a dung environment.
  • We experimentally assessed the germination probability and timing of 15 annual and perennial temperate European grassland species in cattle and horse dung and in different climatic conditions (greenhouse and outdoor conditions).
  • Interspecific variation in germinability and germination timing are found, while life strategy had only an effect on germination timing. We found adverse effects of both cattle and horse dung on the germination characteristics of all tested grassland species, but the effects of cattle dung were more pronounced. In comparison with the control treatment, fewer seeds emerged in dung and more time was needed to germinate. Also, germination metrics clearly differed between the artificial greenhouse and outdoor conditions, with generally a lower germinability in outdoor conditions.
  • According to our results, a large cost seems to be associated with endozoochorous dispersal in this stage of the life cycle, as seed dispersal effectiveness strongly depends on the quality of the deposition site with a lowered survival and germination probability when seeds are deposited in dung.
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