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The world's richest mangrove‐restricted avifauna is in Australia and New Guinea. The history of differentiation of the species involved and their patterns of intraspecific genetic variation remain poorly known. Here, we use sequence data derived from two mitochondrial protein‐coding genes to study the evolutionary history of eight co‐distributed mangrove‐restricted and mangrove‐associated birds from the Australian part of this region. Utilizing a comparative phylogeographical framework, we observed that the study species present concordantly located phylogeographical breaks across their shared geographical distribution, a plausible signature of common mechanisms of vicariance underlying this pattern. Barriers such as the Canning Gap, Bonaparte Gap, and the Carpentarian Gaps all had important but varying degrees of impact on the studied species. The Burdekin Gap along Australia's eastern seaboard probably had only a minor influence as a barrier to gene flow in mangrove birds. Statistical phylogeographical simulations were able to discriminate among alternative scenarios involving six different geographical and temporal population separations. Species exhibiting recent colonizations into mangroves include Rhipidura phasiana, Myiagra ruficollis, and Myzomela erythrocephala. By contrast, Peneoenanthe pulverulenta, Pachycephala melanura, Pachycephala lanioides, Zosterops luteus, and Colluricincla megarhyncha all had deeper histories, reflected as more marked phylogeographical divisions separating populations on the eastern seaboard/Cape York Peninsula from more western regions such as the Arnhem Land, the Pilbara, and the Kimberley. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 574–598.  相似文献   
为探讨海南特有种东方琼楠(Beilschmiedia tungfangensis)种群结构特征,在海南尖峰岭林区设置20.4hm2样地,从种群径级结构、静态生命表、存活曲线、空间分布格局等方面进行分析。结果表明:1)东方琼楠种群径级分布呈倒"J"型,为增长型种群;2)在第Ⅲ级(DBH:10~15cm)时生命期望值最高,向大龄级和小龄级呈递减趋势;3)存活曲线接近DeeveyⅢ型,呈凹型;死亡率曲线和消失率曲线呈"V"型;4)不同分析方法均表明该种群呈聚集分布,且聚群强度较大;5)聚块性指数随径级呈"正余弦"变化。  相似文献   
The transmission of cholera involves both human-to-human and environment-to-human pathways that complicate its dynamics. In this paper, we present a new and unified deterministic model that incorporates a general incidence rate and a general formulation of the pathogen concentration to analyse the dynamics of cholera. Particularly, this work unifies many existing cholera models proposed by different authors. We conduct equilibrium analysis to carefully study the complex epidemic and endemic behaviour of the disease. Our results show that despite the incorporation of the environmental component, there exists a forward transcritical bifurcation at R 0=1 for the combined human–environment epidemiological model under biologically reasonable conditions.  相似文献   
Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) have become one of the most popular molecular markers for population genetic studies. The application of SSR markers has often been limited to source species because SSR loci are too labile to be maintained in even closely related species. However, a few extremely conserved SSR loci have been reported. Here, we tested for the presence of conserved SSR loci in acanthopterygian fishes, which include over 14 000 species, by comparing the genome sequences of four acanthopterygian fishes. We also examined the comparative genome‐derived SSRs (CG‐SSRs) for their transferability across acanthopterygian fishes and their applicability to population genetic analysis. Forty‐six SSR loci with conserved flanking regions were detected and examined for their transferability among seven nonacanthopterygian and 27 acanthopterygian fishes. The PCR amplification success rate in nonacanthopterygian fishes was low, ranging from 2.2% to 21.7%, except for Lophius litulon (Lophiiformes; 80.4%). Conversely, the rate in most acanthopterygian fishes exceeded 70.0%. Sequencing of these 46 loci revealed the presence of SSRs suitable for scoring while fragment analysis of 20 loci revealed polymorphisms in most of the acanthopterygian fishes. Population genetic analysis of Cottus pollux (Scorpaeniformes) and Sphaeramia orbicularis (Perciformes) using CG‐SSRs showed that these populations did not deviate from linkage equilibrium or Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Furthermore, almost no loci showed evidence of null alleles, suggesting that CG‐SSRs have strong resolving power for population genetic analysis. Our findings will facilitate the use of these markers in species in which markers remain to be identified.  相似文献   
Actinopterygii (ray‐finned fishes) and Elasmobranchii (sharks, skates and rays) represent more than half of today's vertebrate taxic diversity (approximately 33000 species) and form the largest component of vertebrate diversity in extant aquatic ecosystems. Yet, patterns of ‘fish’ evolutionary history remain insufficiently understood and previous studies generally treated each group independently mainly because of their contrasting fossil record composition and corresponding sampling strategies. Because direct reading of palaeodiversity curves is affected by several biases affecting the fossil record, analytical approaches are needed to correct for these biases. In this review, we propose a comprehensive analysis based on comparison of large data sets related to competing phylogenies (including all Recent and fossil taxa) and the fossil record for both groups during the Mesozoic–Cainozoic interval. This approach provides information on the ‘fish’ fossil record quality and on the corrected ‘fish’ deep‐time phylogenetic palaeodiversity signals, with special emphasis on diversification events. Because taxonomic information is preserved after analytical treatment, identified palaeodiversity events are considered both quantitatively and qualitatively and put within corresponding palaeoenvironmental and biological settings. Results indicate a better fossil record quality for elasmobranchs due to their microfossil‐like fossil distribution and their very low diversity in freshwater systems, whereas freshwater actinopterygians are diverse in this realm with lower preservation potential. Several important diversification events are identified at familial and generic levels for elasmobranchs, and marine and freshwater actinopterygians, namely in the Early–Middle Jurassic (elasmobranchs), Late Jurassic (actinopterygians), Early Cretaceous (elasmobranchs, freshwater actinopterygians), Cenomanian (all groups) and the Paleocene–Eocene interval (all groups), the latter two representing the two most exceptional radiations among vertebrates. For each of these events along with the Cretaceous‐Paleogene extinction, we provide an in‐depth review of the taxa involved and factors that may have influenced the diversity patterns observed. Among these, palaeotemperatures, sea‐levels, ocean circulation and productivity as well as continent fragmentation and environment heterogeneity (reef environments) are parameters that largely impacted on ‘fish’ evolutionary history, along with other biotic constraints.  相似文献   
The Bushmanland Inselberg Region (BIR) of South Africa provides an ideal system to study population interactions, as these inselbergs function as islands of Succulent Karoo surrounded by Nama Karoo vegetation. The population genetics of four Conophytum taxa endemic to the quartz-associated habitats of inselbergs in the BIR were investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP), namely C. marginatum subsp. haramoepense, C. marginatum subsp. marginatum, C. maughanii, and C. ratum. Conophytum marginatum colonizes the quartz outcrops on the summits of the inselbergs, while C. maughanii and C. ratum occupy quartz patches at the summit and base of the inselbergs. A total of 24 populations were sampled to assess genetic differentiation between populations of each species, specifically between summit and base populations of C. ratum, eastern and western populations of C. maughanii and populations of the two subspecies of C. marginatum. Moderate levels of genetic differentiation were recovered between the summit and base populations of C. ratum, with an indication of some genetic connectivity between the populations. Slight differentiation between the eastern and western populations of C. maughanii was recovered, however, this was not reflected in the PCoA and STRUCTURE results. In C. marginatum, no significant genetic differentiation was recovered between populations of the subspecies. These results may reflect evidence of different dispersal mechanisms in the species, with the genetic connectivity between populations of C. ratum possibly indicating dispersal through hygrochastic capsules, while genetic connectivity between populations of C. maughanii and C. marginatum may, for the first time, suggest long-distance dispersal, i.e. anemochory. This study provides the first insights into population interactions across the BIR and highlights the importance of conservation in the region, particularly of the Gamsberg, in light of the recent mining activities.  相似文献   
Predator–prey relationships are important ecological interactions, affecting biotic community composition and energy flow through a system, and are of interest to ecologists and managers. Morphological diet analysis has been the primary method used to quantify the diets of predators, but emerging molecular techniques using genetic data can provide more accurate estimates of relative diet composition. This study used sequences from the 18S V9 rRNA barcoding region to identify prey items in the gastrointestinal (GI) tracts of predatory fishes. Predator GI samples were taken from the Black River, Cheboygan Co., MI, USA (n = 367 samples, 12 predator species) during periods of high prey availability, including the larval stage of regionally threatened lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque 1817) in late May/early June of 2015 and of relatively lower prey availability in early July of 2015. DNA was extracted and sequenced from 355 samples (96.7%), and prey DNA was identified in 286 of the 355 samples (80.6%). Prey were grouped into 33 ecologically significant taxonomic groups based on the lowest taxonomic level sequences that could be identified using sequences available on GenBank. Changes in the makeup of diet composition, dietary overlap, and predator preference were analyzed comparing the periods of high and low prey abundance. Some predator species exhibited significant seasonal changes in diet composition. Dietary overlap was slightly but significantly higher during the period of high prey abundance; however, there was little change in predator preference. This suggests that change in prey availability was the driving factor in changing predator diet composition and dietary overlap. This study demonstrates the utility of molecular diet analysis and how temporal variability in community composition adds complexity to predator–prey interactions.  相似文献   
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