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Synopsis The reproductive biology of the coral reef butterflyfish,Chaetodon multicinctus, was investigated by histological examination of gonads sampled over an 18 month period from a shallow inshore population on Oahu, Hawaii. Most gonads developed directly from previously undifferentiated tissue. Ovarian development (the structural formation of lamellae and primary oocytes) was observed in fish ≥44 mm and testicular development (the formation of spermatogenic crypts) in fish ≥62 mm standard length (SL). In addition, testis formation was identified within the ovarian lamellae of several differentiated but immature fish. It is hypothesized that prematurational sex change may facilitate monogamy within the highly competitive social structure of this site attached species. Oocyte development in mature females was marked by distinct phases of primary growth, the formation of yolk vesicles, and vitellogenesis. Spawning activity was histologically identified by the maturation and hydration of fully yolked oocytes, and presence of postovulatory follicles. Recently spawned females from field collections and experimental gonadotropin-treatments exhibited postovulatory follicles that were estimated to persist at least 24 h after ovulation. Atresia of yolked oocytes was classified into four stages of cell degeneration and resorption. Monthly analyses of oocyte development and atresia within the sample population show thatC. multicinctus has a protracted annual spawning season with a major peak during the early spring and evidence of spawning activity among some individuals in the fall. Histological analyses of spawning activity provide more accurate and unambiguous information than do traditional gonadosomatic assays in this and probably other coral reef fishes.  相似文献   
长江中游鱼类寄生棘头虫区系的研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
经过3年10次调查,剖检湖北省宜都、黄冈两处江段所产72种鱼类,共计766尾。收集棘头虫10种,其中包括2新种和1新组合,即蛇鮈新棘吻虫(新种)Neoechinorhynchus saurogobi sp.nov.,长江丽棘虫(新种)Brentisentis yangtzensis sp.nov.(Illiosontidae),鲤丽棘虫(新组合)B.cyprini comb.nov.。对长江中游鱼类寄生棘头虫区系的特点进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   
The neotropical cichlid fish Cichlasoma citrinellum is polymorphic in the structure of its pharyngeal jaw apparatus and external morphology. The pharyngeal jaws are either gracile and bear slender, pointed teeth (papilliform) or robust with strong, rounded teeth (molariform). Molariform morphs have a ‘benthic’, and papilliform morphs a ‘limnetic’ body form. Furthermore, this species is also polychromatic, with yellow and black morphs. The molariform morphology of the pharyngeal jaw apparatus adapts the fish for cracking and feeding on snails. Based on analysis of stomach contents, 94% of the molariform morph ate snails whereas only 19%, of the papilliform morph did so. This result suggests that the morphs occupy different ecological niches. The morphology of the pharyngeal jaw apparatus does not correlate significantly with sex, but it does with body colouration (P<0.005). Cichlasoma citrinellum mate assortatively with their own colour; therefore a mating preference for colour may lead to genetic isolation of trophic morphs. The frequency of the molariform morph differs strikingly among populations of five Nicaraguan lakes and its abundance is correlated with the abundance of snails, the fishes' principal prey item. Among populations the frequency of molariform morphs decreases in the dry season. Morphology possibly changes reversibly within particular individuals between seasons. These results suggest that phenotypic plasticity and polymorphisms may be an adaptive characteristic of cichlid fishes. Patterns of intraspecific morphological variation match patterns of interspecific morphological diversification which suggests that universal developmental mechanisms canalize the possible expressions of morphology. The ability to respond morphologically to environmental shifts, in conjunction with genetically determined trophic polymorphisms and sexual selection via mate choice, could be the basis for speciation through intermediate stages of polymorphism of the impressive adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes.  相似文献   
Synopsis A study of recolonisation of rockpools by intertidal fishes on the Wellington south coast, New Zealand, found the assemblage to be resilient and seasonally stable. A total of 26 species from nine families were recorded, dominated by the Tripterygiidae (triplefins) and Gobiesocidae (clingfishes). A pattern of alternating species dominance occurred, with the triplefinsBellapiscis medius andForsterygion lapillum being numerically dominant in summer, but becoming less common in winter and replaced as dominants by the clingfishesTrachelochismus pinnulatus andGastroscyphus hectoris. Juvenile recruits of eleven species occurred in the samples from spring to early summer, however only the aforementioned four species recruit to the intertidal zone in large numbers. The speed of rockpool recolonisation by fishes after extractive sampling is seasonally dependent, being quicker in the summer than winter. In general, recolonisation takes at least one month, but probably fewer than three. While stochastic factors influence assemblage composition in the short term, overall regulation of the fish assemblage of rockpools appears to be primarily deterministic, resulting in an essentially predictable taxonomic structure.  相似文献   
Examination of 111 peacock wrasse [Symphodus tinea (L.)] and 97 brown wrasse ( Labrus merula L.) from the Valencian coast (Spain) yielded 24 metazoan parasite species (11 Digenea, three Cestoda, four Nematoda. one Acanlhocephala, five Crustacea). Eighteen species were from 5. tinea and 17 from L. merula; 11 of the 24 species were common to both hosts. Brillouin's diversity index, was applied to fully censused parasite infracommunities. This is the first time that all the metazoan parasites (internal and external) in any position in the host have been analysed for diversity. High values of prevalence, intensity, and diversity parameters indicate that these labrid fishes support diverse parasite communities. This may be due to their diverse diet, mainly marine invertebrates which are possible intermediate hosts; they also support certain netnatodes and crustaceans which have direct life-cycle.  相似文献   
We examined levels of allozymic variation in intertidal sculpins of the genera Oligocottus, Clinocottus and Artedius. Variability in these species, as assessed by the proportion of loci polymorphic and average heterozygosity per locus, was generally low but within the range of values observed for other fish groups. In reviewing the ecological and life-history attributes of these sculpins, we found only one outstanding correlate of allozyme variability–larger-bodied species tended to have lower levels of variation. Also, the level of heterozygosity was not related in any obvious way to historical/ evolutionary aspects such as position in phylogenetic trees or the inferred relative ages of species. Our study of a relatively well-defined lineage of fishes that co-occur in the same geographical region and in the same, or broadly similar, habitats, underscores the difficulty of detecting correlations between genetic variability and seemingly relevant ecological features of species.  相似文献   
Cladanthus scariosus (Ball) Oberpr. & Vogt is endemic to Moroccan High Atlas. It is known under the vernacular names Irezghi or Irezgui. Three essential oil samples have been isolated from aerial parts and analyzed by combination of chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques [gas chromatography (GC) in combination with retention indices (RI), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and 13C-NMR spectroscopy]. The compositions of oil samples were dominated by monoterpenes: α-pinene sabinene, and terpinen-4-ol. Chamazulene and dihydrochamazulene isomers as well as various hemiterpene esters and analogs have been identified. To evidence a chemical variability, statistical analysis performed on 13 oil sample compositions allowed partitioning into three groups, mainly differentiated by their contents of sabinene, camphor, borneol, terpinen-4-ol, and germacrene D.  相似文献   
Fragments of mtDNA genes Cyt B, ATPase 6, and ATPase 8 of six cottoid fishes species of Lake Baikal (East Siberia) were amplified and sequenced. In addition mtDNAs of the same fish were subjected to restriction analysis. The data obtained were used to construct phylogenetic trees. The topology of the ATPase tree differs from those of the Res (restriction) and Cyt B trees. Clustering of species within the trees confirms the viewpoint of Taliev (1955, Baicalian Sculpins (Cottoidei)) according to which Baikalian cottoids originate from two ancestral forms. The times of branching obtained do not confirm the existing viewpoint according to which the two golomyankas (Comephorus baicalensis and Comephorus dybowskii) are pre-Baikal (Myocene) relicts: these two species may have originated 1.2–1.8 million years ago in Baikal, and they seem to represent an example of rapid morphological evolution which resulted in the formation of a new family. Correspondence to: S. Ja. Slobodyanuk  相似文献   
Islands: stability, diversity, conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Islands present both a diversity and a stability paradox. They are often highly species-poor but have considerable biological interest in terms of extraordinary endemic genera and taxonomically isolated groups. They appear to be stable, as in some cases these organisms have persisted for many millions of years, and having an oceanic climate, extreme climatic events may be comparatively rare. However, when subject to extrinsic (anthropogenic) disturbance they do not appear to be stable, but often suffer catastrophic ecological change. These apparent paradoxes are resolved when it is realized that all these features are consequences of the same island characteristics: biotic isolation and oceanicity. As a result of these two characteristics, far oceanic islands are quantitatively different from continental systems in the nature of their ecological processes, which appear to give rise to an extreme punctuated equilibrium model of evolutionary change. Endemics may be ancient relict endemics displaying prolonged stasis and persistence, or products of adaptive radiation representing rapid punctuational events. A process-based definition of a relict endemic (palaeoendemic) is one whose founding lineage (i.e. the original continental source taxon) has not left any descendents. A corollary of this definition is that the time of divergence between an endemic and its continental sister-group should predate the colonization of the island by the now endemic lineage. An example is Dicksonia arborescens which has been on St Helena for at least 9 Myrs and no longer occurs in the likely source area of Africa. These relict endemics, frequent on islands, are important as the last remnants of tranches of biodiversity that have vanished elsewhere. Island conservation strategies require an integrated understanding of both sides of the diversity and stability paradox so that both island processes and island organisms can be conserved.  相似文献   
缺瓣牛姆瓜Holboellia apetala Q.Xia,J.Z.Suen et Z.X.Peng在一系列特征上与牛姆瓜属Holboellia植物不同,不应隶属于该属,而代表了一个未被描述过的新属—长萼木通属。新属在茎、叶、果实和花的大部分特征上与木通属Akebia相似,但花萼特征又与野木瓜属Stauntonia接近,其系统位置介于这两个属之间,并偏于前者。  相似文献   
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