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The sea otter (Enhydra lutris) is a popular exhibit animal in many zoos and aquariums worldwide. Captive sea otters from these populations are owned by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The USFWS has requested that these sea otters be prevented from breeding in order to save captive space for wild rescued animals. Sea otters are often housed in mixed sex groups, therefore a chemical contraceptive method or surgical removal of gonads must be used to prevent potential pregnancy. The contraceptive, Suprelorin® or deslorelin, has been used in many different species to effectively suppress reproduction but duration of effect may vary not only between species but also individuals. Here, we report the effects of one to several consecutive deslorelin implants on gonadal reproductive hormones found in fecal samples from six captive sea otters (two males and four females) compared to two control otters (one male and one female) housed at three zoological institutions. We documented the longitudinal hormone signatures of many stages of the contraceptive cycle including pretreatment (PT), stimulatory phase (S), effective contraception (EC), and hormone reversal (HR) that was characterized by a return to normal hormone levels. Deslorelin was found to be an effective contraceptive in sea otters and was found to be reversible documented by a live birth following treatment, however the duration of suppression in females was much longer than expected with a 6‐month and a 1‐year implant lasting between 3 and 4 years in females. Zoo Biol. 32:307–315, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The East Asian giant water bug species Appasus japonicus Vuillefroy and Appasus major Esaki are aquatic hemipteran insects whose ranges overlap, particularly in the Japanese Archipelago and on the Korean Peninsula. In rare cases, the two species co‐occur. Furthermore, they are very similar ecologically and also morphologically, making their identification extremely difficult, and the possibility of hybridization has also been suggested. In the present study, we re‐examined their taxonomic validity, and the characteristics useful for identifying them. To re‐examine the morphological traits useful for distinguishing these two species, 222 specimens of A. japonicus collected from Japan, Korea, and China, and 132 specimens of A. major from Japan and Korea, were examined. We also performed molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the mitochondrial DNA 16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) regions and the nuclear DNA Histone 3 region. Although the two species are very similar ecologically and also morphologically, they showed significant genetic differentiation. Thus, there is likely some form of reproductive isolation acting between them. Major morphological characteristics overlap extensively between A. japonicus and A. major, and no particular trait was identified as being effective for differentiating these species. All the morphological characteristics examined overlapped between A. japonicus and A. major. However, a principal component analysis based on all of the morphological characteristics revealed that, despite the overlap between these species, it was possible to morphologically distinguish them. Therefore, a more accurate identification becomes possible using multiple characteristics rather than a single characteristic. The male genital paralobes, evaluated as the most useful morphological characteristic, was effective with 100% probability for the Japanese Appasus species. However, for the Asian (i.e. Korean) specimens, this characteristic was not useful. On the other hand, the results of molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the mitochondrial DNA 16S rRNA and COI regions and the nuclear DNA Histone 3 region clearly showed significant genetic differentiation between the two species. Notably, the results for the mitochondrial COI region strongly supported the independence of each monophyletic group (i.e. validity of each species). Therefore, DNA barcoding based on the mitochondrial DNA COI region is also considered useful for the identification of A. japonicus and A. major. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 615–643.  相似文献   
Prior to 2008 and the discovery of several important hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) nesting colonies in the EP (Eastern Pacific), the species was considered virtually absent from the region. Research since that time has yielded new insights into EP hawksbills, salient among them being the use of mangrove estuaries for nesting. These recent revelations have raised interest in the genetic characterization of hawksbills in the EP, studies of which have remained lacking to date. Between 2008 and 2014, we collected tissue samples from 269 nesting hawksbills at nine rookeries across the EP and used mitochondrial DNA sequences (766 bp) to generate the first genetic characterization of rookeries in the region. Our results inform genetic diversity, population differentiation, and phylogeography of the species. Hawksbills in the EP demonstrate low genetic diversity: We identified a total of only seven haplotypes across the region, including five new and two previously identified nesting haplotypes (pooled frequencies of 58.4% and 41.6%, respectively), the former only evident in Central American rookeries. Despite low genetic diversity, we found strong stock structure between the four principal rookeries, suggesting the existence of multiple populations and warranting their recognition as distinct management units. Furthermore, haplotypes EiIP106 and EiIP108 are unique to hawksbills that nest in mangrove estuaries, a behavior found only in hawksbills along Pacific Central America. The detected genetic differentiation supports the existence of a novel mangrove estuary “reproductive ecotype” that may warrant additional conservation attention. From a phylogeographic perspective, our research indicates hawksbills colonized the EP via the Indo‐Pacific, and do not represent relict populations isolated from the Atlantic by the rising of the Panama Isthmus. Low overall genetic diversity in the EP is likely the combined result of few rookeries, extremely small reproductive populations and evolutionarily recent colonization events. Additional research with larger sample sizes and variable markers will help further genetic understanding of hawksbill turtles in the EP.  相似文献   
In theory, extirpated plant species can be reintroduced and managed to restore sustainable populations. However, few reintroduced plants are known to persist for more than a few years. Our adaptive‐management case study illustrates how we restored the endangered hemiparasitic annual plant, Chloropyron maritimum subsp. maritimum (salt marsh bird's beak), to Sweetwater Marsh, San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge, California, United States, and used monitoring and experimentation to identify the factors limiting the reintroduced population. After extirpation in 1988, reintroduction starting that year led to a resilient, genetically diverse population in 2016 (a “boom” of approximately 14,000) that rebounded from a “bust” (62 in 2014). Multiple regressions attributed 82% of the variation in population counts to tidal amplitude, rainfall, and temperature. Populations of salt marsh bird's beak crashed when the diurnal tide range peaked during the 18.6‐year lunar nodal cycle (a rarely considered factor that periodically added approximately 12 cm to tidal ranges). We explain booms as follows: During smaller tidal amplitudes, above‐average rainfall could desalinize upper intertidal soils and stimulate salt marsh bird's beak germination. Then, moderate temperature in May favors growth to reproduction in June. In addition, salt marsh bird's beak needs a short and open canopy of native perennial plants, with roots to parasitize (not non‐native annual grass pseudohosts) and nearby upland soil for a preferred pollinator, ground‐burrowing bees. Although our reintroduced salt marsh bird's beak population is an exceptional case of persistence, this rare species‐specific environmental and biological requirement makes it vulnerable to rising sea levels and global warming.  相似文献   
Many practitioners are likely to have collected seeds with the intention of using that seed for conservation and/or restoration plantings, but have not got around to using the seed, sometimes for many years. Currently, it is not clear what species have short‐lived or long‐lived seed when stored under rudimentary conditions such as in paper bags or in a refrigerator. We report the germinability of 12 temperate native grassland species, comprising 16 populations, whose seeds were collected with the purpose of raising seedlings to plant into the wild, but whose seeds were subsequently stored at ~2–4°C for 25+ years. We conclude that most of the grassland species that we assessed do not have viable seed after 25 years when stored in such conditions; only two species germinated despite evidence that seed germinates well for most species when first collected. Inadvertent loss of seeds of as a result of long‐term storage is most likely in readily germinable species (e.g. members of the Asteraceae). The ways in which seeds are stored by practitioners deserves consideration given the risk of seed mortality with long‐term storage under rudimentary conditions.  相似文献   
雌雄异株植物种群性比偏倚和性别间功能性状的差异可能对种群维持产生不利影响,目前的研究很少关注雌雄异株濒危植物的性别差异.本文调查了四川小寨子沟国家级自然保护区内天然连香树种群性比并比较其雌雄株之间的形态、光合能力、水分和养分利用效率差异.结果发现,连香树种群性比显著偏雌(F/M=1.97;x^2 =4.46,P=0.035),雌株的胸径、冠幅、最大光合速率、表观量子效率、最大羧化效率、比叶面积、叶氮含量及水分、氮和磷利用效率分别比雄株高44.50%、27.94%、20.11%、50%、21.14%、14.32%、14.86%、158.7%、19.74%和28.03%,而其气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率和光补偿点分别低20.83%、24.61%、56.11%和44.44%,表明该地连香树种群存在性别偏倚且性别间已呈现出性别二态性,这可能是其濒危的重要原因,建议在探讨其濒危机制中应该考虑性别的因素.  相似文献   
The Impact of Hunting on the Mammalian Fauna of Tropical Asian Forests   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
People have hunted mammals in tropical Asian forests for at least 40,000 yr. This period has seen one confirmed global extinction (the giant pangolin, Manis palaeojavanica ) and range restrictions for several large mammals, but there is no strong evidence for unsustainable hunting pressure until the last 2000–3000 yr, when elephants, rhinoceroses, and several other species were progressively eliminated from the large parts of their ranges. Regional declines in most species have occurred largely within the last 50 yr. Recent subsistence hunting has typically focused on pigs and deer (hunted with dogs and spears or with snares), monkeys and other arboreal mammals (often caught with blowpipes), and porcupines and other rodents (smoked or dug out of burrows). Over the last 50 yr, the importance of hunting for subsistence has been increasingly outweighed by hunting for the market. The hunted biomass is dominated by the same species as before, sold mostly for local consumption, but numerous additional species are targeted for the colossal regional trade in wild animals and their parts for food, medicines, raw materials, and pets. Many populations of mammalian dispersers of large seeds and understory browsers have been depleted or eliminated, while seed predators have had a more variable fate. Most of this hunting is now illegal, but the law enforcement is generally weak. However, examples of successful enforcement show that hunting impacts can be greatly reduced where there is sufficient political will. Ending the trade in wild animals and their parts should have the highest regional conservation priority.  相似文献   
Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum is endemic in the southern region of the Iberian Peninsula. The relict populations of this species are vulnerable, due mainly to difficult conditions for the establishment of seedlings, resulting in a virtual lack of sexual recruitment. In order to preserve the surviving populations, in vitro culture methods have been applied for both the sexual and the agamic propagation of the species. The in vitro germination of seeds was high when conducted with Anderson’s medium without plant growth regulators. The self-rooted seedlings obtained were easily transplanted to outside conditions. The presence of growth regulators in the medium interfered with the development of the seedlings, causing heavy callus formation. The in vitro growth of explants took place readily in Anderson’s medium plus 0.072 mg L−1 of BA and 0.036 mg L−1 of NAA although the explants did not form roots. Rooting was achieved by the basal dipping of the explants in hydroalcoholic solutions of 500 mg L−1 IAA during the outside transplanting process. Therefore, the combination of in vitro grown explants together with ex vitro rooting, results in a good method for the agamic propagation of Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum.  相似文献   
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