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Shrub encroachment generally causes the loss of native species in herbaceous‐dominated communities. The ability of the original ecosystem to return to its pre‐encroachment state (i.e. its ecological resilience) will be partially contingent on the capacity of these species to regenerate from soil‐stored seed. Coast Tea Tree (Leptospermum laevigatum) has formed a dense scrub in many areas previously dominated by grassy woodland, and hence, managers need guidance about the effectiveness of strategies designed to recover the pre‐encroachment vegetation. In this context, we ask: what is the potential of species stored in the soil seed bank to return following Tea Tree removal? A germination experiment was undertaken using soil collected from dense stands of Tea Tree that had been long established. Heat/smoke was applied to soils to simulate the effects of a fire on the soil seed bank, while leaf litter treatments were used to mimic both undisturbed stands and stands where shrubs have been slashed where litter creates a physical barrier to emergence. We found the soil seed bank was dominated by exotic forbs (83% of all germinants) and contained few grasses. Heat and smoke decreased total species density but increased species diversity through the suppression of common exotics. Our data suggest that slashing would result in germination being dominated by exotic flora, but using fire would likely reduce that dominance. However, we conclude that recovery by much of the original flora after site occupation by Coast Tea Tree may be contingent on mechanisms other than soil‐stored seeds.  相似文献   
Patterns and drivers of succession provide insight into the mechanisms that govern community assembly, but remain poorly understood for microbial communities. We assess whether successional trends of trees are mirrored by foliar endophyte communities of three tree species across a deterministic woody successional gradient. Additionally, we test the relative contribution of abiotic predictors, biotic factors, and spatial distance between sites in predicting composition and richness of endophyte communities. Unlike the tree community, endophyte communities showed no consistent evidence of deterministic succession. Host identity was the most important factor structuring endophyte community composition; within hosts, spatial distance from the indigenous forest and between samples was important, while environmental predictors had small and inconsistent effects. Much variation in endophyte composition remained unexplained. In contrast, endophyte richness was well-explained by predictor variables. Host identity was most important in predicting endophyte richness, while the effect of other predictors on richness differed between host species. We conclude that deterministic succession in trees did not result in deterministic succession in endophyte communities; instead community assembly was most strongly influenced by host identity; while within hosts, neutral processes may be more important for endophyte assembly than deterministic factors.  相似文献   
Woody encroachment is becoming common in tropical savannas. We studied natural seed rain and performed seed addition experiments in a Brazilian savanna that had not been burned for several decades. We found greater abundance of fire‐sensitive species in the seed rain, likely contributing to woody encroachment. Flexible fire management policies that allow for natural and prescribed fires may be required to maintain savanna diversity.  相似文献   
Savannahs are a mixture of trees and grasses often occurring as alternate states to closed forests. Savannah fires are frequent where grass productivity is high in the wet season. Fires help maintain grassy vegetation where the climate is suitable for woodlands or forests. Saplings in savannahs are particularly vulnerable to topkill of above-ground biomass. Larger trees are more fire-resistant and suffer little damage when burnt. Recruitment to large mature tree size classes depends on sapling growth rates to fire-resistant sizes and the time between fires. Carbon dioxide (CO(2)) can influence the growth rate of juvenile plants, thereby affecting tree recruitment and the conversion of open savannahs to woodlands. Trees have increased in many savannahs throughout the world, whereas some humid savannahs are being invaded by forests. CO(2) has been implicated in this woody increase but attribution to global drivers has been controversial where changes in grazing and fire have also occurred. We report on diverse tests of the magnitude of CO(2) effects on both ancient and modern ecosystems with a particular focus on African savannahs. Large increases in trees of mesic savannahs in the region cannot easily be explained by land use change but are consistent with experimental and simulation studies of CO(2) effects. Changes in arid savannahs seem less obviously linked to CO(2) effects and may be driven more by overgrazing. Large-scale shifts in the tree-grass balance in the past and the future need to be better understood. They not only have major impacts on the ecology of grassy ecosystems but also on Earth-atmosphere linkages and the global carbon cycle in ways that are still being discovered.  相似文献   
Rangeland Mismanagement in South Africa: Failure to Apply Ecological Knowledge   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Chronic, heavy livestock grazing and concomitant fire suppression have caused the gradual replacement of palatable grass species by less palatable trees and woody shrubs in a rangeland degradation process termed bush encroachment in South Africa. G razing policymakers and cattle farmers alike have not appreciated the ecological role fire and native browsers play in preventing bush encroachment. Unpredictable droughts are common in South Africa but have deflected too much blame for bush encroachment away from grazing mismanagement. Bush encroachment is widespread on both black and white farms, although the contributing socioeconomic, cultural, and political forces differ. Managers at Madikwe Game Reserve have reintroduced fire and native game animals into a formerly overgrazed system in an attempt to remediate bush encroachment, with encouraging preliminary results. A bush control program is needed that educates cattle farmers about the ecological causes of bush encroachment and encourages the use of fire and native browsers as tools for sustainable grazing management.  相似文献   
A multitude of disturbance agents, such as wildfires, land use, and climate‐driven expansion of woody shrubs, is transforming the distribution of plant functional types across Arctic–Boreal ecosystems, which has significant implications for interactions and feedbacks between terrestrial ecosystems and climate in the northern high‐latitude. However, because the spatial resolution of existing land cover datasets is too coarse, large‐scale land cover changes in the Arctic–Boreal region (ABR) have been poorly characterized. Here, we use 31 years (1984–2014) of moderate spatial resolution (30 m) satellite imagery over a region spanning 4.7 × 106 km2 in Alaska and northwestern Canada to characterize regional‐scale ABR land cover changes. We find that 13.6 ± 1.3% of the domain has changed, primarily via two major modes of transformation: (a) simultaneous disturbance‐driven decreases in Evergreen Forest area (?14.7 ± 3.0% relative to 1984) and increases in Deciduous Forest area (+14.8 ± 5.2%) in the Boreal biome; and (b) climate‐driven expansion of Herbaceous and Shrub vegetation (+7.4 ± 2.0%) in the Arctic biome. By using time series of 30 m imagery, we characterize dynamics in forest and shrub cover occurring at relatively short spatial scales (hundreds of meters) due to fires, harvest, and climate‐induced growth that are not observable in coarse spatial resolution (e.g., 500 m or greater pixel size) imagery. Wildfires caused most of Evergreen Forest Loss and Evergreen Forest Gain and substantial areas of Deciduous Forest Gain. Extensive shifts in the distribution of plant functional types at multiple spatial scales are consistent with observations of increased atmospheric CO2 seasonality and ecosystem productivity at northern high‐latitudes and signal continental‐scale shifts in the structure and function of northern high‐latitude ecosystems in response to climate change.  相似文献   
李愈哲  黄麟  樊江文 《生态学报》2024,44(6):2646-2659
灌丛是中国山地和干旱地区的常见植被类型,分布范围广泛、生态功能多样、经济价值可观。然而,自然资源、生态环境、国民经济等相关部门多将灌丛拆分归属于森林或草原,其重要性未能充分体现。学术界有关灌丛资源的概念、内涵未有明确统一共识,基于资源属性特点的灌丛资源分区分类体系尚未建立。草原灌丛化的发生范围、速度及其生态影响不够明确,严重影响灌丛资源的高效保护、科学管理与可持续利用。这已然成为亟需凝聚共识和深入探究的理论技术难点与实践问题。建议在科学界定灌丛资源的概念内涵、建立健全灌丛资源分类体系基础上,深入发展和应用灌丛植被多基遥感和人工智能识别技术,科学掌握不同区域灌丛变化特别是草原灌丛化的过程及原因,全面系统地评估灌丛化的生态经济影响,优化分区分类灌丛管理利用策略,促进灌丛资源可持续管理和利用。  相似文献   
Dual‐scale analyses assessing farm‐scale patterns of ecological change and landscape‐scale patterns of change in vegetation cover and animal distribution are presented from ecological transect studies away from waterpoints, regional remotely sensed analysis of vegetation cover and animal numbers across the southern Kalahari, Botswana. Bush encroachment is prevalent in semi‐arid sites where Acacia mellifera Benth. is widespread in communal areas and private ranches, showing that land tenure changes over the last 40 years have not avoided rangeland degradation. Herbaceous cover is dominated in intensively grazed areas by the annual grass Schmidtia kalahariensis Stent and in moderately grazed areas by the perennial grass Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees. Nutritious perennial grass species including Eragrostis pallens Hack. Ex Schinz remain prevalent in Wildlife Management Areas. Other ecological changes include the invasion of the exotic Prosopis glandulosa Torr. and dense stands of Rhigozum trichotomum Kuntze. in the arid southwest. Regional patterns of wildlife species show that the expansion of cattleposts and fenced ranches has led to large areas of low wildlife conservation value even in areas where cattle production is not practiced. Findings show the need for integrated landscape‐scale planning of land use if the ecological value and biodiversity of the southern Kalahari is to be retained.  相似文献   
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