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The results of four macrophyte assessment methods (French Indice Biologique Macrophytique en Rivière, German Reference Index, British Mean Trophic Rank and Dutch Macrophyte Score) were compared, based on plant survey data of medium-sized lowland streams in Central Europe. To intercalibrate the good quality class boundaries two alternative methods were applied: direct comparison and the use of “common metrics”. While the French and British methods were highly related (R2>0.75), the German RI showed less (0.20<R2<0.55) and the Dutch DMS least correlation (R2<0.10) with other methods. Of 70 macrophyte metrics tested only Ellenberg_N was considerably related to three of the national assessment methods, thus representing a potential common metric for intercalibration. Comparison of quality class boundaries via regression analysis using both intercalibration approaches revealed major differences between classifications of the French, German and British methods, which are, in addition, related in a nonlinear way.  相似文献   
In stream ecosystems, the growth of aquatic primary producers is affected by spatial and temporal variations in the riparian canopy, which can influence the availability of light resources. Aquatic plants can acclimate to low light environments by employing a suite of morphological or physiological mechanisms to increase light capture or photosynthetic efficiency. Some species may also use alternate types of propagules to colonize environments with heterogeneous light environments. In a greenhouse experiment we examined the morphological and physiological response of watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) to a gradient of increasing light levels, which ranged from 7% ambient light to full sunlight. We also determined if watercress seedlings and vegetative fragments differed in their growth response to increasing light levels. Total biomass and root biomass of seedlings and vegetative fragments decreased with decreasing light levels. The difference in plant biomass across treatments was due to morphological changes in total canopy area and leaf area, both of which increased with decreasing light levels. Seedlings and vegetative fragments did not differ in their response to light availability, but vegetative fragments had higher final biomass as a result of higher initial biomass. Physiological acclimation to low light levels appears to be of secondary importance for watercress as the concentrations of total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and chlorophyll a:b did not differ among light levels or between seedlings and vegetative fragments. Seedlings and vegetative fragments grown under high light levels had a greater percentage of carbon and a lower percentage of nitrogen than plants grown under low light conditions. The results of this study indicate that watercress displays considerable morphological plasticity and acclimates to low light conditions primarily by increasing leaf area and canopy surface area. There is no evidence that the type of watercress propagule (seedling vs. vegetative fragment) imparts any growth advantage in low light environments and watercress grown from either type of propagule showed no differences in their morphological or physiological responses to varying light regimes. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   
Eosinophilic meningitis (EoM) is an acute disease that affects the central nervous system. It is primarily caused by infection with the nematode Angiostrongylus cantonensis. This infection was previously restricted to certain Asian countries and the Pacific Islands, but it was first reported in Brazil in 2007. Since then, intermediate and definitive hosts infected with A. cantonensis have been identified within the urban areas of many states in Brazil, including those in the northern, northeastern, southeastern and southern regions. The goals of this review are to draw the attention of the medical community and health centres to the emergence of EoM in Brazil, to compile information about several aspects of the human infection and mode of transmission and to provide a short protocol of procedures for the diagnosis of this disease.  相似文献   

Plants used in phytoremediation should accumulate and tolerate a specific pollutant. Here, we aimed at evaluating a possible arsenic (As) accumulation and mechanisms of tolerance against As-induced damage in Landoltia punctata to explore this species for phytoremediation. Plants were subjected to increasing As levels. As absorption was higher with increasing As levels. The activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase as well as anthocyanin levels increased with As levels. Catalase and peroxidase activities increased in plants subjected to As levels up to 1.0?mg L?1 and decreased at higher levels. Due to the antioxidant system, higher levels of reactive oxygen species were restrained in plants under low levels of As. However, the levels of superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, and lipid peroxidation increased in response to the impaired antioxidant system induced by the highest As levels. Biomass decreased in plants exposed to As and scanning electron microscopy revealed root structural damage in the root cap of plants under 3.0?mg L?1?As. This work highlights that L. punctata can be considered a hyperaccumulator species and has potential for As phytoremediation when levels are lower than 1.0?mg L?1—a concentration 100-fold higher than that recommended for drinking water.

Novelty Statement: Landoltia punctata can be considered a hyperaccumulator species and has the potential for arsenic phytoremediation when levels are lower than 1.0?mg L?1.  相似文献   
The environmental conditions for submerged macrophytes in sewage channels are different to those of natural waters. Mainly 6 eutraphent species occur in two communities on the flowing stretch of the Berlin treated sewage channel Wuhle. The survival time of the above ground biomass of the annual species is relatively long due to the higher water temperatures in winter. The average biomass of the different parts of the flowing stretch is between 50 and 830 g DM/m2 in summer. With decreasing concentrations of ammonia and BOD an increase of the biomass and the colonization density could be noticed over the last few years.  相似文献   
Abstract Explanations for the additive basal area (BA) phenomenon in forests are frequently given in the context of stratification and the avoidance of competition for space or resources (e.g. light, nutrients, moisture). Thus, large individuals avoid competition for light by emerging above the canopy and, in so doing, the BA of emergent individuals is often ‘additive’ to that of the rest of the individuals in a stand. The additive BA phenomenon was evident in a stratified Afrotemperate forest and was not confined to the emergent stratum but occurred also within the canopy stratum where gymnosperm BA appeared to be additive. However, there was no evidence that stand BA was at carrying capacity (i.e. presumably neither space nor nutrient resources were limiting) and there was no statistical evidence of competitive effects. We argue that avoiding competition is an insufficient explanation for how biomass accumulates in stratified forests and suggest that local variation in disturbance regime and tree life‐history provide a more plausible and general explanation for current forest stand structure and dynamics. We suggest that the additive effect is a result of long‐lived individuals persisting in the prolonged absence of disturbance to canopy and emergent strata.  相似文献   
The diel timing of displacement of emerging brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) was studied by trapping the alevins at the downstream end of three experimental channels. The presence of phosphorescent landmarks on the substrate delayed the catches during the first hours of complete darkness, but increased them during twilight. During daylight, the presence of the landmarks was associated with greatly increased numbers of free-swimming fishes.  相似文献   
A total of 669 isolates of Phytophthora ramorum, the pathogen responsible for Sudden Oak Death, were collected from 34 Californian forests and from the ornamental plant-trade. Seven microsatellite markers revealed 82 multilocus genotypes (MGs) of which only three were abundant (>10%). Iteratively collapsing based upon minimum ΦST, yielded five meta-samples and five singleton populations. Populations in the same meta-sample were geographically contiguous, with one exception, possibly explained by the trade of infected plants from the same source into different locations. Multidimensional scaling corroborated this clustering and identified nursery populations as genetically most distant from the most recent outbreaks. A minimum-spanning network illustrated the evolutionary relationships among MGs, with common genotypes at the centre and singletons at the extremities; consistent with colonization by a few common genotypes followed by local evolution. Coalescent migration analyses used the original data set and a data set in which local genotypes were collapsed into common ancestral genotypes. Both analyses suggested that meta-samples 1 (Santa Cruz County) and 3 (Sonoma and Marin Counties), act as sources for most of the other forests. The untransformed data set best explains the first phases of the invasion, when the role of novel genotypes may have been minimal, whereas the second analysis best explains migration patterns in later phases of the invasion, when prevalence of novel genotypes was likely to have become more significant. Using this combined approach, we discuss possible migration routes based on our analyses, and compare them to historical and field observations from several case studies.  相似文献   
In this study, we used a macrophyte model to describe the growth production and the interaction between above‐ and below‐ground organs of Potamogeton pectinatus in Lake Burullus, Egypt. Above‐ and below‐ground biomass of P. pectinatus was sampled on a monthly basis from April to December 2011 at three sites of Lake Burullus. Shoots started to grow in April, reached the maximum biomass in September and then rapidly decreased in October when they moved into the senescence stage. Tubers biomass reduced in August due to the upward translocation to shoots, but sharply increased to the maximum in October by downward translocation from shoots and roots. Potamogeton pectinatus allocated approximately 82.3% of its total biomass to shoots, 15.5% to tubers and 2.2% to roots.  相似文献   
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