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1. Subaqueous transport may be a significant dispersal and migration mechanism of non‐buoyant seeds of aquatic and riparian plants, and also secondary transport of seeds once they have lost buoyancy, but the efficiency of this difficult to observe process is largely unexamined. This study uses hydraulic modelling to establish the discharges that move the non‐buoyant seeds of Hymenocallis coronaria as bedload or suspended load; uses stream gauge data to examine the frequency of effective discharges from late June to late September, the seed maturation and germination period; and the potential transport distance of the seeds. 2. The results show that the majority of non‐buoyant seeds of H. coronaria can be transported as bedload through entire modelled stream reaches of lengths 10.8, 18 and 14.4 km with the 0.5 year return interval flow. Bedload apparently has the ability to move seeds over great distances, and may be a substantial factor determining the genetic structure, demography and dynamics of populations and communities. However, prolonged movement of non‐buoyant seeds in suspension appears to be quite rare. 3. Although insect mediated pollination and biochory occur concurrently with bedload transport, bedload transport alone may be sufficient to account for the established gene flow rate of H. coronaria. The potential transport distance of many of the seeds exceed that between populations, and migration may occur more frequently than the species’ generation time. 4. This is the first known study to use open‐channel hydraulic modelling and sediment transport analysis to determine the effectiveness of non‐buoyant seed transport. This method of analysis shows promise for application in other contexts, and especially where flow management is a critical issue for maintenance of rare species.  相似文献   
通过使用乙酸乙酯溶剂对沉水植物苦草(Vallisneria natans)全草进行超声连续提取,采用硅胶柱色谱法和光谱分析法分离和鉴定化学成分。从苦草中分离到6个化合物:6,10,14-三甲基-2-十五酮(1)、棕榈酸(2)、4,22-二烯-3β-豆甾酮(3)、5α,豆甾烷-3,6-二酮(4)、硬脂酸(5)、棕榈酸乙酯(6)。化合物1—6为首次从该植物中发现。  相似文献   
We have developed a procedure to process echosounding data to map the distribution of submerged aquatic macrophytes in the southern basin of Lake Biwa, a water body that has a surface area of 52 km2 and a mean depth of 4 m. Echosounding observations were made along 27 transect lines spaced at 500-m intervals on August 4 and September 2 and 30, 2003. Quantitative vegetation data including percent coverage, mean vegetation height, and percent vegetation infestation were directly determined using image data from the echosounder recorded digitally on videotape. Based on the image data from an echosounder, a regression model was developed for estimating biomass of submerged macrophytes. The regression model using the total echo strength as the explanatory variable could reliably estimate macrophyte biomass up to 300 g m−2. Distribution maps of macrophyte height and biomass suggest that the recent summer decline of submerged macrophytes started earlier in shallow areas (<3 m of depth) than deep areas (>4 m) in the southern basin of Lake Biwa.  相似文献   
Relative contributions by macrophytes, epiphyton and phytoplankton to total primary production was estimated in a large (∼300 km2) widening of the St. Lawrence River (Canada), over a 2-year period with contrasting flows and water levels. Spatially-explicit estimates of whole-system production were obtained by combining field measurements with remotely sensed data and empirical models using GIS. Primary production and relative contributions of each producer type differed markedly between open-water and wetland habitats. Spatial differences within each habitat arose from interactions between physical factors including light, water depth, water transit times and wind stress. At the whole-system level, annual primary production represented 105 gC m−2 y−1, divided roughly equally among phytoplankton (34%), submerged macrophytes (27%), emergent macrophytes (23%) and epiphyton (16%). A 10% decrease in annual flows and 1-m decline in water levels between 2000 and 2001 resulted in a 50% loss of marsh habitat, a 60% increase in phytoplankton production in the open-water zone, and in the appearance of conspicuous filamentous algal mats. Low water levels induced substantial shifts in the spatial configuration and relative importance of primary producers although total river primary production remained stable between years.  相似文献   
泥沙埋深对苦草和微齿眼子菜及两物种混合分解的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨泥沙淤积对水生植物分解的影响,研究了沉水植物苦草(Vallisneria natans)、微齿眼子菜(Pota-mogeton maackianus)及两物种混合在底泥中不同埋深(0 和5 cm)的分解速率和养分动态,实验周期为117d。结果显示:(1)在0和5 cm埋深处理下,苦草、微齿眼子菜及两物种混合的分解速率均表现为苦草最快,微齿眼子菜最慢,物种混合介于两单种之间。与0 cm处理相比,在5 cm埋深处理下苦草、微齿眼子菜及两物种混合的分解速率显著降低(P0.05)。苦草在0和5 cm埋深处理下分解35天后干重剩余率分别为0和43.51%、在5 cm处理下分解82d后干重剩余率为0。微齿眼子菜和两物种混合在5 cm埋深处理下分解117d后的干重剩余率分别提高了31.09%和37.44%。(2)与0 cm处理相比,5 cm埋深处理显著抑制苦草、微齿眼子菜及两物种混合的N、P释放。苦草在0和 5 cm埋深处理下分解35天后N剩余率分别为0和31.28%、P剩余率分别为0和24.45%。在5 cm埋深处理下分解117天后微齿眼子菜N和P剩余率分别提高了19.45%和14.73%、两物种混合N、P剩余率分别提高了41.57%和22.82%。(3)两物种混合在0和5 cm埋深处理下,其分解速率均表现为加和效应,但N、P元素释放在0 cm处理下分别表现为协同效应和加和效应,在5 cm埋深处理下均表现为拮抗效应。(4)随着分解的进行,5 cm埋深处理下的苦草和微齿眼子菜的微生物呼吸速率均显著降低,物种混合的微生物生物量始终低于0 cm处理。这些结果表明泥沙埋深显著降低了苦草、微齿眼子菜及两物种混合的分解速率和N、P元素释放,物种混合的N、P元素释放在分解后期均因沉积作用而产生了拮抗效应。此外,泥沙埋深对分解的抑制作用与微生物呼吸及生物量降低有密切的关系。研究结果可为认识水生植物分解对沉积作用的响应机制提供资料,并为了解水生植物分解对底质营养动态的影响提供参考。  相似文献   
沉水植物茎叶微界面特性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董彬  韩睿明  王国祥 《生态学报》2017,37(6):1769-1776
沉水植物茎叶-水界面是浅水湖泊的重要界面之一,对湖泊生物地球化学循环和水环境质量具有重要影响。富营养化水体中,大量的附着物常富集在沉水植物茎叶表面,形成了特殊的生物-水微界面。对该微界面特性进行深入研究,有助于揭示沉水植物在微环境层面对富营养化水体中物质循环的调控过程和机制。沉水植物茎叶微界面具有促进水体养分转化、改变环境因子及可溶性物质的空间分布,增加物质运输的阻力和距离、降低植物光合作用、调控重金属等生态功能;微界面结构及环境因子受水体营养盐浓度、沉水植物种类及生长阶段等因素的影响。对微界面结构功能的主要研究方法进行了分析总结,并对沉水植物茎叶微界面的研究前沿进行了展望。  相似文献   
为了探求合适的水体砷污染修复植物及砷在食物链中传递、累积的特点,以常见的沉水植物-苦草为研究对象,对受砷污染的水体进行修复,结果表明:苦草对水环境中砷的富集能在较短的时间内(3 d)达到一个较大值,到第14天,不同砷水平(2 mg/L)处理下的苦草对砷富集系数均超过200;苦草中砷浓度随处理时间及外源砷浓度的增加而增加,且与外源砷浓度之间存在极显著地正相关;苦草在不同浓度砷处理下都生长良好,对砷胁迫表现出较强的耐受性。因此,苦草对于水体的砷污染有着很好的去除效果,同时也能很好地反映出一个地区的砷污染水平。  相似文献   
为探讨自然生境中不同生活型水生植物光合生理特征的差异,选取4种挺水植物菖蒲(Acorus calamus L.)、再力花(Thalia dealbata Fraser)、梭鱼草(Pontederia cordata L.)、茭草(Zizania latifolia(Griseb.)Stapf),以及4种浮叶植物黄睡莲(Nymphaea mexicana Zucc.)、莼菜(Brasenia schreberi J.F.Gmel.)、金银莲花(Nymphoides indica(L.)O.Kuntze)、菱(Trapa bispinosa Roxb.)为研究对象,比较其叶绿素荧光参数、色素组成和比叶重的差异。研究发现,高光强下挺水植物电子传递速率(ETR)、非光化学淬灭(NPQ)等光合荧光参数、以及低光强下ETR拟合曲线的初始斜率(α)均值显著大于浮叶植物。不同挺水植物间光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)最大光化学效率(F_v/F_m)、ETR、NPQ、最大潜在电子传递速率(Ps)、最大电子传递速率(ETR_m)及饱和光强(E_m)变化幅度较大;不同浮叶植物间上述参数变化幅度较小。挺水植物叶绿素(Chls)、类胡萝卜素(Cars)含量均值也高于浮叶植物。但由于比叶重(SLW)的影响,不同水生植物间单位叶面积和单位叶鲜重色素含量的变化规律略有不同。挺水植物中再力花、梭鱼草光合能力较强,其光合荧光参数和色素比例均符合典型阳生型特征;菖蒲、茭草光合能力略弱,部分指标符合阴生型特征。4种浮叶植物各指标均符合阳生型特征。实验推测,挺水植物和浮叶植物由于叶片所处环境不同,其光合适应机制存在明显分化。挺水植物叶片所处环境异质性较大,因而不同物种之间光合参数适应范围也大;浮叶植物叶片所处环境相对均一,因而光合参数差异也小。浮叶植物也不依赖NPQ进行高光保护。在湿地植被恢复工具种筛选过程中应综合考虑环境异质性和不同物种光适应能力的差异。  相似文献   
St Lucia Lake on the north coast of Natal, South Africa, has an area of 325 km2 and is the largest estuarine complex in Africa. It consists of a 20 km tidal channel, averagingca. 400 m in width, linking the sea with the non-tidal lake which is H-shaped with a maximum length ofca. 40 km and width ofca. 20 km. Except during flood periods the depth of the lake does not exceed 2 m. The salinity gradient depends on evaporation, the configuration of the mouth and on the input of fresh water from four rivers which discharge into the northern and western areas of the lake. If fresh water input is high, the lake and much of the channel may be fresh. An intermediate stage features a normal salinity gradient while a third stage shows a reversed salinity gradient with salinities in excess of 100‰ in the upper reaches of the system. Changing salinities have marked effects on the biota. Aquatic macrophytes show cycles of appearance and disappearance depending on salinity tolerance and the presence of dormant stages. The resident benthic faunal species go through cycles of range expansion and contraction depending on prevailing salinities and recolonisation by dispersal phases. To date salinities in the southern part of the lake have approached, but not exceeded, lethal levels and this has therefore acted as a reservoir area. Catchment degradation and water abstraction are anticipated to exacerbate future salinity extremes. This has resulted in concern for the long term viability of this Ramsar site which has major southern African populations of hippopotamus and crocodile, provides breeding sites for South African Red Data water bird species and plays an important nursery role for marine fish and penaeid prawns.  相似文献   
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