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The nature of the variation which is created by mutation can show how the direction of evolution is constrained by internal biases arising from development and pre-existing design. We have attempted to quantify these biases by measuring eight life history characters in developmental mutants of Volvox carteri. Most of the mutants in our sample were inferior to the wild type, but deviated by less than tenfold from the wild-type mean. Characters differed in mutability, suggesting different levels of canalisation. Most correlations between life history characters among strains were positive, but there was a significant negative correlation between the size and the number of reproductive cells, suggesting an upper limit to the total quantity of germ produced by individuals. The most extreme phenotypes in our sample were very vigorous, showing that not all mutations of large effect are unconditionally deleterious. We investigated the effect of developmental constraints on the course of evolution by comparing the variance and covariance patterns among mutant strains with those among species in the family Volvocaceae. A close correspondence between patterns at these two levels would suggest that pre-existing design has a strong influence on evolution, while little or no correspondence shows the action of selection. The variance generated by mutation was equal to that generated by speciation in the family Volvocaceae, the genus Volvox, or the section Merillosphaera, depending on the character considered. We found that mutation changes the volume of somatic tissue independently of the quantity of germ tissue, so that the interspecific correlation between soma and germ can be attributed to selection. The negative correlation between size and number of germ cells among mutants of V. carteri is also seen among the larger members of the family (Volvox spp.), but not among the smaller members, suggesting a powerful design constraint that may be responsible for the absence of larger forms in the entire group.  相似文献   
We hypothesize that the evolution of an ecologically important character, the host associations of specialized phytophagous insects, has been influenced by limitations on genetic variation. Using as a historical framework a phylogenetic reconstruction of the history of host associations in the beetle genus Ophraella (Chrysomelidae), we have employed quantitative-genetic methods to screen four species for genetic variation in larval survival, oviposition (in one species only), and feeding responses to their congeners' host plants, in the Asteraceae. We here report results of studies of one species and evaluate the results from all four. Analysis of half-sib/full-sib families and of progenies of wild females of O. notulata, a specialist on Iva (Ambrosiinae), provided evidence of genetic variation in larval consumption of five of six test plants and in adult consumption of four of six. Larval mortality was complete on five plants; only on Ambrosia, a close relative of the natural host, was there appreciable, and genetically variable, survival. Oviposition on Ambrosia showed marginally significant evidence of genetic variation; a more distantly related plant elicited no oviposition at all. In compiling results from four Ophraella species, reported in this and two other papers, we found no evidence of genetic variation in 18 of 39 tests of feeding responses and 14 of 16 tests of larval survival on congeners' hosts. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that absence or paucity of genetic variation may constrain or at least bias the evolution of host associations. The lower incidence of genetic variation in survival than in feeding behavior may imply, according to recent models, that avoidance is a more common evolutionary response to novel plants than adaptation. The usually great disparity between mean performance on congeners' hosts and the species' natural hosts, and an almost complete lack of evidence for negative genetic correlations, argue against the likelihood that speciation has occurred by sympatric host shift. The presence versus apparent absence of genetic variation in consumption was correlated with the propinquity of relationship between the beetle species tested and the species that normally feeds on the test plant, suggesting that the history of host shifts in Ophraella has been guided in part by restrictions on genetic variation. It was also correlated with the propinquity of relationship between a test plant and the beetle's natural host. The contributions of plant relationships and insect relationships, themselves correlated in part, to the pattern of genetic variation, are not readily distinguishable, but together accord with phylogenetic evidence that these and other phytophagous insects adapt most readily to related plants. In this instance, therefore, the macroevolution of an ecologically important character appears to have been influenced by genetic constraints. We hypothesize that absence of the structural prerequisites for genetic variation in complex characters may affect genetic variation and the trajectory of evolution.  相似文献   
Phragmites australis (Common reed) occurs in the interface between water and land. The water depth gradient from deep water to dry land is inversely related to litter accumulation. Eutrophication can result in an excessive production of litter, which may have a large impact on the occurrence of P. australis in this gradient. In an outdoor pot experiment, it was investigated how water tables in combination with substrates containing variable amounts of litter affect morphology and productivity of P. australis. Vegetatively propagated P. australis was grown in pots filled with river sand, litter, and different mixtures of sand and litter (25, 50 and 75% by volume). Four water table treatments were applied; drained (–12 cm), waterlogged (0 cm), flooded (+12 cm), and weekly fluctuating drained and flooded conditions (–12/+12 cm of water relative to substrate level). When drained, no differences between substrate treatments were present. Waterlogging, flooding fluctuating water table treatments caused growth reduction in substrate containing litter. The plants formed short shoots and thin rhizomes. With increasing water table, allocation of dry matter to stems increased at the expense of leaves and rhizomes. At intermediate levels of litter in the substrate, allocation to leaves was lowest. In both instances a lower leaf weight ratio (LWR) was (partly) compensated for by a higher specific leaf area (SLA), resulting in less pronounced differences in leaf area ratio (LAR). Aquatic roots developed when plants were waterlogged or flooded, and increased when litter was present in the substrate. Aquatic roots were formed in the top soil layer when waterlogged. The percentage of aquatic roots increased with increasing amount of litter in the substrate when plants were flooded. It was concluded that the morphological responses of P. australis to litter strongly constrain its ability to maintain itself in deep water when the substrate contains litter. This might one of the explanations for the disappearance of P. australis along the waterward side of littoral zones.  相似文献   
 It has been hypothesized that females of some dioecious species maintain stamens that produce sterile pollen as a means of attracting pollinators to promote greater seed set. However, this hypothesis has rarely been tested. This paper examines the role of pollinators in the maintenance of sterile stamens in the cryptically dioecious species, Thalictrum pubescens. Wind was found to contribute to pollination; branches of female T. pubescens enclosed in cheesecloth to exclude insects but not wind were still able to set seed. Therefore, females may not need the stamens for pollination. In 1994, insects were found to discriminate against emasculated female flowers, but this discrimination did not lead to a significant difference in either the amount of pollen received or seed set. In 1995, emasculation was combined with the addition of pollen to determine if emasculated females were pollen limited. No significant effect of pollen addition or emasculation was found. Emasculated branches in the pollen-addition treatment appeared to have slightly lower seed set than non-emasculated branches that received pollen, indicating that the slight reduction in seed set was caused by emasculation rather than pollen limitation. Since stamens do not appear to be maintained as pollinator attractants, other explanations, such as genetic constraints, must be investigated. Received: 4 February 1997 / Revision accepted: 20 May 1997  相似文献   
Slobodkin  L. B.  Bossert  Patricia  Matessi  Carlo  Gatto  Marino 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):377-382
Green hydra with endosymbionts are smaller than brown asymbiotic ones. Regeneration experiments, mitotic index studies on algal and hydra tissue, and evidence for consumption and expulsion of algae are reviewed and it is suggested that larger green hydra have more difficulty controlling algal increase than smaller ones and that hydra have an upper size limit for maintenance of stable symbioses. A mathematical model is discussed which starts with simple physiological assumptions about hydra and generates field testable conclusions about how body and bud size, and reproductive rates depend on food particle size, quantity and temporal distribution. Unlike most analytic ecological-evolutionary models, this one integrates physiology, ecology and evolution without needing simplifying assumptions.  相似文献   
Age-dependent population diffusion with external constraint   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present a simple model for age dependent population diffusion when the dynamics is submitted to external constraints. Existence, uniqueness and dependence on the parameters of the solution are discussed.This work has been done within the framework of the cultural agreement between the Universities of Bordeaux and Rome  相似文献   
Genetic assimilation emerges from selection on phenotypic plasticity. Yet, commonly used quantitative genetics models of linear reaction norms considering intercept and slope as traits do not mimic the full process of genetic assimilation. We argue that intercept–slope reaction norm models are insufficient representations of genetic effects on linear reaction norms and that considering reaction norm intercept as a trait is unfortunate because the definition of this trait relates to a specific environmental value (zero) and confounds genetic effects on reaction norm elevation with genetic effects on environmental perception. Instead, we suggest a model with three traits representing genetic effects that, respectively, (i) are independent of the environment, (ii) alter the sensitivity of the phenotype to the environment and (iii) determine how the organism perceives the environment. The model predicts that, given sufficient additive genetic variation in environmental perception, the environmental value at which reaction norms tend to cross will respond rapidly to selection after an abrupt environmental change, and eventually becomes equal to the new mean environment. This readjustment of the zone of canalization becomes completed without changes in genetic correlations, genetic drift or imposing any fitness costs of maintaining plasticity. The asymptotic evolutionary outcome of this three‐trait linear reaction norm generally entails a lower degree of phenotypic plasticity than the two‐trait model, and maximum expected fitness does not occur at the mean trait values in the population.  相似文献   
The present investigation utilizes the major axis technique to examine the allometric relationship between flower and fruit size, two developmentally related characters. Regression of log (corolla length) on log (fruit length) using data from 188 species of Crepis , 52 populations of C. tectorum and 40 sibships from a population of C. tectorum demonstrated that flower size shows a decelerating increase with increasing fruit size at all taxonomic levels, with the allometric slope varying from 0.53 to 0.69. The null hypothesis of isometry was rejected in analyses using species or sibships as observations, while the comparison of populations revealed a slope significantly different from 1 only if two outliers were excluded from the analysis. Numerous species and populations have escaped the constraint linking flower and fruit size, including C. tectorum (which has a high ratio of flower to fruit size within the genus) and C. tectorum subsp. pumila (which has a high ratio of flower to fruit size within the species).  相似文献   
Aim  Relationships between range size and species richness are contentious, yet they are key to testing the various hypotheses that attempt to explain latitudinal diversity gradients. Our goal is to utilize the largest data set yet compiled for New World woody plant biogeography to describe and assess these relationships between species richness and range size.
Location  North and South America.
Methods  We estimated the latitudinal extent of 12,980 species of woody plants (trees, shrubs, lianas). From these estimates we quantified latitudinal patterns of species richness and range size. We compared our observations with expectations derived from two null models.
Results   Peak richness and the smallest- and largest-ranged species are generally found close to the equator. In contrast to prominent diversity hypotheses: (1) mean latitudinal extent of tropical species is greater than expected; (2) latitudinal extent appears to be decoupled from species richness across New World latitudes, with abrupt transitions across subtropical latitudes; and (3) mean latitudinal extents show equatorial and north temperate peaks and subtropical minima. Our results suggest that patterns of range size and richness appear to be influenced by three broadly overlapping biotic domains (biotic provinces) for New World woody plants.
Main conclusions  Hypotheses that assume a direct relationship between range size and species richness may explain richness patterns within these domains, but cannot explain gradients in richness across the New World.  相似文献   
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