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Tropical forests are among the most heterogeneous environments on earth, and food resources for many animals are patchy both in time and space. In Africa's equatorial forest, permanent trails created and maintained by forest elephants are conspicuous features. Trails may be several meters wide and continue for tens of kilometers. Speculation on which resources determine the distribution of trails has identified fruit, browse, and mineral deposits as candidates. In this study, the relationships between these habitat variables and elephant trails were investigated. The size of individual trails and the density of the trail system increased dramatically with proximity to mineral deposits. Fruit tree basal area decreased with perpendicular distance from trails, while that of non‐fruit trees did not. Fruit tree abundance and basal area were significantly higher on trail intersections than random sites and increased with intersection size. No relationship was found between monocotyledon browse abundance and elephant trail system characteristics. Clumped resources, which are at least partially reliable, provide a high nutritional payback, and are not rapidly depleted and can thus be visited repeatedly, appear to influence permanent trail formation by forest elephants. Permanent trails may allow naive individuals or those with imperfect knowledge to locate and acquire important resources.  相似文献   
Six samples of tagged Colophospermum mopane were monitored for five years in locations with varying soil characteristics but with similar elephant densities. Physiognomic variation among the samples was related to soil differences, which also correlated with different browsing habits by elephants. The impact of elephant browsing further influenced both the physiognomy and demography of C. mopane. Results from this study suggest that the influence of soils and elephants on C. mopane alter successional transitions from grassland to woodland. Soils that promote coppicing of C. mopane yield less stable woodlands when associated with elephants than soils promoting woodlands with large bolus, non-coppicing trees. The dynamics of the latter are determined more by tree recruitment as influenced by such agents as other browsers or frequency and seasonality of bush fires. Implications for forest/elephant management are discussed.  相似文献   
We used small microprocessor-based, time-depth recorders to document the diving patterns of six adult male northern elephant seals ( Mirounga angustirostris ) from San Miguel Island, California. The recorders stored measurements of hydrostatic pressure every 30 or 60 set while the seals were at sea for 107 to 145 d in spring and early summer; collectively, over 36,000 dives were recorded. Seals dove continually while at sea, most often to depths of 350–450 m although two seals had secondary modes at about 700–800 m; maximum depths for two seals of 1,333 m and 1,529 m are the deepest yet measured for air-breathing vertebrates. Seals were submerged about 86% of the time they were at sea, rarely spending more than 5 min at the surface between dives; 99% of all post-dive surface intervals were shorter than 10 min. Dives averaged 21–24 min, the longest was 77 min. The uninterrupted patterns of long dives punctuated by brief surface periods suggest that most if not all dives were well within these seals'aerobic limits. Dives of bulls were, on average, about 18% longer than those published earlier for cows, evidently because of the substantially greater body mass of bulls and allometric scaling of dive endurance. Dive depths and dive durations varied seasonally; depths were greatest in spring, durations greatest in early summer. During each season dives were deepest during the day and shallowest at night except for the sixth seal whose consistently shallow dives (50–150 m) in spring were independent of time of day. Prey remains recovered by lavage from seals'stomachs were primarily of vertically migrating, epi- and meso-pelagic squid. The die1 patterns in dive depths suggest that five seals dove to and foraged in the offshore mesopelagic zone, pursuing those vertically migrating prey. The sixth seal behaved similarly in early spring and early summer but may have foraged in nearshore epibenthic habitats in spring.  相似文献   
The biomechanics of the sauropod dinosaur pes is poorly understood, particularly among the earliest members of the group. To date, reasonably complete and articulated pedes in Early Middle Jurassic sauropods are rare, limited to a handful of taxa. Of these, Rhoetosaurus brownei, from eastern Australia, is currently the only one from the Gondwanan Middle Jurassic that preserves an articulated pes. Using Rhoetosaurus brownei as a case exemplar, we assessed its paleobiomechanical capabilities and pedal posture. Physical and virtual manipulations of the pedal elements were undertaken to evaluate the range of motion between the pedal joints, under both bone-to-bone and cartilaginous scenarios. Using the results as constraints, virtual reconstructions of all possible pedal postures were generated. We show that Rhoetosaurus brownei was capable of significant digital mobility at the osteological metatarsophalangeal and distal interphalangeal joints. We assume these movements would have been restricted by soft tissue in life but that their presence would have helped in the support of the animal. Further insights based on anatomy and theoretical mechanical constraints restricted the skeletal postures to a range encompassing digitigrade to subunguligrade stances. The approach was extended to additional sauropodomorph pedes, and some validation was provided via the bone data of an African elephant pes. Based on the resulting pedal configurations, the in-life plantar surface of the sauropod pes is inferred to extend caudally from the digits, with a soft tissue pad supporting the elevated metatarsus. The plantar pad is inferred to play a role in the reduction of biomechanical stresses, and to aid in support and locomotion. A pedal pad may have been a key biomechanical innovation in early sauropods, ultimately resulting in a functionally plantigrade pes, which may have arisen during the Early to Middle Jurassic. Further mechanical studies are ultimately required to permit validation of this long-standing hypothesis.  相似文献   
Elephant seals, Mirounga spp., are highly dimorphic, having different energetic requirements according to age and sex, and foraging in various ecological and oceanographic contexts. Resource partitioning has been shown for the sub-Antarctic populations of southern elephant seals, M. leonina, where colonies are surrounded by narrow shelves that deepen abruptly. In contrast, seals from Península Valdés (Argentina), in the northernmost extent of the breeding range, face an extended, shallow, temperate, and productive continental shelf. We integrated tracking data from 98 animals (juveniles and adults, males and females) gathered over more than two decades, and found that although all available habitats were used, individuals segregated by age and sex. Juvenile males favored shelf habitats, whereas subadult and adult males also used the shelf break. Juvenile females preferred the shelf and the more distant Argentine Basin used by postbreeding and postmolt adult females. Males showed the highest proportion of area-restricted search locations, suggesting more spatially concentrated feeding activity, and likely reflecting a preference for foraging habitat and prey. Our results are consistent with those from other populations, implying that elephant seals show remarkable similarities in habitat use by age and sex classes, despite broad differences in the offshore habitats between sub-Antarctic and temperate ecosystems.  相似文献   
Negative influences on the establishment and persistence of large trees used by tree‐nesting birds as nesting sites represent a potential threat to vultures and raptors. We monitored large trees and their surrounding vegetation and analysed whether trees with nesting sites are at risk due to elephant impact. Trees with nests did not differ in elephant impact from control trees without nests, and the survival rates of trees with nests and the actual nests within the trees showed that nests decreased at a faster rate than the trees themselves. Elephant damage did not affect the persistence of nests over the 5‐year monitoring period. However, the presence of insects and fungus on large trees was negatively related to tree survival, thereby indicating that elephant impact could indirectly facilitate insect and fungus attack and shorten the lifespan of a tree.  相似文献   
Serum progesterone and urinary total estrogen concentrations were determined weekly to bi-weekly in 2 female Asian elephants for 96 weeks. The mean estrous interval was approximately 16 weeks in the nonpregnant animal. A total of 5 cycles were observed in the 96 week study period. The serum progesterone concentration ranged from 150 pg/ml to greater than 350 pg/ml during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle. The serum progesterone was elevated for 8–12 week weeks of the 16 week estrous cycle. The urinary total estrogen concentration ranged from less than 10 to greater than 300 pg/μg creatinine. The second animal was pregnant at the beginning of the study period. The serum progesterone concentration was elevated (> 100 pg/ml) in the pregnant animal until parturition. The urinary total estrogens increased from approximately 50 pg/μg creatinine to greater than 400 pg/μg creatinine during the first year of pregnancy and remained elevated until parturition. Estrous cycling had not resumed by 3 months post partum.  相似文献   
Drought mortality of bush elephants in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
African bush elephants inhabiting the undeveloped Kalahari Sands region of Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe are subject to episodic mortality during droughts. We monitored the drought‐related mortality of elephants in Hwange National Park over the course of an extended drought between 1993 and 1995. The drought‐related mortality of elephants was higher during 1994 than 1995, despite significantly higher rainfall in 1994 than 1995. We found significant differences in the age‐specific mortality of elephants during 1994 and 1995. The cumulative mortality profile from this study differed significantly from previous die‐offs at this site, with a higher mortality among adult age classes than that reported from earlier studies in Hwange National Park. The effective duration of the rainy season, not total annual precipitation, appears to be the best predictor for the potential severity of drought mortality among elephants in the Kalahari Sands habitats of Hwange National Park.  相似文献   
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