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β-Adrenergic receptor stimulation of adenylyl cyclase involves the activation of a GTP-binding regulatory protein (G-protein, termed here Gs). Inactivation of this G-protein is associated with the hydrolysis of bound GTP by an intrinsic high affinity GTPase activity. In the present study, we have characterized the GTPase activity in a Gs-enriched rat parotid gland membrane fraction. Two GTPase activities were resolved; a high affinity GTPase activity displaying Michaelis-Menten kinetics with increasing concentrations of GTP, and a low affinity GTPase activity which increased linearly with GTP concentrations up to 10 mM. The β-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol (10 μM) increased the Vmax of the high affinity GTPase component approx. 50% from 90 to 140 pmol/mg protein per min, but did not change its Km value (≈ 450 nM). Isoproterenol also stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in parotid membranes both in the absence or presence of GTP. In the presence of a non-hydrolyzable GTP analogue, guanosine 5′-(3-O-thio)triphosphate (GTPγS), isoproterenol increased cAMP formation to the same extent as that observed with AlF4?. Cholera toxin treatment of parotid membranes led to the ADP-ribosylation of two proteins (≈ 45 and 51 kDa). Cholera toxin also specifically decreased the high affinity GTPase activity in membranes and increased cAMP formation induced by GTP in the absence or the presence of isoproterenol. These data demonstrate that the high affinity GTPase characterized here is the ‘turn-off’ step for the adenylyl cyclase activation seen following β-adrenergic stimulation of rat parotid glands.  相似文献   
Summary Two transmembrane serine-threonine kinases (type I and II receptors), a membrane-anchored proteoglycan (type III), and a homodimeric ligand participate in the transforming growth factor beta type on (TGFβ1) signal transduction complex. The expression of recombinant receptors in insect cells co-infected with up to three recombinant baculoviruses was employed to study interactions among the ectodomains of the three types of receptors and the TGFβ1 ligand in absence of uncontrollable extrinsic factors in mammalian cells. Multi-subunit complexes were assembled in intact cells and purified on glutathione-conjugated beads for analysis by tagging one of the subunits with glutathione S-transferase (GST). Intrinsic ligand-independent interactions were observed among receptor subunits as follows: type III–III type I–I, type III-I, and type II-I. The homeotypic complex of type II–II receptors and the heterotypic type III-II interaction was ligand dependent. The type I, but not the type III, subunit displaced about 50% of the type II component in either ligand-dependent homomeric type II-type II complexes or heteromeric type III-type II complexes to form type II-I or type III-II-I oligomers, respectively. The type II subunit displaced type I subunits in oligomers of the type I subunit. Specificity of type I receptors may result from differential affinity for the type II receptor rather than specificity for ligand. A monomeric subunit of the TGFβ1 ligand bound concurrently to type III and type II or type III and type I receptors, but failed to concurrently bind to the type II and type I subunits. The binding of TGFβ1 to the type I kinase subunit appears to require an intact disulfide-linked ligand dimer in the absence of a type III subunit. The combined results suggest a pentameric TGFβ signal transduction complex in which one unit each of the type III, type II, and type I components is assembled around the two subunits of the dimeric TGFβ1 ligand. An immobilized GST-tagged subunit of the receptor complex was utilized to assemble multi-subunit complexesin vitro and to study the phosphorylation events among subunits in the absence of extrinsic cell-derived kinases. The results revealed that (a) a low level of ligand-independent autophosphorylation occurs in the type I kinase; (b) a high level of autophosphorylation occurs in the type II kinase; (c) both the type III and type I subunits aretrans-phosphorylated by the type II subunit; and (d) the presence of both type I and II kinases complexed with the type III subunit and dimeric TGFβ1 ligand in a pentameric complex causes maximum phosphorylation of all three receptor subunits.  相似文献   
Summary TheWnt family of proto-oncogenes encodes secreted signaling proteins that are required for mouse development. TheDrosophila Wnt homolog, thewingless (Wg) segment polarity gene, mediates a signal transduction pathway in which the downstream elements appear to be conserved through evolution. One such element, thedishevelled gene product, becomes hyperphosphorylated and translocates to the plasma membrane in response to Wg (Yanagawa et al., 1995). We report here that the mouseDishevelle-1 (Dvl-1) andDishevelled-2 genes encode proteins that are differentially localized inWnt-overexpressing PC12 cell lines (PC12/Wnt). WhereasDvl-1 andDvl-2 proteins are limited to the soluble fraction of parental PC12 cells, PC12/Wnt cells display a subset ofDvl-1 protein associated with the membrane andDvl-2 protein with the cytoskeletal fraction. These results suggest a conserved role forDvl inWnt/wg signal transduction.  相似文献   
Dithiothreitol (DTT), an inhibitor of violaxanthin de-epoxidation and zeaxanthin formation in chloroplasts, inhibited blue-light-stimulated stomatal opening in epidermal peels of Vicia faba L. in a concentration-dependent fashion. Complete inhibition was observed at 3 mM DTT. The DTT effect was specific for the stomatal response to blue light, and the red-light-stimulated opening, which depends on photosynthetic reactions in the guard cells, was unaffected. Preirradiation of stomata in epidermal peels with increasing photon fluence rates of red light, prior to an incubation in 10 mol·m-2·s-1 of blue light and 100 mol·m-2·s-1 red light, resulted in a DTT-sensitive, blue-light-stimulated opening that was proportional to the fluence rate of the red light pre-treatment. Guard cells in epidermal peels and guard-cell protoplasts irradiated with red light showed increases in their zeaxanthin content that depended on the fluence rate of red light, or on the incubation time. The increases in zeaxanthin concentration were inhibited by DTT. The obtained results indicate that zeaxanthin could function as a photoreceptor mediating the stomatal responses to blue light.Abbreviation DTT dithiothreitol This work was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the US Department of Energy to E.Z.  相似文献   
The semi-dominant gai mutation of arabidopsis confers a dark-green dwarf phenotype resembling that of gibberellin (GA)-deficient mutants. In contrast to GA-deficient mutants, gai mutants do not respond to GA treatments and accumulate higher levels of bioactive GAs than are found in wild-type controls. The gai mutation thus alters the responses of plant cells to GA, indicating that the GAI (wild-type) gene product is involved in GA reception and/or signal transduction. Here we describe the isolation and preliminary characterization of a mutation, gas1-1, which is not linked to gai and which partially suppresses the effect of the gai mutation. Double mutant, gai gas1-1, homozygotes are less severely dwarfed and lighter green than gai GAS1 controls. However, comparisons of the effects of treatments with exogenous GA demonstrate that gas1-1 does not increase the GA responsiveness of the gai mutant. Thus the gas1-1 mutation appears to reduce the GA-dependency of plant growth, and identifies a gene (GAS1) whose product is a candidate GA signal-transduction component.Abbreviations GA gibberellin - GA3 gibberellic acid We thank Maarten Koornneef (Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands) for providing mutant seed stocks; Mark Aarts and Bernard Mulligan (University of Nottingham, UK) for performing the -irradiation. This work was made possible by AFRC/BBSRC PMB Grants PG208/520 and PG208/0600, and by a grant from the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. P.C. was supported by a Human Capital and Mobility Fellowship from the EC.  相似文献   
Response regulators of bacterial sensory transduction systems generally consist of receiver module domains covalently linked to effector domains. The effector domains include DNA binding and/or catalytic units that are regulated by sensor kinase-catalyzed aspartyl phosphorylation within their receiver modules. Most receiver modules are associated with three distinct families of DNA binding domains, but some are associated with other types of DNA binding domains, with methylated chemotaxis protein (MCP) demethylases, or with sensor kinases. A few exist as independent entities which regulate their target systems by noncovalent interactions.In this study the molecular phylogenies of the receiver modules and effector domains of 49 fully sequenced response regulators and their homologues were determined. The three major, evolutionarily distinct, DNA binding domains found in response regulators were evaluated for their phylogenetic relatedness, and the phylogenetic trees obtained for these domains were compared with those for the receiver modules. Members of one family (family 1) of DNA binding domains are linked to large ATPase domains which usually function cooperatively in the activation of E. Coli 54-dependent promoters or their equivalents in other bacteria. Members of a second family (family 2) always function in conjunction with the E. Coli 70 or its equivalent in other bacteria. A third family of DNA binding domains (family 3) functions by an uncharacterized mechanism involving more than one a factor. These three domain families utilize distinct helix-turn-helix motifs for DNA binding.The phylogenetic tree of the receiver modules revealed three major and several minor clusters of these domains. The three major receiver module clusters (clusters 1, 2, and 3) generally function with the three major families of DNA binding domains (families 1, 2, and 3, respectively) to comprise three classes of response regulators (classes 1, 2, and 3), although several exceptions exist. The minor clusters of receiver modules were usually, but not always, associated with other types of effector domains. Finally, several receiver modules did not fit into a cluster. It was concluded that receiver modules usually diverged from common ancestral protein domains together with the corresponding effector domains, although domain shuffling, due to intragenic splicing and fusion, must have occurred during the evolution of some of these proteins.Multiple sequence alignments of the 49 receiver modules and their various types of effector domains, together with other homologous domains, allowed definition of regions of striking sequence similarity and degrees of conservation of specific residues. Sequence data were correlated with structure/function when such information was available. These studies should provide guides for extrapolation of results obtained with one response regulator to others as well as for the design of future structure/function analyses. Correspondence to: M.H. Saier, Jr.  相似文献   
Explant loading experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of load duration on proteoglycan synthesis. A compressive load of 0.1 MPa applied for 10 min was found to stimulate proteoglycan synthesis, while the same load applied for 20 h suppressed synthesis. This bimodal response suggests that the cells are responding to different mechanical stimuli as time progresses. A theoretical model has therefore been developed to describe the mechanical environment perceived by cells within soft hydrated tissues (e.g. articular cartilage) while the tissue is being loaded. The cells are modeled, using the biphasic theory, as fluid-solid inclusions embedded in and attached to a biphasic extracellular matrix of distinct material properties. A method of solution is developed which is valid for any axisymmetric loading configuration, provided that the cell radius, a, is small relative to the tissue height, h (i.e. h/a 1). A closed-form analytical solution for this inclusion problem is then presented for the confined compression configuration. Results from this model show that the mechanical environment in and around the cells is time dependent and inhomogeneous, and can be significantly influenced by differences in properties between the cell and the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   
Compression-induced changes in the shape and volume of the chondrocyte nucleus   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Changes in cell shape and volume are believed to play a role in the process of mechanical signal transduction by chondrocytes in articular cartilage. One proposed pathway through which chondrocyte deformation may be transduced to an intracellular signal is through cytoskeletally mediated deformation of intracellular organelles, and more specifically, of the cell nucleus. In this study, confocal scanning laser microscopy was used to perform in situ three-dimensional morphometric analyses of the nuclei of viable condrocytes during controlled compression of articular cartilage explants from the canine patellofemoral groove. Unconfined compression of the tissue to a 15% surface-to-surface strain resulted in a significant decrease of chondrocyte height and volume by 14.7 ± 6.4 and 11.4 ± 8.4%, respectively, and of nuclear height and volume by 8.8 ± 6.2% and 9.8 ± 8.8%, respectively. Disruption of the actin cytoskeleton using cytochalasin D altered the relationship between matrix deformation and changes in nuclear height and shape, but not volume. The morphology and deformation behavior of the chondrocytes were not affected by cytochalasin treatment. These results suggest that the actin cytoskeleton plays an important role in the link between compression of the extracellular matrix and deformation of the chondrocyte nuclei and imply that chondrocytes and their nuclei undergo significant changes in shape and volume in vivo.  相似文献   
Yeast cells can respond and adapt to osmotic stress. In our attempt to clarify the molecular mechanisms of cellular responses to osmotic stress, we cloned seven cDNAs for hyperosmolarity-responsive (HOR) genes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by a differential screening method. Structural analysis of the clones revealed that those designated HOR1, HORS, HOR4, HOR5 and HOR6 encoded glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gpd1p), glucokinase (Glklp), hexose transporter (Hxtlp), heat-shock protein 12 (Hsp12p) and Na+, K+, Li+-ATPase (Enalp), respectively. HOR2 and HOR7 corresponded to novel genes. Gpdlp is a key enzyme in the synthesis of glycerol, which is a major osmoprotectant in S. cerevisiae. Cloning of HOR1/GPD1 as a HOR gene indicates that the accumulation of glycerol in yeast cells under hyperosmotic stress is, at least in part, caused by an increase in the level of GPDH protein. We performed a series of Northern blot analyses using HOR cDNAs as probes and RNAs prepared from cells grown under various conditions and from various mutant cells. The results suggested that all the HOR genes are regulated by common signal transduction pathways. However, the fact that they exhibited certain distinct responses indicated that they might also be regulated by specific pathways in addition to the common pathways. Ca2+ seemed to be involved in the signaling systems. In addition, Hog1p, one of the MAP kinases in yeast, appeared to be involved in the regulation of expression of HOR genes, although its function seemed to be insufficient for the overall regulation of expression of these genes.  相似文献   
Abstract: We have isolated from an American lobster ( Homarus americanus ) olfactory organ cDNA library a clone, hGαq, with >80% identity to mammalian and arthropod Gαq sequences. In brain and olfactory organ, hGαq mRNA was expressed predominantly in neurons, including virtually all the neuronal cell body clusters of the brain. Gαq protein was also expressed broadly, appearing on western blots as a single band of 46 kDa in brain, eyestalk, pereiopod, dactyl, tail muscle, olfactory organ, and aesthetasc hairs. These results suggest that hGαq plays a role in a wide variety of signal transduction events. Its presence in the olfactory aesthetasc hairs, which are almost pure preparations of the outer dendrites of the olfactory receptor neurons, the expression of a single hGαq mRNA species (6 kb) in the olfactory organ, and the localization of hGαq mRNA predominantly in the olfactory receptor neurons of the olfactory organ strongly suggest that one function of hGαq is to mediate olfactory transduction.  相似文献   
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