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大气CO2浓度升高、降水格局改变、全球氮沉降增加和土地覆盖变化等全球变化不仅改变了森林土壤理化性质,而且影响了植物的生长和微生物活性,导致森林土壤碳、氮循环发生改变,进而影响土壤CH4的吸收.本研究综述了森林土壤CH4吸收的重要性,森林土壤CH4吸收对大气CO2浓度升高、降水格局改变、全球氮沉降增加和土地覆盖变化等全球变化的响应差异及驱动机制.大气CO2浓度升高抑制土壤CH4吸收;降水减少倾向于促进土壤CH4吸收;外源氮输入抑制富氮森林土壤CH4吸收,而对贫氮森林土壤CH4吸收则表现为促进或不影响;森林转化为草地、农田或人工林会减少土壤CH4的吸收量,而植树造林则会增加土壤CH4的吸收量.今后的研究重点是探讨全球变化对森林土壤CH4吸收产生长期影响和综合效应,并借助分子生物学方法进一步探究土壤CH4吸收的微生物学机制.  相似文献   
为探明玉米秸秆还田下小麦的合理灌溉与施肥方法,于田间研究了漫灌(FI)、微喷灌(SI)、滴灌(DI)和灌水施氮模式(N1, 基施纯N 157.5 kg·hm-2+拔节期施纯N 67.5 kg·hm-2; N2, 基施纯N 157.5 kg·hm-2+拔节期施纯N 45.0 kg·hm-2+灌浆期施N 22.5 kg·hm-2)对土壤水分、硝态氮(NO3--N)含量和小麦生长发育的影响.结果表明: 灌溉方法和灌水施氮模式共同影响土壤含水量和贮水量的变化.其中,灌溉方法对越冬期和返青期0~60 cm、孕穗期和灌浆期0~160 cm、成熟期100~160 cm土层含水量影响相对较小,对越冬期和返青期80~160 cm、成熟期0~80 cm土层含水量影响大;FI对含水量和贮水量影响最大,DI次之,SI最小;SI和DI的灌水施氮模式中灌水量多,则土层含水量高、贮水量多,变化大.NO3--N含量受灌溉方法和施氮的影响,施氮对0~20 cm土层影响大,SI生育期NO3--N含量变化大,DI越冬期至孕穗期NO3--N含量变化小,此后变化大,FI与DI相反;生育前中期灌水量对NO3--N含量影响大,后期施氮对NO3--N含量影响大;SI和DI的2种灌水施氮模式中冬前灌水量多的NO3--N含量变化大.灌溉方法中SI越冬期总茎数和单株分蘖高,成穗率高,成穗数多,产量、水分利用效率(WUE)和氮素利用效率最高,滴灌次之,漫灌最低;SI和DI中N1生育期总茎数、成穗数多,但穗粒数和千粒重低,产量、WUE和氮素利用效率低于N2.因此,玉米秸秆还田后播种小麦,微喷灌代替漫灌生育期灌4水,施足基肥,拔节期和灌浆期分次追氮,是山西南部小麦-玉米一年两熟区小麦节水高产高效栽培模式.  相似文献   
Plants exist across varying biotic and abiotic environments, including variation in the composition of soil microbial communities. The ecological effects of soil microbes on plant communities are well known, whereas less is known about their importance for plant evolutionary processes. In particular, the net effects of soil microbes on plant fitness may vary across environmental contexts and among plant genotypes, setting the stage for microbially mediated plant evolution. Here, we assess the effects of soil microbes on plant fitness and natural selection on flowering time in different environments. We performed two experiments in which we grew Arabidopsis thaliana genotypes replicated in either live or sterilized soil microbial treatments, and across varying levels of either competition (isolation, intraspecific competition or interspecific competition) or watering (well‐watered or drought). We found large effects of competition and watering on plant fitness as well as the expression and natural selection of flowering time. Soil microbes increased average plant fitness under interspecific competition and drought and shaped the response of individual plant genotypes to drought. Finally, plant tolerance to either competition or drought was uncorrelated between soil microbial treatments suggesting that the plant traits favoured under environmental stress may depend on the presence of soil microbes. In summary, our experiments demonstrate that soil microbes can have large effects on plant fitness, which depend on both the environment and individual plant genotype. Future work in natural systems is needed for a complete understanding of the evolutionary importance of interactions between plants and soil microorganisms.  相似文献   
In many ecosystems, plant growth and reproduction are nitrogen limited. Current and predicted increases of global reactive nitrogen could alter the ecological and evolutionary trajectories of plant populations. Nitrogen is a major component of nucleic acids and cell structures, and it has been predicted that organisms with larger genomes should require more nitrogen for growth and reproduction and be more negatively affected by nitrogen scarcities than organisms with smaller genomes. In a greenhouse experiment, we tested this hypothesis by examining whether the amount of soil nitrogen supplied differentially influenced the performance (fitness, growth, and resource allocation strategies) of diploid and autotetraploid fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium). We found that soil nitrogen levels differentially impacted cytotype performance, and in general, diploids were favored under low nitrogen conditions, but this diploid advantage disappeared under nitrogen enrichment. Specifically, when nitrogen was scarce, diploids produced more seeds and allocated more biomass toward seed production relative to investment in plant biomass or total plant nitrogen than did tetraploids. As nitrogen supplied increased, such discrepancies between cytotypes disappeared. We also found that cytotype resource allocation strategies were differentially dependent on soil nitrogen, and that whereas diploids adopted resource allocation strategies that favored current season reproduction when nitrogen was limiting and future reproduction when nitrogen was more plentiful, tetraploids adopted resource allocation strategies that favored current season reproduction under nitrogen enrichment. Together these results suggest nitrogen enrichment could differentially affect cytotype performance, which could have implications for cytotypes’ ecological and evolutionary dynamics under a globally changing climate.  相似文献   
Empirical evidence suggests that the rich set of ecosystem functions and nature's contributions to people provided by forests depends on tree diversity. Biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research revealed that not only species richness per se but also other facets of tree diversity, such as tree identity, have to be considered to understand the underlying mechanisms. One important ecosystem function in forests is the decomposition of deadwood that plays a vital role in carbon and nutrient cycling and is assumed to be determined by above‐ and belowground interactions. However, the actual influence of tree diversity on wood decay in forests remains inconclusive. Recent studies suggest an important role of microclimate and advocate a systematical consideration of small‐scale environmental conditions. We studied the influence of tree species richness, tree species identity, and microclimatic conditions on wood decomposition in a 12‐year‐old tree diversity experiment in Germany, containing six native species within a tree species richness gradient. We assessed wood mass loss, soil microbial properties, and soil surface temperature in high temporal resolution. Our study shows a significant influence of tree species identity on all three variables. The presence of Scots pine strongly increased wood mass loss, while the presence of Norway spruce decreased it. This could be attributed to structural differences in the litter layer that were modifying the capability of plots to hold the soil surface temperature at night, consequently leading to enhanced decomposition rates in plots with higher nighttime surface temperatures. Therefore, our study confirmed the critical role of microclimate for wood decomposition in forests and showed that soil microbial properties alone were not sufficient to predict wood decay. We conclude that tree diversity effects on ecosystem functions may include different biodiversity facets, such as tree identity, tree traits, and functional and structural diversity, in influencing the abiotic and biotic soil properties.  相似文献   
In the tropics of South China, climate change induced more rainfall events in the wet season in the last decades. Moreover, there will be more frequently spring drought in the future. However, knowledge on how litter decomposition rate would respond to these seasonal precipitation changes is still limited. In the present study, we conducted a precipitation manipulation experiment in a tropical forest. First, we applied a 60% rainfall exclusion in April and May to defer the onset of wet season and added the same amount of water in October and November to mimic a deferred wet season (DW); second, we increased as much as 25% mean annual precipitation into plots in July and August to simulate a wetter wet season (WW). Five single‐species litters, with their carbon to nitrogen ratio ranged from 27 to 49, and a mixed litter were used to explore how the precipitation change treatments would affect litter decomposition rate. The interaction between precipitation changes and litter species was not significant. The DW treatment marginally accelerated litter decomposition across six litter types. Detailed analysis showed that DW increased litter decomposition rate in the periods of January to March and October to December, when soil moisture was increased by the water addition in the dry season. In contrast, WW did not significantly affect litter decomposition rate, which was consistent with the unchanged soil moisture pattern. In conclusion, the study indicated that regardless of litter types or litter quality, the projected deferred wet season would increase litter decomposition rate, whereas the wetter wet season would not affect litter decomposition rate in the tropical forests. This study improves our knowledge of how tropical forest carbon cycling in response to precipitation change.  相似文献   
The Mediterranean region is recognized as a global biodiversity hotspot. However, over the last decades, the cessation of traditional farming in the north part of the Mediterranean basin has given way to strong afforestation leading to occurrence of abandoned agricultural lands colonized by pioneer expansionist species like Pinus halepensis. This pine species is known to synthesize a wide range of secondary metabolites, and previous studies have demonstrated strong allelopathic potentialities of its needle and root leachates. Pinus halepensis is also recognized to release significant amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOC) with potential allelopathic effects that have never been investigated. In this context, the objectives of the present study were to improve our knowledge about the VOC released from P. halepensis needles and roots, determine if these VOC affect the seed germination and root growth of two herbaceous target species (Lactuca sativa and Linum strictum), and evaluate if soil microorganisms modulate the potential allelopathic effects of these VOC. Thirty terpenes were detected from both, needle and root emissions with β‐caryophyllene as the major volatile. Numerous terpenes, such as β‐caryophyllene, δ‐terpinene, or α‐pinene, showed higher headspace concentrations according to the gradient green needles < senescent needles < needle litter. Seed germination and root growth of the two target species were mainly reduced in presence of P. halepensis VOC. In strong contrast with the trend reported with needle leachates in literature, we observed an increasing inhibitory effect of P. halepensis VOC with the progress of needle physiological stages (i.e., green needle < senescent needle < needle litter). Surprisingly, several inhibitory effects observed on filter paper were also found or even amplified when natural soil was used as a substrate, highlighting that soil microorganisms do not necessarily limit the negative effects of VOC released by P. halepensis on herbaceous target species.  相似文献   
铝毒是限制酸性土壤中作物产量的主要因素之一。番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)是适合在酸性土壤中种植的主要经济作物, 不同品种番茄对铝胁迫的响应存在差异, 因此, 筛选苗期耐铝毒种质对番茄生产及研究具有重要意义。以10个番茄品种为材料, 采用室内土培盆栽, 设置1 000 µmol∙L-1 AlCl3·6H2O处理, 测定反映植物铝胁迫下生长状况的16个形态、生理生化及光合指标。通过主成分分析, 将铝胁迫下番茄幼苗的16个指标转化为5个独立的综合指标, 累积贡献率达90.779%。基于耐铝性综合评价值(A)的系统聚类分析, 将供试种质划分为5类, 第I类为高度耐铝品种Qianxi, 第V类为高度不耐铝品种Puluowangsi。经多元线性逐步回归分析得出番茄苗期耐铝评价方程: y=0.046+0.405X6+0.515X10-0.207X15+0.028X3 (R2=0.997), 从16个指标中提取出与A值显著相关(P<0.01)的4个指标: 丙二醛含量(X3)、净光合速率(X6)、叶面积(X10)和地下部干重(X15)。利用评价方程可判断不同番茄品种苗期的耐铝性, 使番茄耐铝性鉴定工作快速简便。  相似文献   
半干旱沙漠中樟子松和沙柳造林后土壤有机碳及其组分的小尺度空间分布 半干旱沙漠造林有助于改善土壤功能以及增加土壤有机碳(SOC)固定,但人们对造林后SOC及其不稳定(LOC)组分的小尺度空间分布了解甚少。本研究以毛乌素沙地东南缘樟子松(Pinus sylvestris)和沙柳 (Salix psammophila)为研究对象,量化了距离树体20、80、150和240 cm处SOC、LOC组分及其相关变量的小尺度空间分布。研究结果表明,沙柳和樟子松造林显著提高了SOC、总氮(TN)、可溶性有机碳 (DOC)、微生物碳(MBC)和易氧化有机碳(ROOC)含量;在距离树体20 cm处,0–100 cm土层樟子松SOC 储量比沙柳高27.21%;在距离树体80和150 cm处,沙柳SOC储量分别比樟子松高5.50%和5.66%;与流 沙地相比,在距离树体20、80、150 和240 cm处,沙柳和樟子松SOC储量显著增加了94.90%、39.50%、 27.10%和18.50%;沙柳和樟子松ROOC分别占SOC的14.09%和18.93%。总之,造林促进了半干旱流沙地SOC的积累,樟子松比沙柳分配更多的有机质到距离树体<80 cm范围内的土体中。  相似文献   
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