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A new salicylate-selective electrode based on the complex of (2-[(E)-2-(4-nitrophenyl)hydrazono]-1-phenyl-2-(2-quinolyl)-1-ethanone) Cu(II) as the membrane carrier was developed. The electrode exhibited a good Nernstian slope of -59.6+/-1.0 mV/decade and a linear range of 1.0 x 10(-6) to 1.0M for salicylate. The limit of detection was 5.0 x 10(-7) M. The electrode had a fast response time of 10 s and can be used for more than 3 months. The selective coefficients were determined by the fixed interference method and could be used in the pH range of 4.0 to 10.5. The electrode was employed as an indicator electrode for direct determination of salicylate in pharmaceutical and biological samples.  相似文献   
脂溶性维生素的安全性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脂溶性维生素是很重要的营养素,在食品或饲料业中作为添加剂,使用范围广泛。这类维生素可在体内贮存,缺乏或过量都会影响机体生长和代谢功能。本文综述脂溶性维生素的生理功能与来源、缺乏与过量时的危害,以及添加时的注意事项,以保证其使用的安全性。  相似文献   
Various ionic and molecular activities in the extracellular environment are vital to plant cell physiological processes. A noninvasive microsensing system (NMS) based on either the scanning ion-selective electrode technique (SIET) or the scanning polarographic electrode technique (SPET) is able to obtain information regarding the transportation of various ions/molecules in intact samples under normal physiological conditions. The two-probe simultaneous test system (2STS) is an integrated system composed of SIET,SPET, and a Xu-Kunkel sampling protocol. In the present study, 2STS was able to simultaneously measure fluxes of H+ and O2 of the lily (Lilium Iongiflorum Thunb. cv. Ace) pollen tube while avoiding interference between the two probes. The results indicate that the proton fluxes were effluxes, whereas the oxygen fluxes were influxes, and they were closely correlated to each other surrounding the constitutive alkaline band region. Specifically, when the proton effluxes increased, the oxygen influxes also increased. Therefore,the hypothesis of condensed active mitochondria existing in the alkalized area of the pollen tube proposed by Hepler's group is supported.  相似文献   
The purpose of this research was to apply vacuum foam drying (VFD) for processing of LaSota virus and to screen formulation additives for its stability. The aqueous dispersion of harvest containing sucrose or trehalose in combination with additive (monosaccharides, polymers, N-Z-amine) was prepared. The diluted dispersions in vials were vacuum concentrated, foamed to form a continuous structure, and vacuum dried. The products were evaluated for foam characteristics, residual moisture, virus titer, x-ray diffraction pattern, and stability profile. The foamability increased with solid content in solutions. The foamability of sucrose was enhanced with incorporation of N-Z-amine (10% and 15% wt/vol) and polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP K30, 3% wt/vol). The fructose- or galactose-containing mixtures were deposited irregularly on the vial surface. The virus titer increased with disaccharides in the formulation. Sucrose provided better protection than trehalose. Unlike lyophilization, N-Z-amine with sucrose protected the virus from Millard’s Browning. Amino acids do not have a catalytic effect on hydrolysis of sucrose during VFD. Monosaccharides were ineffective. A synergistic effect of PVP K30 or polyethylene glycol 6000 (3% wt/vol) with N-Z-amine provided the maximum virus titer (6.97 and 7.15, respectively). This formulation retained the desired virus potency at 5°, 25°, and 40°C. The diffraction pattern revealed that a threshold concentration of N-Z-amine was required for inhibiting crystallization of sucrose during VFD. VFD was successfully applied to produce a solid LaSota formulation. The products were amorphous and did not devitrify on storage. Published: July 21, 2006  相似文献   
In this study we show a reproduction of the Zhadin experiment, which consists of the transient increase of the electrolytic current flow across an aqueous solution of L-arginine and L-glutamic acid induced by a proper low frequency alternating magnetic field superimposed to a static magnetic field of higher strength. We have identified the mechanisms that were at the origin of the so-far poor reproducibility of the above effect: the state of polarization of the electrode turned out to be a key parameter. The electrochemical investigation of the system shows that the observed phenomenon involves the transitory activation of the anode due to ion cyclotron frequency effect, followed again by anode passivation due to the adsorption of amino acid and its oxidation products. The likely occurrence of similar ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) phenomena at biological membranes, the implications on ion circulation in living matter, and the consequent biological impact of environmental magnetic fields are eventually discussed.  相似文献   
Electrode/electrolyte interfacial properties of flexible supercapacitors assembled with nanostructured activated carbon fabric (ACF) electrodes can be tailored by applying a pressure and tuning electrolyte ion size relative to electrode pore size. Experimental results reveal that increasing pressure between the supercapacitor electrodes can significantly improve capacitive performance. The ratio of solvated ion size in the electrolyte to the pore size on the electrodes determines the minimum pressure necessary to achieve an optimum performance. For a specific electrode material, this minimum pressure for optimum performance is primarily governed by the size of the larger solvated ions (either the anions or cations), and is lower (~689 KPa) when the ratio of the solvated ion size to the pore size is higher than 0.6, and is higher (at least 1379 KPa) when the ratio is lower than 0.6. An analytical model capable of predicting the experimental performance data has been developed. These results together provide a fundamental understanding of pressure dependence of electrode/electrolyte interfacial properties and pave the way for practical applications of flexible supercapacitors.  相似文献   
Additives are known to improve the performance of organic photovoltaic devices based on mixtures of a low bandgap polymer, poly[2,6‐(4,4‐bis(2‐ethylhexyl)‐4H‐cyclopenta[2,1‐b;3,4‐b′]‐dithiophene)‐alt‐4,7‐(2,1,3‐benzothiadiazole)] (PCPDTBT) and [6,6]‐phenyl C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM). The evolution of the morphology during the evaporation of the mixed solvent, which comprises additive and chlorobenzene (CB), is investigated by in‐situ grazing incidence X‐ray scattering, providing insight into the key role the additive plays in developing a multi‐length‐scale morphology. Provided the additive has a higher vapor pressure and a selective solubility for PCBM, as the host solvent (CB) evaporates, the mixture of the primary solvent and additive becomes less favorable for the PCPDTBT, while completely solubilizing the PCBM. During this process, the PCPDTBT first crystallizes into fibrils and then the PCBM, along with the remaining PCPDTBT, is deposited, forming a phase‐separated morphology comprising domains of pure, crystalline PCPDTBT fibrils and another domain that is a PCBM‐rich mixture with amorphous PCPDTBT. X‐ray/neutron scattering and diffraction methods, in combination with UV–vis absorption spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy, are used to determine the crystallinity and phase separation of the resultant PCPDTBT/PCBM thin films processed with or without additives. Additional thermal annealing is carried out and found to change the packing of the PCPDTBT. The two factors, degree of crystallinity and degree of phase separation, control the multi‐length‐scale morphology of the thin films and significantly influence device performance.  相似文献   
Asparagine 131, located near the cytoplasmic entrance of the D-pathway in subunit I of the Paracoccus denitrificans aa(3) cytochrome c oxidase, is a residue crucial for proton pumping. When replaced by an aspartate, the mutant enzyme is completely decoupled: while retaining full cytochrome c oxidation activity, it does not pump protons. The same phenotype is observed for two other substitutions at this position (N131E and N131C), whereas a conservative replacement by glutamine affects both activities of the enzyme. The N131D variant oxidase was crystallized and its structure was solved to 2.32-A resolution, revealing no significant overall change in the protein structure when compared with the wild type (WT), except for an alternative orientation of the E278 side chain in addition to its WT conformation. Moreover, remarkable differences in the crystallographically resolved chain of water molecules in the D-pathway are found for the variant: four water molecules that are observed in the water chain between N131 and E278 in the WT structure are not visible in the variant, indicating a higher mobility of these water molecules. Electrochemically induced Fourier transform infrared difference spectra of decoupled mutants confirm that the protonation state of E278 is unaltered by these mutations but indicate a distinct perturbation in the hydrogen-bonding environment of this residue. Furthermore, they suggest that the carboxylate side chain of the N131D mutant is deprotonated. These findings are discussed in terms of their mechanistic implications for proton routing through the D-pathway of cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   
The effect of chemical additives (acetosyringone, AS; L-cysteine, CYS; dithiothreitol, DTT; glutathione, GSH; cellulase, CEL; pectinase, PEC) and light regimes (16/8 light/dark photoperiod, 16L/8D; continuous light, 24L; continuous dark, 24D) applied during cocultivation procedure of pea explants with Agrobacterium tumefaciens on transformation efficiency was studied. A hypervirulent strain of A. tumefaciens EHA 105 with two plasmids, namely pGT89 and pBIN19, both carrying reporter gus-int gene, and bar or nptII selectable marker gene, respectively, was used for genetic transformation of cotyledonary node explants of three dry seed pea cultivars Adept, Komet and Menhir. The focus was laid on cocultivation step (48 h) of transformation protocol. After chemical or physical treatments, transient GUS expression was recorded 20 days after cocultivation as a measure of successful transformation, using a four category scale (0 – without GUS expression, 1 – weak, 2 – medium and 3 – strong GUS expression) for calculation of IGE (Intensity of GUS Expression). Of the tested chemical cocultivation additives, 100 μM AS and 50 mg CYS significantly improved GUS expression (IGE value), while DTT, GSH and both macerating enzymes (CEL, PEC used either separately or in combination) either had no positive effect or were even negative. There were no statistically significant differences between the light regimes tested. Nevertheless, cocultivation in 24L, without chemical additives, reproducibly resulted in the highest frequency of explants scored in category 3 of GUS expression (followed by 24D and 16L/8D treatment). However, application of 100 μM AS reverted this trend. Cv. Adept yielded higher transformation frequencies than cvs. Menhir and Komet. Plasmid pGT89 produced a higher IGE value than pBIN19. Based on our results, the improved cocultivation step for pea consists of 48 h cocultivation at 20 ± 2°C, with 50 mg l−1 CYS and 100 μM AS, 16L/8D photoperiod (or without AS in continuous light).  相似文献   
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