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Fluorescence spectroscopy was used to study the shortwave fluorescence of bidistilled water treated in the cathode and anode chambers of two types of electrolyzers made of different materials. Electrochemical treatment in the quartz glass electrolyzer did not induce intrinsic fluorescence of the anolyte or catholyte. An increase in the shortwave fluorescence of the anolyte and catholyte was observed in the electrolyzer made of Plexiglass, which was probably due to the release of microcontaminants from components of the electrolyzer.  相似文献   
Nanosecond pulsed electric fields cause melanomas to self-destruct   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have discovered a new, drug-free therapy for treating solid skin tumors. Pulsed electric fields greater than 20 kV/cm with rise times of 30 ns and durations of 300 ns penetrate into the interior of tumor cells and cause tumor cell nuclei to rapidly shrink and tumor blood flow to stop. Melanomas shrink by 90% within two weeks following a cumulative field exposure time of 120 micros. A second treatment at this time can result in complete remission. This new technique provides a highly localized targeting of tumor cells with only minor effects on overlying skin. Each pulse deposits 0.2 J and 100 pulses increase the temperature of the treated region by only 3 degrees C, ten degrees lower than the minimum temperature for hyperthermia effects.  相似文献   
In a food‐rewarded two‐alternative forced‐choice procedure, it was determined how well the weakly electric elephantnose fish Gnathonemus petersii can sense gaps between two objects, some of which were placed in front of complex backgrounds. The results show that at close distances, G. petersii is able to detect gaps between two small metal cubes (2 cm × 2 cm × 2 cm) down to a width of c. 1·5 mm. When larger objects (3 cm × 3 cm × 3 cm) were used, gaps with a width of 2–3 mm could still be detected. Discrimination performance was better (c. 1 mm gap size) when the objects were placed in front of a moving background consisting of plastic stripes or plant leaves, indicating that movement in the environment plays an important role for object identification. In addition, the smallest gap size that could be detected at increasing distances was determined. A linear relationship between object distance and gap size existed. Minimal detectable gap sizes increased from c. 1·5 mm at a distance of 1 cm, to 20 mm at a distance of 7 cm. Measurements and simulations of the electric stimuli occurring during gap detection revealed that the electric images of two close objects influence each other and superimpose. A large gap of 20 mm between two objects induced two clearly separated peaks in the electric image, while a 2 mm gap caused just a slight indentation in the image. Therefore, the fusion of electric images limits spatial resolution during active electrolocation. Relative movements either between the fish and the objects or between object and background might improve spatial resolution by accentuating the fine details of the electric images.  相似文献   
We have used the low frequency solver of the computer program SEMCAD‐X to model the induced electric field and current density patterns in simple models of a fractured femur embedded off‐center in cylindrical muscle tissue; a 1 cm fracture gap is filled with callus. The model is exposed to a 1 kHz, 1 mT sinusoidal magnetic field. The frequency chosen is typical of the major Fourier components of many waveforms used to stimulate fracture healing using pulsed magnetic fields; the intensity is also a typical level. Models include fractures perpendicular to the bone and at an angle from the perpendicular, each exposed to a field applied parallel to the bone or parallel to either of the two axes perpendicular to it. We find that all directions of applied magnetic fields produce essentially parallel induced electric fields and current densities through the plane of the callus, but that a magnetic field applied parallel to the bone induces considerably higher fields and currents than the same strength field applied in either perpendicular direction. Because investigations of pulsed‐field devices, including modeling of induced fields and currents, peaked more than a decade ago, this is the first application to our knowledge of the current capabilities of computer modeling systems to biological systems at low frequencies. Bioelectromagnetics 33:585–593, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The literature shows that the effects of direct electric currents on biological material are numerous, including bactericidal, fungicidal, parasiticidal, and anti‐tumoral, among others. Non‐pathogenic trypanosomatids, such as Herpetomonas samuelpessoai, have emerged as important models for the study of basic biological processes performed by a eukaryotic cell. The present study reports a dose‐dependent anti‐protozoan effect of direct electric treatment with both cathodic and anodic current flows on H. samuelpessoai cells. The damaging effects can be attributable to the electrolysis products generated during electric stimulation. The pH of the cell suspension was progressively augmented from 7.4 to 10.5 after the cathodic treatment. In contrast, the anodic treatment caused a pH decrease varying from 7.4 to 6.5. Transmission electron microscopy analyses revealed profound alterations in vital cellular structures (e.g., mitochondrion, kinetoplast, flagellum, flagellar pocket, nucleus, and plasma membrane) after exposure to both cathodic and anodic current flows. Specifically, cathodic current flow treatment induced the appearance of autophagic‐like structures on parasite cells, while those submitted to an anodic current flow presented marked disorganization of plasma membrane and necrotic appearance. However, parasites treated in the intermediary chamber (without contact with the electrodes) did not present significant changes in viability or morphology, and no pH variation was detected in this system. The use of H. samuelpessoai as a biological model and the direct electric current experimental approach used in our study provide important information for understanding the mechanisms involved in the cytotoxic effects of this physical agent. Bioelectromagnetics 33:334–345, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
维持一定的跨质膜电势,关乎到细胞内外物质交换的基本代谢能否顺利进行,因此是所有细胞生存的前提。这是生物的单细胞祖先发展出的有效生存手段,当进化到多细胞生物体后却遇到麻烦。多细胞生物为细胞营群居生活,在物理导体的静电荷分布规律的支配下,个体细胞所携外正内负的净电荷有向细胞集团边缘汇集的趋势,导致多数细胞失去本身所携净电荷,不能维持正常跨膜电势,从而逐渐失去活力。这可能就是多细胞生物衰老的根本原因。衰老是生物体在发育中随细胞数量增多不可避免的自然发生的效应。有证据显示以上描述的电荷分布变化过程的假说是真实存在。植物体中细胞所携电荷的汇集,以及随之发生的带电离子从高浓度区向低浓度区的扩散流失,可导致产生有趣的植物生电的现象,例如大树发电。对植物电压、电的极性、高密度电荷位点分布的测结果与此假说理论完全吻合。  相似文献   
1. The conversion of forested landscapes to agriculture and, increasingly, to suburban and urban development significantly affects the structure and function of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. While a growing body of research is examining how biotic communities change in response to human alteration of landscapes, less is known about how these changes in community structure affect biotic interactions. 2. The objective of this study was to examine top‐down control by macroconsumers (fish and crayfish) across a human‐impacted landscape. We predicted that changes in stream macroconsumers and physicochemical characteristics associated with increased catchment development (e.g. decreased abundance of fish that are obligate benthic invertivores, increased sedimentation) would diminish top‐down control of benthic insects. We expected that effects on algal assemblages would be more variable, with increased top‐down control at sites dominated by algivorous fish and diminished control elsewhere. To test these predictions, we experimentally excluded fish and crayfish from areas of the bed of five streams whose catchments ranged from 100% to <50% forested, and examined the effects of exclusion on benthic insects and algae. 3. Despite cross‐site differences in physical, chemical and biological characteristics, the outcome of our experiments was consistent across five sites representing a range of catchment development. Across all sites, macroconsumers reduced total insect biomass, largely due to decreases in Chironomidae and Hydropsychidae larvae. Macroconsumers also affected algal assemblages, reducing chlorophyll‐a and the proportion of upright and filamentous diatoms (e.g. Melosira, Cymbella) but increasing the proportion of adnate diatoms (e.g. Achnanthes) across all sites. 4. We expected that differences in factors such as macroconsumer assemblage composition, nutrient and light availability and sedimentation would result in variable responses to macroconsumer exclusion in the five streams. Contrary to these expectations, only one response variable (ash‐free dry mass) showed a statistically significant interaction (i.e. site × exclusion) effect. Most responses to exclusion were relatively consistent, suggesting functional redundancy in assemblages of macroconsumers among the sites despite differences in catchment land use.  相似文献   
An important basis for the clinical application of small DC electric current to mammalian spinal injury is the responses of neurons in culture to applied electric fields. Our recent finding that zebrafish neurons were unresponsive to applied fields prompted us to critically examine previous results. We conclude that compelling evidence for neuronal guidance and directional stimulation of growth toward either the cathode or anode in an electric field exists only for cultured Xenopus neurons, and not for any mammalian neurons. No basis for the reported success in treating spinal injury exists in the in vitro studies, and considerable research will be required if the conditions of field application in mammalian spinal injury are to be optimized.  相似文献   
The behavior of Na/K pump currents when exposed to an oscillating electric field is studied by computer simulation. The pump current from a single pump molecule was sketched based on previous experimental results. The oscillating electric field is designed as a symmetric, dichotomous waveform varying the membrane potential from −30 to −150 mV around the membrane resting potential of −90 mV. Based on experimental results from skeletal muscle fibers, the energy needed to overcome the electrochemical potentials for the Na and K-transports are calculated in response to the field’s two half-cycles. We found that a specially designed oscillating electric field can eventually synchronize the pump molecules so that all the individual pumps run at the same pumping rate and phase as the field oscillation. They extrude Na ions during the positive half-cycle and pump in K ions during the negative half-cycle. The field can force the two ion-transports into the corresponding half-cycles, respectively, but cannot determine their detailed positions. In other words, the oscillating electric field can synchronize pumps in terms of their pumping loops but not at a specific step in the loop. These results are consistent with our experimental results in measurement of the pump currents.  相似文献   
We measured the responses of ungulate grazers to roads by recording the density of dust on grasses and compared distance sampling of ungulates in Serengeti National Park (SNP), Tanzania. Data were collected on the east and west side of the Ngorongoro–Seronera main gravel road to test if road traffic and dust were important factors determining distribution patterns amongst grazers. Results indicate that dust increased progressively with traffic speed and volume during dry season. More dust was intercepted on the west than on the east side of the road mainly because of wind effects. Dust deposition (measured as density g grass g?1 dust) was higher on short grasses than on long grasses during the dry and late‐dry seasons than during the wet season, when paired perpendicular distances up to 300 m were compared. Mean number of observed grazer species indicated that most fed further from the west side of the road than from the east perhaps to minimize higher density of dust commonly spread on foliage up to 200 m away from the road. Despite that most grazers avoided road side grass shoulders, supporting the ‘dust aversion hypothesis’, the test predictions from the ‘road disturbance’ and the ‘road attraction’ hypotheses did not support the responsive behaviours of grazers toward roads.  相似文献   
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