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A pecking hierarchy is normally established in the usual two-chickbrood of the blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii). The senior (first-hatched)chick dominates its smaller sibling and receives a greater shareof parentally provided food. Experimental broods were createdby putting together two unrelated junior chicks of die sameage in a vacated foster nest The state of the chicks was manipulatedby a period of controlled artificial feeding so that each chickunderwent a different level of food deprivation. The resultingdominance relationship depended on the relative food deprivationlevel of the chicks: the hungrier chick normally became dominant.However, die effect of hunger was occasionally overruled bysize difference: when die hungrier chick was much smaller thanits foster sibling, it was unable to gain dominance over itslarger companion. Dominance status is likely to have greatervalue for die hungrier chick, while die cost of fighting shouldbe lower for die larger chick. These results conform to dieevolutionarily stable strategy predicted for games widi asymmetricpayoff and differences in resource holding power.  相似文献   
Spatial invasion of cooperation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The evolutionary puzzle of cooperation describes situations where cooperators provide a fitness benefit to other individuals at some cost to themselves. Under Darwinian selection, the evolution of cooperation is a conundrum, whereas non-cooperation (or defection) is not. In the absence of supporting mechanisms, cooperators perform poorly and decrease in abundance. Evolutionary game theory provides a powerful mathematical framework to address the problem of cooperation using the prisoner's dilemma. One well-studied possibility to maintain cooperation is to consider structured populations, where each individual interacts only with a limited subset of the population. This enables cooperators to form clusters such that they are more likely to interact with other cooperators instead of being exploited by defectors. Here we present a detailed analysis of how a few cooperators invade and expand in a world of defectors. If the invasion succeeds, the expansion process takes place in two stages: first, cooperators and defectors quickly establish a local equilibrium and then they uniformly expand in space. The second stage provides good estimates for the global equilibrium frequencies of cooperators and defectors. Under hospitable conditions, cooperators typically form a single, ever growing cluster interspersed with specks of defectors, whereas under more hostile conditions, cooperators form isolated, compact clusters that minimize exploitation by defectors. We provide the first quantitative assessment of the way cooperators arrange in space during invasion and find that the macroscopic properties and the emerging spatial patterns reveal information about the characteristics of the underlying microscopic interactions.  相似文献   
Entertainment software developers face significant challenges in designing games with broad appeal. One of the challenges concerns creating nonplayer (computer-controlled) characters that can adapt their behavior in light of the current and prospective situation, possibly emulating human behaviors. This adaptation should be inherently novel, unrepeatable, yet within the bounds of realism. Evolutionary algorithms provide a suitable method for generating such behaviors. This paper provides background on the entertainment software industry, and details a prior and current effort to create a platform for evolving nonplayer characters with genetic and behavioral traits within a World War I combat flight simulator.  相似文献   
Does natural selection favor veridical perceptions, those that more accurately depict the objective environment? Students of perception often claim that it does. But this claim, though influential, has not been adequately tested. Here we formalize the claim and a few alternatives. To test them, we introduce “interface games,” a class of evolutionary games in which perceptual strategies compete. We explore, in closed-form solutions and Monte Carlo simulations, some simpler games that assume frequency-dependent selection and complete mixing in infinite populations. We find that veridical perceptions can be driven to extinction by non-veridical strategies that are tuned to utility rather than objective reality. This suggests that natural selection need not favor veridical perceptions, and that the effects of selection on sensory perception deserve further study.  相似文献   
Small-sided games (SSGs) are widely used in soccer training. However, some of the typical outcomes related to human responses during these games (namely internal and external load) may vary between sessions for similar practice conditions. Thus, the study of intra- and inter-bout variability in response to SSGs is progressively growing. This systematic review aimed to (1) identify studies that have examined the intra- and inter-session bouts’ variability levels regarding the internal and external load and technical/tactical outcomes during SSGs and (2) summarize the main evidence. A systematic review of PubMed, SPORTDiscus, Cochrane, and Web of Science databases was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. From the 486 studies initially identified, 24 were fully reviewed, and their outcome measures were extracted and analyzed. Sixteen studies analyzed internal load, 13 studies analyzed external load variables, six studies analyzed technical execution, and two studies analyzed tactical behavior. All studies included SSGs with a range number of players between 2 to 14 (1 vs. 1 to 7 vs. 7 SSGs). Internal load and low-speed external load variables presented a low variability, while high variations were reported regarding the technical execution and high-speed external loads.  相似文献   
Producer–scrounger (PS) game-theoretical foraging modelsmake predictions about the decision of group-feeding animalseither to look for food (produce) or for opportunities to exploitthe discoveries of other foragers (scrounge). We report themost complete demonstration to date of the applicability ofthe PS foraging game in a free-living animal, the Carib grackle(Quiscalus lugubris) of Barbados. As assumed by PS games, thepayoffs obtained by scroungers were negatively frequency dependent.Experimentally, increasing the cost of scrounging led to a decreasein the observed proportion of scroungers, whereas raising thecost of producing increased the proportion of scroungers. Observationsof marked birds revealed that group-level changes could be broughtabout by individual flexibility in tactic use. Despite consistentindividual differences in tactic use, most birds used both tacticsand could alter their use of producing and scrounging when conditionschanged. We found no difference in the payoffs obtained by producersand scroungers, suggesting a symmetrical game equilibrium. Ourresults call for testing the PS foraging game in a broader rangeof biological systems that include different types of scroungingbehavior (e.g., scramble, stealthful, or aggressive scrounging)as well as the exploitation of different phases of food production(e.g., searching, handling).  相似文献   
Genetic recombination is a central and repeated topic of study in the evolution of life. However, along with the influence of recombination on evolution, we understand surprisingly little of how selection shapes the nature of recombination. One explanation for recombination is that it allows organisms to escape from perilous situations where they experience very low fitness. As a corollary, it has been suggested that selection should favor recombination at low fitness and not at high fitness (fitness-associated recombination, FAR), and theory suggests that such strategies can indeed be selected. Here we develop models to further investigate the evolution of FAR. Consistent with previous works, we find that FAR can invade and dominate over a strategy of uniform recombination that is independent of fitness. However, our simulation results suggest that extreme FAR strategies, known as group-elitism, are not necessarily superior to other FAR strategies. Moreover, we argue that FAR domination will often occur with a net loss of mean population fitness. Interestingly, this suggests that the strategy of not recombining at high fitness will sometimes be analogous to a defector strategy from the famous "prisoner's dilemma" game: a selfish strategy that is selected but leads to a loss of mean fitness for all players.  相似文献   
A one-step (birth–death) process is used to investigate stochastic noise in an elementary two-phenotype evolutionary game model based on a payoff matrix. In this model, we assume that the population size is finite but not fixed and that all individuals have, in addition to the frequency-dependent fitness given by the evolutionary game, the same background fitness that decreases linearly in the total population size. Although this assumption guarantees population extinction is a globally attracting absorbing barrier of the Markov process, sample trajectories do not illustrate this result even for relatively small carrying capacities. Instead, the observed persistent transient behavior can be analyzed using the steady-state statistics (i.e., mean and variance) of a stochastic model for intrinsic noise that assumes the population does not go extinct. It is shown that there is good agreement between the theory of these statistics and the simulation results. Furthermore, the ESS of the evolutionary game can be used to predict the mean steady state.  相似文献   
An evolutionary birth-death process is proposed as a model of evolutionary dynamics. Agents residing in a continuous spatial environment X, play a game G, with a continuous strategy set S, against other agents in the environment. The agents’ positions and strategies continuously change in response to other agents and to random effects. Agents spawn asexually at rates that depend on their current fitness, and agents die at rates that depend on their local population density. Agents’ individual evolutionary trajectories in X and S are governed by a system of stochastic ODEs. When the number of agents is large and distributed in a smooth density on (X,S), the collective dynamics of the entire population is governed by a certain (deterministic) PDE, which we call a fitness-diffusion equation.  相似文献   
Objective: Environmental factors and behaviors associated with obesity have not been well described in children living in Europe. Although television watching has been repeatedly associated with obesity, it is unclear whether other sedentary activities, such as use of electronic games, are independently associated with obesity in children. The hypothesis was that various types of sedentary activities are associated with obesity in children living in Switzerland. Research Methods and Procedures: This was a cross‐sectional study of children (grades one to three) from four communities in the Greater Zurich Area (Switzerland). Obesity was defined as a combination of overweight (BMI) and overfat (skinfold thicknesses). Environmental factors were assessed by questionnaire. The children's physical activity was estimated by their teacher (scale 0 to 10). Results: Of 922 eligible subjects, 872 (94.6%) took part in the study. Use of electronic games [odds ratio (OR) = 2.03 per hour per day, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.57 to 2.61, p < 0.001], television (OR = 2.83 per hour per day, 95% CI: 2.08 to 3.86, p < 0.001), physical activity (OR = 0.80 per unit, 95% CI: 0.72 to 0.88, p < 0.001), maternal work (OR = 1.93, 95% CI: 1.13 to 3.29, p = 0.02), and paternal smoking (OR = 1.78, 95% CI: 1.07 to 2.96, p = 0.03) were independently associated with obesity. Further adjustment for socioeconomic status, when available, did not change these results. Discussion: In this sample of children living in Switzerland, the use of electronic games was significantly associated with obesity, independently of confounding factors. The association of obesity with television use and lack of physical activity confirms results from other populations and points to potential strategies for obesity prevention.  相似文献   
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