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Sea urchin sperm–egg adhesion is mediated by bindin, a sperm surface protein that has lectin-like activity. Bindin agglutinates eggs, and this interaction has been shown to be inhibited by glycopeptides released from the egg surface by protease treatment. In this study, we report the purification and properties of such an egg surface glycoconjugate that may be involved in sperm adhesion. The glycoconjugate was partially purified by gel filtration and affinity chromatography on bindin particles. Upon gel filtration on Sepharose CL 4-B, the glycoconjugate elutes near the void volume, suggesting that it has a molecular weight in excess of one million. In addition, we have found that the egg surface glycoconjugate agglutinates bindin particles, indicating that it is multivalent. Carbohydrate analysis indicates that the glycoconjugate is composed primarily of fucosc, xylose, galactose, and glucose. This purified egg surface component is the most potent inhibitor of bindin-mediated egg agglutination yet described.  相似文献   
Summary The egg cytoplasm of ascidian,Ciona intestinalis, segregates towards both the animal and vegetal poles within a few minutes of fertilization or parthenogetic activation with ionophore A23187. A constriction appears first on the egg surface near the animal pole and then moves to the vegetal pole. Carmine granules and spermatozoa attached to the egg surface move towards the vegetal pole with the movement of the constriction. Microvilli, which are distributed uniformly in unfertilized egg, disappear on the animal side of the constriction and became more dense on the vegetal side of the constriction. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that sub-cortical cytoplasm, containing numerous mitochondria and sub-cortical granules, moves towards the vegetal pole with the movement of the constriction and then concentrates into a cytoplasmic cap at the vegetal pole. An electron-dense layer appears in the cortex of the cap. The ooplasmic segregation and the cortical contraction were inhibited by cytochalasin B and induced by ionophore A23187. These observations suggest that ooplasmic segregation is caused by the cortical contraction which is characterised by a surface constriction and by the formation of an electron-dense layer.  相似文献   
  • 1 Eggs of the British woodland mosquito, Aedes punctor (Kirby), were subjected to a variety of media in an attempt to determine the hatching stimulus.
  • 2 It was found that continuous immersion in distilled water evoked almost no hatching (0.2%); intermittent removal from the water gave low hatching (8.9%).
  • 3 Slow deoxygenation of the medium by either bacterial growth or the introduction of nitrogen produced the highest level of hatching (26.0–90.0%). Eggs of A.punctor were shown to hatch within a 4 h period of the oxygen concentration in the medium reaching zero.
Tadpole shrimps (Notostraca) occur sporadically in temporary ponds and their survival there depends largely upon the drought-resistant eggs they produce. Environmental conditions conducive to hatching of eggs of Lepidurus couesii were investigated in the laboratory. Almost all eggs hatched best at 20 °C, whether desiccated for a short or long period, with a prior freezing shock or without such a shock, with intact shells. Eggs that endured a longer period of desiccation and eggs with abraded shells displayed a more equivocal response to different temperatures for hatching. Long-term hatchability of eggs was demonstrated. Time required for successful hatching was shortest at 20 °C, with no discernible difference between 17 °C and 25 °C. Both short- and long-term survival of populations of the species appears to be fostered by the adaptive response to temperature shown by the eggs.  相似文献   
The interspecific interactions of Meloidogyne javanica with races 1, 2, 3, and 4 of M. incognita on tomato were determined. Impacts of the interactions on fecundity and morphometrics of females were also examined. Mutually inhibitory interactions occurred between M. javanica and the races of M. incognita, but the negative interactions did not reflect in plant growth. Numbers of root galls, egg masses, mature females, total population, fecundity, and reproduction factor declined in concomitant treatments, but the morphometrics of the females remained unaltered. In general, mutual suppressive effects in all parameters were smaller for M. javanica than M. incognita, but some variations occurred among the races of M. incognita. Race 2 appeared to be more competitive than other races. The interaction between the species was not intense; therefore, the species coexist in mixed populations in agricultural fields.  相似文献   
A degree-day model was derived to predict egg hatch for Criconemella xenoplax. Eggs collected from gravid females were incubated in distilled water at constant temperatures of 10-35 C. Sixty-six percent of all eggs hatched between 13 and 32 C, and 42% hatched at 10 C. All eggs aborted above 32.5 C. Between 25 and 32 C, 8.5 ± 0.5 days were required for egg hatch. Degree-day requirement for egg hatch at 10-30 C was estimated to be 154 ± 5 with a base of 9.03 ± 0.04 C. This base of 9 C was adopted in studies of the relationship between degree-days and nematode population increase on Prunus seedlings grown 9-11 weeks in a greenhouse. Degree-day accumulations were based upon daily averages from maximum and minimum air temperatures. Ratios of final to initial population densities exhibited an exponential pattern in relation to degree-day accumulations with proportionate doubling increment of 0.100 ± 0.049 every 139 ± 8 degree-days. These results provide a means of predicting nematode population increase under greenhouse conditions and a basis for choosing sampling intervals when evaluating nematode multiplication.  相似文献   
Encarsia tricolor Foërster is a facultative autoparasitoid that develops on the important pestTrialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) in outdoor crop conditions, which makes this aphelinid species promising for biological control programs in regions where field and protected crops coexist. In this paper we report the results obtained in the study of daily and totalE. tricolor egg laying and of adult female preference for different host stages in which to lay eggs at constant temperatures in the range 10 to 32 °C. Only whitefly nymphs were present in the searching arena (tomato leaflets). The mean number of eggs laid per female in one day ranged from 4.0 (10 °C and 32 °C) to 15.2 (24 °C). The mean total number of eggs increased with temperature from 10 to 28 °C, reaching a maximum of 123 eggs per female at 28 °C, and decreased sharply from 28 to 32 °C. The relation between the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and temperature in the range 10 to 28 °C followed a straight line whose equation was rm=?0.076+0.011*T (R2=0.99). The rm ofE. tricolor was greater than the rm ofT. vaporariorum when temperature was higher than 9.2 °C. The preference for any particular host instar in which to lay eggs was not always significant. However, N4 was the host instar preferred whenever preference was statistically significant.  相似文献   
A major drawback to the use in aquaculture of members of the Eubranchiopoda from temporary pool environments is that their eggs do not hatch readily. An investigation of the factors influencing the hatching of eggs of the fairy shrimpStreptocephalus macrourus, showed that light was the only factor of those investigated that was obligatory for hatching. It was found that eggs which had not been desiccated hatched successfully in the presence of absence of adults, while those which had been desiccated showed a block in hatching initially, although this block deteriorated with time and after approximately two months the eggs which had been desiccated showed a similar hatching success to that of the non-desiccated eggs. Exposure of eggs to extremes of heat or cold before incubation did not influence the hatching success of the eggs significantly, but the temperature at which incubation took place was important. The optimal range lay between 14 °C and 20 °C. Eggs hatched and nauplii survived at dissolved oxygen tensions of below 0.5 mg 1–1  相似文献   
In the course of in vitro fertilization of zona-free hamster and pig eggs by boar and guinea-pig spermatozoa it was observed that homologous and heterologous eggs fused together, forming cell hybrids between two or more cells. The fusogenic activity was attributed to spermatozoa and this was the hypothesis tested. The fusogenic activity (coinciding with sperm penetration activity) was dependent on the duration of sperm preincubation, which may be regarded as capacitation in vitro. Fusion occurred only after 3 hr of sperm preincubation and a narrow optimum was detected at 4–4.5 hr. Fusion of eggs was also dependent on sperm concentration. A relatively high proportion of fusions was observed at a sperm concentration of 4.0 × 104 per ml and an optimum was attained at a concentration of 5.0 × 105 per ml. The first fusions were observed at 90 min after semination. After 3 hr more than a half of the eggs reacted, and by 20 hr of incubation 80% of ova were fused. The fusability of eggs was tested and found to occur at 14 hr after ovulation. The fusion process was also studied using transmission electron microscopy. It is supposed that the process of egg fusion may be caused either by a similar mechanism to sperm-egg fusion, or by products released during the sperm acrosome reaction.  相似文献   
Seven strains of the insect pathogenic fungus Verticillium lecanii have been examined in the Calliphora erythrocephala bioassay for the production, in surface culture on Czapek Dox medium, of insecticidal secondary metabolites. One strain which had lost its pathogenicity on storage yielded no active compounds. The remainder yielded dipicolinic acid (pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid) which was responsible for the insecticidal activity of acidic extracts. Neutral extracts from two strains contained novel insecticidal C25 compounds.  相似文献   
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