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Amyloid fibrils are associated with numerous degenerative diseases. The molecular mechanism of the structural transformation of native protein to the highly ordered cross‐β structure, the key feature of amyloid fibrils, is under active investigation. Conventional biophysical methods have limited application in addressing the problem because of the heterogeneous nature of the system. In this study, we demonstrated that deep‐UV resonance Raman (DUVRR) spectroscopy in combination with circular dichroism (CD) and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence allowed for quantitative characterization of protein structural evolution at all stages of hen egg white lysozyme fibrillation in vitro. DUVRR spectroscopy was found to be complimentary to the far‐UV CD because it is (i) more sensitive to β ‐sheet than to α ‐helix, and (ii) capable of characterizing quantitatively inhomogeneous and highly light‐scattering samples. In addition, phenylalanine, a natural DUVRR spectroscopic biomarker of protein structural rearrangements, exhibited substantial changes in the Raman cross section of the 1000‐cm–1 band at various stages of fibrillation. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Abstract .Protein-fed Calliphora vicina , F1 offspring of wild flies in two cages with lower and higher fly densities showed variable delay in starting oocyte vitellogenesis at ambient semi-natural temperatures in warm July–August weather in 1996 and 1997 at Durham in northern England (54°45' N). The high-density flies in 1996 showed no delay, in that the thermal sum (degree-days) experienced was 133, comparable to 18°C constant, assuming the lower threshold for egg maturation to be 5°C. Low-density cages and flies in a large outdoor cage (2 m3) in both years showed delays in production of first eggs of 34 days (thermal sum 293 degree-days) in 1996 and 32 days (396 degree-days) in 1997, and longer delays for other individuals. Delays in egg production at low densities relative to high densities seem to be a group effect of unknown mechanism.  相似文献   
The number of mature eggs carried by a female parasitoid at any given moment (egg load) is a fitness‐related parameter affecting reproductive potential and impacting upon host population dynamics. Microplitis rufiventris Kokujev (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a solitary koinobiont endoparasitoid wasp of several noctuid pests, including Spodoptera littoralis. The number of mature eggs carried by females at emergence is approximately 50. The rate of egg maturation is strongly affected both by feeding status and access to host larvae. In early adult life, egg maturation rates are lower for 6–72 h in fed wasps compared with food‐deprived wasps. When given access to hosts, honey‐fed wasps live for approximately 9 days with high lifetime fecundity (226 eggs). By contrast to early adult life, the total realized fecundity is positively affected by feeding status, where water‐fed and starved females have 140 and 107 eggs, respectively. Egg resorption is most pronounced in the later life of females. The results suggest, in addition to confirming the effect of honey‐feeding on total fecundity, that fecundity of starved wasps includes rapid egg maturation early in life, which potentially could improve the performance of the parasitoid as a biological control agent.  相似文献   
Fertilization by more than one sperm causes polyploidy, a condition that is generally lethal to the embryo in the majority of animal species. To prevent this occurrence, eggs have developed a series of mechanisms that block polyspermy at the level of the plasma membrane or their extracellular coat. In this review, we first introduce the mammalian egg coat, the zona pellucida (ZP), and summarize what is currently known about its composition, structure, and biological functions. We then describe how this specialized extracellular matrix is modified by the contents of cortical granules (CG), secretory organelles that are exocytosed by the egg after gamete fusion. This process releases proteases, glycosidases, lectins and zinc onto the ZP, resulting in a series of changes in the properties of the egg coat that are collectively referred to as hardening. By drawing parallels with comparable modifications of the vitelline envelope of nonmammalian eggs, we discuss how CG‐dependent modifications of the ZP are thought to contribute to the block to polyspermy. Moreover, we argue for the importance of obtaining more information on the architecture of the ZP, as well as systematically investigating the many facets of ZP hardening.  相似文献   
The reproductive success of many insects is considered to be limited by two main factors: the availability of mature eggs to lay (termed egg limitation) and the time to locate suitable hosts (termed time limitation). High host density in the environment is likely to enhance oviposition opportunities, thereby selecting for higher investment in egg supply. In contrast, a shortage of food (e.g. sugar sources) is likely to increase the risk of time limitation, thereby selecting for higher allocation to initial energy reserves. To our knowledge, the combined effect of host and food availability on these optimal life‐history allocations has never been investigated. We thus modelled their simultaneous effects on a three‐dimensional trade‐off between initial investment in energy reserves, egg number and egg size, while focusing on insect parasitoids. The model was based on Monte Carlo simulations coupled with genetic algorithms, in order to identify the optimal life‐history traits of a single simulated parasitoid female in an environment in which both hosts and food are present in varying densities. Our results reproduced the simple predictions described above. However, some novel predictions were also obtained, especially when specific interactions between the different factors were examined and their effects on the three‐dimensional life‐history surface were considered. The work sheds light on long‐lasting debates regarding the relative importance of time versus egg limitation in determining insect life‐history traits and highlights the complexity of life‐history evolution, where several environmental factors act simultaneously on multiple traits.  相似文献   
Sexual conflicts often arise between mating partners because each sex tries to maximize its own reproductive success. One major male strategy to influence a partner's resource allocation is the transfer of accessory gland proteins. This has been shown to occur in simultaneous hermaphrodites as well as in organisms with separate sexes. Although accessory gland proteins affect the investment of resources in both male and female function, we here specifically focus on female investment. In the great pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, previous studies found that the accessory gland protein ovipostatin reduced female fecundity by suppressing egg laying in the partner in the short term (days). To investigate whether this reduction in egg laying is a commonly found effect of mating in freshwater snails, we compared egg output for evidence of suppression in isolated and paired snails of eight pulmonate species. Furthermore, we determined whether the suppression of egg laying caused a shift in resource allocation to the eggs. We found that in five of the eight species egg laying was suppressed, with fewer and lighter egg masses being laid when they had access to a mating partner. In mated pairs of L. stagnalis and Biomphalaria alexandrina, allocation of resources to the eggs was altered in opposite ways: individuals of L. stagnalis laid fewer but larger and heavier eggs; individuals of B. alexandrina laid smaller and lighter eggs, with no change in egg numbers. Such changes in the female function are most likely the result of combined effects of receiving accessory gland proteins, and the cost of mating in both male and female roles. Thus, effects of the maternal environment, including the receipt of accessory gland proteins, on offspring investment are not restricted to species with separate sexes.  相似文献   
Red cusk-eel (Genypterus chilensis) is a native species with potential for Chilean aquaculture diversification. However, no information exists on the effects of temperature on oxidative stress and eggs quality markers in post-ovulatory eggs and ovary of this species. We determine that high and low temperature generate oxidative damage on post-ovulatory eggs, with no effect on ovary. Temperature induces thermal stress markers expression on post-ovulatory eggs, and modulates antioxidant and eggs quality markers on post-ovulatory eggs and ovary, information to consider for quality evaluation in the red cusk-eel management.  相似文献   
Essential fish habitats (EFHs) are critical for fish life-history events, including spawning, breeding, feeding or growth. This study provides evidence of EFHs for the critically endangered flapper skate (Dipturus intermedius) in the waters around the Orkney Isles, Scotland, based on citizen-science observation data. The habitats of potential egg-laying sites were parametrised as >20 m depth, with boulders or exposed bedrock, in moderate current flow (0.3–2.8 knots) with low sedimentation. This information provides a significant contribution to the understanding of EFHs for flapper skate.  相似文献   
Sexual selection has been suggested to be an important driver of speciation in cichlid fishes of the Great Lakes of Africa, and the presence of male egg dummies is proposed to have played a key role. Here, we investigate how mouthbrooding and egg dummies have evolved in Tanganyikan cichlids, the lineage which seeded the other African radiations, with a special emphasis on the egg dummies. Using modern phylogenetic comparative analyses and a phylogeny including 86% of the 200 described species, we provide formal evidence demonstrating correlated evolution between mouthbrooding and egg dummies in Tanganyikan cichlids. These results concur with existing evidence, suggesting that egg dummies have evolved through sensory exploitation. We also demonstrate that there is a strong evolutionary correlation between the presence of egg dummies and both pre‐ and post‐copulatory sexual selection. Moreover, egg dummy evolution was contingent on the intensity of pre‐ and post‐copulatory sexual selection in Tanganyikan cichlids. In sum, our results provide evidence supporting the hypothesis of egg dummies evolving through sensory exploitation and highlight the role of sexual selection in favouring the evolution and maintenance of this trait.  相似文献   
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