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We present a new molecular dynamics method for studying the dynamics of open systems. The method couples a classical system to a chemical potential reservior. In the formulation, following the extended system dynamics approach, we introduce a variable, v to represent the coupling to the chemical potential reservoir. The new variable governs the dynamics of the variation of number of particles in the system. The number of particles is determined by taking the integer part of v. The fractional part of the new variable is used to scale the potential energy and the kinetic energy of an additional particle: i.e., we introduce a fractional particle. We give the ansatz Lagrangians and equations of motion for both the isothermal and the adiabatic forms of grand molecular dynamics. The averages calculated over the trajectories generated by these equations of motion represent the classical grand canonical ensemble (μVT) and the constant chemical potential adiabatic ensemble (μVL) averages, respectively. The microcanonical phase space densities of the adiabatic and isothermal forms the molecular dynamics method are shown to be equivalent to adiabatic constant chemical potential ensemble, and grand canonical ensemble partition functions. We also discuss the extension to multi-component systems, molecular fluids, ionic solutions and the problems and solutions associated with the implementation of the method. The statistical expressions for thermodynamic functions such as specific heat; adiabatic bulk modulus, Grüneissen parameter and number fluctuations are derived. These expressions are used to analyse trajectories of constant chemical potential systems.  相似文献   
The current paper accounts for the influence of intra-specific competition among predators in a prey dependent tri-trophic food chain model of interacting populations. We offer a detailed mathematical analysis of the proposed food chain model to illustrate some of the significant results that has arisen from the interplay of deterministic ecological phenomena and processes. Biologically feasible equilibria of the system are observed and the behaviours of the system around each of them are described. In particular, persistence, stability (local and global) and bifurcation (saddle-node, transcritical, Hopf–Andronov) analysis of this model are obtained. Relevant results from previous well known food chain models are compared with the current findings. Global stability analysis is also carried out by constructing appropriate Lyapunov functions. Numerical simulations show that the present system is capable enough to produce chaotic dynamics when the rate of self-interaction is very low. On the other hand such chaotic behaviour disappears for a certain value of the rate of self interaction. In addition, numerical simulations with experimented parameters values confirm the analytical results and shows that intra-specific competitions bears a potential role in controlling the chaotic dynamics of the system; and thus the role of self interactions in food chain model is illustrated first time. Finally, a discussion of the ecological applications of the analytical and numerical findings concludes the paper.  相似文献   
The trypsin inhibitors in buckwheat seeds were isolated by affinity chromatography on trypsin-Sepharose 4B, and the components were fractionated by chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B. The major components, inhibitors I, II and III, were found to be homogeneous proteins with molecular weight of about 8,000. Trypsin inhibitory activity was more pronounced than the chymotrypsin inhibitory activity in all the inhibitor preparation obtained. The three major inhibitors had similar amino acid compositions and had no detectable amounts of tryptophan and carbohydrate. A high level of acidic and basic amino acid residues and a low level of methionine, tyrosine and phenylalanine residues characterized the inhibitors. Although the inhibitors I and II were particularly thermostable, inhibitor III, the most abundant component, was shown to be relatively heat-labile.  相似文献   
Single-stranded plasmid DNA of pPF1 from Phormidium foveolarum that was specifically degraded by S1 nuclease was detected by Southern hybridization. This is also the case of the homologous plasmid pPBl from Plectonema boryanum. These observations suggest that such small cryptic plasmids as pPF1 and pPB1, both from Gram-negative and filamentous cyanobacteria, replicate by a rolling circle mechanism in their living cells.  相似文献   
Most large‐bodied wildlife populations in sub‐Saharan Africa only survive in conservation areas, but are continuing to decline because external changes influence ecological processes within reserves, leading to a lack of functionality. However, failure to understand how landscape scale changes influence ecological processes limits our ability to manage protected areas. We used GPS movement data to calculate dry season home ranges for 14 zebra mares in the Okavango Delta and investigated the effects of a range of landscape characteristics (number of habitat patches, mean patch shape, mean index of juxtaposition, and interspersion) on home range size. Resource utilization functions (RUF) were calculated to investigate how specific landscape characteristics affected space use. Space use by all zebra was clustered. In the wetter (Central) parts of the Delta home range size was negatively correlated with the density of habitat patches, more complex patch shapes, low juxtaposition of habitats and an increased availability of floodplain and grassland habitats. In the drier (Peripheral) parts of the Delta, higher use by zebra was also associated with a greater availability of floodplain and grassland habitats, but a lower density of patches and simpler patch shapes. The most important landscape characteristic was not consistent between zebra within the same area of the Delta, suggesting that no single foraging strategy is substantially superior to others, and so animals using different foraging strategies may all thrive. The distribution and complexity of habitat patches are crucial in determining space use by zebra. The extent and duration of seasonal flooding is the principal process affecting habitat patch characteristics in the Okavango Delta, particularly the availability of floodplains, which are the habitat at greatest risk from climate change and anthropogenic disturbance to the Okavango's catchment basin. Understanding how the factors that determine habitat complexity may change in the future is critical to the conservation of large mammal populations. Our study shows the importance of maintaining flood levels in the Okavango Delta and how the loss of seasonal floodplains will be compounded by changes in habitat configuration, forcing zebra to change their relative space use and enlarge home ranges, leading to increased competition for key resources and population declines.  相似文献   
The Gram‐negative bacterium Xanthomonas euvesicatoria (Xcv) is the causal agent of bacterial spot disease in pepper and tomato. Xcv pathogenicity depends on a type III secretion (T3S) system that delivers effector proteins into host cells to suppress plant immunity and promote disease. The pool of known Xcv effectors includes approximately 30 proteins, most identified in the 85‐10 strain by various experimental and computational techniques. To identify additional Xcv 85‐10 effectors, we applied a genome‐wide machine‐learning approach, in which all open reading frames (ORFs) were scored according to their propensity to encode effectors. Scoring was based on a large set of features, including genomic organization, taxonomic dispersion, hypersensitive response and pathogenicity (hrp)‐dependent expression, 5′ regulatory sequences, amino acid composition bias and GC content. Thirty‐six predicted effectors were tested for translocation into plant cells using the hypersensitive response (HR)‐inducing domain of AvrBs2 as a reporter. Seven proteins (XopAU, XopAV, XopAW, XopAP, XopAX, XopAK and XopAD) harboured a functional translocation signal and their translocation relied on the HrpF translocon, indicating that they are bona fide T3S effectors. Remarkably, four belong to novel effector families. Inactivation of the xopAP gene reduced the severity of disease symptoms in infected plants. A decrease in cell death and chlorophyll content was observed in pepper leaves inoculated with the xopAP mutant when compared with the wild‐type strain. However, populations of the xopAP mutant in infected leaves were similar in size to those of wild‐type bacteria, suggesting that the reduction in virulence was not caused by impaired bacterial growth.  相似文献   
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