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Cropping on jhum fallows in north-eartern India is predominantly done for one year in a jhum cycle. If second year cropping is done, expanse of the forest land required for slashing and burning could be reduced significantly. We tested this hypothesis in a young (6 yr) and an old (20 yr) jhum fallow. We also evaluated if the productivity during second year cropping could be alleviated by auxiliary measures such as tilling the soil or application of fertilizers (chemical or farm-yard manure or both in combination). The results demonstrate that the ecosystem productivity (total dry matter production) and economic yield (rice grain production) decline with shortening of jhum cycle. Second year cropping causes a further decline in ecosystem productivity in old jhum field, but not in young jhum field. Economic yield from second year cropping in its traditional form (without any fertilizer treatment) is not much lower than that in the first year, and can be improved further by manuring the soil. Tilling of soil improves neither ecosystem productivity nor economic yield. Different fertilization treatments respond differently; while inorganic manuring enhances ecosystem productivity, a combination of inorganic and organic manuring improves economic yield  相似文献   
Large earthen-walled lysimeters at the San Dimas Experimental Forest in southern California present a unique opportunity to assess vegetation effects on biogeochemical processes and cation release by weathering in controlled soil-vegetation systems where archived samples of soil parent material are available for comparison. The lysimeters were filled in 1937 with homogenized fine sandy loam derived on site from the weathering of diorite, and planted in 1946 with scrub oak (Quercus dumosa) and Coulter pine (Pinus coulteri). Changes in base cation contents were measured in above-ground biomass, and total and exchangeable soil pools to a depth of 1 meter. All cations in the non-exchangeable soil pool decreased relative to the initial fill material, indicating release by weathering. Sodium and K were depleted from both exchangeable and non-exchangeable pools of the soils. Plant uptake of Na was minimal, whereas K storage in vegetation exceeded the loss from the exchangeable soil pool. In both soil-vegetation systems, but especially for oak, there was an increase in exchangeable Ca and Mg. For all base cations, storage in above-ground biomass was greater for oak, whereas losses by weathering from the non-exchangeable soil pool were greater under pine. Strong evidence supports biocycling as a controlling mechanism resulting in greater Ca and Mg release by weathering under pine. In addition, decreases in non-exchangeable Ca and Mg were strongly correlated to decrease in Si under oak, whereas no correlation was observed under pine. We conclude that weathering reactions or stoichiometry differed between vegetation types.Corresponding author  相似文献   
I analyzed the rates of net N mineralization and nitrification of soils from seven sites in a Hawaiian wet montane forest. The sites differ in age, ranging from 400 to 4,100,000 yr, but are comparable in other variables (all at 1200 miasl with 4000 mm or more mean annual rainfall), and the chronosequence simulated a development of soils from basaltic lava. Soils were incubated for 20 days at 17.5 °C, which is nearly equivalent to a mean field air temperature of the sites, and at an elevated temperature of 25.5 °C under three treatments: 1) field-wet without amendments, 2) air dried to a permanent wilting point, and 3) fertilized with phosphate (NaH2PO4) at the rate of 50 g P per g dry soil. Both mineralization and nitrification rates varied significantly among the sites at the field temperature (p<.00001). Fractions of the mineralized organic matter (indexed by the N produced per g organic C) increased sharply from the youngest to the 5000-yr site before declining abruptly to a near constant value from the 9000 to the 1,400,000-yr sites. Total organic C in the top soils (<15 cm deep) increased almost linearly with age across the sites. Consequently, net NH4- and NO3-N produced on an area basis (g m-2 20 d-1) increased sharply from 0.2 in the youngest site to 1.2 in the 5000-yr site, then both became depressed once but steadily increased again. The fraction of organic matter mineralized, and the net N turnover rates were outstandingly high in the oldest site where a large amount of organic matter was observed; the topsoil organic matter which was used in this analysis appeared to be highly labile, whereas the subsurface organic matter could be relatively recalcitrant. As suggested by earlier workers, the initial increase in N turnover seemed to correspond to the increasing quantity of N in the soils through atmospheric deposition and biological fixation. The later decline in fraction of organic matter mineralized seemed to relate to increasing soil C/N ratios, increasingly recalcitrant organic matter, and poorer soil drainage with age. The elevated temperature treatment produced significantly higher amounts of N mineralization, except for the youngest site where N was most limiting, and for two sites where soil waterlogging might be severe. P fertilization invariably resulted in slower N turnovers, suggesting that soil microbes responded to added P causing N immobilization. The youngest site did not significantly respond to added P. The magnitude of immobilization was higher in older than in younger soils, suggesting that P more strongly limits microbial populations in the older soils.  相似文献   
Abstract: Baboons are widely used in biomedical research. Although it is widely held that Papio hamadryas breed well in captivity, each established colony has a different reproductive success often hypothesised to be due to husbandry practices. The National Baboon Colony in Australia is a unique colony that houses Papio hamadryas to mimic that structure seen in the wild. In this article; we have analysed their reproductive parameters and neonatal outcomes. The success of the colony husbandry practices was demonstrated by lack of maternal mortality, low foetal morbidity, and known maternal and paternal linage.  相似文献   
Abstract. To test if low soil fertility and competition limit the performance of Mediterranean shrubs, and if the effects of competition on plant performance were modified by soil fertility, we subjected shrubs of Erica multiflora to a factorial field experiment of fertilization and removal of neighbours around target plants. After 18 months of treatment, fertilization had stimulated the growth of pre-existent sprouts and biomass allocation to stems into new sprouts, but decreased the frequency of sprout flowering. Removal of neighbours increased the number and biomass of new sprouts, the probability of sprout flowering and the biomass of flowers. Fertilization slightly enhanced sprout recruitment and the probability of sprout flowering when neighbours were removed, but did not modify the other parameters of plant performance. According to our results, both low soil fertility and competition limited plant performance. Competition was slightly more intense in fertilized plants, but only in determining sprout and flowering bud stimulation.  相似文献   
Ernst Mayr's contributions to 20th century biology extend far beyond his defense of certain elements in evolutionary theory. At the center of mid-century efforts in American evolutionary studies to build large research communities, Mayr spearheaded campaigns to create a Society for the Study of Evolution and a dedicated journal,Evolution, in 1946. Begun to offset the prominence ofDrosophila biology and evolutionary genetics, these campaigns changed course repeatedly, as impediments appeared, tactics shifted, and compromises built a growing coalition of support. Preserved, however, were designs to balance the community and journal with careful equation of status and explicit partitioning of responsibilities within the working coalition. Choice terms such as cooperation and unity carried a strong political message. Mayr's editorship ofEvolution provides a superb example of these balancing efforts. The mid-century infrastructural activities described herein also represented aggressive attempts to leverage control across several layers of community. Leaders of these campaigns sought: (1) to promote evolutionary studies as a modernized research discipline and place it at the center of American biology, (2) to promote evolutionary studies within existing disciplines — e.g. systematics, genetics, and paleontology, (3) to foster certain research styles within evolutionary studies, and (4) to emphasize certain solutions to prominent research questions. Throughout, Mayr interjected his priorities, tactics and energy.  相似文献   
Trends and ecological consequences of phosphorus (P) decline and increasing nitrogen (N) to phosphorus (N:P) ratios in rivers and estuaries are reviewed and discussed. Results suggest that re-oligotrophication is a dominant trend in rivers and estuaries of high-income countries in the last two–three decades, while in low-income countries widespread eutrophication occurs. The decline in P is well documented in hundreds of rivers of United States and the European Union, but the biotic response of rivers and estuaries besides phytoplankton decline such as trends in phytoplankton composition, changes in primary production, ecosystem shifts, cascading effects, changes in ecosystem metabolism, etc., have not been sufficiently monitored and investigated, neither the effects of N:P imbalance. N:P imbalance has significant ecological effects that need to be further investigated. There is a growing number of cases in which phytoplankton biomass have been shown to decrease due to re-oligotrophication, but the potential regime shift from phytoplankton to macrophyte dominance described in shallow lakes has been documented only in a few rivers and estuaries yet. The main reasons why regime shifts are rarely described in rivers and estuaries are, from one hand the scarcity of data on macrophyte cover trends, and from the other hand physical factors such as peak flows or high turbidity that could prevent a general spread of submerged macrophytes as observed in shallow lakes. Moreover, re-oligotrophication effects on rivers may be different compared to lakes (e.g., lower dominance of macrophytes) or estuaries (e.g., limitation of primary production by N instead of P) or may be dependent on river/estuary type. We conclude that river and estuary re-oligotrophication effects are complex, diverse and still little known, and in some cases are equivalent to those described in shallow lakes, but the regime shift is more likely to occur in mid to high-order rivers and shallow estuaries.  相似文献   
Soil and atmospheric droughts increasingly threaten plant survival and productivity around the world. Yet, conceptual gaps constrain our ability to predict ecosystem-scale drought impacts under climate change. Here, we introduce the ecosystem wilting point (ΨEWP), a property that integrates the drought response of an ecosystem's plant community across the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum. Specifically, ΨEWP defines a threshold below which the capacity of the root system to extract soil water and the ability of the leaves to maintain stomatal function are strongly diminished. We combined ecosystem flux and leaf water potential measurements to derive the ΨEWP of a Quercus-Carya forest from an “ecosystem pressure–volume (PV) curve,” which is analogous to the tissue-level technique. When community predawn leaf water potential (Ψpd) was above ΨEWP (=−2.0 MPa), the forest was highly responsive to environmental dynamics. When Ψpd fell below ΨEWP, the forest became insensitive to environmental variation and was a net source of carbon dioxide for nearly 2 months. Thus, ΨEWP is a threshold defining marked shifts in ecosystem functional state. Though there was rainfall-induced recovery of ecosystem gas exchange following soaking rains, a legacy of structural and physiological damage inhibited canopy photosynthetic capacity. Although over 16 growing seasons, only 10% of Ψpd observations fell below ΨEWP, the forest is commonly only 2–4 weeks of intense drought away from reaching ΨEWP, and thus highly reliant on frequent rainfall to replenish the soil water supply. We propose, based on a bottom-up analysis of root density profiles and soil moisture characteristic curves, that soil water acquisition capacity is the major determinant of ΨEWP, and species in an ecosystem require compatible leaf-level traits such as turgor loss point so that leaf wilting is coordinated with the inability to extract further water from the soil.  相似文献   
Ecosystem management in the face of global change requires understanding how co-occurring threats affect species and communities. Such an understanding allows for effective management strategies to be identified and implemented. An important component of this is differentiating between factors that are within (e.g. invasive predators) or outside (e.g. drought, large wildfires) of a local manager's control. In the global biodiversity hotspot of south-western Australia, small- and medium-sized mammal species are severely affected by anthropogenic threats and environmental disturbances, including invasive predators, fire, and declining rainfall. However, the relative importance of different drivers has not been quantified. We used data from a long-term monitoring program to fit Bayesian state-space models that estimated spatial and temporal changes in the relative abundance of four threatened mammal species: the woylie (Bettongia penicillata), chuditch (Dasyurus geoffroii), koomal (Trichosurus vulpecula) and quenda (Isoodon fusciventor). We then use Bayesian structural equation modelling to identify the direct and indirect drivers of population changes, and scenario analysis to forecast population responses to future environmental change. We found that habitat loss or conversion and reduced primary productivity (caused by rainfall declines) had greater effects on species' spatial and temporal population change than the range of fire and invasive predator (the red fox Vulpes vulpes) management actions observed in the study area. Scenario analysis revealed that a greater extent of severe fire and further rainfall declines predicted under climate change, operating in concert are likely to further reduce the abundance of these species, but may be mitigated partially by invasive predator control. Considering both historical and future drivers of population change is necessary to identify the factors that risk species recovery. Given that both anthropogenic pressures and environmental disturbances can undermine conservation efforts, managers must consider how the relative benefit of conservation actions will be shaped by ongoing global change.  相似文献   
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