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Fluctuating asymmetry represents usually small, random deviations from symmetry in bilateral morphological characters. The ontogeny of asymmetry in morphological characters may reveal information about developmental processes in a general sense. I studied the development of fluctuating asymmetry in feather characters of the barn swallow Hirundo rustica, that are developed repeatedly during the single annual moult, with the following results. First, the side developing a larger feather was found to be partially biased, as demonstrated by one side consistently developing a larger feather under natural and experimentally induced growth episode events. Second, asymmetric feathers were found to consist of asymmetric daily growth increments, and the size of the increments developing under different environmental conditions were positively correlated. Third, fluctuating asymmetries of feathers developing under different environmental conditions were positively correlated, although the level of asymmetry was larger under adverse environmental conditions. Fourth, individual asymmetries in tail length and growth bar length were unrelated to the duration of the developmental period, although late growth increments were smaller and more symmetric than early increments. These observations suggest that fluctuating asymmetry partially arises as a consequence of a random bias in the feather follicles and differences in environmental conditions during ontogeny of feathers.  相似文献   
Abstract. Single species and bivariate distribution patterns in a semi-arid shrubland in southeastern Spain, dominated by the tall leguminous shrub Retama sphaerocarpa, were investigated by second-order spatial analysis based on Ripley's K-function. Shrubs were significantly clumped because of a strong association of dwarf shrubs, mostly Artemisia barrelieri, under the canopy of Retama. Retama shrubs were randomly distributed, but when different size-classes were analysed separately, the pattern changed from significantly clumped to random and then to regular with increasing canopy diameter, suggesting increasing intraspecific competition with shrub size. Artemisia was significantly clumped at all scales because of aggregation under the canopy of large Retama shrubs. The association between the species became stronger with increasing canopy diameter of Retama shrubs, suggesting that facilitation prevailed over interspecific competition because of niche separation in different tiers, both above and below ground. Retama shrub size thus determined both the type of pattern for its own size class and tier, and the scale and intensity of the association with its understorey shrubs.  相似文献   
Abstract. We studied floristic and diversity patterns and their environmental controls in two landscapes of contrasting topography in the Patagonian steppe. The analyses were focused on the effects of water availability gradients and landscape configuration on plant species distribution and coexistence. Floristic variation was investigated using Correspondence Analysis. The relationship between floristic and environmental variation was analyzed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis and correlation tests. We explored diversity patterns by relating spatial distance to floristic dissimilarities. The floristic gradient was determined by shrub and grass species and was related to precipitation in the flat area, and to precipitation, elevation and potential radiation in the mountain area. Site species richness increased with water availability in both areas. Mean site species richness and species turnover in space was higher in the mountain than in the flat area. Landscape species richness and floristic gradients were more concentrated in the mountain than in the flat area. In contrast to shrubs and grasses, forb species distributions were uncoordinated and probably independent of any environmental gradient. Our results suggest (1) that landscape configuration affects species composition and diversity through its direct effect on abiotic environmental heterogeneity, and (2) that the environmental controls of the community composition vary depending on the plant functional type considered.  相似文献   
A non-equilibrium thermodynamic theory of generalized Lotka-Volterra ecosystem has been presented. The main results consist of the derivation of a generalized expression of entropy-production for the evolutionary ecosystem and the study of its role in the analysis of ecological stability, succession and also in the formulation of some extremum principles characterising the evolution of the ecosystem.  相似文献   
Anaerobic digestion of wastewater from a dimethyl terephthalate plant was studied in continuously stirred tank reactors with plastic net biomass support particles (BSP) at a level of 20% (v/v). The experimental results showed that the BSP system could treat the wastewater at a hydraulic retention time as low as 1.5 d, organic loading as high as 20 kg COD/m3/d and at acidic feed pH as low as 4.5 with 95% COD reduction and biogas production of about 8l/l/d, while the control system without support particles could not treat the wastewater above a 5-d hydraulic retention time, 5 kg COD/m3/d organic loading and a feed pH of 6.0. Thus, augmentation of BSP upgraded the performance of the conventional suspended growth system to an equivalent level to advanced reactors.  相似文献   
Conservation and management issues of Prespa National Park   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Catsadorakis  G.  Malakou  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,351(1-3):175-196
The present article describes the human activities inthe area and their changes and trends, given that thecontemporary nature conservation key issues areclosely related to past and present socio-economic andcultural conditions, both within Prespa itself andoutside of it. The liberation of Prespa, a remote andrather socially isolated borderline area, from Ottoman occupation took place in 1912–13. Recentevents in its environmental history have been forestclearings and human depopulation in the Civil War(1944–49), irrigation system construction in the1960s, its discovery by ornithologists in the late1960s, the high emigration rates of 1960–1980, itsdesignation as a National Park in 1974, thedestructive development works of 1984–86 afterGreeces entry to the EEC and the conversion to intensivebean cultivation in the mid 1980s.The human population of ca 7000 at the start of thiscentury suffered an almost 80% decrease after theCivil War. A resettlement in the mid 1950s increasedthe population by 40% but in the 1970s emigrationreduced it to its previous size of around 1500, stillits present size. The extensive and diverse farmingsystems of previous centuries changed gradually afterthe construction of an irrigation network in the1960s, which twenty years later and along withinternational changes in production and economypatterns, made possible the present day domination ofa bean monoculture within irrigated croplands. Thiswas accompanied by increased energy inputs,mechanisation and the use of chemicals.Intensification of agriculture brought increasedincomes which attracted also livestock keepers,resulting in a 56% decrease in numbers of livestockin 1964–1993. Cattle are presently kept for meatproduction only. They graze on the mountains, and nolonger in the meadows around the lakeshore. A localshorthorn breed accounting for 93% of all cattle in1963 declined to less than 18% in 1993. Fishing aimedmainly at carp and Prespa bleak, continues today as inthe past to be a source of supplementary income.Eighty-six per cent of the – mainly oak and beech –forests are State owned and the rest belong to localmunicipalities. The forest area has not changedessentially in the last 40 years, but forest roadshave expanded. Forests provide mainly fuelwood forlocal needs and small quantities of industrial timber.No specific management is conducted to safeguard theconservation values of the forest, the majority ofwhich consists of even aged coppiced stands withlimited value for wildlife. Manufacturing never playedan important role for the economy of the area. Tourismhas increased in the last 20 years, concentratedmainly in summer and spring. Accommodation in thevillages is not yet satisfactory though it hasimproved enormously in recent years. The NationalParks infrastructure for visitors remains poor.Tourist pressure generally is not yet that high toimpact drastically the social and environmentalfabric. In places, hunting, angling and poaching cannegatively affect the target species. The constructionof the irrigation network in the eastern part of LakeMikri Prespa was the most important change to thelandscape and the habitats of Prespa the last 30years. It resulted in the embankment of free-flowingstreams, drainage of wet meadows and dramaticreduction of trees and hedges. In the last 15 years,the reedbeds, no longer burnt or mowed and assisted byincreased nutrient loadings from agricultural runoff,have expanded landward to occupy formerly open,periodically flooded, areas. The above changes inhabitats and land use have brought an impoverishmentof biodiversity which can be seen in the exterminationor the decrease in the numbers of certain plant andbird species.The problems preventing a better management of theNational Park and the perpetuation of its values areinappropriate legislation, the poor degree ofcoordination of the public services, the lack of botha specific National Park Service in Greece and amanagement authority for the Park and the hostileattitude of local people due to their limitedinformation and involvement. The scenic beauty, thewetlands and a number of rare habitats, the diversityof habitats, flora and fauna, the endemic life forms,the rare mammals and the colonial waterbirds, thelocal architecture and the cultural expressions suchas the Byzantine monuments, are the values of Prespathat must be preserved as a whole. The initialconservation efforts aimed at preserving biodiversitybut later it became apparent that not only are humansan inseparable part of the whole, but additionally,several of their extensive activities have contributedsubstantially to the rich biodiversity of the area.Through the prerequisites of keeping a balance betweenprimary and tertiary sector activities and ofrevitalizing the social fabric, the following are thekey management and conservation issues of today: anunequivocal agreement on the values to be preservedand their limits; the formation of a managementauthority; a new realistic protection and land usezoning; the diversification and extensification of allfarming activities; the restoration of the wet meadowhabitats; the ensuring of a high water level and agood water quality for both lakes through tri-lateralcooperation between Greece, Albania and FYROM; and theestablishment of a permanent environmental monitoringscheme.  相似文献   
Summary The production of cellulase byRhizobium species was studied.Rhizobium trifolii cellulase was induced by a variety of polysaccharides, including celluloses and hemicelluloses. Cellobiose and myo-inositol also allowed enzyme expression but mannitol prevented it at concentrations higher than 0.25%. Both soluble and insoluble plant root substances moderately stimulated cellulase production byRhizobium trifolii.Most substances tested did not induce the production of cellulases by the slow-growing, cowpea type rhizobia strain CIAT 79. Effective inducers were carboxymethylcellulose, gluconate and myo-inositol.Cellulase production was very low under all conditions tested. In most cases the enzyme activity was loosely bound to the capsular material. The enzyme in fast-growers is an 1,4--D-glucan-4-glucanohydrolase (endo-glucanase EC with specificity for high molecular weight polysaccharides.There was no correlation between infectiveness ofRhizobium trifolii strains and cellulase production. One strain, which lacks the nodulation plasmid, produced cellulase at the same rate as its parental infective strain.  相似文献   
A canonical analysis of multiple time series   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BOX  G. E. P.; TIAO  G. C. 《Biometrika》1977,64(2):355-365
The estimation of latent and infectious periods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GOUGH  K. J. 《Biometrika》1977,64(3):559-565
A note on estimation for gamma and stable processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BASAWA  I. V.; BROCKWELL  P. J. 《Biometrika》1980,67(1):234-236
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