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The honey possum is the only non-volant mammal to feed exclusively on a diet of nectar and pollen. Like other mammalian and avian nectarivores, previous studies indicated that the honey possum’s basal metabolic rate was higher than predicted for a marsupial of equivalent body mass. However, these early measurements have been questioned. We re-examined the basal metabolic rate (2.52 ± 0.222 ml O2 g−1 h−1) of the honey possum and confirm that it is indeed higher (162%) than predicted for other marsupials both before and after accounting for phylogenetic history. This, together with its small body mass (5.4 ± 0.14 g; 1.3% of that predicted by phylogeny) may be attributed to its nectarivorous diet and mesic distribution. Its high-basal metabolic rate is associated with a high-standard body temperature (36.6 ± 0.48°C) and oxygen extraction (19.4%), but interestingly the honey possum has a high point of relative water economy (17.0°C) and its standard evaporative water loss (4.33 ± 0.394 mg H2O g−1 h−1) is not elevated above that of other marsupials, despite its mesic habitat and high dietary water intake.  相似文献   
We can make a history of the world as an ecological history of an empirical nature. But parallelling that is the history of human thought about nature. The two interact at both pragmatic and abstract levels but in essence the outcome is unpredictable and more akin to chaos theory than to environmental or technological determinism. So the pursuit of either environmentalist or cornucopian Utopias seems not only doomed to failure but likely to cause destruction along the way; a step by step improvisatory strategy seems the best we can do.  相似文献   
赵海凤  闫昱霖  张大红 《生态学报》2015,35(4):1249-1257
首先对"低碳经济"进行了讨论,进而提出了"碳循环经济"概念;对现有碳计量进行研究,提出了相应改进计算公式:碳绩效和碳经济密度。最后,对碳责任分担进行了探讨,提出了发达国家和发展中国家"责任共担、区别对待"的碳责任担负的计算模式。  相似文献   
刘传庚  王发明 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6748-6753
发展循环经济是构建和谐矿区,实现矿区可持续发展的必然选择,建立循环经济评价指标体系是评判循环经济发展质量的主要依据.依据西山公司企业循环经济发展水平评价指标体系构建的4个基本原则,构建了一套西山公司循环经济发展水平的评价指标体系,该指标体系由目标层、准则层、指标层3个等级,管理、环境、经济3个系统共25个具体指标组成,并提出了西山公司循环经济发展水平的评价模型.  相似文献   
基于生态经济分区的土壤质量及其变化与农户行为分析   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
通过1980年土壤普查数据和1999~2000年土壤质量调查和地下水调查数据进行对比和空间计算,看出土壤质量变化在空间上存在较大的空间变异性;在综合自然、社会经济信息,对曲周县进行的生态经济综合分区基础上进行农户调查,对各分区土壤质量状况及其变化以及不同分区之间农户行为差异的分析表明:农户主要通过种植行为选择和经营投人和资源利用等行为对土壤质量和环境产生影响。不同类型农户在种植行为选择和经营投入上有较大差别.  相似文献   
中美减排二氧化碳的GDP溢出模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
王铮  黎华群  张焕波  龚轶 《生态学报》2007,27(9):3718-3726
基于气候保护模型(State-contingent模型与Demeter模型)和GDP溢出模型(Mundell-Fleming模型),对中美两国在实施控制性气候保护措施之后所导致的GDP溢出影响的变化进行了模拟分析。结果表明,美国实行控制性减排政策对于中国的GDP溢出影响与不实施任何减排的情况相比,两者的差别并不明显,但是这种影响经历一个从负向到正向逐步上升的发展趋势,虽然中国实行控制性减排政策对于美国GDP溢出的影响,相比美国对于中国的影响,所导致的GDP溢出影响更小,但是也同样表现出了一个从负溢出到正溢出的过程。这一结果表明一国的控制性气候保护政策从长远来看会对另一国的经济发展产生正向的溢出。同时,针对两种情况,即不考虑他国GDP溢出影响和考虑他国GDP溢出影响,分别模拟计算了中美两国的GDP,进而对两种情况下的差额结果进行对比,分析了中美相互之间GDP溢出量的大小。结果发现,美国对中国GDP溢出影响要大于中国对美国的GDP溢出。  相似文献   
浑善达克退化沙地草地生态恢复试验研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
选择草地退化十分严重的浑善达克沙地腹地开展恢复生态学研究 ,试图寻求沙地草地生态恢复的新途径。采取“以地养地”模式 ,在小范围的土地上 ,建立高产饲草基地 ,使牲畜的压力逐步向高效地集中 ,同时改变畜群结构 ,解决当地牧民生活出路 ;而大面积的退化草地 ,主要借助自然力恢复。结果表明 ,自然力在浑善达克沙地退化生态系统恢复中起到巨大的作用 ,群落生物量、平均高度和总盖度 2年后均随恢复时间增加而增加 ( P<0 .0 5 )。流动沙丘的裸沙 ,经 2 a自然恢复后 ,生物量达 1 0 1 2 g/m,总盖度高达 60 %。与对照相比 ,封育 2 a后固定沙地群落盖度增加近 3倍 ;滩地群落生物量提高了 9倍 ,平均高度增加 4倍。植被组成方面 ,恢复前固定沙地以冷蒿 ( Artemisia frigida)、糙隐子草 ( Cleistogens squarrosa)和寸草苔 ( Carexduriuscula)等为主 ,恢复 2 a后冰草 ( Agropyron cristatum)、褐沙蒿 ( Artemisia intramongolica)等占优势 ;滩地植被中 ,羊草 ( L eymus chinensis)、披碱草 ( Elymus dahuricus)等逐步取代了灰绿藜 ( Chenopodiumglaucum)和尖头叶藜 ( Chenopodium acuminatum)等。生态恢复不仅使自然生态系统得以保护 ,而且带动了社会经济的发展 ,项目中的正蓝旗巴音胡舒嘎查牧民 ,在实验示范前后  相似文献   
Construction materials are considerable forces of global environmental impacts, but their dynamics vis‐à‐vis urban development are poorly documented, in part because their long lifespans require elusive and sometimes nonexistent decade‐long high‐resolution data. This study analyzes the construction material flow and stock trends that shaped and were shaped by the development, decline, and renewal of the Tiexi district of Shenyang, a microcosm of China's urban transformations since the early 20th century. Chronicling building‐by‐building the material flows and stock accumulations involved in the buildup of this area, we shed light on the physical resource context of its socioeconomic history. We find that 42 million tonnes of construction materials were needed to develop the Tiexi district from 1910 to 2018, and 18 million tonnes of material outflows were generated by end‐of‐life building demolition. However, over 55% of inflows and 93% of outflows occurred since 2002 during a complete redevelopment of the district. Only small portions of end‐of‐life materials could have been reused or recycled because of temporal and typological mismatches of supply and demand and technical limitations. Our analysis reveals a dramatic decrease in median building lifetimes to as low as 6 years in the early 21st century. These findings contribute to the discussion of long‐term environmental efficiency and sustainability of societal development through construction and reflect on the challenges of urban renewal processes not only in China but also in other developing and developed countries that lost (or may lose) their traditional economic base and restructure their urban forms. This article met the requirements for a Silver/Silver JIE data openness badge described at http://jie.click/badges .  相似文献   
Due to resource scarcity and environmental degradation, a new development concept emphasizing environmental concerns, called the circular economy (CE), has been enacted in legislation in China. This environmental management concept can be implemented at three levels, namely, region, industrial zone, and individual enterprise, with the objective of boosting economic development while lessening environmental and resource challenges. Environmental supply chain cooperation (ESCC), an approach that utilizes customer and supplier cooperation in environmental management, has been initiated among Chinese enterprises. Using survey data collected from 396 Chinese manufacturers, we examine the role of ESCC practices in influencing the relationship between implementing CE practices and the achievement of performance outcomes by testing the moderation and mediation effects of ESCC practices on the CE practice‐performance relationship through hierarchical regression analysis. Our data analyses indicate that ESCC practices are useful by moderation and, in some cases, essential by mediation, for Chinese manufacturers seeking to realize the performance targets desired in CE practices. The results highlight the need for Chinese manufacturers to improve supply chain coordination in their implementation of CE. On the policy side, our research findings suggest that ESCC practices are beneficial and, in some cases, necessary for the development of CE in China.  相似文献   
刻槽盆是一种内壁遍布粗糙刻划纹的特殊陶器。目前,对其功能尚没有统一的认识,而淀粉粒分析无疑将提供重要信息。本文对安徽省含山县凌家滩遗址(5500~5300 BP)发掘出土的18件刻槽盆残片开展淀粉粒分析,在陶片上发现种类丰富的淀粉粒,其中以薏苡(Coix lacryma-jobi L.)和未定禾本科(Poaceae)为主,其次是小麦族(Triticeae tribe)、壳斗科栎属(Quercus L.)和其他根茎类植物的淀粉粒,豇豆属(Vigna sp.)、莲藕(Nelumbo nucifera)和山药(Dioscorea opposita Thunb.)的淀粉粒相对较少。上述结果表明刻槽盆主要用于加工野生植物资源。值得注意的是,在器物上发现了大量受到研磨/杵捣处理的破损淀粉粒或烹煮导致的糊化淀粉粒,这表明它们应该用于研磨/杵捣和烹煮食物。淀粉粒的统计分析结果表明,先民的生业方式在不同时期发生了细微变化,薏苡和未定禾本科植物的比例虽仍占据着优势,但先民已开始有意识地减少对这两类植物的依赖,逐渐加强了对小麦族、栎属、豇豆属和根茎类植物资源的开发和利用。对具有加工痕迹的淀粉粒进行分析,发现先民在加工各类型植物时,始终采用研磨为主、烹煮为辅的方式,刻槽盆的功能在不同时期无明显变化。  相似文献   
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