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The hippocampus receives its major cortical input from the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) and the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC). It is commonly believed that the MEC provides spatial input to the hippocampus, whereas the LEC provides non-spatial input. We review new data which suggest that this simple dichotomy between ‘where’ versus ‘what’ needs revision. We propose a refinement of this model, which is more complex than the simple spatial–non-spatial dichotomy. MEC is proposed to be involved in path integration computations based on a global frame of reference, primarily using internally generated, self-motion cues and external input about environmental boundaries and scenes; it provides the hippocampus with a coordinate system that underlies the spatial context of an experience. LEC is proposed to process information about individual items and locations based on a local frame of reference, primarily using external sensory input; it provides the hippocampus with information about the content of an experience.  相似文献   
王子尧  孟露  李倞  徐昉  林箐 《生态学报》2023,43(9):3571-3581
在全球气候变化的背景下,合理协调低碳减排与经济效益之间的关系,进而指导土地利用优化配置,对于推动经济社会低碳转型与生态系统服务价值的提升具有重要意义。通过耦合多目标规划(MOP)与斑块生成土地利用模拟模型(PLUS),针对北京市构建了自然演变、经济优先与低碳发展这3种未来发展情景,并对不同情景下2030年土地利用与生态系统服务价值进行模拟评估。在此基础上,进一步对北京市未来生态系统服务提升区域进行识别,将传统的多情景土地利用模拟研究进行了延伸与扩展。结果表明:(1)3种情景下的土地利用结构与空间布局存在差异,低碳发展情景下东南部平原区建设用地的扩张与耕地面积的减少趋势得到了有效控制,西北部山区的林地面积有较大幅度的增长。(2)低碳发展情景下的生态系统服务价值总量约为590亿元,高于另外两种情景,且从空间分布上来看,该情景下服务价值提升区域的面积也显著高于其他情景。(3)低碳发展情景下,北京市生态系统服务提升潜力较大的区域面积占比约7.98%、潜力中等区域的面积占比约26.57%,潜力较低区域的面积占比约65.45%。  相似文献   
Summary We used lambda and plasmid vectors containing the am + gene in an insert of from 2.7 to 9.1 kb, to transform am point mutant and deletion strains. A total of 199 transformants were examined with the potential to yield am transformants by homologous recombination. When we used vectors that had 9.1 kb of homology with the chromosomal DNA, 30% of the transformants obtained were the result of homologous recombination regardless of whether the vector was a lambda molecule, a circular plasmid, or a plasmid that had been linearized prior to transformation. When vectors with up to 5.1 kb of homology were used, very few transformants (1 of 89 tested) resulted from homologous recombination. Of a sample of 29 ectopic integration events obtained by transformation with the 9.1 kb fragment cloned in a vector, 18 included a major part (usually almost all) of both arms of lambda with the entire Neurospora 9.1 kb insert between them. Four included only long arm sequence together with an adjacent segment of the insert containing the am gene. The remaining seven were the result of multiple integrations. There was no evidence of circularization of the vector prior to integration. All transformants that had multiple copies of the am gene appeared to be subject to the RIP process, which causes multiple mutations in duplicated sequences during the sexual cycle.  相似文献   
The European demographic transition of the nineteenth century is often proposed as a model for demographic change in twentieth century developing nations, and economic development is seen as leading to an inevitable reduction in total fertility in these nations. This paper examines data from the Gainj of Papua New Guinea, a natural fertility population with very low reproductive output, and suggests that the effects of development on fertility change are much more complex than a simple demographic transition model would suggest. Looking at two variables known to contribute significantly to low total fertility among the Gainj, late age at first birth for women and long interbirth intervals, the paper suggests that households, in their recruitment and allocation of labor, may exert a mediating influence in the relationship between economic development and fertility.  相似文献   
为小麦旗叶早衰性状的精细定位和基因克隆奠定基础,该试验以普通小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)‘宁春4号’和‘宁春27号’杂交得到的128个F10代RIL群体为研究材料,利用307对多态性SSR标记对小麦旗叶早衰性状进行了QTL定位,并通过构建整合图谱的方法进行了标记加密。结果表明,共检测到1个控制旗叶早衰性状的加性QTL,位于2A染色体长臂的gwm526和gwm382标记区间内,可解释49.88%的表型变异。经遗传图谱整合后发现,gwm526和gwm382标记之间存在124个SNP标记。  相似文献   
猪瘟DNA疫苗在猪体及环境的生物安全性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA疫苗生物安全性是其走向临床所须解决的关键问题之一。以猪瘟DNA疫苗为研究对象 ,探讨了其两个方面的生物安全性问题。一方面 ,将两种不同的猪瘟DNA疫苗质粒免疫猪后 ,利用PCR技术分析了其与猪细胞基因组整合的可能性 ,结果在灵敏度为 30拷贝的检测条件下 ,未发现猪瘟DNA疫苗整合到细胞基因组 ;另一方面 ,以PCR技术检测了免疫现场环境样品 ,以分析猪瘟DNA疫苗上的E2基因、CMV启动子基因和抗性基因是否在环境细菌中发生转移和扩散。结果未发现DNA疫苗转化环境细菌的直接证据。因此认为DNA疫苗对猪体和环境是安全的。  相似文献   
水培经济植物对污水中磷的吸收利用及去除效果   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对13种经济植物在污水水培条件下净化污水中磷的能力进行了研究。结果表明,黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum)、水芹(Oenanthe stolonifera)、莴苣(Lactuca sativavar.angustana)、酸模(Poly-gonum iapathifolium)、生菜(Lactuca sativa)、小葱(Allium ascalonicum)、五月慢青菜(Brassica chinen-sis)等品种具有较高的净化能力。在4个半月的水培中,TP的去除量分别达到10.27、10.35、6.5~6.896、.91、5.72、5.46和6.19 g.m-2;TP的去除率分别达到94.5%、95.2%、93.6%~99.3%、99.6%、99.5%、95%和89.2%。植物吸收作用是最主要的污水磷去除机制,沉淀在污水磷净化中的作用较小。污水中磷的去除与植物的生长期密切相关。黑麦草、水芹等7种植物适宜作为苏南地区冬季化粪池污水水培植物。  相似文献   
大鼠皮层听-视多感觉神经元和听-视信息整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用常规电生理技术,研究SD大鼠皮层听-视多感觉神经元的分布和听-视信息整合.共记录到130个听-视双模态神经元,其中65个A-V型神经元,28个v-A型神经元和37个a-V型神经元.这些双模态神经元主要分布于听区的背侧,听皮层和视皮层的交界处,具有明显的区域性,呈条带状分布,v-A型神经元较多地位于近听皮层一侧,a-V型神经元则主要位于近视皮层一侧,A-V型神经元位于两者之间.在条带中,双模态神经元分布不均一,有片状分布趋势.双模态神经元的听-视信息整合效应分为增强型、抑制型和调制型.整合效应与声-光组合刺激的时间间隔有关,其中75%的神经元获得最大整合效应的时间间隔在30~50ms之间.研究结果提示,大鼠皮层存在听-视多感觉神经元分布区,这些神经元遵循存在于其他动物相关脑区多感觉信息整合规律,参与听-视感觉信息整合.  相似文献   
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