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梁子湖水——陆交错区水生植物群落生态学研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
对梁子湖水-陆交错区中植物群落的的组成、结构、生长型和生物量进行了测定,结果表明交错区内共分布有9种植物群落:1)微齿眼子菜(Potamogeton maackianus)群落;2)狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum)+苦草(Vallis-neria natans)+金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum denersum)群落;3)微齿眼子菜+金鱼藻群落;4)金鱼藻+狐尾藻+微齿眼子菜群落;5)金鱼藻+狐尾藻+荇菜(Nymphyoides pettlatum)群落;6)水蓼(Polygonum hydropiper)+菱(Trapa bipinosa)+菰(Zizania latifolia)群落;7)菹草(Potamogeton crispus)群落;8)菰+荇菜+蓼群落;9)湿生植物(Helophyte)群落。主要植物群4落生物量:狐尾藻+苦草+金鱼藻群落2414g.m^-2。金鱼藻+狐尾藻+微齿眼子菜群落4379g.m^-2,微齿眼子菜+金龟藻群落1486g.m^-2,微齿眼子菜群4落2805g.m^-2。交错区内主要植物群落生量的季节变化与群落内优势种的生长方式、人为活动的干扰以及个体生态特征密切相关。群落内优势物种的水平分布表现为均匀分布和群聚分布两种方式。  相似文献   
孟艳芬  郭宪国  门兴元  吴滇 《昆虫学报》2007,50(11):1140-1145
以云南省16种主要小兽宿主体表吸虱群落为分类单元,以基于共54个群落特征变量的各群落优势虱种的相对优势度Dr、染虱率RL、虱指数IL、总染虱率RLT和总虱指数ILT及各群落的结构参数(平均丰富度 、平均均匀度 、平均多样性指数 及平均优势度指数 )来探讨云南省吸虱昆虫与其宿主协同进化的关系。运用SPSS12.0统计软件中的系统聚类分析,对16种主要小兽宿主体表吸虱群落进行数量分析。结果将16种小兽宿主体表吸虱群落分为8个类群。隶属同一个属的小兽,其体表吸虱群落相似程度高,在系统聚类分析中聚为一类; 大多数吸虱群落相似性大小与相应小兽宿主在动物分类上的近缘性高低呈高度一致。结果提示: 吸虱昆虫与其所寄生的小兽宿主存在同步进化的关系,特定的小兽宿主,其体表吸虱群落的构成比较稳定,宿主动物的近缘关系越近,其体表吸虱群落的相似性越高,这是吸虱昆虫与小兽宿主协同进化的一个重要生态学证据。  相似文献   
While several studies have established a positive correlation between community diversity and invasion resistance, it is less clear how species interactions within resident communities shape this process. Here, we experimentally tested how antagonistic and facilitative pairwise interactions within resident model microbial communities predict invasion by the plant–pathogenic bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum. We found that facilitative resident community interactions promoted and antagonistic interactions suppressed invasions both in the lab and in the tomato plant rhizosphere. Crucially, pairwise interactions reliably explained observed invasion outcomes also in multispecies communities, and mechanistically, this was linked to direct inhibition of the invader by antagonistic communities (antibiosis), and to a lesser degree by resource competition between members of the resident community and the invader. Together, our findings suggest that the type and strength of pairwise interactions can reliably predict the outcome of invasions in more complex multispecies communities.  相似文献   
Global climate change scenarios predict lake water temperatures to increase up to 4°C and extreme weather events, including heat waves and large temperature fluctuations, to occur more frequently. Such changes may result in a reorganization of the plankton community structure, causing shifts in diversity and structure toward a community dominated by fewer species that are more adapted to endure warmer and irregular temperature conditions. We designed a long‐term (8 months) mesocosm experiment to explore how ambient water temperature (C: control), induced increased temperature (T: +4°C), and temperature fluctuations (F: ±4°C relative to T) change phytoplankton phenology, taxonomical diversity, and community structure, and how such changes affected zooplankton abundance and composition. Synthesis. Our results show that T and F relative to C significantly decreased phytoplankton diversity. Moreover, there was a clear effect of the temperature treatments (T and F) on phytoplankton size structure that resulted in a significantly lower growth of large species (i.e., large Chlorophyta) compared to C. Decreased diversity and evenness in the T and F treatments pushed the community toward the dominance of only a few phytoplankton taxa (mainly Cyanobacteria and Chlorophyta) that are better adapted to endure warmer and more irregular temperature conditions. The observed shift toward Cyanobacteria dominance may affect trophic energy transfer along the aquatic food web.  相似文献   
流域生态学——新学科,新思想,新途径   总被引:55,自引:13,他引:55  
在评述流域生态学定义、来源及有关认识的基础上,论述了流域生态学作为一门学科的意义和主要研究内容.文章认为流域生态学的研究与应用是流域社会、经济可持续发展的有效途径,有必要尽快地系统开展相关研究  相似文献   
立枯丝核菌是一种传播广、危害大的土传病原菌,对其展开的研究已涉及各个方面并逐渐深入,近几年借助于核酸技术对其所展开的研究更成为热点。对核酸技术在立枯丝核菌的分类学研究(主要包括G Cmol%含量测定、核酸杂交、各种DNA指纹技术、特异PCR扩增、测序DNA的序列分析)、监测群体动态变化的生态学研究(实时荧光PCR技术)中的应用作一简要的介绍。  相似文献   
北京地区大仓鼠种群繁殖生态研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
张洁 《兽类学报》1987,7(3):224
1983-1985年,作者在北京农田区研究了大仓鼠的种群生态。获得标本1101号(♀497,604),解剖、观察、测量、记录雌雄生殖系统的变化及繁殖特征。对大仓鼠的雌雄性比、平均胎仔数、怀孕率等作了分析。结果:春季出生的雌鼠,两个月左右即达性成熟,并参加繁殖,在7月以后出生的雌鼠当年不参加繁殖。越冬鼠一年可繁殖2-3次。在数量较高的1983年,性比(/♀)为1.33,平均胎仔数为9.24;数量次高的1984年,性比为1.20,平均胎仔数为9.29;数量较低的1985年,性比为0.95,平均胎仔数为9.94。在数量较低的年份,大仓鼠种群的各项繁殖指标均优于数量较高的年份。  相似文献   
王德华 《兽类学报》2011,31(1):15-19
对环境的适应和瘦素的生理功能。根据国际发展动态,对未来一些可能的发展方向提出了建议。  相似文献   
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