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连翘花的结构与繁育系统研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
通过定株观察、解剖和人工套袋交叉授粉试验对连翘花的生长发育和繁殖系统进行研究.结果表明:(1)连翘具有2种避免自交的方式,雌雄异位和雌雄异熟.其雌雄异位表现为长雄蕊短雌蕊花型和短雄蕊长雌蕊花型;雌雄异熟表现为长雄蕊短雌蕊花型为雄蕊先于雌蕊成熟,短雄蕊长雌蕊花型表现为雌蕊先于雄蕊成熟.(2)连翘花P/O值测定和户外套袋交叉授粉试验显示,P/O值为2 000±300;不同类型花的异花授粉结果率在50.64%~80.32%,其中短型花的花粉授到长型花柱头的结果率最高,达80.32%,而长型花和短型花的同型花授粉结果率分别为2.92%和34.15%,表明连翘的异花授粉结果率高于自花授粉,以异交为主,其繁育系统属兼性异交.研究结果认为,连翘雌雄异位和雌雄异熟是其自然结果率低下的主要原因,为进一步探讨连翘在木犀科中的系统进化提供了生殖生态学的依据.  相似文献   
稻米垩白形成的气象生态基础研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在全国13个点、19个品种多播期试验基础上,对稻米垩自形成的气象生态基础进行了分析。结果表明,水稻齐穗后15天的日均温是影响稻米垩白大小的主要气象因子。经对稻米垩白与齐穗后15天内均温关系的动态分析可知,稻米垩白随该时段温度提高而增大的拐点温度约为29℃(品种间略有差异),接近或超过该点温度,稻米垩白会突发性地增加。  相似文献   
Feeding ecology is an important factor for the survival of a species and knowledge of its parameters is a prerequisite for successful conservation work. In this study we describe the feeding ecology of the endemic Seychelles Black Parrot Coracopsis barklyi on Praslin, Seychelles, the only island on which this parrot is resident. We compared two methods to evaluate feeding choices: incidental observations and feeding walks on 25 transects in all habitat types. Black parrots fed on 46 different species, bringing the total number of known food plants to 53 species. They predominantly consumed endemic and native species (58% of observed feeding bouts), mainly their fruit pulp (in 68% of feeding bouts), followed by buds (15%) and seeds (37%) with occasional observations of leaves, bark and scale insects. The incidental method rendered many more observed bouts than the transect approach and the ratios of consumed species differed between methods but the transect results are regarded as more representative. The incidental method is not suitable for quantitative conclusions but complements the transect method, providing information about rarely occurring feeding events.  相似文献   
Due to resource scarcity and environmental degradation, a new development concept emphasizing environmental concerns, called the circular economy (CE), has been enacted in legislation in China. This environmental management concept can be implemented at three levels, namely, region, industrial zone, and individual enterprise, with the objective of boosting economic development while lessening environmental and resource challenges. Environmental supply chain cooperation (ESCC), an approach that utilizes customer and supplier cooperation in environmental management, has been initiated among Chinese enterprises. Using survey data collected from 396 Chinese manufacturers, we examine the role of ESCC practices in influencing the relationship between implementing CE practices and the achievement of performance outcomes by testing the moderation and mediation effects of ESCC practices on the CE practice‐performance relationship through hierarchical regression analysis. Our data analyses indicate that ESCC practices are useful by moderation and, in some cases, essential by mediation, for Chinese manufacturers seeking to realize the performance targets desired in CE practices. The results highlight the need for Chinese manufacturers to improve supply chain coordination in their implementation of CE. On the policy side, our research findings suggest that ESCC practices are beneficial and, in some cases, necessary for the development of CE in China.  相似文献   
The Great Barrier Reef sponge Luffariella variabilis (Poléjaeff 1884) produces a range of potent anti-inflammatory compounds as its major metabolites. These major metabolites—manoalide monoacetate, manoalide, luffariellin A and seco-manoalide—were monitored temporally and spatially to quantify the potential yield from wild harvest or aquaculture. Production of the major metabolites was hardwired at the population level with little variation in space and time over meters to tens of kilometers in the Palm Islands, Queensland, Australia. Manoalide monoacetate (35 to 70 mg g−1 dry weight of sponge) was consistently the most abundant compound followed by manoalide (15 to 20 mg g−1 dry weight). Luffariellin A and seco-manoalide were 10 to 70 times less abundant and varied between 0 and 3 mg g−1 dry weight. On a larger spatial scale, L. variabilis from Davies Reef and Magnetic Island contained the same rank order and yields of compounds as the Palm Islands, indicating a generality of pattern over at least 100 km. The “hardwiring” of metabolite production at the population level by L. variabilis was also reflected in the lack of any inductive effect on metabolite production. In addition, individually monitored sponges produced fixed ratios of the major metabolites over time (years). However, these ratios varied between individuals, with some individuals consistently producing high levels of manoalide and manoalide monoacetate, providing the potential for selection of high-yielding stocks.  相似文献   
Re-introductions are increasingly used conservation tools. Often, criteria for re-introducing species are based on policies or politics and little attention paid, albeit theoretical, to understanding what ecological possibilities habitats may have in sustaining introduced animals. Assessing potential carrying capacities is complex but easier for grazers, since biomass of these herbivores is empirically correlated with habitat primary productivity.The case is made here that the Barbary macaque, Macaca sylvanus, a vulnerable North African primate with a large surplus captive stock, can be viewed as a grazer. Because of this attribute, and unlike congenerics, it is possible to estimate potential densities in extant habitats in a fashion similar to predicting stocking levels for domestic herbivores. Thus, from values of consumable primary productivity for domestic stock in Mediterranean countries and the monkey's energy requirements, attainable macaque populations in studied habitats could be much higher than actual. Though these numbers may be unreachable in nature, this study shows that present macaque populations could increase after restorative management of habitats in which re-stocking with captive-born animals may play a part. However, since only 10% of potential monkey habitat in Morocco and Algeria is occupied by the species, finding areas for releasing captive-born macaques is more advisable.  相似文献   
Plant phenology—the timing of cyclic or recurrent biological events in plants—offers insight into the ecology, evolution, and seasonality of plant‐mediated ecosystem processes. Traditionally studied phenologies are readily apparent, such as flowering events, germination timing, and season‐initiating budbreak. However, a broad range of phenologies that are fundamental to the ecology and evolution of plants, and to global biogeochemical cycles and climate change predictions, have been neglected because they are “cryptic”—that is, hidden from view (e.g., root production) or difficult to distinguish and interpret based on common measurements at typical scales of examination (e.g., leaf turnover in evergreen forests). We illustrate how capturing cryptic phenology can advance scientific understanding with two case studies: wood phenology in a deciduous forest of the northeastern USA and leaf phenology in tropical evergreen forests of Amazonia. Drawing on these case studies and other literature, we argue that conceptualizing and characterizing cryptic plant phenology is needed for understanding and accurate prediction at many scales from organisms to ecosystems. We recommend avenues of empirical and modeling research to accelerate discovery of cryptic phenological patterns, to understand their causes and consequences, and to represent these processes in terrestrial biosphere models.  相似文献   
Aim Determining the causes of range size variation in the distributions of alien species is important for understanding the spread of invasive species. Factors influencing alien range size have been explored for some species at a regional level, but to date there has been no global analysis of an entire class. Here, we present such an analysis for birds, testing for the effects of introduction event, location and species‐level variables on alien range sizes. Location Global. Methods We used a novel dataset on the global distributions of alien bird species to test for relationships between alien range size and colonization pressure, residence time, extent of the global climatic niche, native range size, body mass and specialization, using a statistical approach based on phylogenetic generalized least squares models. We performed this analysis globally, and for separate biogeographical realms. Results Approximately half of the variation in alien bird range size is explained by colonization pressure in univariate analysis. We identified consistent effects of higher colonization pressure at global and realm levels, as well as support for effects of native range size and residence time. We found less support for effects of body mass, specialization or extent of the global climatic niche on alien range size. Main conclusions Alien bird range sizes are generally small relative to their native range sizes, and many are continuing to expand. Nevertheless, current variation is predictable, most strongly by the event‐level factor of colonization pressure. Whether a species is widespread is a better predictor of alien range size than whether a species could be widespread (estimated by global climatic niche extent), while we also find effects of residence time on alien range size. These relationships may help to identify those alien species that are more likely to spread and hence have greater environmental and economic impacts where they have been introduced.  相似文献   
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