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How early stages of speciation in free-spawning marine invertebrates proceed is poorly understood. The Western Pacific abalones, Haliotis discus, H. madaka, and H. gigantea, occur in sympatry with shared breeding season and are capable of producing viable F1 hybrids in spite of being ecologically differentiated. Population genomic analyses revealed that although the three species are genetically distinct, there is evidence for historical and ongoing gene flow among these species. Evidence from demographic modeling suggests that reproductive isolation among the three species started to build in allopatry and has proceeded with gene flow, possibly driven by ecological selection. We identified 27 differentiation islands between the closely related H. discus and H. madaka characterized by high FST and dA, but not high dXY values, as well as high genetic diversity in one H. madaka population. These genomic signatures suggest differentiation driven by recent ecological divergent selection in presence of gene flow outside of the genomic islands of differentiation. The differentiation islands showed low polymorphism in H. gigantea, and both high FST, dXY, and dA values between H. discus and H. gigantea, as well as between H. madaka and H. gigantea. Collectively, the Western Pacific abalones appear to occupy the early stages speciation continuum, and the differentiation islands associated with ecological divergence among the abalones do not appear to have acted as barrier loci to gene flow in the younger divergences but appear to do so in older divergences.  相似文献   
Forest restoration by planting trees often accelerates succession, but the trajectories toward reference ecosystems have rarely been evaluated. Using a chronosequence (4–53 years) of 26 riparian forest undergoing restoration in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, we modeled how the variables representing forest structure, tree species richness and composition, and the proportion of plant functional guilds change through time. We also estimated the time required for these variables to reach different types of reference ecosystems: old‐growth forest (OGF), degraded forest, and secondary forest. Among the attributes which follow a predictable trajectory over time are: the basal area, canopy cover, density and tree species richness, as well as proportions of shade tolerant and slow growing species or individuals. Most of the variation in density of pteridophythes, lianas, shrubs and phorophythes, proportion of animal‐dispersed individuals, rarefied richness and floristic similarity with reference ecosystems remain unexplained. Estimated time to reach the reference ecosystems is, in general, shorter for structural attributes than for species composition or proportion of functional guilds. The length of this time varies among the three types of reference ecosystems for most attributes. For instance, tree species richness and proportion of shade tolerant or slow growing individuals become similar to secondary forests in about 40 years, but is estimated to take 70 years or more to reach the OGF. Of all the variables considered, canopy cover, basal area, density, and richness of the understory—by their ecological relevance and predictability—are recommended as ecological indicators for monitoring tropical forest restoration success.  相似文献   
The concept of ecological thresholds was raised in the 1970s. However, it was subsequently given different definitions and interpretations depending on research fields or disciplines. For most scientists, ecological thresholds refer to the points or zones that link abrupt changes between alternative stable states of an ecosystem. The measurement and quantification of ecological thresholds have great theoretical and practical significance in ecological research for clarifying the structure and function of ecosystems, for planning sustainable development modes, and for delimiting ecological red lines in managing the ecosystems of a region. By reviewing the existing concepts and classifications of ecological thresholds, we propose a new concept and definition at two different levels: the ecological threshold points, i.e. the turning points of quantitative changes to qualitative changes, which can be considered as ecological red lines; the ecological threshold zones, i.e. the regime shifts of the quantitative changes among different stable states, which can be considered as the yellow and/or orange warning boundaries of the gradual ecological changes. The yellow thresholds mean that an ecosystem can return to a stable state by its self-adjustment, the orange thresholds indicate that the ecosystem will stay in the equilibrium state after interference factors being removed, whereas the red thresholds, as the critical threshold points, indicate that the ecosystem will undergo irreversible degradation or even collapse beyond those points. We also summarizes two types of popular Methods in determining ecological thresholds: statistical analysis and modeling based on data of field observations. The applications of ecological thresholds in ecosystem service, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management research are also reviewed. Future research on ecological thresholds should focus on the following aspects: (1) methodological development for measurement and quantification of ecological thresholds; (2) emphasizing the scaling effect of ecological thresholds and establishment of national-scale observation system and network; and (3) implementation of ecological thresholds as early warning tools in ecosystem management and delimiting ecological red lines.  相似文献   
以福建省长汀县朱溪小流域为研究对象,通过野外调查、室内分析以及遥感影像提取相结合的方法获取数据。利用Matlab7.0软件建立BP神经网络生态恢复模型,定量评价退化生态系统的恢复程度。选择土壤理化性质(有机质、全N、全P、全K、容重和p H)、植被结构(植被盖度)、物种多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener指数)和热环境(地表温度)等4个方面的9个指标建立退化生态系统评价体系,并作为生态恢复模型的输入层数据,生态恢复度作为输出层数据。使用Matlab7.0进行数据预处理、样本训练、样本检验并建立生态恢复模型。利用建立的生态恢复模型对整个朱溪小流域生态恢复度进行定量评价。结果表明,生态恢复模型预测结果与流域生态恢复的实际情况基本吻合,利用BP神经网络模型定量评价退化生态系统的恢复程度具有可行性。朱溪小流域内生态恢复程度极低的区域面积仅占0.94%,95.48%区域为中等恢复程度,说明生态保护措施已初见成效;生态恢复程度高的区域面积仅占3.62%,意味着未来仍需加强治理和保护工作。  相似文献   
马赟花  张铜会  刘新平  毛伟  岳祥飞 《生态学报》2015,35(12):4063-4070
通过人工模拟降雨试验研究了科尔沁沙地优势草本植物尖头叶藜萌发和幼苗建成对春季小降雨事件(2、4、8 mm和自然降雨)的响应。结果表明:不同降雨处理对尖头叶藜的萌发和幼苗建成有显著影响(P0.05)。8mm降水量是促使尖头叶藜萌发的最小降雨阈量。不同降雨量处理下尖头叶藜萌发数量大小顺序为:8mm处理对照4 mm处理2mm处理;而高度和冠幅依次是2 mm处理(2.23 cm和7.15 cm2.)对照(2.03 cm和6.21 cm2)4mm处理(1.86 cm和5.01 cm2)8mm处理(1.48cm和4.72 cm2);降雨量为8mm的地上生物量最多(45.26 g/m2),对照为35.49g/m2、4mm处理为26.54g/m2、2mm处理为15.26g/m2。尖头叶藜幼苗的水分利用效率与每次降水量呈显著地正相关关系,随着每次降雨量的增大地上生物量逐渐增大。本试验中各处理的总降雨量一致,但地上生物量不同且差异显著。每次降雨量×降雨次数的分布状况影响了尖头叶藜幼苗的地上生物量。科尔沁沙地尖头叶藜萌发及其幼苗建成在密度、形态和水分利用效率和地上生产力上对不同模式的小降雨做出了积极的响应。  相似文献   
Risk-based methods promise improved decision-making for managing of contaminants, such as salinity, sediments, nutrients, and toxicants, that can adversely affect the ecological condition of aquatic ecosystems. Two aspects of ecological risk assessment (ERA) and management—stakeholder involvement and more quantitative approaches to risk analysis—are particularly challenging. Stakeholder involvement is crucial both in the risk assessment process and the development, acceptance, and implementation of a risk management plan. Additionally, a number of quantitative approaches (particularly Bayesian approaches and multi-criteria decision-making) have been identified as having the potential to include expert-based inputs into risk-based decision-making. These offer promise for better inclusion of stakeholder knowledge and preferences into the decision-making process, and for improving the links between stakeholder inputs and potential risks to the ecological condition of the system. A major challenge for ecologists and natural resource managers is to make the ERA process more quantitative. Most ERAs conducted to date have been qualitative assessments that suffer from a number of deficiencies, the most serious being the lack of transparency and a reliance on subjective judgments. This article argues that the most productive way forward may be to use Bayesian methods to couple existing process-based models, empirical relationships based on good data, and expert opinion, to make the analysis of ecological risks more robust, consistent, and repeatable.  相似文献   
人为水土流失是一种人类干扰下的典型景观退化现象.将人为侵蚀在空间上的表现称之为人为侵蚀景观.在遥感和GIS技术支持下,结合大量的实地调查资料,对珠海最主要的人为侵蚀景观类型——土石场开展空间分布分析和景观生态影响评价.调查范围内珠海土石场有235个,其中三灶、井岸两镇(区)分布最为集中,分别为28、29个.缓冲区分析表明,土石场的分布与距交通道路的远近呈对数线性相关,其中在距交通道路100~200m距离范围内分布最为集中.设计景观生态影响度评价指数,对面积大于5000m^2的152个土石场进行景观生态影响度评价结果表明,对周边景观生态环境影响极强的土石场有9个,属于强一级的有17个,应首先对这些土石场开展景观生态恢复.  相似文献   
The planting of sand‐binding vegetation in the Shapotou region at the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert began in 1956. Over the past 46 years, it has not only insured the smooth operation of the Baotou–Lanzhou railway in the sand dune section but has also played an important role in the restoration of the local eco‐environment; therefore, it is viewed as a successful model for desertification control and ecological restoration along the transport line in the arid desert region of China. Long‐term monitoring and focused research show that within 4–5 years of establishment of sand‐binding vegetation, the physical surface structure of the sand dunes stabilized, and inorganic soil crusts formed by atmospheric dust gradually turned into microbiotic crusts. Among the organisms comprising these crusts are cryptogams such as desert algae and mosses. In the 46 years since establishing sand‐binding vegetation, some 24 algal species occurred in the crusts. However, only five moss species were identified, which was fewer than the species number in the crust of naturally fixed sand dunes. Other results of the planting were that near‐surface wind velocity in the 46‐year‐old vegetation area was reduced by 54.2% compared with that in the moving sand area; soil organic matter increased from 0.06% in moving sand dunes to 1.34% in the 46‐year‐old vegetation area; the main nutrients N, P, K, etc., in the desert ecosystem increased; soil physicochemical properties improved; and soil‐forming processes occurred in the dune surface layer. Overall, establishment of sand‐binding vegetation significantly impacted soil water cycles, creating favorable conditions for colonization by many herbaceous species. These herbaceous species, in turn, facilitated the colonization and persistence of birds, insects, soil animals, and desert animals. Forty‐six years later, some 28 bird species and 50 insect species were identified in the vegetated dune field. Thus, establishment of a relatively simple community of sand‐binding species led to the transformation of the relatively barren dune environment into a desert ecosystem with complex structure, composition, and function. This restoration effort shows the potential for short‐term manipulation of environmental variables (i.e., plant cover via artificial vegetation establishment) to begin the long‐term process of ecological restoration, particularly in arid climates, and demonstrates several techniques that can be used to scientifically monitor progress in large‐scale restoration projects.  相似文献   
镍污染对土壤微生物的生态效应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
镍是高等植物和某些微生物必需的微量营养元素之一,在它们的生命活动中起着重要作用;但浓度较高时,也是一种极毒元素。大量的研究表明,镍污染土壤中微生物的生长、代谢、群落结构和种群多样性会受到不同程度的影响;微生物在长期受重金属威迫的环境中形成其适应性。利用微生物形成的这种适应机制,采用微生物技术治理重金属污染的土壤是可能的。本文还对镍污染土壤的微生物评价指标体系、土壤环境容量、微生物技术开发和综合治理技术开发等的进一步研究作了展望。  相似文献   
Although sexual selection has been predominantly used to explain the rapid evolution of sexual traits, eggs of oviparous organisms directly face both the challenges of sexual selection as well as natural selection (environmental challenges, survival in niches, etc.). Being the outermost membrane in most insect eggs, the chorion layer is the interface between the embryo and the environment, thereby serving to protect the egg. Adaptive ecological radiations such as divergence in ovipositional substrate usage and host-plant specializations can therefore influence the evolution of eggshell proteins. We can hypothesize that proteins localized on the outer eggshell may be affected to a greater degree by ecological challenges compared with inner eggshell proteins, and therefore, proteins localized in the outer eggshell (chorion membrane) may evolve differently (faster) than proteins localized in the inner egg membrane (vitelline membrane). We compared the evolutionary divergence of vitelline with chorion membrane proteins in species of the melanogaster subgroup and found that chorion proteins as a group are indeed evolving faster than vitelline membrane proteins. At least one vitelline membrane protein (Vm32E), specifically localized on the outer eggshell, is also evolving faster than other vitelline membrane proteins suggesting that all proteins localized on the outer eggshell may be evolving rapidly. We also found evidence that specific codons in chorion proteins cp15 and cp16 are evolving under positive selection. Polymorphism surveys of cp16 revealed inflated levels of divergence relative to polymorphism in specific regions of the gene, indicating that these regions are under strong selection. At the morphological level, we found notable difference in eggshell surface morphologies between specialist (Drosophila sechellia and Drosophila erecta) and generalist species of Drosophila. We do not know if any of the chorion proteins actually interact with spermatozoids, therefore leaving the possibility of rapid evolution through gametic interaction wide open. At this point, however, our results support previous suggestions that divergences in ecology, particularly, ovipositional substrate divergences may be a strong force driving the evolution of eggshell proteins.  相似文献   
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