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Summary Effects of errors in estimates of the genetic correlation on the accuracy of unrestricted, optimum, and desired gains selection indices were examined experimentally in Tribolium castaneum. Three lines were selected for three generations for pupal weight at 21 days and adult weight at 31 days, using unrestricted (I9), optimum (O9), and desired gains (G9) index selection methods. The genetic correlation between pupal and adult weights in the base population was 0.95. The optimum index was designed to set the response of pupal weight by a fixed amount, while in the desired gains index the responses of pupal and adult weights were specified as being equal to 31. Three other indices were constructed using a deliberately incorrect genetic correlation (0.25), i.e., unrestricted (I2), optimum (O2), and desired gains (G2). Responses observed in unrestricted index lines (I9 versus I2) and optimum index lines (O9 versus O2) did not differ significantly, even though lines I9 and I2 differed in a practical sense. Responses in desired gains index lines (G9 versus G2) differed significantly. Responses obtained for aggregate genotype (pupal weight + adult weight) and for the component traits were greater in line I9 than those obtained in line I2. Responses obtained in the O9 and O2 lines for pupal and adult weights were similar, while those obtained in the G9 and G2 lines were similar for pupal weight but not (P<0.05) for adult weight. Therefore, underestimation of the genetic correlation seems to affect the efficiency of a desired gains index more than that of unrestricted or optimum indices.  相似文献   
In triticale and its parental species, the application of a root osmotic stress induced either a transient increase or an immediate decrease in transpiration rate. The response of wheat (Trticum dicoccum farrum) proved to depend on relative humidity of air. In rye (Secale cerealecv. Petkus) and triticale (T. 300) the effect of NaCl stress was less expressive, than the effect of PEG.  相似文献   
Synopsis The Oreochromis mossambicus population of North Pine Dam, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia was studied over three years, from 1985 to 1988. Basic somatic data were obtained and characteristic values of condition factor, sex ratio, gonosomatic index and the relationships between total and standard lengths, and length and weight, were calculated. Standard length is proportional to total length by the formula SL = –0.321 + 0.799 TL. Weight is related to length by the isometric formula W = aL3. Condition factor values spanned the range 0.0254 to 0.0563, with an average of 0.04078 for males and 0.03877 for females. The sex ratio is 1: 1 until maturity is reached (21 cm SL), at which time the catch rate of the sexes varies due to divergent habitat selection behaviour. Average values of gonosomatic index, considered in relation to maturity classification, are similar to those obtained from other populations, however maximum values are generally much lower, at 0.47 for males and 3.62 for females. These characteristic values are compared, with varying degrees of concordance, with those for populations of this species in other countries.  相似文献   
A quantitative comparison was conducted on the foliage development during sporophyte development of three allopatric ferns in cool temperate and subalpine regions of Hokkaido and Tirol, European Alps. The foliage development ofDryopteris crassirhizoma, D. coreano-montana andD. filix-mas was quantitatively described by the leaf development (NV, number of veins); NV correlates the leaf-shape complexity from a circle (DI, L/2(3.14×S)1/2). Nearly similar patterns were detected on frequency distribution of fertile leaves, fertility increase and number of leaves in threeDryopteris ferns which exhibit funnel-shaped foliage arrangements in mature sporophyte. No difference was found in number of leaves, maximum NV, fertility rate and leaf-shape parameters among three ferns. A positive difference was found only on changes in order of pinnae with maximum number of costa branches (NVP) and the DI of outline of pinnae betweenD. crassirhizoma andD. filix-mas. These allopatricDryopteris ferns seem to have a similar foliage structure, in spite of some sympatricDryopteris ferns capable of producing putative hybrids (D. austriaca andD. amurensis; D. tokyoensis andD. monticola) having different foliage structures in Hokkaido. Contribution No. 3346 from the Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University.  相似文献   
This essay examines ritual and ceremonial activities among the Arawakspeaking Wakuénai of the Venezuelan Amazon as processes of constructing power relations in changing historical and ecological conditions. Ritual evocations of the vertical dimension of power relations between mythic ancestors and human descendants adapt local populations to conditions of relatively severe stress, such as epidemics and scarcity of fish in long wet seasons. Other rituals evoke the horizontal dimension of power relations between affinally-related groups as a way of expanding the local descent group in conditions of lowered stress. These two ways of exercising ritual power link human populations to specific natural habitats and provide flexibility needed to adjust to demographic and other historical changes. Through ritual performances, the Wakuénai transform the natural environment into a cultural landscape of socialized objects and, conversely, remember the history of political relations among peoples through spirit-naming of natural species, objects, places, and geographic landmarks.  相似文献   
Summary Parameters estimated from a Gardner-Eberhart analysis of the F2 generation of a six-parent diallel in oats (Avena sativa L.) were used to compare methods for predicting the performance of F3 row plots. The prediction methods were: (1) individual F2 plant performance (F2I), (2) parent average plus F2 plot deviations (PF2), (3) parent average plus weighted F2 plot deviations (PF2P), (4) best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) of parent average plus F2 plot deviations (BPF2), and (5) BLUP plus weighted F2 deviations (BF2). The F2 single-plant traits used for prediction were biological yield to predict F3 biological yield, whole plant and primary tiller grain yield for prediction of F3 grain yield, and whole plant and primary tiller harvest index (HI) to predict F3 HI. Prediction methods were evaluated by correlations between predicted and observed F3 performance. Prediction methods and traits for which correlations were greater than for F2I included: BF2 for biological yield, PF2, PF2P and BF2 for whole plant grain yield, PF2, BPF2, and BF2 for primary tiller grain yield. None had a correlation significantly greater than F2I for either measure of HI, where heritability was large. PF2 is the recommended method for traits with low heritability because of its simplicity and because it had the largest or nearly the largest correlation for each of the yield traits. F2I is the recommended method for traits with larger heritability.Contribution No. 8821 of the U.S. Regional Pasture Research LaboratoryDeceased  相似文献   
湘中、湘东地区早籼稻耐土壤潜育性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国南方稻区的主要低产稻田是潜育性稻田,约有一亿亩。挖掘其“潜在生产力”,种植耐潜育性土壤逆境胁迫能力较强的水稻品种,则是简便、经济而有效的重要途径之一。本文就几个早籼稻品种(组合)对潜育性稻田的生态适应性进行了较系统的观测,并初步提出了耐潜育性的几个鉴定指标,诸如根系生长量和幼穗分化期根系氧化力;分蘖早期茎蘖增长速率;分蘖后期单株干物质产量;乳熟期剑叶片过氧化氢酶活性GDI和光合强度等。上述鉴定指标,综合应用于水稻品种生态适应性和耐潜育性育种研究,有助于提高水稻抗逆性育种的效率。  相似文献   
西双版纳傣族“龙山”的生态学意义   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:22  
傣族“龙山”是西双版纳地区傣族的民族植物文化中的一例。其概念是“神居住的地方”,在这个地方的动植物都是神的家园里的生灵,是神的伴侣,是不能砍伐、狩猎和破坏的。人  相似文献   
生态因子对中药甘草质量影响的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
甘草是一种常用中药,由于具有“调和诸药”之功效而成为方剂中最常用的一味药。古有“十方九草”之说,可见对甘草的需求量之大;目前,对甘草的需求不仅仅限于医药界,在食品、轻工、畜牧等行业也有广泛的应用。然而,由于长期滥采、滥挖,只挖不种,使得甘草的蕴藏量急剧下降,有些地区的甘草资源濒临枯竭。例如,东北松嫩平原,原是我国“东草”商品的主产区之一,并大量出口国外,  相似文献   
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