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拉萨河流域耕地不同尺度土壤水分影响因子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤水分影响因子的尺度差异及作用是其尺度依赖性研究的基础.本文以青藏高原拉萨河流域耕地土壤为对象,通过遥感影像分析和野外调查,在全流域和小流域尺度上分别布设样点115和49个,采用土钻法分3层(0~20、20~40、40~60 cm)抽取土壤样本,获取土壤水分含量,然后运用生态学冗余分析和统计分析,筛选出影响耕地土壤水分的主要因子.结果表明: 在全流域尺度,受气候、海拔影响,土壤水分呈西南 东北递增趋势,其中,河谷区耕地受河流侧渗补给影响,下层土壤水分高于上层;在小流域尺度,耕地土壤水分随海拔升高及坡度增大而减少,土壤贮水能力随石砾含量增多而减弱.研究结果为拉萨河流域耕地向高海拔扩张、作物结构调整、土地整理及灌溉设施布设提供了重要依据.  相似文献   
We aimed to reveal the effects of range expansion and subsequent lineage admixture from separated glacial refugia on genetic diversity of Kalopanax septemlobus in Japan, by combining nuclear microsatellite data and ecological niche modelling. Allelic richness and gene diversity were compared at the population and regional level. We also statistically examined these indices as a function of population accessibility to the last glacial maximum (LGM) palaeodistribution reconstructed by ecological niche modelling to test a simple range expansion scenario from glacial refugia. Genetic diversity was highest in the populations of southern Japan and gradually decreased towards the north. However, an additional centre of genetic diversity, when measured as gene diversity, was found in northern Honshu Island, where distinct lineages were shown to be in contact. Positive effects of population accessibility to the LGM range were detected in both diversity indices at different spatial scales. The combined data support independent postglacial range expansions towards the north from the edge populations on the exposed coastal shelf of Pacific and Sea of Japan in northern Honshu during the LGM, which subsequently resulted in markedly low genetic diversity in the northernmost extant range, Hokkaido. The regional increase in gene diversity in northern Honshu is likely to be the result of postglacial lineage admixture. Relative difference in the spatial scales best relating population genetic diversity with the LGM distribution can be explained by a higher rate of allelic richness diversity loss during range expansions and stronger effects of lineage admixture on gene diversity.  相似文献   
分析了生态基础设施概念的由来和发展,国际社会对森林功能和作用的认识过程,森林对我国经济建设和生态安全的重要性,以及当前林业生态建设的形势和所面临的问题,提出应将森林定位为现代社会国民经济和社会发展的基础设施,强调了森林基础设施定位对转变当前林业生态建设方式的重要作用.在综合分析森林生态系统特点的基础上,认为森林基础设施属性具有一定的特殊性,即主体由活体的生物材料构成,权属带有明显的多元性质,所以林业生态建设的模式和管理体制既要遵循基础设施的基本原则,又应考虑到森林的特殊性.提出了当前开展林业生态建设的4点建议:发展以人与自然和谐为核心的现代生态观;建立长期稳定的林业生态建设投资渠道;按照基础设施建设的原则实施林业生态建设工程;按照基础设施管理的原则经营森林.  相似文献   
湿地植物根表铁膜研究进展   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
为了适应渍水环境,许多湿地植物都具有根系泌氧、形成铁膜的能力。因铁膜具有特殊的物理或化学结构,可以通过吸附和共沉淀作用影响元素在土壤中的化学行为和生物有效性,在植物吸收营养元素和重金属中起重要作用。综述了湿地植物根表铁膜的形成、影响因素以及根表铁膜对营养元素和重金属的生态环境效应,从表征技术方面阐述了根表铁膜的作用机制。对今后的研究方向给出如下建议:(1)扩大研究领域;(2)铁膜形成的动态变化过程;(3)铁膜对植物生理形态的影响;(4)利用先进的表征技术以确定铁膜的作用机制。  相似文献   
Human disturbance and climate change have increased the risk of extinction for rare and endangered wild plant species.One effective way to conserve these rare and endangered species is through reintroduction.In this review,we summarize the advances in wild plant reintroduction from five perspectives:the establishment of reintroduction biology as an important tool for biodiversity conservation;the importance of genetic diversity in reintroduction;reintroduction under global climate change;recruitment limitation in reintroduction;and reintroduction and ecological restoration.In addition,we consider the future of plant reintroduction strategies.  相似文献   
凤仙花属(Impatiens)植物具有极为广泛的多样性和类型各异的特化传粉者, 被誉为“双子叶的兰花”, 受到众多传粉生物学家的关注。本文以海南特有种海南凤仙花(Impatiens hainanensis)为研究对象, 对3个不同海拔梯度的种群进行了开花生物学特性和开花物候、花器官结构、花粉活力和柱头活性、传粉者种类和访花行为及繁育系统的比较研究。结果表明: 单花花期4.10 ± 0.46 d, 雄性期和雌性期分别约为3.15 ± 0.24 d和0.95 ± 0.36 d; 种群开花峰期在8月初, 高海拔种群的花期高峰相对滞后。低、中海拔种群花粉活力呈现先升高后下降的趋势, 以开花第2 d花粉活力最高; 高海拔种群花粉活力随开花时间推移逐渐下降; 柱头活性随开花时间的推移而增强, 高海拔种群开花各天次均较低、中海拔种群低。主要传粉昆虫为黄黑无垫蜂(Amegilla leptocoma)和绿条无垫蜂(A. zonata), 低、中海拔种群以黄黑无垫蜂为主, 高海拔种群以绿条无垫蜂为主。未观察到自动自花授粉和无融合生殖现象, 人工授粉能明显增加坐果率(75-90%), 自然坐果率在高海拔种群相对较低(40-60%), 说明存在较强的传粉者限制。海南凤仙花的保护需要同时关注其有效传粉者的保护, 促进有效传粉昆虫在不同海拔种群之间的往来, 保证种群间的花粉流与种子流, 维持海南凤仙花的种群遗传多样性与有效种群大小。  相似文献   
Under the current paradigm, organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling rates are a function of the imbalance between substrate and microbial biomass stoichiometry. Challenging this view, we demonstrate that in an individual‐based model, microbial community dynamics alter relative C and N limitation during litter decomposition, leading to a system behaviour not predictable from stoichiometric theory alone. Rather, the dynamics of interacting functional groups lead to an adaptation at the community level, which accelerates nitrogen recycling in litter with high initial C : N ratios and thus alleviates microbial N limitation. This mechanism allows microbial decomposers to overcome large imbalances between resource and biomass stoichiometry without the need to decrease carbon use efficiency (CUE), which is in contrast to predictions of traditional stoichiometric mass balance equations. We conclude that identifying and implementing microbial community‐driven mechanisms in biogeochemical models are necessary for accurately predicting terrestrial C fluxes in response to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Quantitative genetic analysis of the ovariole number of the Australian Hibiscus flower-breeding Drosophila hibisci Bock was conducted on populations from two localities along a latitudinal cline in ovariole number previously observed in the species (Starmer et al., in press). Parental strains, F1, F1r (reciprocal), F2, backcross, and backcross reciprocal generations were used in a line-cross (generation means) analysis. This analysis revealed both additive and epistatic effects as important determinants of variation in ovariole number when larvae were reared at 25°C. Maternal effects and maternal-by-progeny genetic interactions were not significant. These results are comparable to previous studies that document epistatic components as genetic determinants of ovariole number in D. melanogaster. Parallel studies on ovariole number in D. hibisci parental and hybrid generations (F1 and F1r) reared as larvae at three temperatures (18°, 21.5°, and 25°C) showed environmental effects and genotype-by-environment interactions as significant influences on the phenotype. Maternal effects were present when temperature of larval development was considered and significant, nonlinear environmental effects were detected. Field collections of D. hibisci females showed that field conditions result in significant departure of ovariole number from comparable laboratory reared females. The significant epistatic genetic effects, genotype-by-environment interactions, and maternal effects indicate that the genetic architecture of traits, such as ovariole number, may be more complex than often acknowledged and thus may be compatible with Wright's view of a netlike relationship between the genome and complex characters (Wright 1968).  相似文献   
单甲脒农药对模型池塘生态系统群落结构的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在3m×1m×1m(V=3m3)含有底泥的模型池塘生态系统中研究单脒农药对水生生物群落结构的影晌。规定实验浓度力0、1.5、3.0、6.0和12.0mg/L,每15d加入1次25%单甲脒农药水剂,连续加入4次,实验进行2个多月。在实验浓度范围内,童甲脒农药对水生生物群落产生不同程度的影响。浮游生物比较敏感:加药后头几天内,种类、数量及多样性指数下降,浓度越大,影响越明显;大约1周以后,各处理组浮游生物群落逐步得到恢复,实验后期其数量甚至可超过对照水平,但群落结构发生改变,敏感种类少或消失,耐污种类增加,生物多样性降低。底栖生物比较耐污:处理槽大型水生植物的叶绿素含量有所减少,但其种类和生物量未见明显差异;底栖动物种类、数量也未见明显变化。微生物最耐污,在处理槽水层及沉积物中好氧异养菌数量有所增加,沉积物中厌气菌数量也有增加的趋势。青鱼对单甲脒农药较敏感,在1.5mg/L以下浓度尚能正常存活和繁殖。单甲脒农药水剂明显增加水体氮、磷含量,尤其磷酸盐含量高,使水体氮、磷比例失调,可能导致水体富营养化。根据综合指标分析,在规定单甲脒盆酸盐浓度<1.5mg/L的实验条件下,水生生物群落结构未见明显改变.  相似文献   
生态文明人类未来的文明关于人与自然持续发展的思考李建国(中国林业科学研究院林业研究所,北京100091)EcologicalCivilizationtheHumanFutureCivilizationConsiderationaboutHumanbe...  相似文献   
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