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唐古拉山以北地区生态资产核算   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
生态系统核算可以为生态文明建设提供定量性的决策依据,包括生态资产核算和生态系统服务核算两个方面,生态资产指生产和提供生态系统产品和服务的生态系统。以唐古拉山以北地区(简称唐北地区)为研究对象对其生态资产进行了核算,建立生态资产实物量及变化核算表、损益表,提出了生态资产综合指数。2015年唐北地区草地生态资产面积为21800.01 km2,其中良级比重最高达68.46%,湿地生态资产面积为4763.01 km2,其中优级比例最高为59.72%,野生动植物共有138种,其中重点保护动物10种。2015年唐北地区生态资产综合指数为79.77,比2000年降低了3.60%。2000—2015年,湿地、草地生态资产分别增加了164.23、2.82 km2。2000—2015年湿地生态资产存量增加202.90 km2,其中由湿地恢复导致面积增加最大为200.50 km2,存量减少38.63 km2,其中湿地退化是导致存量减少的主要原因,面积为36.23 km...  相似文献   
考洲洋重金属污染水平与潜在生态危害综合评价   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
在等级模型的基础上,利用化学和生态学的方法,在地理信息系统(GIS)的支持下对考洲洋养殖水域表层海水及表层沉积物的重金属污染水平及潜在生态风险进行了综合评价,同时对不同的评价方法进行了分析和比较。结果表明,枯水期整个水域表层海水的重金属污染指数均低于0.5,丰水期更是低于0.2。调查期间湾内海水重金属含量较低,重金属污染不明显。枯水期绝大部分水域表层沉积物重金属的生态风险指数值变化范围为20~70,其高值区出现于湾的西部和西北部水域。表明这些水域的表层沉积物已受到重金属的轻微影响;丰水期整个水域表层沉积物重金属的潜在生态风险指数值均低于20,重金属污染不明显。在生态学方面,枯水期大部分水域的饵料生物水平均处于2~3级水平,其密集分布区位于湾西北部、湾口和吉隆河口附近水域,达4级水平,饵料生物较为丰富。丰水期饵料生物水平的密集分布区位于湾中部和望京洲沿岸水域,饵料生物最丰富,达4~5级水平;其次为湾口,为4级水平;最低则分布于湾的西部和西北部,其饵料生物较低,为1~2级水平。由于重金属污染程度较低,因此水温、盐度和营养盐等环境因子已成为影响湾内生态系统的主要因素。对各种不同评价方法所进行的分析和比较结果表明,采用多指标综合评价方法是描述污染和预测生态效应的一种有效途径。  相似文献   
区域生态风险评价——以呼和浩特市区为例   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
曾勇 《生态学报》2010,30(3):668-673
区域生态风险具有大尺度、多因素、多风险受体的特点,难以直接定量;从生态风险的定义出发,构建景观破碎度和面积加权生态价值指数评价区域生态风险,并以ArcGIS和Fragstats软件为研究平台,通过空间采样和插值方法得到区域生态风险的空间分布规律。以2006年Spot卫星遥感数据解译的呼和浩特市区土地利用图为例,研究结果表明生态风险值范围在0.04-0.26之间,空间梯度差异明显,风险较高区域为东北部的大青山山区以及西南角的平原农业区,北部风险驱动力主要来自土壤侵蚀、地下水源地水位下降、水质恶化以及林地的退化;南部则是快速工业化导致林地、草地、特别是耕地景观转换为居民与工矿用地景观。案例研究结果表明所建方法直观、简便,可定量描述区域景观生态风险的相对大小和空间分布规律。  相似文献   
区域生态安全格局:设计原则与方法   总被引:36,自引:7,他引:36  
区域生态安全格局概念的提出为区域生态恢复和生物保护提供了整体性对策。基于这一概念及其理论基础 ,提出了区域生态安全格局设计的初步原则和方法。通过对景观生态规划原则的增补 ,确定了区域生态安全格局的设计原则。根据区域生态环境问题和人类干扰的特点 ,综合集成了基于格局优化、干扰分析 2种规划途径和地理信息系统、空间模拟和预案研究等多种方法 ,形成了区域生态安全格局设计的方法框架。该方法突出体现了区域生态安全格局注重针对性、区域性、系统性和主动性的特点 ,满足了适应性生态系统管理的需求 ,为实现区域生态安全提供技术支持  相似文献   
The global scale and rapidity of environmental change is challenging ecologists to reimagine their theoretical principles and management practices. Increasingly, historical ecological conditions are inadequate targets for restoration ecology, geographically circumscribed nature reserves are incapable of protecting all biodiversity, and the precautionary principle applied to management interventions no longer ensures avoidance of ecological harm. In addition, human responses to global environmental changes, such as migration, building of protective infrastructures, and land use change, are having their own negative environmental impacts. We use examples from wildlands, urban, and degraded environments, as well as marine and freshwater ecosystems, to show that human adaptation responses to rapid ecological change can be explicitly designed to benefit biodiversity. This approach, which we call “renewal ecology,” is based on acceptance that environmental change will have transformative effects on coupled human and natural systems and recognizes the need to harmonize biodiversity with human infrastructure, for the benefit of both.  相似文献   
设施蔬菜病虫绿色防治技术初探   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
详细论述了绿色防治技术的内涵,阐明了设施蔬菜病虫绿色防治的必要性和紧迫性,并在充分掌握设施蔬菜病虫发生规律的基础上,提出了一套包括选用抗病虫品种、O3棚室消毒、健身栽培、嫁接、生态调控、果实类蔬菜套袋、防虫网阻隔技术及科学限量使用化学农药等设施蔬菜病虫绿色防治关键技术,将对实现绿色食品蔬菜生产、保护菜田环境具有十分重要的指导作用。  相似文献   
Climate is one of the most important drivers for adaptive evolution in forest trees. Climatic selection contributes greatly to local adaptation and intraspecific differentiation, but this kind of selection could also have promoted interspecific divergence through ecological speciation. To test this hypothesis, we examined intra‐ and interspecific genetic variation at 25 climate‐related candidate genes and 12 reference loci in two closely related pine species, Pinus massoniana Lamb. and Pinus hwangshanensis Hisa, using population genetic and landscape genetic approaches. These two species occur in Southeast China but have contrasting ecological preferences in terms of several environmental variables, notably altitude, although hybrids form where their distributions overlap. One or more robust tests detected signals of recent and/or ancient selection at two‐thirds (17) of the 25 candidate genes, at varying evolutionary timescales, but only three of the 12 reference loci. The signals of recent selection were species specific, but signals of ancient selection were mostly shared by the two species likely because of the shared evolutionary history. FST outlier analysis identified six SNPs in five climate‐related candidate genes under divergent selection between the two species. In addition, a total of 24 candidate SNPs representing nine candidate genes showed significant correlation with altitudinal divergence in the two species based on the covariance matrix of population history derived from reference SNPs. Genetic differentiation between these two species was higher at the candidate genes than at the reference loci. Moreover, analysis using the isolation‐with‐migration model indicated that gene flow between the species has been more restricted for climate‐related candidate genes than the reference loci, in both directions. Taken together, our results suggest that species‐specific and divergent climatic selection at the candidate genes might have counteracted interspecific gene flow and played a key role in the ecological divergence of these two closely related pine species.  相似文献   
影响根瘤菌竞争结瘤的生态学因素分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
丁武 《生态学杂志》1992,11(4):50-54
根瘤菌的发现并确证其共生固氮作用已逾100年,根瘤菌剂的制备和应用也已超过半个世纪,实践效果有目共睹。如美国对豌豆根瘤菌、三叶草根瘤菌和大豆根瘤菌的应用以及澳大利亚对三叶草根瘤菌的应用都取得显著成绩。我国在豆科作物和豆科绿肥上应用根瘤菌接种措施已有30余年历史,采用筛选的优良菌  相似文献   
Aim We assess the realism of bioclimate envelope model projections for anticipated future climates by validating ecosystem reconstructions for the late Quaternary with fossil and pollen data. Specifically, we ask: (1) do climate conditions with no modern analogue negatively affect the accuracy of ecosystem reconstructions? (2) are bioclimate envelope model projections biased towards under‐predicting forested ecosystems? (3) given a palaeoecological perspective, are potential habitat projections for the 21st century within model capabilities? Location Western North America. Methods We used an ensemble classifier modelling approach (RandomForest) to spatially project the climate space of modern ecosystem classes throughout the Holocene (at 6000, 9000, 11,000, 14,000, 16,000, and 21,000 YBP) using palaeoclimate surfaces generated by two general circulation models (GFDL and CCM1). The degree of novel arrangement of climate variables was quantified with the multivariate Mahalanobis distance to the nearest modern climatic equivalent. Model projections were validated against biome classifications inferred from 1460 palaeoecological records. Results Model accuracy assessed against independent palaeoecology data is generally low for the present day, increases for 6000 YBP, and then rapidly declines towards the last glacial maximum, primarily due to the under‐prediction of forested biomes. Misclassifications were closely correlated with the degree of climate dissimilarity from the present day. For future projections, no‐analogue climates unexpectedly emerged in the coastal Pacific Northwest but were absent throughout the rest of the study area. Main conclusions Bioclimate envelope models could approximately reconstruct ecosystem distributions for the mid‐ to late‐Holocene but proved unreliable in the Late Pleistocene. We attribute this failure to a combination of no‐analogue climates and a potential lack of niche conservatism in tree species. However, climate dissimilarities in future projections are comparatively minor (similar to those of the mid‐Holocene), and we conclude that no‐analogue climates should not compromise the accuracy of model predictions for the next century.  相似文献   
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