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生态修复是指在不同人为干预程度下,协助已遭受退化、损伤或破坏的生态系统恢复的过程。我国海岸带地区资源丰富、位置优越,但过度的开发建设活动严重破坏了当地的生态环境,急需对受损的海岸带生态系统进行保护和修复。以东营市海岸带地区为例,运用InVEST模型对其2005、2010、2015和2018年4个时间段的碳储存功能进行评估并分析碳储存及"碳源碳汇"的动态变化,以间接反映出区域生态系统的稳定性和健康程度。结果表明,2005-2018年东营市海岸带碳储存功能持续减弱,13年间碳储存总量减少了1.341×106 t,生态系统碳储存功能受到严重破坏,其中有8.68×104 hm2生态系统碳储存功能评价等级为差和极差,空间上受损最为严重的区域主要分布在岸线附近的北部、东北部和东南部。按照东营市海岸带碳损失空间差异和生态系统演替规律,从3个方面提出相应的修复方案,包括加强恢复区保护力度、稳定碳储存能力,整顿辅助区粗放模式、塑造碳储存廊道和退还重建区滨海湿地、扭转碳损失趋势,以期通过改善和恢复研究区海岸带生态系统碳储存功能,实现对受损生态系统的有效保护和修复。  相似文献   
北京市生态用地规划与管理对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
不合理土地开发加速了对自然生态系统的干扰和侵占,导致生态系统服务功能下降,危机区域生态安全,开展生态用地规划是构建区域生态安全格局的基础。合理规划和管理不同土地利用类型的数量和空间分布对区域可持续发展具有重要意义。目前我国广泛应用的土地利用分类体系主要以土地的社会经济属性为基础,忽视其生态属性,导致以提供生态系统服务为主、保障生态安全的土地缺乏保护机制,具有重要生态功能的土地得不到有效保护。以北京市为例,建立了北京市生态用地分类与规划的思路与程序,在明确北京市生态安全与生态系统服务功能的关系基础上分析了北京市生态系统服务功能重要性及其空间格局,并进行了北京市生态用地规划。研究规划了保障北京市生态安全的7类生态用地:地表水涵养与保护用地、地下水保护用地、生物多样性保护用地、水土保持用地、河流防护用地、公路防护用地和城市绿地,总面积5137.37km2,占北京市域面积的31.31%。最后从生态用地识别和划分、将生态用地融入土地利用分类体系、生态用地管理措施和对策3个方面探讨了生态用地规划和管理的方法与措施。研究结果为北京市土地利用规划和有效管理提供依据,也为其它地区的生态用地规划提供参考。  相似文献   
Martin  Patrick  Granina  Liba  Martens  Koen  Goddeeris  Boudewijn 《Hydrobiologia》1998,367(1-3):163-174
Oxygen concentration profiles have been measured, by means of with microelectrodes in sediments of Lake Baikal and Lake Malawi, along transects allowing to give a survey of two major ancient Rift lakes: Lake Baikal (Eastern Siberia) and Lake Malawi (East Africa), along depth transects in the constitutive basins of the lakes and/or of relevant depths with regard to oxygen (including including the deepest point, 1680 m, in Lake Baikal). Sediment oxygen penetration depths (SOPs) display very different patterns, depending on the lake in the two lakes. In Lake Baikal, SOPs are variable, show no significant relationship with bathymetric depth and are surprisingly deep on Akademichesky ridge (> 50.0 mm), emphasizing the distinctive feature of this region in the lake. While the Selenga river is an important source of eutrophication, the similarity of SOP-values in the Selenga shallow with those of most other sites suggests either a dilution of organic material by allochthonous matter, or a strong south-to-north transport of particles. In Lake Malawi, available oxygen is restricted to a maximum of three millimetres of the sediment, and there is a negative relationship with bathymetric depth, as a result of a steady decline of oxygen concentration with depth through the water column. Amongst the few parameters known to affect SOPs, the oxygen consumption by the sediment seems the most significant in both lakes. SOP-values furthermore confirm differences in the trophic status of Baikal and Malawi, respectively. The importance of oxygen as a factor likely to create ecological segregation for benthic organisms is discussed. Lake Malawi offers possibilities of bathymetric segregation but no vertical segregation in the sediment. In contrast, no bathymetric segregation related to oxygen is possible in Lake Baikal, but vertical segregation in the sediment is very likely. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
马陆在森林生态系统物质转化中的功能研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
马陆是森林生态系统重要的分解者,在帽儿山林区,马陆摄食量随温度的升高而增加。据初步估算,马陆地对凋落物的分解量约占该地区年平均凋落物量的0.21%。马陆对同一种、不同腐解程度的叶片摄食不同,对妆分解凋落物的摄食量大于对未分解凋落物的摄食量。在不同温度条件下,马陆的生态效率不同,其同化效率随温度升高而降低,而粪便率则随温度升高而增加。在不同林型下个体数量分布不均匀。通常、阔叶林>针阔叶混交林>针叶林。在土壤的垂直分布上,具有明显的表聚现象。马陆的个体数量季节变化明显,以夏末最多,冬末最少。  相似文献   
海河流域生态需水核算   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
魏彦昌  苗鸿  欧阳志云  王效科 《生态学报》2004,24(10):2100-2107
从生态系统角度分析了生态需水内涵和生态需水与生态用水概念的差别。探讨了海河流域自然陆地、河流、湿地、城市 4种生态系统类型生态需水核算方法 ,并对其生态需水量进行了核算。大气降水首先被天然植被利用后形成地表径流 ,才能被人类管理利用来满足经济水量和生态水量需求。从水资源管理来说 ,河流、湿地、城市等生态需水来源于径流性水资源可称为狭义生态需水 ,而包括利用降水性水资源的天然植被生态需水在内的全部生态系统生态需水可认为是广义的生态需水。狭义生态需水是水资源管理及生态需水研究和关注的重心。研究结果表明 :海河流域河流生态需水 31.6 4× 10 8m3,占多年平均天然径流量的 12 % ;湿地生态需水为 34.31× 10 8m3,占 13% ;城市生态需水量 10 .83× 10 8m3,占 4 .1% ,3项合计占径流总量的 2 9.1%。生态需水量是一个动态的值 ,随生态保护目标的提高和经济的发展核算结果必然发生变化 ,维护生态环境质量的状况不同 ,也存在最大、最小生态需水量的阈值问题 ,此类问题需今后进一步研究  相似文献   
小张庄村位于淮北平原南部,常年平均气温15.1℃,光合作用时间221天,降水量905mm,但降水分配不均,加上地势低平,常有旱涝灾害发生。全村有耕地约324ha,以砂姜黑土为主,土壤基本性状良好,但生产力水平不高。为了从根本上改变农业低产面貌,  相似文献   
选取城市中分布最广的两类人工构筑物——沥青和混凝土为研究对象,采用构筑物-绿地梯度样带法,观测这2类典型城市构筑物对比邻绿地土壤温度和含水量的影响,分析不同构筑物的质地、面积、形态等构筑物特征对土壤水、热分布的影响强度及范围。研究显示:1)夏、秋季在构筑物-绿地梯度样带上,绿地土壤温度在比邻构筑物端(a点)处最高,并且白天中午、傍晚时段a点温度显著高于梯度上其他观测点和对照点;2)绿地土壤含水量在比邻构筑物端(a点)处最低,而且土壤含水量变化在梯度样带上从a点至远离构筑物端的对照点变化具有不确定性,可能受城区土壤蒸散、人工灌溉、土壤地下生物量等不确定因素的影响。3)梯度样带上土壤温度(T)和水分(W)与离a点距离(D)均呈现幂函数定量关系,即沥青样地T=0.7708(579.4957-0.9984D)0.5843,W=0.1970(0.0505+0.1347D)0.2262;混凝土样地T=0.7615(583.7027-1.0986D)0.5746,W=0.2224(-0.6019+0.3473D)0.0595。4)在构筑物-绿地梯度样带上,土壤温度和含水量受构筑物影响幅度大概在0—100 cm之间,而且随构筑物质地及分布格局、城市气象以及绿地构成、结构、人工管理方式等因素的影响而变化。  相似文献   
N沉降对不同森林生态系统的影响是当今全球变化生态学研究的一个热点问题。山地湿性常绿阔叶林是我国西部高海拔地区重要的森林植被类型之一。该文以云南哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林为对象, 研究了其林下优势树种多花山矾(Symplocos ramosissima)和黄心树(Machilus gamblei)幼苗不同器官中C、N、P含量和生态化学计量特征及其对N沉降增加的响应。结果表明: 两种幼苗C、N、P含量的差异均达到了显著性水平(p < 0.05), 多花山矾的C含量较低, N和P含量较高。N处理对植物幼苗元素含量及其比值影响极显著(p < 0.01), 且与物种和器官之间存在显著的交互作用。N处理提高了幼苗体内N含量, 导致不同器官N:P值有不同程度的增加。随N处理水平的升高, 多花山矾幼苗P含量下降, 黄心树幼苗P含量整体升高, 幼苗间P含量差异减小。在一定范围内, 植物幼苗N含量与土壤无机N含量之间存在极显著的相关性(p < 0.01)。不同器官之间相比, 植物幼苗根和茎的N内稳性比叶片更高, 即植物叶片对N沉降的响应更为敏感。  相似文献   
Temperature and nutrient availability play key roles in controlling the pathways and rates at which energy and materials move through ecosystems. These factors have also changed dramatically on Earth over the past century as human activities have intensified. Although significant effort has been devoted to understanding the role of temperature and nutrients in isolation, less is known about how these two factors interact to influence ecological processes. Recent advances in ecological stoichiometry and metabolic ecology provide a useful framework for making progress in this area, but conceptual synthesis and review are needed to help catalyze additional research. Here, we examine known and potential interactions between temperature and nutrients from a variety of physiological, community, and ecosystem perspectives. We first review patterns at the level of the individual, focusing on four traits – growth, respiration, body size, and elemental content – that should theoretically govern how temperature and nutrients interact to influence higher levels of biological organization. We next explore the interactive effects of temperature and nutrients on populations, communities, and food webs by synthesizing information related to community size spectra, biomass distributions, and elemental composition. We use metabolic theory to make predictions about how population‐level secondary production should respond to interactions between temperature and resource supply, setting up qualitative predictions about the flows of energy and materials through metazoan food webs. Last, we examine how temperature–nutrient interactions influence processes at the whole‐ecosystem level, focusing on apparent vs. intrinsic activation energies of ecosystem processes, how to represent temperature–nutrient interactions in ecosystem models, and patterns with respect to nutrient uptake and organic matter decomposition. We conclude that a better understanding of interactions between temperature and nutrients will be critical for developing realistic predictions about ecological responses to multiple, simultaneous drivers of global change, including climate warming and elevated nutrient supply.  相似文献   
中国单位畜牧产品生态足迹分析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
中国畜牧业生产以农户散养为主要生产方式,一方面,它的工业化程度远低于发达国家,另一方面,又比其他发展中国家生产得更为精细.因此在计算单位畜牧产品生态足迹这一畜牧业生态影响评价中的重要参数时,必须考虑到我国牲畜口粮的特点.分析了我国牲畜口粮的成分,据此确定猪肉、禽肉和禽蛋足迹主要来自饲料中粮食,而牛肉、羊肉和牛奶足迹则来自草料和饲料中粮食.基于我国单位畜牧产品耗粮量和草地平均产肉产奶量,计算各种单位畜牧产品的生态足迹.结果表明,1kg禽肉足迹为7.6687gm2(全球平方m2,记作gm2)、禽蛋足迹为8.0106gm2、猪肉足迹为9.7859gm2或11.7326gm2、牛肉足迹为139.704gm2、羊肉足迹为232.0662gm2和牛奶足迹为37.2368 gm2.将计算结果与世界自然基金会(World Wildlife Fund,简称WWF)的结果进行了对比分析,并从料肉比、役畜、牲畜食草量和居民饮食结构等几个方面分析了二者之间差异的原因.  相似文献   
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