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Georges A  Fouillet P  Pétillon J 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):407-419
As a result of an invasion by the native grass Elymus athericus (Link) Kerguélen (Poaceae) in the last 10 years, a major change in vegetation cover has occurred in salt marshes of the Mont Saint-Michel bay, Western France. The impact of such an invasion on carabid assemblages, a dominant group of terrestrial arthropods in these habitats and containing several stenotopic species, is investigated here. In our study site, carabid data are available from 1983 and 1984, allowing a comparison of species distribution ranges in salt marshes before (1983-1984) and after (2002) the Elymus athericus invasion. A total of 16,867 adults belonging to 40 species were caught. By considering the presence-absence of species shared between studies, we show that the invasion by Elymus athericus promoted the progression of non-coastal species (mainly Pterostichus s.l. spp.). This did however not interfere with resident species distributions, finally resulting in higher carabid species richness in the entire area. The species composition and abundances of carabid assemblages were also compared between natural and invaded stations in 2002. The main result is that abundances of some halophilic species decreased in one invaded plot (in case of Pogonus chalceus (Marsham 1802)) whereas the opposite pattern was observed for other species (e.g., Bembidion minimum (Fabricius 1792)). Invaded habitats were characterized by lower percentages of halophilic species and higher total species richness.  相似文献   
Mossakowski D  Dormann W 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):273-286
The evaluation of ecological field data can be done by an increasing number of quantitative methods. The application of these methods often is often blind against two kinds of problems: (i) the data often do not meet the requirements of a method, e.g., as an ultra-metric structure of the data in the case of hierarchical cluster analysis. In such cases, the result will be misleading because the presentation of results is ultra-metric independent on the structure of the data. (ii) Most of the animals are able to move actively or may drift passively by wind, etc. Therefore, species occurring by accident like vagrants have to be eliminated from the assemblage of animals at a particular site before a quantitative method is applied. In addition, the result of a quantitative analysis has to be checked for its ecological plausibility. This is a qualitative step, which can only be done by taking into account the known data on biology and ecology of the species.Some pitfalls of an exclusive application of quantitative methods will be demonstrated in this paper using a data set of salt marsh Carabidae.  相似文献   
The use of surrogates for biodiversity is a practical tool to improve the cost effectiveness of regional conservation planning. However, there is still much uncertainty about the biological representativeness of surrogates. Using a biophysical classification system known as the Mitchell Landscapes, we compare plant species composition in contiguous versus disjunct units of nine Landscape types and hence the ability of this surrogate to capture patterns of plant species composition. We found that plant species homogeneity was higher within a contiguous Landscape than between non‐contiguous units of the same Landscape. Overall, the dissimilarity between non‐contiguous units and their contiguous counterparts was significant (P = 0.004). Biophysical classes with very high dissimilarities between non‐contiguous units of the same region may be of limited utility.  相似文献   
Peng C  Guiot J  Wu H  Jiang H  Luo Y 《Ecology letters》2011,14(5):522-536
It is increasingly being recognized that global ecological research requires novel methods and strategies in which to combine process-based ecological models and data in cohesive, systematic ways. Model-data fusion (MDF) is an emerging area of research in ecology and palaeoecology. It provides a new quantitative approach that offers a high level of empirical constraint over model predictions based on observations using inverse modelling and data assimilation (DA) techniques. Increasing demands to integrate model and data methods in the past decade has led to MDF utilization in palaeoecology, ecology and earth system sciences. This paper reviews key features and principles of MDF and highlights different approaches with regards to DA. After providing a critical evaluation of the numerous benefits of MDF and its current applications in palaeoecology (i.e., palaeoclimatic reconstruction, palaeovegetation and palaeocarbon storage) and ecology (i.e. parameter and uncertainty estimation, model error identification, remote sensing and ecological forecasting), the paper discusses method limitations, current challenges and future research direction. In the ongoing data-rich era of today's world, MDF could become an important diagnostic and prognostic tool in which to improve our understanding of ecological processes while testing ecological theory and hypotheses and forecasting changes in ecosystem structure, function and services.  相似文献   
MacArthur and Wilson's Theory of Island Biogeography (TIB) is among the most well-known process-based explanations for the distribution of species richness. It helps understand the species-area relationship, a fundamental pattern in ecology and an essential tool for conservation. The classic TIB does not, however, account for the complex structure of ecological systems. We extend the TIB to take into account trophic interactions and derive a species-specific model for occurrence probability. We find that the properties of the regional food web influence the species-area relationship, and that, in return, immigration and extinction dynamics affect local food web properties. We compare the accuracy of the classic TIB to our trophic TIB to predict community composition of real food webs and find strong support for our trophic extension of the TIB. Our approach provides a parsimonious explanation to species distributions and open new perspectives to integrate the complexity of ecological interactions into simple species distribution models.  相似文献   
Matrix projection models are among the most widely used tools in plant ecology. However, the way in which plant ecologists use and interpret these models differs from the way in which they are presented in the broader academic literature. In contrast to calls from earlier reviews, most studies of plant populations are based on < 5 matrices and present simple metrics such as deterministic population growth rates. However, plant ecologists also cautioned against literal interpretation of model predictions. Although academic studies have emphasized testing quantitative model predictions, such forecasts are not the way in which plant ecologists find matrix models to be most useful. Improving forecasting ability would necessitate increased model complexity and longer studies. Therefore, in addition to longer term studies with better links to environmental drivers, priorities for research include critically evaluating relative/comparative uses of matrix models and asking how we can use many short-term studies to understand long-term population dynamics.  相似文献   
Aim To estimate whether species have shifted at equal rates at their leading edges (cool boundaries) and trailing edges (warm boundaries) in response to climate change. We provide the first such evidence for tropical insects, here examining elevation shifts for the upper and lower boundaries shifts of montane moths. Threats to species on tropical mountains are considered. Location Mount Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Methods We surveyed Lepidoptera (Geometridae) on Mount Kinabalu in 2007, 42 years after the previous surveys in 1965. Changes in species upper and lower boundaries, elevational extents and range areas were assessed. We randomly subsampled the data to ensure comparable datasets between years. Estimated shifts were compared for endemic versus more widespread species, and for species that reached their range limits at different elevations. Results Species that reached their upper limits at 2500–2700 m (n= 28 species, 20% of those considered) retreated at both their lower and upper boundaries, and hence showed substantial average range contractions (?300 m in elevational extent and ?45 km2 in estimated range area). These declines may be associated with changes in cloud cover and the presence of ecological barriers (geological and vegetation transitions) which impede uphill movement. Other than this group, most species (n= 109, 80% of the species considered) expanded their upper boundaries upwards (by an average of 152 m) more than they retreated at their lower boundaries (77 m). Main conclusions Without constraints, leading margins shifted uphill faster than trailing margins retreated, such that many species increased their elevational extents. However, this did not result in increases in range area because the area of land available declines with increasing elevation. Species close to a major ecological/geological transition zone on the mountain flank declined in their range areas. Extinction risk may increase long before species reach the summit, even when undisturbed habitats are available.  相似文献   
Abstract The ecology and evolutionary biology of insect–plant associations has realized extensive attention, especially during the past 60 years. The classifications (categorical designations) of continuous variation in biodiversity, ranging from global patterns (e.g., latitudinal gradients in species richness/diversity and degree of herbivore feeding specialization) to localized insect–plant associations that span the biospectrum from polyphenisms, polymorphisms, biotypes, demes, host races, to cryptic species, remain academically contentious. Semantic and biosystematic (taxonomical) disagreements sometimes detract from more important ecological and evolutionary processes that drive diversification, the dynamics of gene flow and local extinctions. This review addresses several aspects of insect specialization, host‐associated divergence and ecological (including “hybrid”) speciation, with special reference to the climate warming impacts on species borders of hybridizing swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae). Interspecific hybrid introgression may result in collapse of multi‐species communities or increase species numbers via homoploid hybrid speciation. We may see diverging, merging, or emerging genotypes across hybrid zones, all part of the ongoing processes of evolution. Molecular analyses of genetic mosaics and genomic dynamics with “divergence hitchhiking”, combined with ecological, ethological and physiological studies of “species porosity”, have already begun to unveil some answers for some important ecological/evolutionary questions. (i) How rapidly can host‐associated divergence lead to new species (and why doesn't it always do so, e.g., resulting in “incomplete” speciation)? (ii) How might “speciation genes” function, and how/where would we find them? (iii) Can oscillations from specialists to generalists and back to specialists help explain global diversity in herbivorous insects? (iv) How could recombinant interspecific hybridization lead to divergence and speciation? From ancient phytochemically defined angiosperm affiliations to recent and very local geographical mosaics, the Papilionidae (swallowtail butterflies) have provided a model for enhanced understanding of ecological patterns and evolutionary processes, including host‐associated genetic divergence, genomic mosaics, genetic hitchhiking and sex‐linked speciation genes. Apparent homoploid hybrid speciation in Papilio appears to have been catalyzed by climate warming‐induced interspecific introgression of some, but not all, species diagnostic traits, reflecting strong divergent selection (discordant), especially on the Z (= X) chromosome. Reproductive isolation of these novel recombinant hybrid genotypes appears to be accomplished via a delayed post‐diapause emergence or temporal isolation, and is perhaps aided by the thermal landscape. Changing thermal landscapes appear to have created (and may destroy) novel recombinant hybrid genotypes and hybrid species.  相似文献   
Stoichiometry of microbial biomass is a key determinant of nutrient recycling in a wide variety of ecosystems. However, little is known about the underlying causes of variance in microbial biomass stoichiometry. This is primarily because of technological constraints limiting the analysis of macromolecular composition to large quantities of microbial biomass. Here, we use Raman microspectroscopy (MS), to analyze the macromolecular composition of single cells of two species of bacteria grown on minimal media over a wide range of resource stoichiometry. We show that macromolecular composition, determined from a subset of identified peaks within the Raman spectra, was consistent with macromolecular composition determined using traditional analytical methods. In addition, macromolecular composition determined by Raman MS correlated with total biomass stoichiometry, indicating that analysis with Raman MS included a large proportion of a cell''s total macromolecular composition. Growth phase (logarithmic or stationary), resource stoichiometry and species identity each influenced each organism''s macromolecular composition and thus biomass stoichiometry. Interestingly, the least variable peaks in the Raman spectra were those responsible for differentiation between species, suggesting a phylogenetically specific cellular architecture. As Raman MS has been previously shown to be applicable to cells sampled directly from complex environments, our results suggest Raman MS is an extremely useful application for evaluating the biomass stoichiometry of environmental microorganisms. This includes the ability to partition microbial biomass into its constituent macromolecules and increase our understanding of how microorganisms in the environment respond to resource heterogeneity.  相似文献   
中老铁路经济廊带生态质量及其与人类活动的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域生态质量很大程度上受人类活动强度影响,制约着区域经济可持续发展.以中老铁路经济廊带为对象,重点研究区内人类活动强度对区域生态环境的影响.选取1999、2009、2019年遥感影像计算遥感生态指数(RSEI),采用空间自相关及局域C统计量探测研究区生态质量的时空演变规律,并结合同期人口密度构建地理加权回归模型,定量分...  相似文献   
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