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Protected areas play a key role in biodiversity conservation, yet they face numerous pressures including the spread of invasive alien species (IAS). We designed a structured online survey to investigate the distribution and management of 53 invasive alien plant species in large protected areas, i.e. national parks and biosphere reserves, in eight Central European countries. We contacted 93 protected areas management authorities, of which 46 replied. In 44 protected areas (96% of those responding), at least one IAS was present, and in 37 protected areas (80%) IAS were managed. On average, 11.2 ± 6.9 IAS were present per protected area and 4.3 ± 3.4 (41%) of these were managed. A one-way ANOVA showed no significant difference in the number of IAS present or managed between the different protected area designations (national parks, biosphere reserves). Similarly, neither the size nor the founding year of the protected area influenced the number of IAS present or managed. Thirty-one species (58%) were managed in at least one protected area. The most widely managed species were Fallopia japonica (23 protected areas), Heracleum mantegazzianum (20), and Impatiens glandulifera (16). The amount of financial resources devoted to IAS management was rather low, corresponding to 3.1 ± 4.4% of the total budget for natural resources management of the protected areas. We conclude that a lack of dedicated funding for IAS management in most protected areas and a lack of coordinated response between protected areas currently limit the effectiveness of the IAS management. In particular, an increased exchange of expertise between protected areas, and the development of minimum standards for IAS surveillance and management are pivotal. In addition, documenting best practice examples and synthesizing lessons learned in IAS management are urgently needed.  相似文献   
Aim To examine how parameters of the species–area curve and factors determining bird species richness are affected by seasonality. Location One hundred and thirty urban parks of the city of Valencia (Spain) ranging between 0.03 and 18.6 ha. Methods Bird censuses were conducted monthly during 1998 and 2004. For each park, 27 variables were recorded as measures of size, structure and isolation. Linear regression was used to test for patterns in species richness relative to independent variables. The results of each season were compared. Results Curves corresponding to the breeding period (spring–summer) had significantly higher intercepts, but slopes did not change across seasons. Turnover rates of resident species were dependent on patch size and isolation considering spring, but not autumn, from different years. Additionally, turnover rates in spring were lower in parks in close proximity to others than in isolated ones. In all seasons, the number of bird species showed a strong relationship with park area, which explained c. 60% of the variation in species numbers. Habitat variables and park isolation explained a small amount of the variation in species numbers. The data did not give support to the random placement hypothesis. Main conclusions The overall conclusions of this study give little support to the possible influence of seasonality on species–area relationship or on the three main hypotheses explaining it. This lack of influence of seasonality could be explained by the seasonal stability of the bird populations of the parks within the study area as a consequence of different factors, mainly the characteristics of the species pool, similarity in the features of the parks irrespective of their size, and stability of resources and conditions across seasons. The question of whether this lack of influence of seasonality on the species–area relationship occurs in those ecological systems that have a larger seasonal variation than the urban parks of the study area remains unresolved. Closer examination of the seasonal patterns reported in this study is likely to be useful in increasing our understanding of the species–area relationship.  相似文献   
Non-compliance with conservation regulations is a key issue for protected area management effectiveness in most parts of the world. Effectively managing such behaviours requires a clear understanding of who is non-compliant, what is driving their non-compliance, and what the likely conservation consequences of compliant and non-compliant behaviours are. However, such information is notoriously difficult to obtain due to the (understandable) reluctance of transgressors to discuss illegal activities. Here, we adopt the Kiping social survey method to assess the drivers of non-compliance with resource use rules in two national parks (Catimbau and Chapada Diamantina) in Northeast Brazil. The method is therefore used to support the exploration of suitable solutions for coping with non-compliance on the ground. We found high levels of social acceptability for illegal behaviours in both Parks, though hunting and cutting trees inside the park were viewed more negatively by local residents. Respondents from both areas generally supported the collection of plants and firewood, especially by poor people and local residents. Acceptance of illegal activities was statistically correlated with awareness of park regulations in both parks and, in Catimbau NP, it was also prevalent among older, poorer and less educated residents. To deter non-compliance, a mix of interventions from more coercive measures to softer instruments are recommended, especially in Catimbau NP where the area is not patrolled and the close proximity of indigenous lands gives rise to land- and resource-use conflicts.  相似文献   
中国森林公园的发展方向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李柏青  吴楚材  吴章文 《生态学报》2009,29(5):2749-2756
森林公园是充分发挥森林功能特别是森林生态系统服务功能的主要载体.当前,以森林公园为主体的森林旅游研究已成为中国森林生态学科研究中的一大亮点.较早地根据美国金融风暴以及中央土地流转政策等新形势,从总结分析中国森林公园的主要发展历程、产业经济态势和生态环境概况入手,对未来中国森林公园的发展方向进行了判断.指出土地流转制度改革将推动森林公园的经营多样化,金融危机将推动森林公园更加注重近距离市场培育,城市化进程将加大人们对森林康体旅游产品的需求.同时,游憩冲击管理将成为森林公园维持生态平衡的一种重要的行为调节方式,环境资源特别是森林保健旅游资源、森林公园的生态补偿机制、森林旅游产业结构调整与投资融资政策等将成为森林旅游研究的主要热点和重点.为有效化解金融危机对森林公园的负面影响,用足用好国家土地新政策,必须及早规范集体林权流转体系,积极扶持民营森林旅游的开发建设,开展生态教育夯实森林旅游的内涵,谨防林权流转之后旅游地通货膨胀,采用科学合理的生态技术加强森林旅游资源保护与可持续利用.  相似文献   
Spending time in nature is known to benefit human health and well-being, but evidence is mixed as to whether biodiversity or perceptions of biodiversity contribute to these benefits. Perhaps more importantly, little is known about the sensory modalities by which humans perceive biodiversity and obtain benefits from their interactions with nature. Here, we used a ‘phantom birdsong chorus'' consisting of hidden speakers to experimentally increase audible birdsong biodiversity during ‘on'' and ‘off'' (i.e. ambient conditions) blocks on two trails to study the role of audition in biodiversity perception and self-reported well-being among hikers. Hikers exposed to the phantom chorus reported higher levels of restorative effects compared to those that experienced ambient conditions on both trails; however, increased restorative effects were directly linked to the phantom chorus on one trail and indirectly linked to the phantom chorus on the other trail through perceptions of avian biodiversity. Our findings add to a growing body of evidence linking mental health to nature experiences and suggest that audition is an important modality by which natural environments confer restorative effects. Finally, our results suggest that maintaining or improving natural soundscapes within protected areas may be an important component to maximizing human experiences.  相似文献   
Asiatic sand sedge, Carex kobomugi,was accidentally introduced into North America approximately a century ago and is now widespread along the Northeast coast of the USA. This paper documents the rapid spread rate of this species in two New Jersey coastal parks. Also documented are declines in native plant densities, species richness and diversity in invaded areas. Although C. kobomugi expansion is having negative ecological impacts, the species is a potentially important dune stabilizer, so its control or removal demands special care. A removal program was initiated in 1999, using carefully directed applications of Roundup®, which was designed such that it would spare non-target plants, leaving them in place to hold the dunes. We show that this approach reduced, but did not eliminate, C. kobomugi, even after repeated herbicide application. Native plant stem densities, species richness and species diversity in treated and untreated stands were similar, suggesting that this application technique did effectively spare non-target plants. However, effective eradication of C. kobomugi would probably require more frequent and aggressive broadband herbicide application, precluding beneficial effects of localized treatment (both ecological and increased dune stability due to spared plants).  相似文献   
Yellowstone National Park poses critical issues in biology and philosophy. Among these are (1) how to value nature, especially at the ecosystem level, and whether to let nature take its course or employ hands-on scientific management; (2) the meaning of natural as this operates in park policy; (3) establishing biological claims on th scale of regional systems; (4) the interplay of natural and cultural history, involving both native and European Americans; (5) and sociopolitical forces as determinants in biological discovery. Alston Chase's strident Playing God in Yellowstone is critized and used as a test of David Hull's naturalistic philosophy of biology. Biology and philosophy in Yellowstone ought to combine for an appropriate environmental ethic.The author thanks Donald A. Crosby, Jann Benson, Tom Wolf, William W. Dunmire, Norman A. Bishop, and Paul Schullery for critical help.  相似文献   
Since 1989, efforts to understand the nature of interfirm resource sharing in the form of industrial symbiosis and to replicate in a deliberate way what was largely self‐organizing in Kalundborg, Denmark have followed many paths, some with much success and some with very little. This article provides a historical view of the motivations and means for pursuing industrial symbiosis—defined to include physical exchanges of materials, energy, water, and by‐products among diversified clusters of firms. It finds that “uncovering” existing symbioses has led to more sustainable industrial development than attempts to design and build eco‐industrial parks incorporating physical exchanges. By examining 15 proposed projects brought to national and international attention by the U.S. President's Council on Sustainable Development beginning in the early 1990s, and contrasting these with another 12 projects observed to share more elements of self‐organization, recommendations are offered to stimulate the identification and uncovering of already existing “kernels” of symbiosis. In addition, policies and practices are suggested to identify early‐stage precursors of potentially larger symbioses that can be nurtured and developed further. The article concludes that environmentally and economically desirable symbiotic exchanges are all around us and now we must shift our gaze to find and foster them.  相似文献   
The concept of industrial symbiosis (IS) was introduced decades ago and its environmental and economic benefits are well established, but the broad acceptance of IS still faces significant barriers. This article provides a new approach to capture synergies within industrial parks by suggesting a new business model. Building on findings from a survey conducted by the authors and on literature, we first identify potential barriers to low‐carbon synergistic projects. Economic concerns of technically feasible synergies and financial issues turn out to be the largest barriers, because of long payback periods and fluctuating raw material and by‐product market prices. Existing business models do not offer easy ways to overcome or relax these barriers. We therefore introduce the concept of a synergy management services company (SMSCO), a synergy contractor and third‐party financing model, to overcome these barriers. This model shifts the financial risk of the synergistic project from collaborating firms to the SMSCO. We posit that this attribute of the SMSCO model makes it attractive for industrial park operators who seek long‐term solutions to secure future viability of their park.  相似文献   
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