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Human skin heals more slowly in aged vs. young adults, but the mechanism for this delay is unclear. In humans, eccrine sweat glands (ESGs) and hair follicles underlying wounds generate cohesive keratinocyte outgrowths that expand to form the new epidermis. Here, we compared the re‐epithelialization of partial‐thickness wounds created on the forearm of healthy young (< 40 yo) and aged (> 70 yo) adults. Our results confirm that the outgrowth of cells from ESGs is a major feature of repair in young skin. Strikingly, in aged skin, although ESG density is unaltered, less than 50% of the ESGs generate epithelial outgrowths during repair (vs. 100% in young). Surprisingly, aging does not alter the wound‐induced proliferation response in hair follicles or ESGs. Instead, there is an overall reduced cohesiveness of keratinocytes in aged skin. Reduced cell–cell cohesiveness was most obvious in ESG‐derived outgrowths that, when present, were surrounded by unconnected cells in the scab overlaying aged wounds. Reduced cell–cell contact persisted during the repair process, with increased intercellular spacing and reduced number of desmosomes. Together, reduced outgrowths of ESG (i) reduce the initial number of cells participating in epidermal repair, (ii) delay wound closure, and (iii) lead to a thinner repaired epidermis in aged vs. young skin. Failure to form cohesive ESG outgrowths may reflect impaired interactions of keratinocytes with the damaged ECM in aged skin. Our findings provide a framework to better understand the mediators of delayed re‐epithelialization in aging and further support the importance of ESGs for the repair of human wounds.  相似文献   
Abstract.  Throughout the history of studies on cellulose digestion in termites, carboxymethyl-cellulose has been preferably used as a substrate for measuring cellulase activity in termites due to its high solubility. However, carboxymethyl-cellulose degradation is not directly related to digestibility of naturally occurring cellulose because many noncellulolytic organisms can also hydrolyse carboxymethyl-cellulose. To address this issue, a comparative study of microcrystalline cellulose digestion is performed in diverse xylophagous termites, using gut homogenates. For those termites harbouring gut flagellates , the majority of crystalline cellulose appears to be digested in the hindgut, both in the supernatant and the pellet. For Nasutitermes takasagoensis , a termite free of gut flagellates, crystalline cellulose is degraded primarily in the midgut supernatant, and partially in the pellet of the hindgut. The fungus-growing termite Odontotermes formosanus , which also does not possess intestinal flagellates, shows only a trace of crystalline cellulose hydrolysis throughout the gut. Comparison of levels of activity against crystalline cellulose with previously reported levels of activity against carboxymethyl-cellulose in the gut of each termite reveals significant differences between these activities. The results suggest that the hindgut flagellates produce commonly cellobiohydrolases in addition to endo-β-1,4-glucanases, which presumably act synergistically to digest cellulose. Preliminary evidence for the involvement of bacteria in the cellulose digestion of N. takasagoensis is also found.  相似文献   
Mating in most species of insects leads to a transient or permanent loss in sexual receptivity of the females. Among moths, this loss of receptivity is often accompanied with a loss of the sex pheromone in the absence of calling, which also could be temporary or permanent. Most of the earlier work on changes in reproductive behavior after mating was done with Diptera in which sperm and/or male accessory gland secretions were shown to be responsible for termination of receptivity. In the corn earworm moth, Helicoverpa zea, mated females become depleted of pheromone and become nonreceptive to further mating attempts, but only for the remainder of the night of mating. A pheromonostatic peptide isolated from the accessory glands of males may be responsible for the depletion of pheromone, while the termination of receptivity is independently controlled. In the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, the changes in behavior following mating are permanent. In this species, the switch from virgin to mated behavior involves three steps: a physical stimulation associated with mating, transfer of viable sperm to the spermatheca, and commencement of oviposition. Signals generated by these factors operate through neural pathways and, unlike in H. zea, accessory gland factors seem not to be involved. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    An anatomical investigation of the leaves and twigs of Pterostemonaceae (Engl.), a monogeneric family of two species, has been made. The following anatomical characters in the leaf are of particular interest: glandular hairs, hydathodes on the marginal dentations and secretory substances in the glands and palisade cells. Characters of interest in the twig xylem include: vessel lumina of very small tangential diameter and with simple perforation plates; fibriform vessels with scalariform plates having one to six bars and also plates with perforations in irregular patterns.  相似文献   
    Fluctuations in ecdysteroid production by explanted prothoracic glands (PG) during the penultimate and last larval instars parallel changes in ecdysteroid titer in the hemolymph. The in vitro output of ecdysteroids increases up to 30-fold when PG are co-cultured with the brain. Maximal amounts of ecdysteroids are produced when both PG and brain are taken from larvae at the time of the molt-inducing ecdysteroid peaks (days 2–3 in the penultimate and days 5–6 in the last instar), and also from day 3 last instar larvae that exhibit a small rise of hemolymph ecdysteroids. Detailed investigations on penultimate instar larvae revealed that their PG become sensitive to the stimulation on day 1 (about 24 h after ecdysis), but the stimulatory brain potential is restricted to days 2 and 3. Both the stimulatory capacity of the brain and the sensitivity of PG are lost on days 4 and 5, i.e., after the ecdysteroid surge on day 3. PG explanted from young adults do not secrete appreciable amounts of ecdysteroids but can be stimulated to ecdysteroid production with active larval brains. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 36:85–93, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
    The activity of invertase, glucose oxidase and amylase in the cephalic (post‐cerebral) and thoracic salivary glands is determined in Egyptian and Carniolan honeybees (Apis mellifera L). For this purpose, three ages of worker bees are selected for enzyme assays. The results show that the three target enzymes are detected in the two glands during the three worker ages, except invertase, which cannot be detected in the cephalic gland of newly emerged bees of both subspecies. In both glands, the secretion of invertase is highest, followed by amylase and then glucose oxidase. In Carniolan bees, invertase secretion of the cephalic and thoracic glands increases gradually with age. In Egyptian bees, invertase increases with age only in the cephalic gland, whereas, in the thoracic gland, the highest secretion activity is detected in 10–15‐day‐old bees. The highest amounts of glucose oxidase and amylase in the cephalic gland are detected in newly emerged individuals of both Egyptian and Carniolan bees. In the thoracic gland, however, the highest activity of both enzymes is recorded only in newly emerged Egyptian bees. The results are discussed in the light of bee management and biological aspects of the two subspecies.  相似文献   
    Summary The relationship between granule density, protein content, and Ca and S contents were studied in two secretory granule fractions, from parotid glands of the rat, previously shown to constitute different stages in granule maturation. The density of the lighter fraction was between 1.133 and 1.142 g/ml, while that of the heavier fraction was greater than 1.142 g/ml. The mean protein content of the denser granules was 12% greater than that of the lighter granules (P<0.03), while the dry-mass elemental concentrations in the two granule fractions were unchanged. These results indicate that protein is added to granules during the maturation process (presumably by vesicular traffic), and that the resulting increase in granule density is not driven simply by decrease in water content and/or increased concentrations of inorganic Ca or S in the granules. The elemental concentration values also indicate that the diffusible elements permeate the granule membrane during the fractionation procedures.  相似文献   
     We studied the control of salt gland secretion in hatchling Chelonia mydas. The threshold salt load to activate salt secretion was between 400 μmol NaCl 100 g bodymass (BM)−1 and 600 μmol NaCl 100 g BM−1, which caused an increase in plasma sodium concentration of 13% to 19%. Following a salt load of 2700 μmol NaCl 100 g BM−1, salt gland secretion commenced in 12 ± 1.3 min and reached maximal secretory concentration within 2–7 min. Maximal secretory rate of a single gland averaged 415 μmol Na 100 g BM−1 h−1. Plasma sodium concentration and total osmotic concentration after salt loading were significantly higher than pretreatment values within 2 min. Adrenalin (25 μg kg BM−1) and the cholinergic agonist methacholine (1 mg kg BM−1) inhibited salt gland activity. Atropine (10 mg kg BM−1) reversed methacholine inhibition and stimulated salt gland secretion when administered with a subthreshold salt load. Arginine vasotocin produced a transient reduction in sodium secretion by the active gland, while atrial natriuretic factor, vasoactive intestinal peptide and neuropeptide Y had no measurable effect on any aspect of salt gland secretion. Our results demonstrated that secretion of the salt gland in C. mydas can be modified by neural and hormonal chemicals in vivo and that the cholinergic and adrenergic stimulation of an exocrine gland do not appear to have the typical, antagonist actions on the chelonian salt gland. Accepted: 28 September 1999  相似文献   
    Summary In submandibular glands of rabbits both adrenergic and cholinergic axons are intimately associated with parenchymal cells of the intercalary ducts and the granular tubules, lying beneath the basement membrane and often in the space between the parenchymal cell and an associated myoepithelial cell. The submandibular acini receive a less intimate and less plentiful innervation by adrenergic and cholinergic axons which remain outside the basement membrane and are still associated with Schwann cells. Occasional axons of both adrenergic and cholinergic type occur beneath the basement membrane of submandibular striated ducts in intimate association with basal parts of the cells.In the parotid glands numerous adrenergic and cholinergic axons are found beneath the basement membrane of acini and intercalary ducts in intimate association with the cells.This work has been helped by the technical assistance of Mr. P.S.A. Rowley  相似文献   
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