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Animal populations at northern range limits may use habitat differently from those at range cores, requiring distinct conservation plans. Snakes are ectotherms that often have very specific requirements, but few studies have focused on the effect of northern latitudes on habitat selection by grassland snakes. We studied movement and habitat selection of 2 sympatric snake species at their northern range limits on the North American Great Plains: the eastern yellow-bellied racer (Coluber constrictor flaviventris, hereafter racer), a Threatened species in Canada, and the bullsnake (Pituophis catenifer sayi), which is listed as Data Deficient. Both of these species are potentially vulnerable to extinction in Canada because of habitat loss. Snakes from our study populations traveled up to 10-times farther from winter dens and occupied home ranges 3–104 times larger than populations further south. Both snake species moved from winter dens in the slopes of a major river valley to habitat in adjacent lowlands, including riparian zones (racers) and hilly areas with native grass species (bullsnakes). Multivariate modeling revealed that proximity to retreat sites was a significant predictor of snake site use for both species. Considering the need for winter dens and summering areas, our data suggest that snakes in northern latitudes should ideally have much larger protected areas compared to snakes near the core of their range. An alternative strategy is to conserve corridors linking wintering dens and summer habitats. Retreat sites such as burrows and shrubs are critical components of local habitat and should be included in conservation plans. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Aim The main objective of this study was to investigate the origin of white spruce (Picea glauca) range discontinuities in eastern North America. A first analysis aimed at uncovering the glacial origin and post-glacial migration route of white spruce in the eastern part of the range. A second analysis aimed at evaluating whether disjunct white spruce populations in central Québec result from a recent expansion or are remnant stands following a northern range contraction. Location The first analysis covered the North American transcontinental boreal distribution of white spruce, and the second focused on the eastern part of its range. Methods A total of 589 P. glauca individuals from 51 populations, 24 of which were from a previous published source, were analysed for variation in three chloroplast DNA regions (trnT/L, trnL/F and ndhK/C). At the continental scale, haplotypic diversity, zones of genetic discontinuities, clustering analysis and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) were employed. In the eastern part of the range, haplotypic diversity was assessed with a permutation procedure, demographic history with mismatch analyses, and genetic structure with AMOVA. Results At the continental scale, various lines of evidence (genetic-diversity hotspots, endemic haplotypes, zones of genetic discontinuities, and pattern of molecular variation) show that different lineages migrated from three glacial refugia (Beringian, Mississippian, east Appalachian). Strong genetic discontinuities, low diversity and lack of evidence for demographic expansion were found among stands from isolated high hills in central Québec. Main conclusions White spruce in the eastern part of its range has an east Appalachian origin, a lineage genetically distinct from populations west of the Great Lakes. Previous studies have shown that the northward migration of white spruce is still ongoing as the northernmost populations expand into the tundra. In contrast, mixed white spruce and balsam fir (Abies balsamea) stands from isolated high hills in central Québec have already reached their Holocene maxima and are currently declining. This range contraction is probably a result of increased wildfire disturbance, which gradually creates a pattern of regional white spruce isolation and replacement by fire-prone black spruce (Picea mariana) forest.  相似文献   
The Hungshihyen Formation represents the Lower to Middle Ordovician near-shore siliciclastic deposits on the western margin of the Yangtze Platform, South China. However, its age is still debated, largely because of insufficient studies. Here we documented the Bursachitina maotaiensisB. qianbeiensis chitinozoan assemblage from the lower part of the Hungshihyen Formation at Songliang, Qiaojia County, eastern Yunnan Province. This assemblage is remarkably similar to an assemblage that roughly correlates to the middle part of the Corymobograptus deflexus graptolite Biozone in northern Guizhou Province, indicating that the Hungshihyen Formation at Songliang is probably of late Floian age and may extend into the early Dapingian. Additionally, a revision on the chitinozoans previously documented from the strata assigned to the same formation in the Wuding area was made according to the latest classification. The revision allows the recognition of the Euconochitina symmetricaEremochitina brevis assemblage, and therefore suggests a late Tremadocian age for this interval based on regional and global chitinozoan biostratigraphic correlations. Considering also its lithologic succession, we argue that the chitinozoan-bearing strata in the Wuding area previously assigned to the Hungshihyen Formation correspond most likely to the uppermost part of the underlying Tangchi Formation or the lowermost part of the Hungshihyen Formation. The base of the Hungshihyen Formation appears therefore to be diachronous in eastern Yunnan Province.  相似文献   
Aim We investigate the directionality of mainland‐to‐island dispersals, focusing on a case study of an African‐Malagasy bat genus, Triaenops (Hipposideridae). Taxa include T. persicus from east Africa and three Triaenops species from Madagascar (T. auritus, T. furculus, and T. rufus). The evolution of this bat family considerably post‐dated the tectonic division of Madagascar from Africa, excluding vicariance as a viable hypothesis. Therefore, we consider three biogeographical scenarios to explain these species' current ranges: (A) a single dispersal from Africa to Madagascar with subsequent speciation of the Malagasy species; (B) multiple, unidirectional dispersals from Africa to Madagascar resulting in multiple, independent Malagasy lineages; or (C) early dispersal of a proto‐species from Africa to Madagascar, with later back‐dispersal of a descendant Malagasy taxon to Africa. Location East Africa, Madagascar, and the Mozambique Channel. Methods We compare the utility of phylogenetic and coalescent methodologies to address the question of directionality in a mainland‐to‐island dispersal event for recently diverged taxa. We also emphasize the application of biologically explicit demographic systems, such as the non‐equilibrium isolation‐with‐migration model. Here, these methods are applied to a four‐species haploid genetic data set, with simulation analyses being applied to validate this approach. Results Coalescent simulations favour scenario B: multiple, unidirectional dispersals from Africa to Madagascar resulting in multiple, independent Malagasy bat lineages. From coalescent dating, we estimate that the genus Triaenops was still a single taxon approximately 2.25 Ma. The most recent Africa to Madagascar dispersal occurred much more recently (c. 660 ka), and led to the formation of the extant Malagasy species, T. rufus. Main conclusions Haploid genetic data from four species of Triaenops are statistically most consistent with multiple, unidirectional dispersals from mainland Africa to Madagascar during the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   
Animal movements, use of space, activity patterns and habitat use are in part determined by proximal factors such as the landscapes they occupy, seasonal or environmental cues and individual attributes such as sex and body size. Using radio‐telemetry and a drift fence, we examined the contribution of these factors to variation in movements, use of space and terrestrial activity in a freshwater turtle, Chelodina longicollis (Testudines: Chelidae), in south‐east Australia. Movements and use of space depended strongly on landscape attributes, while sex and body size were less important. Movements and use of space also varied seasonally and were partly correlated with rainfall. The high overall vagility of turtles, irrespective of sex and adult body size (13.8 ± 2.8 ha (±SE) home range, 2608 ± 305 m total distance moved, 757 ± 76 m range length), probably reflects a common need to be mobile in a landscape characterized by fluctuating resources in temporary wetlands. Use of temporary wetlands also drives C. longicollis into terrestrial habitats for movements between wetlands and extended refuge. Timing of inter‐wetland movements was associated with rainfall, but most notably for immature individuals and for those moving towards temporary wetlands. Movements of adults, evacuation of the drying wetland and periods of extended refuge (i.e. aestivation) were less dependent upon rainfall if at all. We conclude that movements about and use of the landscape by C. longicollis are under the strong influence of several interacting factors such as patch configuration, seasonal and environmental cues, and in part, body size. We argue that such behaviours are also ultimately under selection from the costs and benefits of these behaviours in the context of fluctuating resources.  相似文献   
Albizia, a diverse tree genus, occupies monsoonal warm humid rain forests in tropical and subtropical regions. We recovered a well-preserved compound fossil leaf and two fossil fruits of Albizia (Fabaceae) from the latest Neogene (Rajdanda Formation: Pliocene) sediments of Jharkhand of the Chotanagpur Plateau, eastern India. On the basis of the architectural features of the fossil leaf, a new species is established as A. mahuadanrensis Hazra, Hazra and Khan, n. sp., characterised by a bipinnate, compound leaf having a rachis bearing opposite, asymmetrically ovate to sub-rhomboid leaflets, pulvinus on leaflet petiolule and brochiodromous secondary veins. Based on both morphological and anatomical characters of the fossil fruits, A. palaeoprocera Hazra, Hazra and Khan, n. sp. is erected, characterised by flattened to broadly linear shaped, wingless fruits; ovate-elliptic shaped seed chambers having ellipsoidal seeds in one series; irregularly polygonal to rectangular epidermal cells with oblique end walls and randomly oriented, scattered, paracytic stomata. Analysis of Albizia fossil occurrences indicates that the legume taxon was common in Neogene forests of India and elsewhere. The present-day distribution of the closely affiliated modern species of the fossil taxa indicates a warm and humid tropical environment during the time of deposition. We also review the biogeographic history of Albizia in India and other Asian countries.  相似文献   
Examination of morphometric characters of Solea aegyptiaca shows that it cannot be separated from Solea solea . Diagnostic characters are given to separate this species from S. senegalensis . The available data show that Solea impar and S. nasuta are junior synonyms of S. lascaris . Meristic characters of S. solea and S. lascaris vary greatly according to the geographical origin of the examined fishes, indicating the influence of temperature on the number of vertebrae and fin rays. A key is provided for the identification of the four species of the genus Solea known in the Atlanto-Mediterranean region.  相似文献   
Through histological analyses, this study reveals an unusually high incidence of hermaphroditism in Chiton articulatus. Specimens were sampled every 30?days between September 2010 and September 2011 at two locations (Las Brisas and Jaramillo beaches, Acapulco) on the tropical eastern Pacific coast of Mexico. At both sites, hermaphroditism was found throughout the year, although in varying proportions. Higher percentages of hermaphroditism were found during the pre-spawning summer months (Las Brisas Beach 63%, Jaramillo Beach 68%). Two different kinds of hermaphroditic gonads were found, showing a preponderance of either male or female tissues but, commonly, female tissues occupied the greatest part of the gonad cross sections. Similar to other species of polyplacophorans, there was a predominance of males, although M:F sex ratios ranged from 0.7 to 4.5: 1 at Las Brisas Beach and 0.3–8: 1 at Jaramillo Beach.  相似文献   
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