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Nyssa (Nyssaceae, Cornales) represents a classical example of the well‐known eastern Asian–eastern North American floristic disjunction. The genus consists of three species in eastern Asia, four species in eastern North America, and one species in Central America. Species of the genus are ecologically important trees in eastern North American and eastern Asian forests. The distribution of living species and a rich fossil record of the genus make it an excellent model for understanding the origin and evolution of the eastern Asian–eastern North American floristic disjunction. However, despite the small number of species, relationships within the genus have remained unclear and have not been elucidated using a molecular approach. Here, we integrate data from 48 nuclear genes, fossils, morphology, and ecological niche to resolve species relationships, elucidate its biogeographical history, and investigate the evolution of morphology and ecological niches, aiming at a better understanding of the well‐known EA–ENA floristic disjunction. Results showed that the Central American (CAM) Nyssa talamancana was sister to the remaining species, which were divided among three, rapidly diversified subclades. Estimated divergence times and biogeographical history suggested that Nyssa had an ancestral range in Eurasia and western North America in the late Paleocene. The rapid diversification occurred in the early Eocene, followed by multiple dispersals between and within the Erasian and North American continents. The genus experienced two major episodes of extinction in the early Oligocene and end of Neogene, respectively. The Central American N. talamancana represents a relic lineage of the boreotropical flora in the Paleocene/Eocene boundary that once diversified in western North America. The results supported the importance of both the North Atlantic land bridge and the Bering land bridge (BLB) for the Paleogene dispersals of Nyssa and the Neogene dispersals, respectively, as well as the role of Central America as refugia of the Paleogene flora. The total‐evidence‐based dated phylogeny suggested that the pattern of macroevolution of Nyssa coincided with paleoclimatic changes. We found a number of evolutionary changes in morphology (including wood anatomy and leaf traits) and ecological niches (precipitation and temperature) between the EA–ENA disjunct, supporting the ecological selection driving trait evolutions after geographic isolation. We also demonstrated challenges in phylogenomic studies of lineages with rapid diversification histories. The concatenation of gene data can lead to inference of strongly supported relationships incongruent with the species tree. However, conflicts in gene genealogies did not seem to impose a strong effect on divergence time dating in our case. Furthermore, we demonstrated that rapid diversification events may not be recovered in the divergence time dating analysis using BEAST if critical fossil constraints of the relevant nodes are not available. Our study provides an example of complex bidirectional exchanges of plants between Eurasia and North America in the Paleogene, but “out of Asia” migrations in the Neogene, to explain the present disjunct distribution of Nyssa in EA and ENA.  相似文献   
借助较为成熟的景观安全格局理论和方法,根据自然、生物和人文过程的分析,可判断和规划对某种生态过程具有战略意义的景观安全格局,即维护某种生态过程的最小生态用地(包括格局和面积).本研究从土地的地表属性和空间属性2个方面界定了生态用地的概念,将其定义为:在不同空间尺度上,对维护关键生态过程和提供生态系统服务具有重要意义的生态系统(土地单元)及其空间部位.以北京东三乡为例,分析了基于雨洪管理和生物保护需求的生态用地,得出该区低、中、高3种安全水平下的生态用地分别占研究区总面积的20.4%、31.1%和48.6%.结果表明,基于关键生态过程的景观安全格局分析是生态用地定量研究的有效方法,该方法对城市规划和土地规划等具有重要参考价值.  相似文献   
In simulation models for water movement and nutrient transport, uptake of water and nutrients by roots forms an essential part. As roots are spatially distributed, prediction of root growth and root distribution is crucial for modelling water and nutrient uptake. In a preceding paper, De Willigen et al. (2002; Plant and Soil 240, 225–234) presented an analytical solution for describing root length density distribution as a diffusion-type process. In the current paper, we present a numerical model that does the same, but which is more flexible with respect to where root input can occur. We show that the diffusion-type root growth model can describe well observed rooting patterns. We used rooting patterns for different types of crops: maize, gladiolus, eastern white cedar, and tomato. For maize, we used data for two different types of fertiliser application: broadcast and row application. In case of row application, roots extend more vertically than horizontally with respect to the broadcast application situation. This is reflected in a larger ratio of diffusion coefficients in vertical versus horizontal direction. For tomato, we considered tomatoes grown on an artificial rooting medium, i.e. rockwool. We have shown that, in principle, the model can be extended by including reduction functions on the diffusion coefficient in order to account for environmental conditions.  相似文献   
闽东沿海防护林台风灾害的影响因子   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以2010年台风"鲇鱼"(编号1013)为例,调查闽东主要海防林树种台风受灾情况,并对其影响因子进行分析,结果表明:1)不同树种受害程度差异明显,阔叶树种受害重于针叶树种,平均受害级和受害指数分别高出79.1%和76.7%。其中,桉树受灾最重,平均受害级和受害指数分别比湿地松、木麻黄高出90.5%、36.2%和86.7%、36.6%。受灾类型中,折干现象最严重,比例高达40.7%。2)林木不同形态特征受灾程度差异显著,折干类型集中于12~14cm径级,比例为56.8%,倒伏、掘根类型集中10~12cm,比例为57.9%,弯干、断稍现象径级分布较均匀,但同在14cm比例最高,分别为28.6%和18.3%。林木抗风性能与植株尖削度成正相关,而与树高、树冠面积、树冠相对高度成负相关。3)地形条件是影响林木受灾的重要因素,表现为受灾程度迎风坡大于背风坡,陡坡大于缓坡,同一坡向上,迎风坡下腹大于上腹,背风坡正好相反。4)割脂对湿地松抗风性能有较大影响,割脂林木受害指数比未割脂高40.6%,因割脂发生折干植株比例为92.7%。  相似文献   
The relatively small number of passenger pigeon bones found in prehistoric sites in the eastern United States is at variance with the tremendous population recorded between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries: It is argued that, prior to European contact, the population of passenger pigeons was small due to human-wildlife competition over tree nuts. This competition restricted the pigeon's access to food and limited its prehistoric population. When this competitive network was disrupted by European colonization, the availability of food for the pigeon increased. The enormous population that then emerged represents an outbreak population precipitated by enrichment in food and space. The structure of the prehistoric food web in the forests of the eastern United States is diagrammed, and the process leading to the growth of the passenger pigeon population described.  相似文献   

The ultrasonically detected daily activity of 10 male and 10 female eastern chipmunks was measured before, during, and after two days of food and water deprivation. Under ad libitum ingestion conditions, eastern chipmunks were not found to be strongly diurnal with only 60% of their total activity occurring in the light Food and water deprivation altered total daily activity as well as the circadian patterning of activity.  相似文献   
In laboratory experiments, isolated eastern tent caterpillars, Malacosoma americanum (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), grew more slowly than their grouped siblings even though factors previously reported to give grouped caterpillars an advantage were eliminated from our experimental design. Analysis of time-lapse videorecordings of daily foraging bouts showed that, despite their slower growth, isolated individuals fed significantly more often than their grouped siblings. This finding is consistent with previous observations showing that the rate at which tent caterpillars assimilate food is largely independent of foraging frequency and suggests that increased metabolic costs associated with superfluous activity may cause isolated caterpillars to grow slower. More rapid growth of grouped caterpillars also appears attributable to the significantly longer periods of time solitary caterpillars spent inactive during episodes of molting. Our study shows that the distinctive temporal pattern of foraging characteristic of intact colonies of eastern tent caterpillars is a emergent property of the group.  相似文献   
This study provides the first detailed information on the reproductive biology of the smooth butterfly ray Gymnura micrura. A total of 905 individuals were sampled, 377 of which were used for the reproductive study. Juveniles accounted for 75% of the sample, but all life cycle stages were present in the study area. The disc width at which 50% were mature (W(D50) )was estimated at 269 and 405 mm for males and females, respectively. The W(D50V) (based on the onset of vitellogenesis) was estimated at 359 mm. Uterine fecundity (mean ±s.d. = 3·8 ± 1·3; range: 1-6) was positively correlated with female size. A 3564% gain in mean wet mass was observed from egg to full-term embryo in utero. Size at birth ranged from 135 to 175 mm W(D) (19·5 to 55·0 g), with a mean of 165·1 mm W(D) (43·3 g). The embryo sex ratio was not significantly different from 1:1. The ovaries of pregnant females were undergoing vitellogenesis during gestation, with females ready to ovulate soon after parturition. Gymnura micrura may have an asynchronous reproductive cycle, with females reproducing continuously throughout the year.  相似文献   
Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation was surveyed with 20 restriction endonucleases for the eastern Asian and eastern North American disjunct genus Symplocarpus (Araceae). The cpDNA phylogeny reveals a sister group relationship between S. foetidus from eastern North America and S. renifolius from eastern Asia. The cpDNA divergence between the two intercontinental sister species is 0.61%, which suggests an estimated divergence time of 6.1 million years ago during the late Miocene. The Bering land bridge hypothesis is compatible with the estimated time of divergence for the migration of Symplocarpus between eastern Asia and North America. Furthermore, a single origin of the exothermic spadices in Symplocarpus is suggested by the phylogeny. The cpDNA data also provide independent support for the recognition of three species within the genus.  相似文献   
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