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Floristics and plant biogeography in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1998, a revolutionary system of angiosperm classification, the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group system was published.Meanwhile, another new system of classification of angiosperms, the eight-class system was proposed by C.Y. Wu and colleagues based on long term work on the flora of China. The Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae project was initiated in 1959 and completed by 2004. It is the largest Flora so far completed in the world, including 31 228 species of vascular plants,or one-eighth of the global plant diversity. The English-language and updated Flora of China (FOC) is an international joint effort initiated in 1988 and accelerated in 1998. Up to now, 15 of the 24 volumes of the FOC have been published. Based on the fioristic data, the composition, characteristics, floristic divisions and affinities of the flora of China have been studied by Wu and colleagues since 1965. In the past 10years, analyses of the available floristic data have been very productive.The East Asiatic Floristic Kingdom was proposed in 1998. All 346 families of angiosperms in China, according to the eightclass system of classification, were comprehensively discussed by using knowledge of current and historical distribution of seed plants in the world, together with some morphological and molecular data. A scheme of distribution patterns or areal-types of families and genera of seed plants in China was modified and elucidated, together with a proposed scheme of areal-types of the world. Molecular phylogenetic and biogeographical studies of angiosperms in China in the past 10 yearsalso witnessed a progressive development. Integration of morphological and molecular data and fossil evidence revealed some significant results. Eastern Asia, which used to be regarded as an important center of survival during the ice age, is likely an important center of diversification of angiosperms.  相似文献   
Refixation of xylem sap CO2 in Populus deltoides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vascular plants have respiring tissues which are perfused by the transpiration stream, allowing solubilization of respiratory CO2 in the xylem sap. The transpiration stream could provide a conduit for the internal delivery of respiratory CO2 to leaves. Trees have large amounts of respiring tissues in the root systems and stems, and may have elevated levels of CO2 in the xylem sap which could be delivered to and refixed by the leaves. Xylem sap from the shoots of three Populus deltoides trees had mean dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations (CO2+H2CO3+HCO?3) ranging from 0. 5 to 0. 9 mM. When excised leaves were allowed to transpire 1 mM[14C]NaHCO3, 99. 6% of the label was fixed in the light. Seventy-seven percent of the label was fixed in major veins and the remainder was fixed in the minor veins. Autoradiography confirmed that label was confined to the vasculature. In the dark, approximately 80% of the transpired label escaped the leaf, the remainder was fixed in the major veins, slightly elevating dark respiration measurements. This indicates that the vascular tissue in P. deltoides leaves is supplied with a carbon source distinct from the atmospheric source fixed by interveinal lamina. However, the contribution of CO2 delivered to the leaves in the transpiration stream and fixed in the veins was only 0. 5% of atmospheric CO2 uptake. In the light 90% of the label was found in sugar, starch and protein, a pattern similar to that found for atmospheric uptake of[14C]CO2. Compared with leaves labelled in the light, leaves labelled in the dark had more label in organic acid, amino acid and protein and less label in sugar and starch. After a 5-s pulse the majority of the label fed to petioles in both the light and the dark was found in malate. The majority of the label was found in malate at 120 s in the dark; only 2% of the label was found in phosphorylated compounds at 120 s. The proportion of label found in phosphorylated compounds increased from 17% at 5 s to 80% at 120 s in the light. This suggests that CO2 delivered to leaves in the light via the transpiration stream is fixed in the veins, a small portion through dark fixation into malate, the remainder by C-3 photosynthesis.  相似文献   
Community-wide feeding interrelationships in a low-diversity coral reef off the Pacific coast of Panamá (Uva Island reef) demonstrate complex pathways involving herbivore, strong corallivore, and carnivore interactions. Four trophic levels with 31 interguild links are identified in a generalized food web, and documented feeding interrelationships with 287+ species links are portrayed in a coral–corallivore subweb. The importance of trophic groups changes greatly with time, from unknown causes over annual to decadal-scale periods, and during very strong El Niño–Southern Oscillation events such that intermittent intense herbivory by echinoids (Diadema) and corallivory by gastropod mollusks, the crown-of-thorns sea star Acanthaster, hermit crabs, and fishes result in high levels of coral mortality and bioerosion of reef substratum. Intraregional differences in species composition and abundances affecting food-web interactions are briefly described for nonupwelling (Uva Island) and upwelling areas (Pearl Islands) in Panamá. Seasonal upwelling in the Pearl Islands results in high plankton productivity, which likely augments production in invertebrates, fishes, marine mammals, and seabirds, but these pathways still remain largely unquantified. The corallivore Acanthaster is absent from upwelling centers in Panamá and from upwelling and nonupwelling areas in the southern and central Galápagos Islands, and the highly destructive, facultative corallivore Eucidaris galapagensis occurs only in the latter offshore islands and at Cocos Island. Relatively recent declines in the abundances of manta rays, sharks, and spiny lobsters are correlated with, but not necessarily causally linked to, increasing fishing activities in the late 1970s to early 1980s. The extent to which the complex yet highly unstable Uva Island food web is representative of other eastern Pacific coral reef ecosystems remains to be investigated.  相似文献   
This study provides the first detailed information on the reproductive biology of the smooth butterfly ray Gymnura micrura. A total of 905 individuals were sampled, 377 of which were used for the reproductive study. Juveniles accounted for 75% of the sample, but all life cycle stages were present in the study area. The disc width at which 50% were mature (W(D50) )was estimated at 269 and 405 mm for males and females, respectively. The W(D50V) (based on the onset of vitellogenesis) was estimated at 359 mm. Uterine fecundity (mean ±s.d. = 3·8 ± 1·3; range: 1-6) was positively correlated with female size. A 3564% gain in mean wet mass was observed from egg to full-term embryo in utero. Size at birth ranged from 135 to 175 mm W(D) (19·5 to 55·0 g), with a mean of 165·1 mm W(D) (43·3 g). The embryo sex ratio was not significantly different from 1:1. The ovaries of pregnant females were undergoing vitellogenesis during gestation, with females ready to ovulate soon after parturition. Gymnura micrura may have an asynchronous reproductive cycle, with females reproducing continuously throughout the year.  相似文献   
Aim We evaluate, for the first time, the decay of similarity over distance in four species of marine fishes with different vagility: Trachurus murphyi (pelagic, highly vagile), Merluccius gayi (demersal, highly vagile), Sebastes capensis (demersal, low vagility) and Hippoglossina macrops (benthic, non‐vagile). Location We use our own data of the species composition of parasite communities in four host species: T. murphyi (Perciformes), M. gayi (Gadiformes), H. macrops (Pleuronectiformes) and S. capensis (Scorpaeniformes), from the coast of Chile and southern Argentina. Trachurus murphyi, M. gayi and H. macrops in the area studied live closely associated with the cold waters of the Humboldt Current System, while S. capensis in southern Chile is associated with the fjord areas south of c. 43° S, and in Argentina this species lives in close association with the cold water of the Malvinas Current, which mixes with the warm water of the Brazilian Current in the sampled area. Thus, for all four host species there are no known geographical (oceanographic) barriers that interrupt their continuous distributions. Methods Fish were collected and frozen (?18 °C) until examination in the laboratory. After thawing, each visceral organ was dissected separately, washed in running water, filtered using a mesh of 0.25 mm, and examined under a stereomicroscope (20×). For S. capensis, only ectoparasites were included in this study because data on endoparasites for some locations are not available. The approach of Poulin [Journal of Biogeography 30 (2003) 1609] was used. For each host species, we computed similarity in parasite composition using the Bray–Curtis distance on a presence/absence matrix. Similarity between each pair of localities was correlated (linear regression on raw and transformed data) with the distance (in nautical miles) among those sites. Results Among conspecific populations of host fish, there was no correlation between sample size and parasite species richness. The same pattern was evident when all host populations were pooled and treated as a single sample. Except for H. macrops, an important proportion of the geographical ranges of the host species was covered. The decay in similarity of parasite communities over distance was recorded in three of the four hosts analysed. For H. macrops, no relationship between distances and decay of similarity was evident. A linear regression on non‐transformed data provided a good fit, and the regression on log(n + 1) does not change significantly for both r2 and probability, but slopes are smaller for log‐transformed than for non‐transformed data. Main conclusions Three of the four fish parasite systems studied fit well with the expected decay of similarity over distance. The slopes of the relationship between distance and similarity in the marine fishes studied are lower, but significant (three orders of magnitude) than those recorded in freshwater fishes by Poulin (2003) . In our case, Hippoglossina macrops (benthic, non‐vagile host) does not show any relationship, suggesting homogeneity over the geographical area studied for this species.  相似文献   
The genus Antimerus Fauvel, 1878, endemic to eastern Australia and Tasmania and a phylogenetically enigmatic member of the large rove beetle tribe Staphylinini, is revised. The genus and each of its four previously known species are redescribed, and a lectotype is designated for Antimerus punctipennis Lea, 1906. Five species are described as new: Antimerus metallicussp. n., Antimerus jamesrodmanisp. n., Antimerus gracilissp. n., Antimerus bellussp. n. and Antimerus monteithisp. n., so that the number of known species in this genus now totals nine. For the first time Antimerus larvae are described, tentatively identified as Antimerus smaragdinus Fauvel, 1878, Antimerus punctipennis and Antimerus metallicus. Available distributional and bionomic data are provided for each species and summarized in the discussion. Adult and larval morphology of Antimerus and its distribution patterns are discussed in the broader context of new data on the evolution of the entire tribe Staphylinini, and with respect to the formation of the Australian fauna of this tribe. The phylogenetic position of Antimerus within Staphylinini remains unresolved pending a targeted formal study. However, a majority of currently available data suggests that it could be a basal member of the recently recovered monophyletic clade of Staphylinini tentatively called "Staphylinini propria".  相似文献   
 该文比较系统地综述了美国东部杜克森林76年来植物种类变化、种群动态和森林演替研究的基本情况。重点介绍了该森林内永久性森林样地的 设置和调查规范,以及最近10年来利用永久样地数据进行树木空间格局和自然干扰研究的最新进展,并将杜克森林永久样地监测规范和数据管 理方法与目前主要的森林监测网络进行了一定的比较,旨在对目前国际上蓬勃开展的长期定位植物多样性监测和空间格局研究有所启示和帮助 。  相似文献   
The Sahara desert acts as an ecological barrier for billions of passerine birds on their way to and from their African wintering areas. The Garden Warbler Sylvia borin is one of the most common migrants involved. We used body mass of this species from Greece in autumn and spring to simulate the desert crossing and to assess how body mass relates to fuel requirement. The flight range estimates were adjusted to the seasonal extent of the desert, 2200 km in autumn and about 2800 km in spring. In autumn, with an average fuel load of about 100% of body mass without fuel, birds were not able to cross the desert in still air, but northerly winds prevail during September and with the average wind assistance only one in 14 was predicted to fail to make the crossing. Body mass data from spring, after the desert crossing, was used to estimate departure body mass from south of the desert. The average wind assistance in spring is close to zero and departure body mass of the average bird arriving at Antikythira, a small Greek island, under such conditions was estimated to be 34.6 g, which corresponded to a fuel load of 116%. Calculations based on 1% body mass loss per hour of flight showed slightly larger body mass loss than that calculated from flight range estimates. The results suggest that passerine birds about to cross the eastern part of the Sahara desert need to attain a larger fuel load in spring than in autumn.  相似文献   
基于Gash模型的青海云杉林降水截留模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择Gash(1995)改进后的模型对祁连山东部青海云杉林冠层截留进行模拟。首先在2009年的5月底至9月期间对降水事件、降水截留和林冠结构进行观测,其次对林冠附加截留量进行计算,在不同的时间步长上利用Gash模型模拟截留量,最后对模型参数进行敏感性分析。结果表明:Gash模型对整个观测期间林冠截留模拟值比实测林冠总截留量偏低8.70%,15 d尺度和次降雨事件尺度上模拟值比观测值分别偏低18.92%和14.23%;附加截留占总截留的74.94%,吸附截留占总截留的25.06%;饱和林冠的平均蒸发强度和降雨强度的比值是模型的敏感性参数,精确获得平均蒸发强度是保证模型精度的前提条件,并且独立降水事件的界定是提高Gash模型的关键点。  相似文献   
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