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To understand the mechanisms underlying plant-insect herbivore interactions, it is necessary to examine the simultaneous effects of temperature, food quality and larval age. We examined the simultaneous effects of three allelochemicals (tomatine, rutin and chlorogenic acid) on the performance of first and second instar Manduca sexta larvae under two representative thermal regimes 21 : 10°C and 26 : 15°C for spring and summer, respectively. Thermal regime and allelochemicals interacted to influence the time from egg hatch to ecdysis to the third instar. On average, it took about half as much time to reach the third instar at 26 : 15°C as it did at 21 : 10°C. Separately, tomatine and rutin had a negative effect on developmental time from egg hatch to the third instar, but their simutaneous effects were not additive. Chlorogenic acid significantly reduced the negative effect of tomatine. The magnitude of the allelochemical effect was larger at the cooler thermal regime compared to the warmer regime. For instance, chlorogenic acid by itself had no effect at the 26 : 15°C regime, but at the 21 : 10°C regime it significantly shortened total developmental time. The effect of chlorogenic acid on stadium duration was distinctly different for the two instars. Chlorogenic acid shortened stadium duration of first instar larvae. However, depending on thermal regime and the presence of tomatine, chlorogenic acid had a negative, positive or neutral effect on stadium duration of second instar larvae. Molting duration of second instar larvae was shortened by a half day at the warmer thermal regime but was not affected by the allelochemicals. Final larval weight was influenced by rutin and chlorogenic acid. Caterpillars fed diets containing 20 moles of rutin were on average 10% lighter than those fed plain diet, whereas those fed diets containing 20 moles of chlorogenic adic were on average 7% heavier. However, the effect of chlorogenic acid depended on thermal regime. Overall, our results indicated that: 1) temperature and food quality can interact to influence insect performance and 2) these effects are influenced by larval age.  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of 10–8 M noradrenaline (NA) on [Ca2+], and electrical activity of single myocytes of guinea-pig ventricular myocardium loaded with Indo 1-AM. Membrane potential was recorded by means of the patch electrode and patch amplifier set to the current clamp mode. Cells were stimulated at a rate of 30/min by 3 ms pulses of the current injected through the recording electrode. Superfusion of NA resulted in slight shortening of action potentials (APs), increase in rate of rise and amplitude of the respective Ca2+ transients, and appearance of secondary Ca2+ transients of two kinds: 1. appearing before repolarisation of AP and decay of the preceding Ca2+ transient were completed and 2. appearing between the APs. We named them early after-transients (EAT) and delayed after-transients (DAT), respectively. Without any additional intervention EATS caused some prolongation of APs duration and DATs resulted in subthreshold delayed after-depolarisations (DADS). When sarcolemmal K+ conductance was decreased by tetraethylammonium (TEA) in the patch electrode or 20 M BaCl2 in the Tyrode solution, EATs initiated early after depolarizations (EADs) and DATs initiated suprathreshold DADs triggering full-sized APs. Superfusion of 30.0 mM Na+ (replaced with LiCl) resulted in reduction of AP duration by -70% and appearance of DATs. Also, the frequent multiple oscillations of Ca 2+ concentration were often observed. Neither DATs nor the oscillations had any affect on electrical activity of the cells. Their electrogenicity could not be increased by TEA or 20.0 M Ba2+. EATs and DATs and their respective EADs and DADs could not be initiated by NA or low Na+ superfusion in the cells pretreated with 2 × 10–7 M thapsigargin, a selective blocker of Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). We conclude that in contrast to the current hypothesis, EADs can be initiated by Ca2+ released early in the cardiac cycle from the overloaded SR, and that electrogenicity of both types of Ca2+ oscillations critically depends on the sarcolemmal K+ conductance.  相似文献   
We determined the stable carbon isotope composition (δ1.3C) of cellulose extracted from early and late wood in Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziexii (Mirb.) Franco] tree rings. Data were obtained for the period 1962 to 1981, at the start of which the trees were 20 years old. A water balance model was used to calculate daily stand transpiration and water deficit. The model incorporates site factors (soil water availability, slope and aspect) and environmental variables (solar radiation, air temperature and rainfall). There was far greater variability in late wood than in early wood δ1.3C. In wet years, late wood δ1.3C was significantly lighter (by as much as 2δ) than early wood δ1.3C but in dry years this difference was reversed. Differences between spring and summer cumulative transpiration accounted for almost 60δ of the variability in differences between early and late wood δ1.3C. We found excellent correspondence between summer cumulative transpiration and late wood δ1.3C, with estimates of transpiration accounting for up to 93% of the variability in δ1.3C. Correlations between early wood δ1.3C and spring transpiration were generally poor (r2<0.4), but we were able to identify those exceptional years in which there had been a very dry spring. Our results indicate that, while tree ring δ1.3C correlates reasonably well with basal area increment, it is a far better indicator of inter- and intra-annual variability in water availability than radial growth.  相似文献   
We isolated and sequenced Ha hsp 17.9, a DNA complementary (cDNA) of dry-seed stored mRNA that encodes a low-molecular-weight heat-shock protein (LMW HSP). Sequence analysis identified Ha hsp17.9, and the previously reported Ha hsp17.6, as cDNAs encoding proteins (HSP17.6 and HSP17.9) which belong to different families of cytoplasmic LMW HSPs. Using specific antibodies we observed differential expression of both proteins during zygotic embryogenesis under controlled environment, and a remarkable persistence of these LMW HSPs during germination. Immuno-blot analysis of HSP17.9 proteins in two-dimensional gels revealed that the polypeptides expressed in embryos were indistinguishable from LMW HSPs expressed in vegetative tissues in response to water deficit; but they appeared different from homologeous proteins expressed in response to thermal-stress. Tissue-print immunolocalization experiments showed that HSP17.9 and HSP17.6 were homogeneously distributed in every tissue of desiccation-tolerant dry seeds and young seedlings under non-stress conditions. These results demonstrate developmental regulation of specific, cytoplasmic, plant LMW HSPs, suggesting also their involvement in water-stress tolerance.  相似文献   
The effects of soil P amendments and time of application on the formation of external mycelium by different arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi were studied. In the first experiment the external mycelium produced in the soil by the AM fungus Glomus etunicatum Beck. and Gerd., during the early stages of root colonization (7 and 14 days after inoculation), was quantified by the soil-agar film technique. A Brazilian Oxisol was used with three different phosphate levels, varying from deficient to supra-optimal for the plant. Significant differences were observed in the phosphate and inoculation treatments for plant dry weight, P content in the tissue, root length and root colonization, at fourteen days after planting. At 7 days, mycelium growth, root colonization and their relationship were reduced at supra-optimal P concentrations. Applications of P one week after planting reduced mycelium growth and root colonization more than when applied to the soil before planting. In a second experiment the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, Scutellospora heterogama (Nicol. and Gerd.) Walker and Sanders and E3 were tested and compared with Glomus etunicatum. For the species studied, the length of external hyphae per unit of colonized root length was affected by small P additions but no further significant differences were observed at high P levels. The three AM endophytes showed marked differences in their response to P in the soil: Scutellospora heterogama, although producing external mycelium more profusely than the Glomus spp., showed a higher sensitivity to soil P supply.  相似文献   
To determine mechanisms of structural plasticity in adult CNS neurons, we investigated the expression of immediate early genes (IEGs) in the rat retina. Gene products of different IEG families (JUN and FOS proteins) and cAMP-responsive element binding protein (CREBP) were examined by immunohistochemistry under three different paradigms. Normal rats which were not axotomized were compared with axotomized animals, where retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) were axotomized by intraorbital optic nerve cut and retrogradely labeled with fluorogold (FG). Under these circumstances, RGCs show only transient sprouting, followed by continuous retrograde RGC degeneration. In the third group, after the optic nerve lesion, adult rats additionally received a sciatic nerve graft to the transected optic nerve stump. This allows some RGCs to regenerate an axon into the grafted nerve. In both groups, the time course of RGC survival and JUN, CREB, and FOS protein expression was monitored. In normal animals, JUN-Immunoreactivity (JUN-Ir) was not detectable in the retinal ganglion cell layer. JUN-Ir was induced in about 70% of all FG-positive RGCs 5 days after axotomy. The expression of JUN-Ir started to decline 8 days after axotomy. Only a few JUN-Ir-positive RGCs were found after 2 weeks. In transplanted animals, however, the numbers of JUN-Ir-positive RGCs were significantly higher 2 and 3 weeks after transplantation compared to animals that exclusively received axotomy. Furthermore, in grafted rats about 70% of the regenerating RGCs expressed JUN-Ir 2 weeks after grafting as compared to only 38% JUN-positive RGCs among the surviving but not regenerating RGCs. In normal animals CREBP-Ir was constitutively expressed in nearly all cells of the retinal ganglion cell layer. The decline in number of CREBP-Ir-positive cells paralleled the axotmy-induced RGC death. FOS-Ir-positive cells were not found in the ganglion cell layer at any time. These results demonstrate a selective and transient JUN expression of RGCs after axotomy which is sustained during axonal regeneration. This suggests that sciatic nerve grafts are able to regulate the expression of JUN proteins in axotomized RGCs of adult rats. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
In a national survey of adult dental health conducted in the Republic of Ireland in 1989/90 a total of 1,527 subjects aged 25 and older were examined for root surface caries. It was found that the prevalence of root surface caries was highest in older age groups and also amongst males, residents of non-fluoridated communities and those earning low incomes. Tooth loss masked the potential prevalence of root surface caries. With more persons retaining their natural teeth into middle and old age the prevalence of root surface caries is likely to increase in the future.  相似文献   
Interest among researchers in the diagnosis, aetiology, prevention, and treatment of root caries has increased substantially over the past two decades. However, there are some fundamental problems impeding the advancement of the field which remain to be addressed and resolved. A universally acceptable definition of root caries is not yet available. The relationship of root caries to coronal caries has not been established. The underlying disease process is still not clearly understood. The optimal utilisation of preventive/therapeutic agents for the treatment or prevention of root caries has not been determined. New treatment materials and preventive agents have not yet been tested in controlled clinical trials. These are a few of the issues and problems which we address in this paper.  相似文献   
Ensuring food security for the rapidly increasing population and changing climatic scenarios are requisites for exploiting the genetic divergence of food crops. A study was undertaken to sort out an early maturing chickpea variety for fitting easily between rice-rice cropping systems in the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plain of Bangladesh. The trial was comprised of eight elite lines of chickpea and executed at various localities in Bangladesh from 2014– 15 to 2017–18. The result explored the chickpea genotype, BARI Chola-11 remained superior to the rest of the elite genotypes for having a short maturity period (100–106 days), and lesser days to 50% flowering (47– 55 days). The same genotype was recorded to have robust vegetative and reproductive yield attributes including plant height (49–57 cm), podsplant−1 (37–50), and optimum 100 seed weight (19.5–20.6 g). Owing to better yield attributes, BARI Chola-11 resulted in the maximum seed yield (1200–1500 kg ha−1 ) of chickpea and might be recommended for general adoption in the region for boosting nutritional security status through improved productivity under changing climate.  相似文献   
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