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目的 胃癌(GC)严重影响人类的健康生活,研究表明其与丝氨酸/甘氨酸代谢密切相关。丝氨酸/甘氨酸代谢对于肿瘤细胞的增殖能力具有重要影响。本文的研究目的是探究丝氨酸/甘氨酸代谢能够影响胃癌细胞增殖能力的分子机制。方法 本文通过一种基于随机和非梯度系统的势能景观所建立的大型代谢网络动力学建模方法,构建了一个稳定的胃癌细胞代谢动力学模型。基于对模型的调控,定量分析丝氨酸/甘氨酸代谢影响胃癌细胞增殖的动力学机制。对一般代谢网络动力学方程添加随机噪声,通过随机动力学分解得到代谢网络参数空间的李雅普诺夫(Lyapunov)函数。进一步减少与随机波动相关的Lyapunov函数变化,从而得到稳定的代谢网络。结果 在动力学参数不足的情况下,成功构建了胃癌细胞代谢网络的动力学模型。当胞外丝氨酸可用时,模型优先消耗丝氨酸;当甘氨酸生成丝氨酸的速率增加时,模型显著上调生成S-腺苷甲硫氨酸(SAM)和S-腺苷同型半胱氨酸(SAH)的稳态通量。结论 本文证明了胃癌细胞对于丝氨酸的优先摄取以及丝氨酸/甘氨酸转化速率对SAM生成的重要作用,其可能通过调节细胞甲基化进程影响胃癌细胞的增殖能力,为靶向丝氨酸/甘氨酸代谢的癌症治疗提供了新的思路和方向。  相似文献   
本文研究不同有机肥水平下羊草(Leymus chinensis)营养生长期功能性状的变化规律、响应机制及其相关性的变化,试图为资源环境与植物功能性状的动态研究和草地生态系统的恢复提供参考。结果显示:(1)有机肥会使羊草叶长、叶面为了探讨不同有机肥施用水平下羊草(Leymus chinensis)营养生长期功能性状的变化规律、响应机制及其相关性的变化,为资源环境与植物功能性状的动态研究和草地生态系统的恢复提供参考。选择中国农业科学院呼伦贝尔草原生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站附近,割草利用超过20 a未施用过肥料的固定草场作为试验场地,围封并划分若干小区,设置对照以及低、中、高4个有机肥施用水平(有N效养分用量分别为0、 63、127和 190 kg/hm2),在羊草主要营养生长的前、中、后期采集样品,测定相关功能性状。分别采用二次曲线方程拟合、单因素多元方差分析、Pearson相关分析和积分(逐步)回归等方法分析羊草功能性状的变化趋势、差异性、相关性及影响系数。结果显示:(1)有机肥会使羊草叶长、叶面积、自然叶宽、展开叶宽、比叶面积、茎长、茎质量、株高由先升后降的变化趋势变为逐渐增加的趋势,同时使叶干物质含量和茎干物质含量有所下降;(2)有机肥会改变羊草功能性状之间的相关性,增强叶面积与比叶面积、茎长与茎质量、茎长与单株质量的相关性,降低叶质量与单株质量、叶宽与株高的相关性;(3)有机肥会改变羊草表型性状(叶、茎、株高)对单株质量的贡献率,随施肥水平的提高,叶、茎、株高的贡献率逐渐趋于均衡。羊草表型性状影响单株质量的大小顺序为叶性状>株高>茎性状。研究发现,短期施用有机肥对羊草功能性状变化影响显著,且作用效果主要发生在羊草营养生长后期,尤其对单株质量提升效果显著。叶长、展开叶宽、叶面积、株高对羊草单株质量影响较大,其中株高是驱动羊草单株质量变化的最稳定因子。同时,羊草功能性状之间的相关性也受施肥水平的影响,施肥在增强部分功能性状相关性的同时减弱了其他性状之间的相关性,整体存在着一定的平衡。  相似文献   
A dynamic model for wood and energy flows is used to analyze regional timber management. The model combines a sitequality-dependent forest-growth module with modules for the timber industry, timber products use, waste management, and energy supply. The model is calibrated with data of a Swiss lowland region for the period of 1900–1997. Scenarios are developed for the period until 2100 in order to discuss possible future roles of domestic timber.
Model simulations show that, with present strategies, timber overproduction will further increase in the twenty-first century because of an increase in forest site quality in the second half of the twentieth century, among other reasons. The increase in building gross floor area of the region by a factor of 5 during the twentieth century coincides with a reduction of timber use in building construction by a factor of 4.5, from 90 kg/m2 to 20 kg/m2. Increasing timber density in buildings could address overproduction; however, a strategy of timber construction could not be accomplished with domestic timber alone. A balance of production and consumption on the present level could also be achieved in a scenario in which the present building stock is gradually exchanged during the twenty-first century with buildings that exclusively use a combination of solar panels on roofs and domestic firewood and used wood as heat-energy sources. These replacement buildings would have density typical of late twentieth-century buildings, and they would need to perform on a low-energy standard of not more than 130 MJ/m2/yr.  相似文献   
The general dynamic model of oceanic island biogeography (GDM) has added a new dimension to theoretical island biogeography in recognizing that geological processes are key drivers of the evolutionary processes of diversification and extinction within remote islands. It provides a dynamic and essentially non‐equilibrium framework generating novel predictions for emergent diversity properties of oceanic islands and archipelagos. Its publication in 2008 coincided with, and spurred on, renewed attention to the dynamics of remote islands. We review progress, both in testing the GDM's predictions and in developing and enhancing ecological–evolutionary understanding of oceanic island systems through the lens of the GDM. In particular, we focus on four main themes: (i) macroecological tests using a space‐for‐time rationale; (ii) extensions of theory to islands following different patterns of ontogeny; (iii) the implications of GDM dynamics for lineage diversification and trait evolution; and (iv) the potential for downscaling GDM dynamics to local‐scale ecological patterns and processes within islands. We also consider the implications of the GDM for understanding patterns of non‐native species diversity. We demonstrate the vitality of the field of island biogeography by identifying a range of potentially productive lines for future research.  相似文献   
The paper describes a mechanistic mathematical model for aroma release in the oropharynx to the nasal cavity during food consumption. The model is based on the physiology of the swallowing process and is validated with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization coupled with mass spectrometry measurements of aroma concentration in the nasal cavity of subjects eating flavored yogurt. The study is conducted on 3 aroma compounds representative for strawberry flavor (ethyl acetate, ethyl butanoate, and ethyl hexanoate) and 3 panelists. The model provides reasonably accurate time predictions of the relative aroma concentration in the nasal cavity and is able to simulate successive swallowing events as well as imperfect velopharyngeal closure. The most influent parameters are found to be the amount of the residual product in the pharynx and its contact area with the air flux, the volume of the nasal cavity, the equilibrium air/product partition coefficient of the volatile compound, the breath airflow rate, as well as the mass transfer coefficient of the aroma compound in the product, and the amount of product in the mouth. This work constitutes a first step toward computer-aided product formulation by allowing calculation of retronasal aroma intensity as a function of transfer and volatility properties of aroma compounds in food matrices and anatomophysiological characteristics of consumers.  相似文献   
A dynamic regime is a function that takes treatment and covariate history and baseline covariates as inputs and returns a decision to be made. Murphy (2003, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 65, 331-366) and Robins (2004, Proceedings of the Second Seattle Symposium on Biostatistics, 189-326) have proposed models and developed semiparametric methods for making inference about the optimal regime in a multi-interval trial that provide clear advantages over traditional parametric approaches. We show that Murphy's model is a special case of Robins's and that the methods are closely related but not equivalent. Interesting features of the methods are highlighted using the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study and through simulation.  相似文献   
The decision by fishermen to discard or retain fish of low valueto make room for more valuable fish in the hold of a boat (high-grading)is similar to diet choice problems faced by natural foragers.In our study, we apply the rationale of diet choice theory tohigh-grading behavior in the Oregon trawl fishery by treatingfishermen as foragers who must decide how much of each net'shaul to "ingest" before searching for more prey. We derive astate-dependent, temporal model of discarding behavior withina fishing trip. This optimization considers the availabilityof differently valued fish, trip quotas set by the regulatoryagency, and the risk of premature trip termination due to lossof gear or injury. The results indicate that those parametersaffect discarding behavior through their effect on the probabilityof exceeding the allowable catch, which we consider analogousto gut capacity. High-grading (partial prey consumption) occurredthroughout many simulated trips. The predictions were consistentwith the trends in discarding observed in the Oregon trawl fleet.Behavioral models such as ours can be useful to fishery managersby providing a means to explore the potential responses of fishermento new regulations before they are implemented.  相似文献   
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