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In dense breeding colonies, and despite having no nest structure, common murres (or guillemots: Uria aalge) are still able to identify their own eggs. Each female murre''s egg is thought to be recognized individually by the shell''s avian‐perceivable traits. This is because the eggshells’ visible traits conform to expectations of the identity‐signaling hypothesis in that they show both high intraindividual repeatability and high interindividual variability. Identity signaling also predicts a lack of correlation between each of the putative multicomponent recognition traits, yielding no significant relationships between those eggshell traits that are generated by mutually exclusive physiological factors. Using a multivariate analysis across eggshell size and shape, avian‐perceivable background coloration, spot (maculation) shape, and spot density, we detected no unexpected statistical correlations between Icelandic common murre egg traits lacking known physiological or mathematical relationships with one another. These results biologically replicate the conclusions of a recent eggshell trait study of Canadian common murres using similar methodology. We also demonstrate the use of static correlations to infer identity signaling function without direct behavioral observations, which in turn may also be applied to rare or extinct species and provide valuable insight into otherwise unknown communicative and behavioral functions.  相似文献   
A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method is presented to investigate the flow of cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) in the cerebral aqueduct. In addition to former approaches exhibiting a rigid geometry, we propose a model which includes a deformable membrane as the wall of this flow channel. An anatomical shape of the aqueduct was computed from magnetic resonance images (MRI) and the resulting meshing was immersed in a marker-and-cell (MAC) staggered grid for to take into account fluid–structure interactions. The time derivatives were digitized using the Crank–Nicolson scheme. The equation of continuity was modified by introducing an artificial compressibility and digitized by a finite difference scheme.

Calculations were validated with the simulation of laminar flow in a rigid tube. Then, comparisons were made between simulations of a rigid aqueduct and a deformable one. We found that the deformability of the walls has a strong influence on the pressure drop for a given flow.  相似文献   
Pedicle screw-based dynamic constructs either benefit from a dynamic (flexible) interconnecting rod or a dynamic (hinged) screw. Both types of systems have been reported in the literature. However, reports where the dynamic system is composed of two dynamic components, i.e. a dynamic (hinged) screw and a dynamic rod, are sparse. In this study, the biomechanical characteristics of a novel pedicle screw-based dynamic stabilisation system were investigated and compared with equivalent rigid and semi-rigid systems using in vitro testing and finite element modelling analysis. All stabilisation systems restored stability after decompression. A significant decrease in the range of motion was observed for the rigid system in all loadings. In the semi-rigid construct the range of motion was significantly less than the intact in extension, lateral bending and axial rotation loadings. There were no significant differences in motion between the intact spine and the spine treated with the dynamic system (P>0.05). The peak stress in screws was decreased when the stabilisation construct was equipped with dynamic rod and/or dynamic screws.  相似文献   
The relative vulnerability of spinal motion segments to different loading combinations remains unknown. The meta-analysis described here using the results of a validated L2–L3 nonlinear viscoelastic finite element model was designed to investigate the critical loading and its effect on the internal mechanics of the human lumbar spine. A Box-Behnken experimental design was used to design the magnitude of seven independent variables associated with loads, rotations and velocity of motion. Subsequently, an optimization method was used to find the primary and secondary variables that influence spine mechanical output related to facet forces, disc pressure, ligament forces, annulus matrix compressive/shear stresses and anulus fibers strain. The mechanical responses with respect to the two most-relevant variables were then regressed linearly using the response surface quadratic model. Axial force and sagittal rotation were identified as the most-relevant variables for mechanical responses. The procedure developed can be used to find the critical loading for finite element models with multi input variables. The derived meta-models can be used to predict the risk associated with various loading parameters and in setting safer load limits.  相似文献   
In this paper, an automated method to localise the right superficial femoral artery (SFA) and identify its boundary on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences without contrast medium injection is proposed. Some anatomical knowledge combined with the mathematical morphology is used to distinguish SFA from other vessels. Afterwards, the directional gradient, continuity and the local contrast are applied as features to identify the artery's boundary using dynamic programming. The accuracy analysis shows that the system has average unsigned errors 3.1 ± 3.1% on five sequences compared to experts' manual tracings.  相似文献   
Researchers concerned with the growth of biological tissue often use models that predict the growth as a function of a mechanical stimulus such as stress, strain or elastic energy. However, a general theory for bulk growth should consider that the mechanical stimulus may only be one of many factors contributing to growth. Another important factor could be time, as living tissues can be assumed to have a pre-programmed directional biological growth that is independent of mechanical stimuli. This paper has two objectives: the first is to introduce the concept of directional biological growth within a well developed growth theory, the second is to present the computational methods by which three-dimensional growth that encompasses time and stress effects can be simulated using commercially available finite element analysis software.  相似文献   
Phenylthiocarbamide tastes intensely bitter to some individuals, but others find it completely tasteless. Recently, it was suggested that phenylthiocarbamide elicits bitter taste by interacting with a human G protein-coupled receptor (hTAS2R38) encoded by the PTC gene. The phenylthiocarbamide nontaster trait was linked to three single nucleotide polymorphisms occurring in the PTC gene. Using the crystal structure of bovine rhodopsin as template, we generated the 3D structure of hTAS2R38 bitter taste receptor. We were able to map on the receptor structure the amino acids affected by the genetic polymorphisms and to propose molecular functions for two of them that explained the emergence of the nontaster trait. We used molecular docking simulations to find that phenylthiocarbamide exhibited a higher affinity for the target receptor than the structurally similar molecule 6-n-propylthiouracil, in line with recent experimental studies. A 3D model was constructed for the hTAS2R16 bitter taste receptor as well, by applying the same protocol. We found that the recently published experimental ligand binding affinity data for this receptor correlated well with the binding scores obtained from our molecular docking calculations.  相似文献   

A cluster of hydrophobic amino acids at the cytoplasmic end of trans-membranal helix III (TM-III) is a common feature among class-A of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR). We mutagenized alanine 1593.53 to glutamic acid and isoleucine1603.54 to arginine (A159E/I160R) in TM-III of the human ß1-adrenergic receptor (ß1-AR) to disrupt the function of the hydrophobic cluster. Structurally, the combined mutations of A159E/I160R caused an almost 90° tilt in the rotation of Arg1563.50 in the E/DRY motif of TM-III and displaced Tyr1663.60 in intracellular loop 2. The A159E/I160R ß1-AR was uncoupled from Gs as determined by cyclic AMP/adenylyl cyclase assays and by FRET-based proximity measurements between the ß1-AR and Gsα. Isoproterenol induced ß-arrestin trafficking in cells expressing both the wild-type ß1-AR and the A159E/I160R ß1-AR. Isoproterenol markedly increased the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 in cells expressing the WT ß1-AR and this effect was dependent on the activation of the Gs-cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase?→?Rap?→?B-raf axis. However, in cells bearing the A159E/I160R ß1-AR, isoproterenol failed to increase the phosphorylation of ERK1/2. These results indicate that mutations in the Gsα-binding pocket of the GPCR interfered with receptor coupling to Gs and with its downstream signaling cascades.  相似文献   


In radiation therapy with orthovoltage units, the tube design has a crucial effect on its dosimetric features.


In this study, the effect of anode angle on photon beam spectra, depth dose and photon fluence per initial electron was studied for a commercial orthovoltage unit of X-RAD320 biological irradiator.

Materials and methods

The MCNPX MC code was used for modeling in the current study. We used the Monte Carlo method to model the X-RAD320 X-ray unit based on the manufacturer provided information. The MC model was validated by comparing the MC calculated photon beam spectra with the results of SpekCalc software. The photon beam spectra were calculated for anode angles from 15 to 35 degrees. We also calculated the percentage depth doses for some angles to verify the impact of anode angle on depth dose. Additionally, the heel effect and its relation with anode angle were studied for X-RAD320 irradiator.


Our results showed that the photon beam spectra and their mean energy are changed significantly with anode angle and the optimum anode angle of 30 degrees was selected based on less heel effect and appropriate depth dose and photon fluence per initial electron.


It can be concluded that the anode angle of 30 degrees for X-RAD320 unit used by manufacturer has been selected properly considering the heel effect and dosimetric properties.  相似文献   
The interaction between cyproheptadine hydrochloride (CYP) and human serum albumin (HSA) was investigated by fluorescence spectroscopy, UV–vis absorption spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT‐IR) and molecular modeling at a physiological pH (7.40). Fluorescence of HSA was quenched remarkably by CYP and the quenching mechanism was considered as static quenching since it formed a complex. The association constants Ka and number of binding sites n were calculated at different temperatures. According to Förster's theory of non‐radiation energy transfer, the distance r between donor (human serum albumin) and acceptor (cyproheptadine hydrochloride) was obtained. The effect of common ions on the binding constant was also investigated. The effect of CYP on the conformation of HSA was analyzed using FT‐IR, synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and 3D fluorescence spectra. The thermodynamic parameters ΔH and ΔS were calculated to be ?14.37 kJ mol?1 and 38.03 J mol?1 K?1, respectively, which suggested that hydrophobic forces played a major role in stabilizing the HSA‐CYP complex. In addition, examination of molecular modeling indicated that CYP could bind to site I of HSA and that hydrophobic interaction was the major acting force, which was in agreement with binding mode studies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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