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The aim of this study was to report from a larger study with pregnancy and delivery results after transfer of cloned transgenic/non-transgenic Large White or minipig embryos to Large White sow recipients. The effect of both total numbers of transferred embryos as well as site of their deposition (uni- vs. bi-lateral) was studied.Four to five days after natural heat, 85 Large White (LW) sows received Day 5 or 6 handmade cloned embryos. Large White embryos were non-transgenic and were transferred to 36 recipients, while 49 recipients each received Minipig embryos, either non-transgenic or with 1 of 4 types of transgenes. Furthermore, the number of embryos transferred was in two categories, as 46 recipients received 40-60 embryos while 39 received 60-120 embryos. Finally, in 59 of the recipients embryos were transferred to one of the uterine horns (unicornual) while 26 other recipients had embryos transferred to both uterine horns (bicornual).The overall pregnancy rate was 55% with an abortion rate of 26% resulting in 41% deliveries with no difference between LW and Minipig embryos and no difference between transgenic and non-transgenic Minipig embryos. Transfer of 60-120 embryos resulted in more pregnancies and deliveries (62%) than <60 embryos (24%). The mean litter size was 5.1 ± 0.5 and after transfer of 60-120 embryos significantly higher (6.0 ± 0.5) than after transfer of <60 embryos (3.5 ± 0.8). Also, the bicornual transfer resulted in significantly higher delivery rate (74% vs. 44%) and mean litter size (6.1 ± 0.7 vs. 4.2 ± 0.6) than the unicornual. The mean rate of piglets/transferred embryos was 7.3 ± 0.6% while the mean rate of piglets/reconstructed embryos was 179/18,000 = 1% with no difference between breeds or number of embryos transferred. The overall perinatal mortality rate was 49%, and it was significantly lower in LW piglets (20/59 = 34%) than in Minipiglets (67/120 = 56%) (vs. 10-15% in normal piglets at the farm) and the total rate of piglets with one or more malformation was 22%, and lower in LW (12%) than in Minipiglets (28%).This study demonstrate that although the perinatal mortality was rather high, an acceptable birth rate can be achieved after transfer to LW recipients of cloned LW embryos as well as cloned, transgenic/non-transgenic Minipig embryos. Furthermore, the pregnancy rate and litter size were correlated to the number of embryos transferred and to bicornual transfer.  相似文献   
Spectral changes in fluorescence of phycobilisomes (PBS) of A. variabilis treated with proteinase K were studied at room and liquid nitrogen temperature. In control PBS, the relative yield of 77 K fluorescence of F686 was very high, and those of F655 and F666 were low. In PBS treated with proteinase K for less than 1 h, F686 decreased, and F655 and F666 increased. In PBS treated with proteinase K for 2 h, F655 was the main peak of fluorescence emission, F686 was the second peak, the fluorescence emission peak of F666 disappeared. In PBS treated with proteinase K for more than 8 h, F655 showed only one fluorescence emission peak.We suggested that phycobiliporteins in the PBS of A. variabilis constitute an energy transfer chain, shown as follows:{fx91-1}The linkages between APC and APC-B, C-PC and APC, and C-PC and APC-B had different sensitivity towards proteinase K.  相似文献   
利用体细胞核移植技术克隆动物、生产转基因家畜具有极大的应用潜力。然而,核移植效率低下、克隆后代形态异常等问题仍然制约着体细胞核移植技术的产业化进展。影响体细胞核移植效率的因素很多,该文着重从供核细胞的类型、细胞体外培养、细胞凋亡及转基因操作等方面阐述其对体细胞核移植效率的影响。  相似文献   
Embryo transfer offers great advantages to South American camelid farmers to reach their breeding goals but the technology still plays a relatively minor role in comparison to other domestic farm animals like cattle. The aim of the present study was to analyse a data set of 5547 single or multiple ovulation embryo transfers performed in commercial alpaca farms in Australia to determine the factors that influence number and quality of embryos produced, embryo transfer success (percentage of crias born) and gestation length following transfer. Logistic binary regression identified the variables day of flushing after mating, embryo diameter, embryo quality, day of transfer after GnRH, and the age of the recipient to have significant impact on the outcome measure embryo transfer success. Transfer of smaller embryos or lower quality embryos resulted in decreased transfer success rates. Optimal days for obtaining embryos from donors were Days 8 and 9 after mating, optimal days for transfer into recipients were Days 7 and 8 after GnRH treatment. Age (>15 years) and body condition of recipients <2 also lowered transfer success rates, while the summer heat had no adverse impact. However, season did influence gestation length, while cria gender did not. In conclusion, results from the analysis of this very large dataset can underpin new recommendations to improve embryo transfer success in alpacas.  相似文献   
Tau is an intrinsically disordered protein implicated in many neurodegenerative diseases. The repeat domain fragment of tau, tau-K18, is known to undergo a disorder to order transition in the presence of lipid micelles and vesicles, in which helices form in each of the repeat domains. Here, the mechanism of helical structure formation, induced by a phospholipid mimetic, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at sub-micellar concentrations, has been studied using multiple biophysical probes. A study of the conformational dynamics of the disordered state, using photoinduced electron transfer coupled to fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (PET-FCS) has indicated the presence of an intermediate state, I, in equilibrium with the unfolded state, U. The cooperative binding of the ligand (L), SDS, to I has been shown to induce the formation of a compact, helical intermediate (IL5) within the dead time (∼37 µs) of a continuous flow mixer. Quantitative analysis of the PET-FCS data and the ensemble microsecond kinetic data, suggests that the mechanism of induction of helical structure can be described by a U ↔ I ↔ IL5 ↔ FL5 mechanism, in which the final helical state, FL5, forms from IL5 with a time constant of 50–200 µs. Finally, it has been shown that the helical conformation is an aggregation-competent state that can directly form amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   
An amperometric glucose biosensor was designed for the detection of glucose in blood, urine, beverages, and fermentation systems. In typical glucose biosensors that employ enzymes, mediators are used for efficient electron transfer between the enzymes and the electrode. However, some of these mediators are known to be toxic to the enzymes and also must be immobilized on the surface of the electrode. We propose a mediator-free glucose biosensor that uses a glucose oxidase immobilized on a tin oxide electrode. Direct electron transfer is possible in this system because the tin oxide has redox properties similar to those of mediators. The method for immobilization of the glucose oxidase onto the tin oxide is also very simple. Tin oxide was prepared by the anodization and annealing of pure tin, and this provides a large surface area for the immobilization step because of its porosity. Glucose oxidase was immobilized onto the tin oxide using the membrane entrapment method. The proposed method provides a simple process for fabricating the enzyme electrode. Glucose oxidase immobilized onto the tin oxide, prepared in accordance with this method, has a relatively large current response when comparedto those of other glucose biosensors. The sensitivity of the biosensor was 19.55 μA/mM, and a linear response was observed between 0∼3 mM glucose. This biosensor demonstrated good reproducibility and stability.  相似文献   
Abstract Transfer of plasmid RP4p from introduced Pseudomonas fluorescens to a co-introduced recipient strain or to members of the indigenous bacterial population was studied in four different soils of varying texture planted with wheat. Donor and recipient strains showed good survival in the four soils throughout the experiment. The numbers of transconjugants found in donor and recipient experiments in two soils, Ede loamy sand and Löss silt loam were significantly higher in the rhizosphere than in corresponding bulk soil. In the remaining two soils, Montrond and Flevo silt loam, transconjugant numbers were not significantly higher in the rhizosphere than in the bulk soil.
The combined utilization of a specific bacteriophage eliminate the donor strain and the pat sequence as a specific marker to detect RP4p was found to be very efficient in detecting indigenous transconjugants under various environmental conditions. The numbers of indigenous transconjugants were consistently higher in rhizosphere than bull soil. A significant rhizosphere effect on transconjugant numbers of transconjugants were recovered from Flevo and Montrond silt loam; these soils possess characteristics such as clay or organic matter contents which may be favorable to conjugation.  相似文献   
Artificial activation of porcine oocytes matured in vitro   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
These studies were undertaken to understand the biological basis of artificially induced activation of meiotic metaphase II oocytes and to develop a source of oocytes as recipients for cloning by nuclear transfer. In vitro matured porcine oocytes were pulsed with various voltages of electricity and evaluated for pronuclear formation. The percentage of eggs that activated was significantly greater for the higher voltages. The effect on activation of the temperature of the ovaries returning from the abattoir was evaluated and it was found that oocytes derived from ovaries returning at 29 degrees C activated at lower rates (45.5%) than those returning at 36 degrees C (78.9%). An experiment was designed to evaluate the pH of electroporation medium (EM) and the duration of exposure to EM on activation. Oocytes were placed in EM at various pHs for 5 minutes, pulsed, and immediately removed to TL-Hepes or allowed an additional 2 minutes in EM prior to rinsing in TL-Hepes. The results indicate an optimum activation rate at a pH of 7.0 and allowing the additional 2 minutes in EM. Additional glucosamine (5 mM) had no affect on development of the oocyte to metaphase but reduced the percent pronuclear formation from 61% and 47%. A final experiment evaluated the developmental competence of oocytes subjected to a optimum combination of the above treatments and illustrated that a significant portion of the activated oocytes can show limited signs of cleavage. Thus in vitro matured pig oocytes can be induced to activate at high rates.  相似文献   
Misfolding and aggregation of proteins are characteristics of a range of increasingly prevalent neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. In Parkinson's disease and several closely related syndromes, the protein α-synuclein (AS) aggregates and forms amyloid-like deposits in specific regions of the brain. Fluorescence microscopy using fluorescent proteins, for instance the yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), is the method of choice to image molecular events such as protein aggregation in living organisms. The presence of a bulky fluorescent protein tag, however, may potentially affect significantly the properties of the protein of interest; for AS in particular, its relative small size and, as an intrinsically unfolded protein, its lack of defined secondary structure could challenge the usefulness of fluorescent-protein-based derivatives. Here, we subject a YFP fusion of AS to exhaustive studies in vitro designed to determine its potential as a means of probing amyloid formation in vivo. By employing a combination of biophysical and biochemical studies, we demonstrate that the conjugation of YFP does not significantly perturb the structure of AS in solution and find that the AS-YFP protein forms amyloid deposits in vitro that are essentially identical with those observed for wild-type AS, except that they are fluorescent. Of the several fluorescent properties of the YFP chimera that were assayed, we find that fluorescence anisotropy is a particularly useful parameter to follow the aggregation of AS-YFP, because of energy migration Förster resonance energy transfer (emFRET or homoFRET) between closely positioned YFP moieties occurring as a result of the high density of the fluorophore within the amyloid species. Fluorescence anisotropy imaging microscopy further demonstrates the ability of homoFRET to distinguish between soluble, pre-fibrillar aggregates and amyloid fibrils of AS-YFP. Our results validate the use of fluorescent protein chimeras of AS as representative models for studying protein aggregation and offer new opportunities for the investigation of amyloid aggregation in vivo using YFP-tagged proteins.  相似文献   
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